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he sham of passion and pain they would perform than the dead; who had experienced such feelings; and thrown them off at last?
  The dead。 They needed entertainment no less than the living; and they were a sorely neglected market。
  Not that this pany would perform for money; they would play for the love of their art; Lichfield had made that clear from the outset。 No more service would be done to Apollo。
  〃Now;〃 he said; 〃which road shall we take; north or south?〃
  〃North;〃 said Eddie。 〃My mother's buried in Glasgow; she died before I ever played professionally。 I'd like her to see me。〃
  〃North it is; then;〃 said Lichfield。 〃Shall we go and find ourselves some transport?〃 He led the way towards the motorway restaurant; its neon flickering fitfully; keeping the night at light's length。 The colours were theatrically bright: scarlet; lime; cobalt; and a wash of white that splashed out of the windows on to the car park where they stood。 The automatic doors hissed as a traveller emerged; bearing gifts of hamburgers and cake to the child in the back of his car。
  〃Surely some friendly driver will find a niche for us;〃 said Lichfield。
  〃All of us?〃 said Galloway。
  〃A truck will do; beggars can't be too demanding;〃 said Lichfield。 〃And we are beggars now: subject to the whim of our patrons。〃
  〃We can always steal a car;〃 said Tallulah。
  〃No need for theft; except in extremity;〃 Lichfield said。 〃Constantia and I will go ahead and find a chauffeur。〃 He took his wife's hand。
  〃Nobody refuses beauty;〃 he said。
  〃What do we do if anyone asks us what we're doing here?〃 asked Eddie nervously。 He wasn't used to this role; he needed reassurance。
  Lichfield turned towards the pany; his voice booming in the night: 〃What do you do?〃 he said; 〃Play life; of course! And smile!〃
  IT WASN'T UNTIL the first week of the Yugoslavian trip that Mick discovered what a political bigot he'd chosen as a lover。 Certainly; he'd been warned。 One of the queens at the Baths had told him Judd was to the Right of Attila the Hun; but the man had been one of Judd's ex…affairs; and Mick had presumed there was more spite than perception in the character assassination。
  If only he'd listened。 Then he wouldn't be driving along an interminable road in a Volkswagen that suddenly seemed the size of a coffin; listening to Judd's views on Soviet expansionism。 Jesus; he was so boring。 He didn't converse; he lectured; and endlessly。 In Italy the sermon had been on the way the munists had exploited the peasant vote。 Now; in Yugoslavia; Judd had really warmed to his theme; and Mick was just about ready to take a hammer to his self…opinionated head。
  It wasn't that he disagreed with everything Judd said。 Some of the arguments (the ones Mick understood) seemed quite sensible。 But then; what did he know? He was a dance teacher。 Judd was a journalist; a professional pundit。
  He felt; like most journalists Mick had encountered; that he was obliged to have an opinion on everything under the sun。 Especially politics; that was the best trough to wallow in。 You could get your snout; eyes; head and front hooves in that mess of muck and have a fine old time splashing around。 It was an inexhaustible subject to devour; a swill with a little of everything in it; because everything; according to Judd; was political。 The arts were political。 Sex was political。 Religion; merce; gardening; eating; drinking and farting…all political。
  Jesus; it was mind…blowingly boring; killingly; love deadeningly boring。
  Worse still; Judd didn't seem to notice how bored Mick had bee; or if he noticed; he didn't care。 He just rambled on; his arguments getting windier and windier; his sentences lengthening with every mile they drove。
  Judd; Mick had decided; was a selfish bastard; and as soon as their honeymoon was over he'd part with the guy。
  It was not until their trip; that endless; motiveless caravan through the graveyards of mid…European culture; that Judd realized what a political lightweight he had in Mick。 The guy showed precious little interest in the economics or the politics of the countries they passed through。 He registered indifference to the full facts behind the Italian situation; and yawned; yes; yawned when he tried (and failed) to debate the Russian threat to world peace。 He had to face the bitter truth: Mick was a queen; there was no other word for him。 All right; perhaps he didn't mince or wear jewellery to excess; but he was a queen nevertheless; happy to wallow in a dream…world of early Renaissance frescoes and Yugoslavian icons。 The plexities; the contradictions; even the agonies that made those cultures blossom and wither were just tiresome to him。 His mind was no deeper than his looks; he was a well…groomed nobody。
