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  〃Yes; sir; and where may I wait?〃
  〃Sit; before you fall; girl;〃 Tagetarl said; pointing to a stool before he opened the message。 〃From F'lar?〃 he exclaimed; recognizing the handwriting…bad enough under any circumstances; though the bronze rider had obviously tried to be legible。
  〃Tag; urgent notice to publish facts。 Should get inland where sweepriders have not already given warnings。 Runners have been asked to distribute。 Give the messenger a hundred to take to Nerat。 Please ask Keroon Stationmaster to distribute another hundred。 Riders will be sent for the rest。 Rush。〃 This last was underscored several times。
  Any irritation Tagetarl felt for the peremptory tone was discarded when he read the copy for printing。 The body of the message was in another handwriting altogether; much easier to read。
  〃Rosheen! Turn on the big press;〃 he shouted down the hall。 He heard her answering 〃What?〃 and continued to call orders at what his spouse called his 〃harper volume;〃 audible inside and outside the hall。 〃Apprentices! I'll need the big notice sheets。 Check the toner cartridges。〃 He turned back to the green rider。 〃Where's your dragon?〃
  〃Ptath's in the court。 F'lar told me we'd fit。 That's why I was chosen to bring the message。 The Printer Hall wasn't hard to find once I got to Wide Bay。 I'm Danegga。 No one here seems to mind a dragon dropping in on them;〃 she added with a charming naivete。
  〃The Printer Hall is accustomed to visitors; Danegga; but you look tired and you may want to get something hot to eat。 Between is cold。〃 He gave her an encouraging smile。 〃Your first assignment out of Monaco; Danegga? Good ride。 Much damage at Monaco Weyr?〃
  Her face twisted and tears came to her eyes but she pulled her shoulders up proudly。 〃They say the water will recede。 We'll rebuild; Masterprinter。 We saved everybody and as much else as the dragons could carry。〃
  〃Then you did very well; Danegga。 Very well indeed。 Now; run down to the kitchen…just follow your nose。 There's always soup on the stove and there was fresh bread this morning。 Might just be time for you to get a short nap while I print these。 Monaco will be proud of you。〃
  〃Thank you; sir; thank you;〃 and as she turned to leave; she nearly ran Rosheen down; bobbing again to excuse herself。
  As Rosheen reached Tagetarl; he flourished F'lar's message at her; not allowing her time to read it。
  〃We'll both need to set copy。 Headline in the boldest print face we have; biggest letters;〃 he muttered; pulling her down the hall to the Print Hall proper。
  〃FIREBALL WILL CAUSE COASTAL FLOODING!〃 he said; making a big bracket with his hands。 Good time to try that 26…point they'd just added。
  She grabbed the message from his hand。
  〃So this is what's got the ships sailing away。 A fireball? What's that? Oh; the text explains。 And they got Master Esselin to sign this; too?〃
  She nearly tripped in surprise and Tagetarl grinned at her。 They'd both done their stints of copying under his critical eye。
  〃Makes it more official; though; doesn't it?〃 Tagetarl grinned。 〃Apprentices; front and center! We'll need to wrap in hundred…copy packets。〃
  〃Did I see Monaco colors on the girl?〃 Rosheen asked as they took the last few steps to the Hall floor。
  〃You did and you know as much as I do。 Let's get this job done as fast as possible。 Rumors of course will spread faster; but if the Runners distribute a written message; people are more likely to believe the printed word。〃
  〃Considering how scarce they are。。。〃 was Rosheen's whimsical remark as she followed him。
  The results were not bad for a rush job: the new toner dried fast so the copies didn't smear。 He gave Danegga the first packet; he'd be on up the hill to deliver the second one as soon as he saw her off。 Over his shoulder; he saw Ptath lift from the ground; but only high enough to safely go between。 It didn't take him long to reach the Wide Bay Runner Station; situated as it was on the wide main road。 He paused on the threshold since the entrance was full of men and women; a few dressed as Runners。 When the very air buzzed with excitement; Stations were good places to garner news。
  〃Stationmaster;〃 Tagetarl said; effortlessly projecting his voice through the babble。 To his right; inside the main room; Arminet stood on tiptoe to see him。
  〃Let the MasterPrinter pass。 He's just the man to explain all this;〃 cried Arminet in his equally loud deep bass voice。
  People stepped on each other to get out of Tagetarl's way but almost everyone asked 〃The fireball? Do you know about the fireball?〃 as he passed them。
