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the right to curse Shaine; because you behave as if you are free to do what you wish。 Duncan would have me see you are men like any other; yet you behave as if the Cheysuli tire demons with no understanding of what you do to others。〃
 〃You need learning;〃 he said bluntly。 〃When we have reached me Keep and you have spoken to the shar tahl。 you will under…stand better what it is to be Cheysuli。 You will understand what the qu'mahlin has done。 Until then you are lost。〃
 〃Take me home;〃 she said softly。 〃Finn; take me home。〃
 He set the cup down and looked at her levelly。 〃I do。*'
 Alix ground the heels of her hands against her eyes; feeling the grittiness of exhaustion and tension。 Her desperation was growing; swelling up inside her until it threatened to burst her chest and force tears from her eyes。 She had no wish to cry before Finn of all people; and the sensation of futility and helplessness hurt so bad she could think only to hurt back。
 〃I will escape;〃 she said firmly。 〃When I have the time; and me opportunity; I will win free of you。 Even does it e to putting a knife into you。〃
 He smiled。 〃You could not。〃
 〃I could。〃
 〃You have neither me spirit nor the strength to do it。〃 … 
 Furious; Alix snatched up the pot of bubbling honey drink and threw it at him。 She saw the contents strike his upraised arm and part of his face; then she was on her feet running。
 Finn caught her before she reached the edge of the firelight。 Alix cried out as he caught one arm and twisted it behind her back。 Then he jerked her around until she faced him; and she was suddenly terrified as he bent over her。
 〃If you would be so bold as to do that; meijha; and yet be caught; you had best be prepared to suffer the consequences。〃
 Alix cried out again。 She could feel his breath on her face; the
 dampness of the spilled drink as it stained her gown。 She felt her Up caught in his teeth; then stumbled back as Finn was jerked away from her。
 Alix gasped in pain and shock as Finn came off the ground; hand to his knife。 Then he froze; staring angrily at his assailant。
 〃You will not force a Cheysuli woman;〃 Duncan said coldly。
 Finn took his hand from his knife。 〃She may have our blood; Duncan; but she has been reared Homanan。 She wants humbling。 If you leave her to me; I will see to it she behaves with more decorum。〃
 〃We do not humble our women; either;〃 Duncan snapped。
 〃Leave her be。〃
 〃Why?〃 Finn demanded; all affronted male pride。 〃So yon can take her?〃
 〃If she is what you want as cheysula; clan…leader; then you had best follow tradition and ask for her clan…rights in Council。〃
 Duncan smiled thinly。 〃I ask no clan…rights of any woman this year; ruifw。 But if you are so hot to take her; you should hear your own words。 She is no light woman; Finn。 Ask for her clan…rights; when she has been proven to have mem。〃
 Finn glared at him。 〃I have no need of formal clan…rights where a woman is concerned。 There are enough to be had without taking a cheysula。〃
 〃Stop!〃 Alix cried; so loudly they both stared at her in surprise。 Self…consciously she swept 〃back her loose hair and scowled at them。 〃I know nothing of these traditions you speak of; or clan…rights; or Council。。 or anything1。 But you had best know I will do nothing against my will! You may have forced me to e with you now; but there will be a time when you do not watch me; and I will get free of you all。 Do you hear? You cannot keep me!〃
 〃You will stay;〃 Duncan said calmly。 〃No one escapes the Cheysuli。〃
 Finn smiled。 〃The clan…leader has spoken; mei jha。 We may disagree; my rujho and I; but not on this。〃
 Alix felt me tears welling in her eyes。 She widened them instinctively; trying to take back the moisture; but the first tear fell。 On a choked sob she spun and ran from them; wondering what animal they would send to fetch her back。
 She found a damp mossy area beneath a huge beech tree not far from camp and sat down quickly; loose…limbed and awkward。
 For a moment she gazed blindly at the shadows and wondered
 forlornly if she would ever see her home again。 Then the enor…
 mity of her plight crept upon her。 Alix pulled her knees to her
 chest and hugged them; hiding her face in her torn and stained skirts。
 Liren; said a gentle voice; so empathetic it nearly undid her。
 Alix turned her head against the rough weave of her gown and saw Storr waiting quietly in the moonlight。 For a moment resentment replaced her grief; then it faded。 She knew; somehow; Slorr had e on his own; not because he was sent to take her back to camp。
 / was not sent; he said。 / came because you are in pain; and in need。
 〃You speak as a wise old man;〃 she whispered。
 I am a wise…old wolf。 he said; sounding amused。 But there is not so much difference; for all that。
 Alix smiled at him and put out a hand。 Storr moved to her and allowed her to place a hand on his head。 For a moment she was stunned at what she did; touching a wolf; she thought silently。 But Storr was patient and very gentle; and she did not fear him。
 〃You are Finn's ffr;〃 she murmured。 〃How can you be so wise and trustworthy and belong to Aun?〃
 Storr's eyes closed as she ran fingers through his thick pelt。 My lir is not always so hasty and unwise。 You have confused him。
 He saw you and wanted you。 Then he found you were Cheysuli; and his rujholla。 He has had no one but Duncan for too long。
 〃Well; he will not have me。〃
 You must take someone。。。 someday。
 〃I will not have a beast like him!〃
 Storr sighed。 Remember; what name you give him fits you also。 You are Cheysuli。 It may seem strange now; but you will be happier among us than elsewhere。
 〃I would sooner go home。 Home home; not this Keep。〃
 Even knowing you are not like others?
