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 ging on me cobbles。 Wearily she pushed it behind her ears and discovered me garnets in her ears remained。 Alix got to her feet and waited for the pain to begin。 When she found she could stand it; she picked up her heavy skirts and moved slowly back the way she had e。
 Duncan was missing when she found the place。 Alix moved into the pool of faint torchlight and stared vaguely at the cobbles; seeing two bodies。 One man lay on his back with a deep knife wound in his abdomen。 The other; clawing hands clasped to his face in death; had had his forehead rent by talons。 He bled freely from a wound in his throat。
 The third man was nowhere。 Alix wobbled unsteadily and put born hands over her mouth to force back the sour bile rushing into her throat。
 A lantern flared in a door across from her as it opened。 Alix squinted against it; trapped in the spilling illumination。 An old man peered out; one hand grasping the collar of a growling dog。 He lifted the lantern to shed more light into me street and Alix instinctively shrank from it; pressing herself against the wall。
 But he saw her。 His dark eyes widened; then narrowed as he stared at the slain men。 His voice came harsh as he looked back at her。
 〃Witch! Shapechanger witch!〃
 Alix put a trembling hand to her face; realizing how deeply
 she bore her father's stamp。 In the darkness; illuminated by me
 lantern light; she was branded by the Mujhar's hatred…
 〃No;〃 she said clearly。
 His hand loosened on the dog's collar。 Alix; fearing he would set me animal on her; gathered up her skirts and fled。
 She ran until her lungs screamed their protest and her legs faltered。 Breathlessly she fell against a stone well set in me intersection of cobbled streets。 She clutched at me cross…beams of me well and held herself upright; gasping from knifing pain in her chest and sides。
 When some of the bream…demand had gone she cranked up the bucket。 The cool water was sweet on her raw throaty trickling down to soothe her heaving stomach。 It splashed over me rim and stained the velvet of her fine garments; but she did not care。
 〃Could you spare some water for a thirsty horse; my lady?〃 asked a quiet voice。
 Alix jerked upright; dropping me bucket down the well。 Her hands clenched spasmodically in her skirts as she stared at the man。
 He moved softly; silently; forsaking me shadows like a wraith。
 She saw a dark cloak felling to his booted feet。 An oddly twisted silver brooch pinned it to his left shoulder; but he had pulled the folds back from a silver sword hilt at his hips。 Somehow; though he moved in darkness; he brought the light with him。
 His face was smooth; serene。 Strength of a sort she had never seen shone from the fine features; and his smile was gently beguiling。 His hair and beard were inky dark; carefully trimmed; and flecked with silver。 His eyes; black as the horse who fol…lowed him; were soothing and sweet。
 〃Do not fear me; my lady。 I seek only water for my horse。〃
 He smiled gently。 〃Not some light woman for the evening。〃
 Alix; even bruised and weary; felt me insult keenly。 She drew herself up and glared at him; disdaining to answer。 But as her eyes met his the defiance slid away; leaving her powerless before him。
 She gestured weakly。 〃The well is yours; my lord。〃
 He cranked up the bucket and held it steady in gloved hands; letting the horse take its fill。 He watched her in a manner almost paternal。
 〃You have seen trouble this night; lady;〃 he said quietly。
 〃Are you harmed?〃
 〃No。 I am well enough。〃
 〃Do not seek to hide the truth from me。 I have only to look at your eyes。〃
 She swallowed; aware of her loose hair and stained doming。
 〃We were set upon by thieves; my lord。〃
 〃You are alone now。〃
 〃The man I rode with stayed to fight the thieves。 My horse was frightened; and ran。 In order to stop him I was forced to pot him down on (he stones。〃 She shrugged slightly; dismissing me remembered fright。 〃So now I walk。〃
 〃What of your escort?〃 '^
 Alix looked away from him。 〃I cannot say; my lord。 Perhaps 
 he is slain。〃 The vision rose before her eyes; showing her
 Duncan twisted on die cobbles; slain。 She shuddered and felt me ;
 horrible anguish in her soul。 
 〃With such words you place yourself in my hands。〃 he said 
 gently。 ||…
 A chill of apprehension slid through her。 but she was aching ^i…
 and weary; too dazed to care。 〃If it be so; my lord。 what will you (
 do with me?〃 
 He sent the bucket back to the depths of me well and caressed '〃
 the horse's silky jaw。 〃Help you; lady。 I will give you my aid。〃 j|
