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 threw it out the window。
 〃Got any Creedence?〃 he said。
 In the seat Lanie whirled and; through the rear window; watched Whitney Houston bounce and shatter and unspool on the highway。 〃You're crazy;〃 she snapped at Skink。 〃You're buying me a new tape; buster。〃
 Skink wasn't paying attention。 He had spotted something far ahead in the road; a motionless brown lump。 He started braking the sports car; pumping slowly so it wouldn't leave rubber or spin out。 When it finally came to a stop on the shoulder; he flicked on the emergency flashers and got out。 He made sure to take the keys。
 The thing in the road was a dead armadillo。 After a brief examination Skink carried it by its scaly tail back to the Corvette。
 Lanie was aghast。 Skink tossed the carcass in the back and started the car。
 〃Ever had one?〃
 Lanie shook her head violently。
 〃Makes one hell of a gumbo;〃 he said。 〃Use the shell as a tureen; if you do it right。 Holds about two gallons。〃
 Lanie leaned back to see where the armadillo had landed; how much of a mess had been made on the upholstery。
 〃It's fresh; don't worry;〃 Skink said。 He wheeled the Corvette around and headed back。
 〃Okay; who are you? Really。〃
 Skink said; 〃You've seen who I am。〃
 〃Before this;〃 Lanie said。 〃You must have been 。。。 somebody。 I mean; you didn't grow up on roadkills。〃
 〃Unfortunately; no。〃
 Lanie said; 〃I like you。 Your hands especially。 The day we first met I noticed them; when you were tying me with that plastic rope。〃
 〃Fishing line;〃 Skink said; 〃not rope。 I'm glad there's no hard feelings。〃
 〃You can't blame me for being curious。〃
 〃Sure I can。 It's none of your damn business who I am。〃
 〃Shit;〃 Lanie said; 〃you're impossible。〃
 Skink hit the brakes hard and downshifted。 The sports car fishtailed severely and spun off the Gilchrist and came to rest in a field of crackling dry pastureland。
 〃My Vette is now parked in cowshit;〃 Lanie observed; more perturbed than frightened。
 Skink took his hands off the steering wheel。
 〃Want to know who I am? I'm the guy who had a chance to save this place; only I blew it。〃
 〃Save what?〃
 Skink made a circular gesture。 〃Everything。 Everything that counts for anything。 I'm the guy that could have saved it; but instead I ran。 So there's your answer。〃
 〃Clue me in; please。〃
 〃Don't worry; it's ancient history。〃
 Lanie said; 〃Were you famous or something?〃
 Skink just laughed。 He couldn't help it。
 〃What's so funny?〃 she asked。 He had a terrific smile; no doubt about it。
 〃No more damn questions。〃
 〃Just one;〃 Lanie said; moving in。 〃How about a kiss?〃
 It didn't stop at just one; and it didn't stop with just kissing。 Skink was impressed by both her energy and agility…unless you had circus experience; it wasn't easy getting naked in the bucket seat of a Corvette。 Skink himself tore the inseam of his orange weathersuit in the struggle。 Lanie had better luck with her jeans and panties; somehow she even got her long bare legs wrapped around him。 Skink admired her tan; and said so。 She hit a button and the seat slid down to a full recline。
 Once she was on top Lanie allowed her breasts to brush back and forth against Skink's cheeks。 She looked down and saw that he seemed to be enjoying himself。 His huge boots were braced against the dashboard。
 〃What do you like?〃 she asked。
 〃Worldly things。〃
 〃You got it;〃 Lanie said。 〃We're going to do it and then we're going to lie here together and talk; all right?〃
 She pressed down hard and began to rock her hips。 〃Get to know each other a little better。〃
 〃Fine idea;〃 Skink said。
 Then she leaned down; snuck her tongue in his ear; and said; 〃Leave the sunglasses on; okay?〃
 Even for Lanie Gault; the owl eye would have been a glaring distraction。
 Later that afternoon; after Lanie was gone and Jim Tile had stashed Ellen O'Leary at his apartment; Skink took the truck to town。 He came back towing a dented old boat trailer with a sagging rusty axle。 In the flatbed of the pickup truck was a six…horsepower Mercury outboard that had seen brighter days。 There was also a plastic forty…gallon garbage bucket; eight feet of aquarium tubing; and four dozen D…size batteries; which Skink had purchased at Harney Hardware。
 He was fiddling with his trash…bucket contraption when Decker came up and said; 〃Why'd you let her go?〃
 〃No reason to keep her。〃
 To Decker the reason seemed obvious。 〃She'll run straight to her brother。〃
 〃And tell him what?〃
 〃Where I am; for starters。〃
 〃You won't be here that long;〃 Skink said。 〃We're all heading south。 Jim Tile and the Cuban…they been practicing?〃
