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  Tagetarl thought he had never seen a more impressive sight: twelve dragons leaping into the night; the fairs of fire…lizards escorting them and disappearing at the same moment。
  In an unnaturally quiet way; those who had witnessed the night's incredible event left the wharf side or climbed aboard the ships anchored there for the night。
  〃It was what had to be done; Lord Jaxom; Master Tagetarl;〃 said Captain Venabil in a low but firm voice。 He shook their hands and then made his way down the wharf。
  〃Yes; it was what had to be done;〃 Pinch said as they all turned to go back to the Hall。
  Then Pinch dropped back to Jaxom who was walking more slowly; his head bent。
  〃Dorse was among them; wasn't he; Jaxom?〃 he asked so softly only Jaxom could hear。 Jaxom flashed him the most quelling stare the Harper had received since he'd been an apprentice。
  〃No hold; no hall;〃 Jaxom finally replied。 〃Even if he was my milk…brother; what else could I do?〃
  〃I've been trailing him; Jaxom;〃 Pinch murmured; 〃a long time。〃
  〃You have。 I haven't。〃
  〃I know;〃 and there was great passion in the Harper's voice。
  〃Was he in this from the beginning?〃
  Pinch shrugged。 〃We don't even know when the Abominators were revived to plague us。 Not all of those participating in these…events…are interested in keeping Pern pure or traditional。 I've no doubt some of these people were motivated by blind adherence to what their fathers or mothers taught。 I recognize some as hill folk who never took kindly to teachering: like the woodsy ones down in Southern Boll; or the mountain holds in upper Telgar and Lemos; or the desert nomads in Igen。 Any and all of them simply fear change。 They might even resent losing the Red Star as a permanent problem on which to blame 'things that go wrong。' Unfortunately; two of the people that I suspect have been churning up ill feelings against healers; and now the Print Hall's new technology; aren't among those in tonight's catch。〃 He quickened his pace and fell in step with Tagetarl; leaving Jaxom to his own somber stride。 〃It would be wise; MasterPrinter; to issue a concise statement of what happened here tonight。 The Runners can see that the truth is circulated。〃
  A truth that would not name the milk…brother of Lord Jaxom of Ruatha Hold as one of the vandals who had been exiled that night。
  A handful of men and women stood by the open outer gates of the Hall。 Ruth could be seen quietly awaiting the return of his rider。
  〃If you need some help tonight; or tomorrow; Master Tagetarl;〃 began one of the men stepping forward; 〃we'd be willing to do repairs。〃
  Tagetarl thanked them; aware that the doors to the Print Hall would have to be replaced。 Steel would have reassured him but he didn't have enough marks and he doubted the SmithCraftHall had the time。
  〃If one of you is a carpenter。。。〃
  〃Five of us are; Master Tagetarl; the reason we bother you right now。〃
  〃I am extremely grateful。 e when you can in the morning。〃
  He and the others had no sooner walked away than two fire…lizards whisked out of the night; landing on the shoulders of Rosheen and Pinch。
  Jaxom walked straight toward his dragon and vaulted to his back。 Tagetarl lifted his arm in farewell but he didn't think the Lord Holder saw him。 In silence Pinch and Tagetarl closed the gates。 Then Pinch made his way to the loft where undoubtedly his assistants had taken themselves。 Tagetarl and Rosheen turned to the right and the steps up to their hold。
  In the morning; while the five carpenters put up new doorposts…made of sky…broom wood; they proudly informed Tagetarl…the Masterprinter took the report that he and Rosheen had spent a sleepless night posing to the Runner Station。
  Pursing his lips; Stationmaster Arminet read the text。 〃Well said; Master Tagetarl。 Fairly said。 It will go in every pouch to e through here。 I may even need more。〃
  Tagetarl made a protest; wondering how much more the night's work would cost him。
  〃Keep your marks in your pocket;〃 Arminet added; pushing away the ones Tagetarl proffered。
  〃It's a Harper Hall announcement。。。〃
  〃It's a munity announcement;〃 Arminet replied; straightening himself to his full dignity though he was not as tall as the well…built Tagetarl。 He glared up。 〃I'm the one who decides what should or should not be spread from my Station。 The people of Wide Bay were very much aware of the atrocity mitted by persons who would not claim hall or hold; Master Tagetarl; and others must know about the matter so as not to be left in doubt as to the exact details of the matter。〃 He tapped the bottom paragraph。 〃As I was one of those witnesses; this is exactly as I recall the incident。 Thank you; Master Tagetarl。 Let it not be said that the Runners did less than their best; too。〃
