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大乘起信论 义理新探-第9部分

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          origination  by means  of ‘tathagata…garbha‘; which
          has been generally accepted as the foundation since
          Fa…tsang; the  first  and  foremost  master  of the
          Hua…yen school)。  On the highest hermeneutic level;
          I  state   that   we  must   attempt   a  kind   of
          〃critical/creative  transcendence〃  and  acplish
          for the author his unfinished  philosophical  task;
          and reach the following  tentative conclusion: 〃The
          theoretical  structure  of the  Awakening  of Faith
          must have the transmetaphysical gate of non…duality
          and the existential  gate of awakening/nonawakening
          as  the   twofold   foundation;  upon   which   the
          ‘prajnological‘ gate of ‘paramartha/samvrti‘ can be
          established;    and    then;    based    on    this
          ‘prajnological‘  gate; can  the  gate  of dependent
          origination  by  means  of  ‘tathagata…garbha‘   be
          established; enpassing the gates of mind/nature;
          of mind/consciousness; and of 〃true  forms〃。  As to
          the remaining  gates; they  are all derivable  from
          the above fundamental gates。
              In my view; the entire  historical  development
          of the (major) Buddhist ‘sutras‘  (scriptures)  and
          sastras (philosophical  treatises) can be construed
          to make up a great history of creative hermeneutics
          within the Buddhist tradition。 And the Awakening of
          Faith;  as  one  of  the  first…rate  philosophical
          treatises   exploring   the  deeper   meaning   and
          philosophical foundation of Mahayana Buddhism; also
          should  be further  studied  in this very light for
          the future development of Dharma。

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