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 She glared at him。 A strange sense of defiance and exhilara…tion crept into her heart and nearly consumed her。 She smiled at him in vindictive joy and opened her mouth as if to cry out。
 Duncan silenced her instantly。 This time be did not use his
 hand。 Alix; shocked to me core; felt herself caught in a harsh embrace and kissed as if he would take the soul from her。
 She stiffened instantly; pressing palms against his chest to push him away。 In that moment she realized the absolute strength of a determined man and was amazed by it。 She sought to escape but was trapped within his arms。
 Alix shuddered once; recalling Finn's harshness and me in…stinctive fear he had provoked。 Then; oddly; the thought fell away。
 A new awareness slid through her as Duncan's mouth moved on hers。 It was imperceptive; yet she felt it; and he no longer forced her。 The pain he had inflicted at first was gone; altering in some subtle fashion。 When a second shiver coursed through her it was of another origin。
 Duncan is not his brother; she thought dazedly; and I do not fear this man。。。
 Alix felt the wall at her back as he lifted his mourn from hers。 An odd expression of inner conflict moved through his pate eyes; tautening his face into blankness。 Alix; wanting only to see me possessive determination in him again; touched his chin。
 〃Is this your tahlmorraT' she asked breathlessly。 〃Is this why?〃
 The tight line of his mouth relaxed。 〃Perhaps it will not be so long a time to wait after all。〃
 〃Duncan。。。 I do not understand。〃
 〃I have e to you as Finn; forcing myself on a woman who does not wish it。〃 he said grimly。 〃Have I earned me enmity you promised?〃
 〃I have forgot what I said。〃
 His lips twitched。 〃Forgot? You?〃
 Alix turned her head away; realizing she still clung to him。 Her wantonness made her ashamed; but when she tried to slide away be kept her pressed against the wall。
 〃Alix; you have only to listen to what is in you。 Heed it。 I will not force you again。〃 Duncan moved away from her; releasing her to stand in solitude against me wall。 Alix sensed impatience in him and the slow rising of an odd anxiety and urgency in herself。
 By the gods; what has this man done to me? Why do I want him by me? She closed her eyes。 It is Carillon / want; not this Cheysuli warrior I have known so brief a time。
 〃Alix;〃 he said gently; 〃I am sony。 You are too young to understand。〃
 Her eyes opened。 The torchlight from the palace painted his
 shoulders and glinted off the gold on his arms。 Suddenly she wanted the warmth of him against her again。
 〃Duncan; I mink no woman is too young to understand。〃
 He blinked in surprise。 Then he laughed silently and relaxed visibly。 His hand slid around her neck and caught in the braids coiled against her head; cradling her against his chest He mur…mured something in the Old Tongue; and Alix wished she spoke h。
 Hastening footsteps echoed across the bailey; scraping on die cobbles。 〃Alix!〃 Carillon cried。
 Duncan cursed and jerked around。 His hand slipped to the knife at his belt。
 〃No!〃 Alix cried; grasping at his hand。
 〃Alix!〃 Carillon shouted again。
 〃Here;〃 she answered; and heard Duncan's swift indrawn breath。
 The prince found them in me darkness。 For a moment he stiffened as be saw Duncan; but he made no hostile movement。 His mourn was a grim line as he looked at Alix。
 〃You have driven the Mujhar into a rage。 He swears he win have me hawk hunted and slain; and you exiled upon me Crystal Isle。 Imprisoned。〃 He sighed。 〃Alix; I have spoken with him。 it does no good。 I will take you to Ton…in's croft。〃
 〃She es with me; Homanan;〃 Duncan said ominously。
 〃Does she?〃 Carillon snapped。 〃Do you speak for her; shapechanger?〃
 〃You have no place in this;〃 Duncan answered。 〃She is not for you。〃
 Alix moved between them。 〃Carillon; something happened to me in the hall。 Something。。。 came to life in me。 When me Mujhar called me witch and cursed me for my blood; I felt no shame。 I felt no hoiror; no fear。 I fen only anger that a man could hate so powerfully; and do so much harm to a race。 it was as if me Cheysuli in me finally came to life。〃 She touched his aim beseechingfy。 〃I want no more of this place。〃
 〃I have said I will take you to Ton…in。 When I can; I will e to you。〃
 She shook her head slowly。 〃I think+I think what is between us must stay unknown; or unnamed。〃 She pressed his arm。 〃Do you know what I say?〃
 〃No;〃 he said; so harshly she knew he did。
 〃The Cheysuti are not your enemy;〃 Alix said softly; 〃it is
 me Souodish; and me Duini。 Turn your anger on mem。 Do not