  〃You recognized one of them; didn't you; Jaxom?〃 Sharra asked softly; having watched his silence all day。 She knew he had been called away that night。 When he had returned; he had tried to disguise both fatigue and a preoccupied air。 He had pushed food around his plate at both lunch and dinner。 He had not been able to display any enthusiasm for the hour he usually spent so panionably with his sons。
  She had waited; without appearing to hover close by; in case he might wish to talk about what was depressing him。 She'd seen him terribly distracted like this only once before: when he had presided over the exile of those who had been responsible for abducting Master Robinton。
  She waited until they had gone up to their own quarters and he was leaning against the deep window; looking out on nothing。 Just as she was sure she'd have to pry; he gave a deep sigh。
  〃Ruth and I went to Wide Bay; to assist Tagetarl。 There was an attempt to damage the Print Hall。〃
  〃More Abominators?〃 Who else could it have been; since the Print Hall had been so enthusiastically received by every Craft。
  He nodded but did not elaborate。
  In the silence that followed; Sharra watched her spouse; absentmindedly running his hand up and down the heavy brocade curtain that prevented the worst of the winter winds from penetrating into their sleeping room。 She waited quietly。 She knew when he was fretting over something。
  〃Dorse was one of them。〃
  Sharra felt something within her lurch at that soft; chilling admission。 Jaxom did not have many fond memories of his milk…brother but had kept giving him the benefit of the doubt; long after his foster mother had died。 Dorse had left before one more outrageous act would have pelled Jaxom to send him away。
  〃I thought he had gone south。 Worked for Toric。〃 She gasped as soon as she finished speaking。
  Jaxom nodded his head slowly。 〃He did not speak。〃
  〃But surely; love;〃 and Sharra went to lay her hand on his shoulder; feeling the tension in his body; 〃he had only to…〃
  〃They were asked to name hall or hold。〃 Jaxom's grip tightened on the curtain so that the fabric was stretched from its rail; the upper hem tearing。
  〃Are you distressed because he didn't speak?〃
  〃I'm not sure。〃 Sharra could hear the anguish in Jaxom's voice。 〃I'm not sure! I think;〃 and now Jaxom buried his face in the folds of the curtain; 〃he was the leader。 I think he was challenging me。 Defying me and what I stand for。 What did he expect me to do? See that they were only sent to the mines?〃
  Before he tore the curtain from the wall; she closed her hand around his fingers and gently detached them。
  〃I suggest that either way he is getting his own back on you; Jaxom;〃 she said in a quiet nonjudgmental tone。 〃By any chance; did anyone else recognize him? Ruth said you did not go alone。〃 He gave her a fierce look。 〃No; no; my love。 I never asked him。 He knows I worry that sometimes the pair of you might get into trouble and not tell me。〃 She tried to speak lightly; to ease his distress。 She didn't even get a rise out of him for what he usually termed unnecessary anxiety。
  〃Pinch has been on his trail; he said。 It's possible N'ton recognized him; though he wouldn't have seen him in Turns。〃 He was silent a moment then added; 〃I should somehow have had a word with him。 To see if he would tell me more。〃
  〃More about what? Isn't it enough that he was caught destroying what he can very well recognize as a tremendously important asset for all Pern?〃
  Jaxom gave her a long closed look。 That made her flinch inwardly because they were usually so open with each other about everything in their lives。
  〃I thought he had been well placed in the south with Toric;〃 he said finally。
  〃Oh!〃 Sharra had to sit down quickly as she absorbed the implications of that。 Jaxom had been trying to shield her。
  〃It's preferable to think that he was on his own; perhaps just taking an opportunity to be paid for making the kind of trouble he enjoys。 It wouldn't be unlike him;〃 and Jaxom spun from the window and began pacing the floor; looking everywhere but at his spouse。
  〃My brother; Toric;〃 Sharra said in a voice as taut as Jaxom's had been; 〃was greedy as a child and would allow no mon sense to dissuade him from what he felt was his; or…〃 she paused a beat 〃…perceived was his by right。 He has since; as y
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