 〃All day;〃 Decker said。 〃Garcia's hopeless。〃
 〃He can play captain; then。〃
 Decker needed to ask something else but he didn't want to set Skink off。
 〃She doesn't know the plan; does she?〃
 It was another way of asking what had happened in the Corvette。 Skink clearly didn't want to talk about it。
 〃Some of us know how to get laid with our mouths shut;〃 he said sourly。 〃No; she doesn't know the damn plan。〃
 Decker was getting ominous vibrations; maybe the beating in Delray had loosened a few more bolts in the big man's brainpan。 Skink was forever pulling guns; and he looked like he wanted to pull one now。 Decker asked Jim Tile for a ride to town; to make some phone calls。 Al Garcia went along; he was out of cigarettes。
 〃Town's a bad idea;〃 Jim Tile said; heading away from Harney on Route 222。 〃The three of us shouldn't be seen together。 There's a Zippy Mart about eight miles along here。〃
 Decker said; 'This idea of his 。。。 I don't know; Jim。〃
 〃It's his last chance;〃 the trooper said。 〃You saw how bad he looks。〃
 〃Then let's get him to a hospital。〃
 〃It's not the eye; Decker。 Or what those kids did to him。 He's all beat up inside。 He's done it to himself; you understand? Been doing it for years。〃
 Al Garcia leaned forward in the back seat and said; 〃What's the harm; R。J。? The man wants to make a point。〃
 Decker said; 〃Skink I almost understand。 But why are you guys going along?〃
 〃Maybe we got a point to make; too;〃 Jim Tile said。
 After that; Decker left it alone。
 〃Relax;〃 Garcia told him。 〃Couple old road cops like us need a break in the monotony; that's all。〃
 At the Zippy Mart; Jim Tile waited in the car while Garcia went to buy his cigarettes and Decker used the pay phone。 It had been several days since he had left Miami and; assuming he'd still have to make a living when this case was over; he thought it a wise idea to check his messages。 He dialed his number; then punched the playback code for the tape machine。
 The first voice made him wince。 Lou Zicutto from the insurance pany: 〃Hey; douche…bag; you're lucky Nu?ez came down with mono。 We got a two…week postponement from the judge; so this time no excuses…be there with your negatives。 Otherwise just go ahead and buy yourself some fucking crutches; got it?〃
 What a prince to work for。
 Decker didn't recognize the second voice; didn't need to: 〃I got your wife; Mr。 Decker; and she's just as pretty as the pitchers。 So we're gonna trade: her tight little ass for yours。 Call me 。。。 make it Friday at the Holiday Inn; Coral Springs。 We'll be registered Mr。 and Mrs。 Juan Gomez。〃
 Decker hung up and sagged against the wall。
 Al Garcia; who'd e out of the store whistling; grabbed Decker by the arm。 〃What is it; man?〃
 Jim Tile came up and took the other side。
 〃He's got Catherine;〃 Decker said tonelessly。
 〃Fuck。〃 Garcia spit on the pavement。
 〃It's Tom Curl;〃 said the trooper。
 R。 J。 Decker sat on the fender of Jim Tile's car and said nothing for five minutes; just stared at the ground。 Finally he looked up at the other two men。
 〃Is there a place around here to buy a camera?〃 he asked。
 When they got back to Lake Jesup; Jim Tile told Skink what Thomas Curl had done。
 The big man sat down heavily on the tailgate of the truck and wrapped his arms around his head。 R。 J。 Decker took a step forward but Jim Tile motioned him back。
 After a few moments Skink looked up and said; 〃It's my fault; Miami。〃
 〃It's nobody's fault。〃
 〃I'm the one who shot…〃
 〃It's nobody's fault;〃 Decker said again; 〃so shut up。〃 The less said about Lemus Curl; the better。 Especially in the presence of cops。
 Skink pulled painfully at his beard。 〃This could screw up everything;〃 he said hoarsely。
 〃I would say so;〃 Al Garcia grunted。
 Skink took off the sunglasses。 His good eye was red and moist。 He gazed at Decker; and in a small brittle voice; said: 〃The plan can't be changed; it's too late。〃
 〃Do what you have to;〃 Decker said。
 〃I'll kill him afterward;〃 Skink said; 〃I promise。〃
 〃Thanks anyway; but it won't e to that。〃
 〃This thing…〃 Skink paused; raked feverishly at his beard。 He was boiling inside。 He pounded his fists against the fender of the truck。 〃This thing I have to do…it's so important。〃
 Decker said; 〃I know; captain。〃
 〃You'd understand better if you knew everything。〃 Skink spoke solemnly。 〃If you knew it all; then you'd see the point。〃
 〃It's all right;〃 Decker said。 〃Go ahead with your plan。 I've got one of my own。〃
 Skink grinned and clapped his hands。 〃That's the spirit!〃 he said。 'That's what I like to hear。〃
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