 His beguiling smile soothed her。 〃e into me light and look; … 
 upon me。 If I truly seem treacherous; you have only to leave me。 Ij。…
 I will not gainsay you。 But if you find me honest in my intentions; you are wele to e with me。〃
 Slowly Alix answered his summons; moving into the torchlight。 His appearance was calm; gentle…seeming; and his affection for the horse indicated goodwill。 She met his eyes for a long moment; searching for an answer mere。
 At last she sighed。 〃I am so wearied from this day and night I care little what your intentions may be。 Where do you go; my told?〃
 〃Where you wish; lady。 I serve you。〃
 Alix looked into his smooth face; seeking an indication of his true intent; but she saw only serenity。 He was richly clad; though not ostentatious; and his manner was that of some high lord。
 〃Do you serve the Mhghar?〃 she asked; suddenly apprehensive。
 He smiled; white teem gleaming。 〃No; lady; I do not。 I serve the gods。〃
 It relieved her past measure。 Silently Alix took the gems from her ears and held them out。
 But he would not take them。 〃I have no need of your jewels; lady。 What I do for you requires no payment。〃 He gestured smoothly。 〃Where do you go。 lady? I will take you there。〃
 〃A croft;〃 she said quietly。 〃In roe valley。 U is perhaps tea leagues from here。〃
 His eyes glinted in gentle humor。 〃You do not have me appearance of a croft…girt; lady。 I see more in you than mat。〃
 Her hand gripped the garnet earring?。 〃Do you seek to humble me; my lord? There is no need。 I know my place。〃
 He moved closer。 The light seemed to follow him。 His eyes were soft。 sweet; like his voice; and deep as the well from which they drank。
 〃Do you?〃 he asked softly。 〃Do you truly know your place?〃
 Alix frowned at him; baffled by his manner; and lost hereelf in me dominance of his black eyes。
 He lifted his right hand。 For a moment she thought he would make die Cheysuli gesture of tahimorra; but he did not。 Instead a hissing line of purple light streaked out of the darkness and pooled in his hand; throwing a violet glare over her face and his。
 〃So you have learned your legacy;〃 he said quietly。 〃After au this time。 I had thought Undir's child lost; and of no more account。〃
 Alix gasped。
 The flame leaped in his hand。 〃You bold more of roe prophecy within you man any I have yet seen。 And I have watched for years。。。 waiting。〃
 Her voice hurt。 〃What do you say?〃
 Black eyes narrowed and held dominion over her。 〃Can it be you do not fully understand? Have the Cheysuli not yet bound you to their tahtmorra?〃
 〃Who are you?〃
 He smiled。 〃I have many names。 Most are used by petty men woo fear me。 Others are revered; as they should be。〃
 Alix shivered。 〃What manner of man are you?〃
 〃One who serves tile gods。〃
 She wanted to leave him but the power in his fathomless black eyes held her。 Purple light glowed in his palm。
 〃What do you want of me?〃
 〃Nothing;〃 he said calmly; 〃if you remain unknowing。 It is only if you recognize the tahlmorra within yourself mat I will be forced to gainsay you。 In any way I can。〃
 Her palm burned where the earrings bit into her flesh。 〃You are not Cheysuli。〃
 〃Yet you speak of their tahlmorra。 and the prophecy。 What is it to you?〃
 〃My bane。〃 he said softly。 〃The end of me; should it be fulfilled。 And the Cheysuli know it。〃
 Cold knowledge crept within her mind。 Consciously she forced her body to relax; then lifted her head。 〃I know you。 I know you。〃 She took another breath。 〃Ihliru。〃
 〃Aye;〃 he said softly。
 His eyes smiled。 〃Aye。〃
 〃What do you do here?〃 she whispered。
 〃Tliat is for me to know。 But I will tell you this+already Bellam breaks Shaine's borders and invades。 Homana will fall; lady。。。 soon。 It will be mine。〃 He smiled。 〃As it was ever meant。〃
 〃Shaine will never allow it。〃
 〃Shaine is a fool。 He was a fool when he sent me Cheysuli from their homeland and sentenced them to death。 Without mem; he cannot win。 When he does not; the prophecy will fail。 And I will be lord of this land。〃
 〃By your unnatural arts!〃 Alix cried。
 The sorcerer laughed softly。 〃You are party to your own unnatural arts; lady。。; you have only to learn them。 But until you do; you remain insignificant; and of no account to me。〃 He shrugged。 〃So I will let you live。〃
 〃Let me live。。。〃 she echoed。
 〃For now;〃 Tynstar agreed Ughuy。
 A winged shadow passed over them; blotting me violet glow a
 moment。 Tynstar glanced up and watched me shadow; men looked at Alix。
 〃You summon the lir; lady; even though you do not know it。
 Perhaps you are not me naive child you would have me believe。〃
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