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ing the second set of new black leather jacket; pants; and boots of the day。 The reek from this man was sour wine but no improvement。 He did wear the proper journeyman's Craft knot。 Tagetarl admonished himself that he hadn't noticed which knot; if any; Scar…face sported。
  〃You had no message to expect this delivery?〃 The man looked shocked and pulled up his paunch as if the waistband of the pants needed easing。 〃Runners are getting lazy。〃
  Tagetarl heard a muted oath and spotted the shabby drudge collecting the straw wisps。
  〃As you can see; it's a fine Benden red;〃 and the wineman turned the tag for Tagetarl to read。
  〃Yes; indeed; it is;〃 and Tagetarl was impressed。 〃A 'forty…two! Excellent vintage。 I shall enjoy that。 Whose health do I drink tonight since the donor's message is overdue?〃
  〃Why; the Lord Holder's; of course;〃 the man replied easily。
  Tagetarl beckoned for the drudge to put his broom down。 〃You there; take this into the kitchen and we'll all drink the health of the Lord Holder tonight。 I expect he must be pleased with my latest publications;〃 he added mendaciously。
  〃Cellar to cellar is our boast。 I'll take it in myself。 Wine needs to be handled carefully。〃 The wineman held an arm up to discourage assistance。
  〃Very good of you; I'm sure;〃 Tagetarl said; sternly motioning the drudge to obey; ensuring that the wineman wouldn't enter the hold。 〃I see you've other skins。 Would you happen to have a Benden white among them; of a good vintage?〃 He stepped forward to look at the labels hung from the neck of the skins in the cart。
  〃No;〃 and now the false wineman intercepted Tagetarl…every bit as good as a Gather play; Tagetarl thought; experiencing a flash of amusement and stepping back。 〃Nothing as good as what I'm delivering to you now。〃
  With unexpected agility; the drudge had deftly got under the wineskin to slip it to his shoulder in a way that would not muddle the wine unnecessarily and; straightening; carried it to the steps and up into the Hall。 There was an unmistakable air of disappointment on the wineman's face。 Wanted to have a good look inside; had he? Tagetarl thought。
  〃Too bad;〃 Tagetarl said heartily。 〃Had some marks to spend。〃 He gripped the weaver circles tightly in his hand。 〃Do stop by again if you should have a good white 'forty…five;〃 and maliciously Tagetarl named what he knew had been an inferior year。
  〃Good choice; Master…ah…Printer。〃
  Tagetarl escorted him to the outer gate in firm dismissal and watched him push his cart away; up the hill。 He sprinted back to the hold then; to see what Pinch…if that had been him under the rags…had done with the wineskin。 He was not in the kitchen; which was as well since he could see that Rosheen was busy getting supper。 She'd've wanted to know where they had acquired a dirty drudge as well as a wineskin。 Hearing footsteps echo on the steps down to the under…cellar; Tagetarl followed。 When he reached that level; the wineskin had been deposited into one of the flint laundry sinks and the drudge was unwinding his holey tunic and reaching into a belt pouch。
  〃Carefully pour out a measure; Tag;〃 Pinch said; drawing out a small vial which Tagetarl knew contained one of those invaluable powders that most long…distance travelers carried to check the potability of stream water。
  Taking down an old glass; Tagetarl unstoppered the skin and poured a sample。 Pinch carefully tapped a few grains of the powder into the glass。 The wine slowly began to froth。
  〃You'd have beep dead asleep…or maybe even dead;〃 Pinch said。 He replaced the bung in the wineskin。 〃Definitely a malicious attempt to render you incapable of defending your Hall。 Where can we hide it?〃 He looked around the room。
  〃Underneath the sink; behind the laundry soaps;〃 Tagetarl suggested and helped Pinch bestow it; with a final glance to be sure the bung was in tight。 〃And we were supposed to drink a whole skin tonight?〃
  〃You usually drink with your evening meal。〃
  〃Cider;〃 Tagetarl said in protest。 〃Wine only on special occasions。 And how do they know we drink at dinner?〃
  〃Probably watching。 Your kitchen faces the road。 You don't close the shutters until you go to bed。〃 Pinch shrugged。 〃Then; too; most people'll drink freely of free wine; you know。 And you did say you'd drink the Lord Holder's health。〃
  〃It couldn't possibly be Lord Kashman he meant?〃 Tagetarl asked。
  Pinch twisted his chin sideways and shrugged。 〃He wasn't specific; was he? Or do they intend to impugn Lord Toronas since it's a Benden wine? Or implicate Lord Kashman? Interesting。〃 Then he gave a delicate sniff of the savory odors drifting down from the kitchen level。 〃When did you say dinner is? I mean to join you。 All that free wine!〃