  Some honeymoon。
  The road south from Belgrade to Novi Pazar was; by Yugoslavian standards; a good one。 There were fewer pot…holes than on many of the roads they'd travelled; and it was relatively straight。 The town of Novi Pazar lay in the valley of the River Raska; south of the city named after the river。 It wasn't an area particularly popular with the tourists。 Despite the good road it was still inaccessible; and lacked sophisticated amenities; but Mick was determined to see the monastery at Sopocani; to the west of the town and after some bitter argument; he'd won。
  The journey had proved uninspiring。 On either side of the road the cultivated fields looked parched and dusty。 The summer had been unusually hot; and droughts were affecting many of the villages。 Crops had failed; and livestock had been prematurely slaughtered to prevent them dying of malnutrition。 There was a defeated look about the few faces they glimpsed at the roadside。 Even the children had dour expressions; brows as heavy as the stale heat that hung over the valley。
  Now; with the cards on the table after a row at Belgrade; they drove in silence most of the time; but the straight road; like most straight roads; invited dispute。 When the driving was easy; the mind rooted for something to keep it engaged。 What better than a fight?
  〃Why the hell do you want to see this damn monastery?〃 Judd demanded。
  It was an unmistakable invitation。
  〃We've e all this way 。 。 。〃 Mick tried to keep the tone conversational。 He wasn't in the mood for an argument。
  〃More fucking Virgins; is it?〃 Keeping his voice as even as he could; Mick picked up the Guide and read aloud from it。。。 〃there; some of the greatest works of Serbian painting can still be seen and enjoyed; including what many mentators agree to be the enduring masterpiece of the Raska school: 〃The Dormition of the Virgin。〃〃 Silence。
  Then Judd: 〃I'm up to here with churches。〃
  〃It's a masterpiece。〃
  〃They're all masterpieces according to that bloody book。〃 Mick felt his control slipping。
  〃Two and a half hours at most…; 〃I told you; I don't want to see another church; the smell of the places makes me sick。 Stale incense; old sweat and lies。。。〃
  〃It's a short detour; then we can get back on to the road and you can give me another lecture on farming subsidies in the Sandzak。〃
  〃I'm just trying to get some decent conversation going instead of this endless tripe about Serbian fucking masterpieces…; 〃Stop the car!〃
  〃Stop the car!〃 Judd pulled the Volkswagen into the side of the road。 Mick got out。
  The road was hot; but there was a slight breeze。 He took a deep breath; and wandered into the middle of the road。 Empty of traffic and of pedestrians in both directions。 In every direction; empty。 The hills shimmered in the heat off the fields。 There were wild poppies growing in the ditches。 Mick crossed the road; squatted on his haunches and picked one。
  Behind him he heard the VW's door slam。
  〃What did you stop us for?〃 Judd said。 His voice was edgy; still hoping for that argument; begging for it。
  Mick stood up; playing with the poppy。 It was close to seeding; late in the season。 The petals fell from the receptacle as soon as he touched them; little splashes of red fluttering down on to the grey tarmac。
  〃I asked you a question;〃 Judd said again。
  Mick looked round。 Judd was standing the far side of the car; his brows a knitted line of burgeoning anger。 But handsome; oh yes; a face that made women weep with frustration that he was gay。 A heavy black moustache (perfectly trimmed) and eyes you could watch forever; and never see the same light in them twice。 Why in God's name; thought Mick; does a man as fine as that have to be such an insensitive little shit?
  Judd returned the look of contemptuous appraisal; staring at the pouting pretty boy across the road。 It made him want to puke; seeing the little act Mick was performing for his benefit。 It might just have been plausible in a sixteen…year…old virgin。 In a twenty…five…year…old; it lacked credibility。
  Mick dropped the flower; and untucked his T…shirt from his jeans。 A tight stomach; then a slim; smooth chest were revealed as he pulled it off。 His hair was ruffled when his head re…appeared; and his face wore a broad grin。 Judd looked at the torso。 Neat; not too muscular。 An appen
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