 let Shame's madness infect you also。 You said once you would
 accept me whatever I was。 Now I ask you to accept the others of my race。〃
 〃Alix; I cannot。〃
 〃Do you sentence yourself to serve me Mujhar's insanity?〃
 He reached out and clasped her shoulders。 〃Alix; I want you where you will be safe。〃
 She smiled at him; certain of her words。 〃Duncan will see I am kept safe。〃
 His fingers tightened painfully。 〃Do you go willingly with him; then? Or has he ensorcelled you with shapechanger arts?〃
 〃No;〃 she said softly。 〃I think it is something within myself。
 I have no words for it; but it exists。〃
 Duncan; eloquently silent; stretched out his hand。 She saw me familiar gesture of spread fingers and bared palm。
 And she understood。
 Alix stepped away from Carillon。 His empty hands fell limply to his sides。 He looked at Duncan; then at her; eyes shadowed with pain and confusion。 But she also saw acknowledgment。
 〃I will get you mounts;〃 he said quietly。
 〃I have horees;〃 Duncan answered。
 〃How do you propose to get over me walls with her? Atix cannot fly in the guise of a hawk。〃
 Duncan's face tightened。 〃No。 But the eight guardsmen are simple enough to put out of my way; if I must。〃
 Carillon sighed wearily。 〃Shapechanger; I begin to understand me arrogance of your race。 And its strength; as Ton…in said。 Do you know Shaine sent fifty men against you in the forests and only eleven survive?〃
 〃I know。〃
 〃How many did you lose?〃
 〃Of twelve men; we lost two。 One to death; one to the soulless men。〃
 Alix shivered at the relentless tone in his voice。 She sensed me purpose and determination in the man and realized had she refused to go with him he could easily have forced her。
 Carillon nodded。 〃I will escort you through the gates。 The guard will not stop me; even do I walk with a shapechanger。〃
 Duncan laughed harshly。 〃Once we walked freely within this place; prince。 But you will have my gratitude; regardless。〃
 Carillon turned to lead them to the bronze…and…timber gates。 Before he could move away Duncan reached out and caught his arm。 The prince stiffened。
 〃Carillon。 There is much you do not understand。 Peinaps you cannot; yet。 But Shaine will not always be Mujhar。〃
 〃What do you say。 shapechanger?〃
 〃That we are not your enemy。 We cannot alter (fie qu'mahim while Shaine lives。 He has struck well and quickly; reducing us to less than a quarter of what we were。 Even now we grow fewer with each year as the qu'mahUn continues。 Carillon; it is in you to stop this。〃
 The prince smiled。 〃I have been raised on tales of your perfidy。 Stories of your demon ways and cruel arts。 Tell me why I should halt my uncle's purge。〃
 Duncan's hand rested on Alix's shoulder。 〃For her; my lord。
 For the woman we both want。〃
 Alix stood immobile; unable to answer the resolve in Duncan's voice。 Something in him had reached out to her; seeking some…thing from her; and she wanted very much to give it to him。
 Carillon swallowed。 〃It is true the Mujhar alarms me with his vehemence in dealing with your race。 He does not even curse Bellam or the Bliini as he does the Cheysuli。 There is an unnatu…ral anger in him。〃
 Duncan nodded。 〃Hale served him for thirty…five years; my lord; with a loyalty only the Cheysuli can give。 They were more than brothers。 It is a binding service which our race had honored for centuries。 Hale shattered mat bond and hereditary service by his actions。 Any man would take it ill and swear revenge; but Shaine also lost a daughter and consequently found his realm plunged into war once again。 I understand why he has done this thing。 Carillon; even as it destroys my race。〃
 〃Then you are more forgiving man me Mujhar。〃
 〃What of you?〃 Duncan asked calmly。 〃Do you serve me qu'mahlin when you are king?〃
 Carillon smiled crookedly。 〃When I am king;〃 he said gently; 〃you will know。〃
 He turned and walked to the gates。 The guards; answering his bidding; opened mem instantly。 Duncan took Alix's arm and led her silently from Homana…Mujhar。
 Chapter Three
 Duncan took her through me shadows of tall buildings to the horses。 From his saddtepack he pulled a dark hooded cloak and gently draped me folds around her。
 〃You wear fine clothing and rich Jewels; my lady princess;〃
 he said quietly。 〃I am only one man; and thieves may mink it a simple matter to slay me and steal your wealth。 Or even you。〃
 He pinned the cloak at her left shoulder with a large topaz brooch carved into a hawk shape and set in gold。 Silently be pulled me hood over her gameted hair and settled it。
 〃Duncan;〃 she said softly; trembling even at his lightest touch。
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