  Rosheen came into the cellar。 〃I thought I saw someone strange。 Pinch?〃 she added; staring at the Harper as he discarded the outer layer of rags。 〃What are you doing here?〃
  〃I perceive you haven't told her;〃 Pinch said with a long…suffering sigh。
  〃Told me what?〃 She glared at both of them。
  〃You were right; Rosheen;〃 Tagetarl said with a sad grimace。 〃There is trouble ing our way。〃
  〃Abominators?〃 she exclaimed when; between them; Tagetarl and Pinch disclosed all they knew。
  As ever; Rosheen did not react the way Tagetarl thought she would。
  〃You mean; you didn't tell me to cook enough to feed your friends a decent supper; Pinch? You left them waiting up there in that awful loft all day long?〃
  〃They brought food and they've slept most of the day;〃 Pinch added as if that was occupation enough。 〃Couldn't let anyone know they were here。〃
  Abruptly she sat down on the stairs; her face suddenly white as she absorbed the danger the Hall was in。
  〃You mean;〃 and now her white skin was flushed with angry spots on her cheeks; 〃you let me go through the entire day oblivious to all this?〃
  〃Now; now; Rosheen; one of us had to act natural;〃 Tagetarl said。
  〃Well; now; I've a thing or two to say to that; MasterPrinter Tagetarl…〃
  〃Later; Rosheen;〃 Pinch said。 〃You can say anything you want to him when we've got all this behind us。〃
  She paused; one hand raised to point accusingly at her spouse。 〃When?〃 she repeated in a very scared; small voice。
  〃Tonight; if we're lucky;〃 Pinch replied。
  〃That's lucky?〃 She blinked。 〃Is that why Ola hasn't let me out of her sight all day?〃
  〃Quite likely;〃 Pinch agreed amiably。 〃Now; we'll eat dinner; and drink merrily from whatever you have in the hold that's safe to drink。 Some of your good cider?〃 he asked ingenuously。
  Rosheen took a deep breath; started to say something; changed her mind and pointed down the cellar hallway。 〃Harper; you know exactly where I store the cider!〃 She turned and started up the stairs; slamming each foot down hard on the riser to disperse her anger。
  〃I think she took it rather well;〃 Pinch said to Tagetarl。 He rewrapped his rags。 〃Now; this drudge will hobble out and disappear in the lanes and byways。 And shortly a very respectably dressed gentleman will arrive from the direction of the wharf with a mission for the MasterPrinter that will be discussed while his hosts visibly toast the Lord Holder's health。〃
  And that was exactly what happened as dusk settled over Wide Bay。 Then; with a great show of having enjoyed the wine; Tagetarl and Pinch went to close the outer gates for the night。 The heavy sky…broom wood bar took considerable heaving to get into place。 Tagetarl clipped over the unusual fastenings at both ends。
  〃Now don't worry; my good friend;〃 Pinch said as they walked back to the kitchen porch; giving him a reassuring shake on the shoulder。 〃They may get in; but I assure you; they won't find it so easy to get out。 Nor a chance to do any harm。 Now we go inside; like the innocents we are; and lock the door。〃
  Though Pinch had explained the various precautions he had taken during the day and where his helpers were now hiding; Tagetarl was realist enough to know that Thread could fall in unexpected tangles。
  〃Try to relax; Tag;〃 Pinch advised him。 〃I think every fire…lizard in the town is ready to e when Ola warbles。〃
  〃If they remember;〃 Tagetarl muttered to himself; shivering a little。 The night air was chilly。
  Pinch gave a soft; wry chuckle; 〃Bista's there; too; you know; and she'll remember。 Now; I've one more trick to see to。〃 He clapped him once more on the shoulder and took the short interior corridor to the Hall。
  〃Relax?〃 Tagetarl repeated under his breath。
  〃How could you leave me in ignorance all day; Tag?〃 Rosheen demanded; ing out of the kitchen。
  〃Now you know; would you rather have known earlier?〃 he replied more bitingly than he meant and put his arms about her in a tight; apologetic embrace。 He could feel her trembling。
  〃No; I guess not; but you've been very brave; Tag。〃
  〃I'm scared stiff。 If only we could have put in steel doors!〃
  〃Steel doors didn't keep the Abominators out of the Healer Hall; now did they? They just walked themselves in。 Well; at least they can't just walk in here!〃
  He reached over to turn out the kitchen lights。
  〃Shall I giggle drunkenly or something? Having enjoyed the Lord Holder's wine? Or s
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