 〃Aye; And I am no different。〃
 But you are。 Knowing yourself different makes you different。
 Think of the qu'mahlm。 The Mujhar's decree applies also toyou。
 〃I am his granddaughter。〃
 And Cheysuli。 You do not know Shaine。 But know this+if your kinship to him were more important than your race; you would be in Homana…Mujhar。
 She knew he was right。 But she could not say it; even when he
 nudged her hand and went away。 
 〃I am sorry for my rujholli。〃 Duncan moved softly out of the
 shadows。 〃You must not give credence to his words。 All too often Finn speaks without thought。〃
 Alix looked at him and wished herself as far from Duncan and his brother as could be。 But since the wish did not work; she answered him。
 〃You arc nothing alike。〃
 〃We are。 You have not seen it yet。〃
 〃You cannot make me believe you are as angry; or as cruel。〃 She sighed in surrender and picked at the moss。 〃Or else you do not show it。〃
 Duncan squatted before her; hands hanging loosely over his knees。 〃Finn was but three when the qu'mahlin began。 He has little memory of the peace in our clan+or in the land+before it。 He knows only the darkness and blood and pain of Shaine's war。〃
 〃What of you?〃
 He stared at the moss she was destroying with rigid; nervous fingers。 〃I was five;〃 he said finally。 〃Like him; I awoke in the middle of the night when our pavilion fell under me hooves of Homanan horses。 It was set on fire even though the Mujhar's men saw we were only children; and too small to do much harm。 They did not care。〃 He caught her hand suddenly; stilling it as if its movements disturbed him。 His eyes were pale in Ac moonlight。 〃You must understand。 We were small; but such things remain clear。〃
 〃What do you say?〃 she whispered; sensing his need to have her prehension。
 〃That you should understand why he plagues you。 He is bitter
 toward Shaine; and Homanans in general。 Carillon is the Mujhar*s
 heir。〃 He paused。 〃And you want him。。。 not Finn。'*
 〃But if your story is true; Finn is my brother!〃
 Duncan sighed。 〃You were raised apart。 Why should he not desire a woman; even after he has teamed she is bloodkin to him?〃
 Alix stared at him; hand still caught in his。 The stubborn conflict she felt rise at Finn's name faded beneath a new+and more frightening+prehension。 She saw before her a solemn…faced warrior who seemed to be waiting fix something from her。
 For a moment she nearly rose and fled; unable to face die conflict。 But she restrained the instinct。 There was the faintest whisper of knowledge within her soul; die realization of a power she had never thought she might have; and it astonished her。
 〃Duncan。。。〃 she said softly; 〃what is this tahlmorra you say I should feel?〃
 〃You will know it。〃
 〃You will know it。〃
 〃And do you say。。。 do you say every Cheysuli has this tahlmorra'!〃
 〃It is something that binds us all; as tightly as the prophecy。 But it has weakened in many of us because so many of us have been lost and forced to take Homanan women to get children。〃 His mouth twisted into a wry smile。 〃I am not proud of that。 But it must be done; if we are to survive。 But there are some of us who feel tahlmorra more clearly than others。〃 He brought her hand up; smoothing his thumb over the back of her palm。 〃Mine has told me what will e。 When we reach the Keep I will seek out the shar tahl and have him show me the prophecy runes to be certain。 But I know it already。〃
 Alix withdrew her
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