  Tagetarl held the package over his head; waving it。 〃It's all in here。〃 He almost stumbled when he saw Pinch duck to one side。 Trust that one to be in the thick of things。 〃Stationmaster Arminet; I've been asked by the signatories of this message to request Runners to pass these along inland。 Sweepriders are warning coastal areas。 I'll pay any charges you think fair。〃
  〃Ha! You know we carry munity messages free; Master Tagetarl;〃 Arminet said; his bass voice rumbling with sardonic amusement。 〃What does it say?〃
  Tagetarl began to recite the text of the message as he eased through the crowded room to hand the packet to Arminet。 The Stationmaster was besieged by those who wanted their own copy。 Tagetarl stopped talking; so as not to interrupt the concentration of those who had difficulty reading the smaller print below the banner headline。
  〃Then Aivas prevented disaster?〃 Someone in the crowd said; doubtless Pinch; Tagetarl suspected; though the voice was muffled。
  〃And what are the Abominators saying?〃 Tagetarl demanded; hands on his belt; glaring around。
  〃That Aivas caused it; with all its meddling with the Red Star。 And dragonriders let it pass。 It was seen from Telgar; y'know;〃 a man shouted。
  〃And Benden!〃 a soprano cried。
  〃Benden and Landing acted!〃 Tagetarl responded sharply。 〃More than any Abominator did。 I expect I'll have more news later。 I'll publish as I receive。 I stopped here first to start spreading truth。〃
  〃I'll see these go out with every packet;〃 Arminet had to raise his voice again above the cries for copies。
  Pinch did not follow Tagetarl out but he would probably be one of the first to spread the news where it would do the most good。 Or thwart rumor quickest!
  When Tagetarl got back to the Hall; he was surprised to see a crowd of people; all wanting their own copy of the newssheet。 Rosheen and the two apprentices were handing them out as fast as they could。 Tagetarl saw some far too curious folk circling by the shelves where he kept galley pages of work waiting for approval。
  〃You; there; wait your turn。 e up front;〃 he called; gesturing authoritatively for them to stop wandering about the print shop。 〃You've no business back there。〃 He went to supervise their departure and decided maybe he could do a second run of the sheet。 Get people to rely on the printed word and he'd get new customers for the books and manuals he kept in stock。
  F'lessan and Tai had finished eating when the word passed among the dragonriders that the emergency supplies were ready to be collected。 Riders had been told to return to those holdings they had visited earlier that day。 They were to check on injuries and determine if it was necessary to convey anyone between to Landing's Healer Hall。 Enough healers had been sent by Master Oldive to assist those locally assigned。 There were Healer kits of bandages; numbweed; fellis juice; and fortified wine for riders to bring with them。 The riders were to make their own judgments about staying overnight at holdings if critical situations had developed。
  〃What could be critical after this morning?〃 F'lessan remarked facetiously。
  Tai gave him a hard stare。 〃I suppose we can bed down here tonight。〃 She gave a shrug。 〃There's nothing left of our Weyr。〃
  He knew that she; and a few other riders; had had the courage to overfly the flood that had drowned Monaco Bay Weyr。
  〃You can stay at Honshu;〃 and before she could refuse; F'lessan extended the invitation to C'reel and St'ven nearby。 〃Have you been to Honshu?〃 he asked the brown riders。
  〃Hunted nearby once or twice;〃 C 'reel said but his grim expression lightened at the invitation。
  〃There's plenty of space;〃 F'lessan said expansively。 〃Though I'm not sure about having enough food。 Bring some with you; but there's a whole cliff of space for dragons。〃
  〃How many can you acmodate?〃 Tai asked。
  F'lessan raised his arms。 〃Well; not all of Monaco Weyr but two; three wings of riders and dragons。 And any weyrfolk attached to them。〃 As Tai turned away to spread his invitation; he added; 〃And tell 'em to bring blankets。 It's cooler up there。〃
  He and C'reel fitted Zaranth's load to her back before Tai returned。
  〃Everyone's grateful;〃 she said and he knew that she was; too。 〃T'gellan and Mirrim may have to remain here at Landing and there're others promised to help the weyrfolk on the hills。 They thank you; F'lessan。 Landing's facilities are overtaxed。〃
  〃There're always the Catherine Caves;〃 F'lessan sa
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