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in vermilion。 In a strange way it reminded Decker of the warm safe light of the darkroom。 He had no idea why Lanie had fired the flare gun; maybe it was all she had。
 They got up and started running again; but by this time Skink had already crested the dike。 When they reached the other side; he was gone; vanished into the seam of the universe。 As the flares burned out; the red glow drained from the sky and the crystal darkness returned to the marsh。
 A washboard ripple lingered on the quiet pool。 Frogs peeped; crickets trilled; waterbugs skated through the bulrushes。 There was no sign of the great fish; no sign of the man。
 〃Hear it?〃 Decker asked。
 Catherine brushed the insects away and strained to listen。 〃I don't think so; Rage。〃
 〃Something swimming。〃 The gentlest of motions; receding somewhere out in the Glades。 Decker was sure of it。
 〃Wait;〃 Catherine said; taking his arm; 〃now I do。〃


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