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 〃You summon the lir; lady; even though you do not know it。
 Perhaps you are not me naive child you would have me believe。〃
 Cat! she cried silently; staring up at the hawk。
 Tynstar's hand was on his horse。 The other still held hissing purple flame。 He smiled at her across its glow and sketched a twisted rune in the air。 Its path glowed against the darkness a moment; men flared into a column of cold fire。 When it had gone; so had he。
 She spun and stared at Duncan。 He stood silently with his horse at his back; left arm streaked with blood。 A bruise darkened his cheekbone and he bore a shallow slice across his forehead; but he seemed whole。
 Alix looked at him。 The defiance she had struck him with earlier had faded。 Her words then; angry and frightened; had no more meaning。 Something whispered in her soul; tapping at her mind; and she began to understand it。
 〃The horse ran away;〃 she said unsteadily。
 His eyes were fixed on her。 〃I found nun。 He is lamed; but will recover。〃
 〃I am glad he was not badly hurt。〃 She knew the words they said held no meaning。 Their munication lay on another level。
 〃Will you suffer to ride with me?〃 he asked。 〃I cannot waste more time seeking another horse。 The clan has need of me。〃
 Alix walked slowly toward him; eyes dwelling on every visi…ble wound and bruise。 A strange trembling weakness crept into her limbs as his yellow gaze remained on her in a calm; deliber…ate perusal。 The hawk…earring glittered in the strands of his black hair。
 She halted before him。 〃It was Tynstar。〃
 〃I saw him。〃
 She put out a hesitant hand and gently touched the drying Mood on his arm。 〃Duncan; I did not mean to hurt you。〃
 He flinched at her soft touch but she realized it was not from pain。 Something told her this man was hers to hold; to keep; and the enormity of it stunned her。
 〃Duncan。。。〃 She swallowed heavily and met his blazing eyes。 〃Duncan; please hold me so I know I am real。〃
 He whispered something in the Old Tongue and took her into his arms。
 Alix; hair spilling down her back; melted against his firm
 warrior's body until she was boneless。 The strange weakness wag
 new to her; but she weled it
 Duncan sank a hand deep in her hair and jerked her head back。
 〃Do you deny it? Do you deny the tahlmorra in our blood?〃
 She did not answer。 She caught her hands in the thick hair curling at his neck and dragged this mouth down on hers。
 Chapter Four
 Duncan found them a cave in the hills beyond Mujhara and spread furred pelts over the stone floor。 Alix sat on one; pulling his red blanket around her shoulders; and watched him build a small fire。 When it was done he took die small grouse he had caught; spitted it; and set it over the fire。
 〃Does your arm hurt?〃 she asked。
 He flexed the scabbing forearm… 〃No。 The men were not skilled with their weapons。〃
 〃Finn has said you can heal。 Will you not do it?〃
 〃Not for myself; or for so trivial a wound。 The healing arts are used only in great need; and usually only on others。〃
 〃Finn healed Carillon's wrist。〃
 〃Because Carillon required convincing we were not the de…mons he believed。〃
 She shifted; easing a sore hip。 Her entire body ached with the fall from the horse。 〃What did you mean when you spoke to Carillon as we left? It sounded as if you spoke from certain knowledge。〃
 He tended the sizzling grouse and sipped at a cup of honey brew。 〃I spoke from the knowledge of the prophecy。 Carillon is not named in it+no man is+but I think he is me one。〃
 〃Speak plainly with me。〃
 Duncan smiled crookedly at her。 〃I cannot。 You have no knowledge of the prophecy。 That will be given to you by the shar tahl; and then you will know。〃
 〃Why must you shroud your words in so much darkness? You would have me think it is some sorcery you seek to do。〃
 〃it is no sorcery to serve Ac gods。〃
 〃As does Tynstar?〃
 Hestiffened。 〃Tynstar serves me dark gods of the netherworld。
 He is evil。 He seeks only to end the prophecy before its time is
 〃So he said。〃 Alix sighed and rubbed at her brow。 〃Where did you go when my horse ran?〃
 〃First 1 dew two of me thieves。 The third ran。 I went to find you。〃
 〃Why did you not simply send Cai? Or seek h'r…shape?〃
 〃I could not take fir…shape。 I sensed the presence of an Dilini; though I did not know who。 As for Cai。。。 him I sent to Homana…Mujhar。〃
 〃I thought you had returned to Carillon。〃
 She stared at him; astonished; then felt a strange bubble of laughter welling within。 〃You will have me think you are Jeal…ous of him。〃
 He scowled。 〃I am not jealous。〃
 Alix smiled in wonder; then laughed outright。 〃So; I am to mink me Cheysuli are not capable of such a Homanan emotion? Yet your brother+who is also mine+seems well able to display it。〃
 〃Finn is young。〃
 〃And you not much older。〃
 Color came into his face。 〃I left my youth behind me day my first Keep was invaded by the Mujhar's men。 It was only the will of the gods I was not slain; as so many others were。〃
 〃You will see when we have reached the Keep。〃
 〃Are so few left?〃
 〃Perhaps fifty women; half of which cannot bear children。 The rest are old men; girls; and boys。 Of warriors。。。 there are perhaps sixty。〃
 The horror of me qu'mahlin swept into her for the first time。
 He looked old suddenly。 〃Once this land was ours。 More man fifty clans ranged Homana; from Hondarth on die Idrian Ocean into the mountains of me north; across toe Bluetooth River。 Now they are all slain; leaving only my own clan。 And we are not so strong as we were。〃
 〃Shame's doing。。。〃
 He reached out and caught one of her arms; eyes beseeching her。 〃Do you see it now? Do you understand why we steal women and force them to bear our children? Alix; it is me survival of a race。 It is not you me Council will see; but your race and your youth。 You must serve your race; cheysula。〃
 She sat straight upon die pelt。 〃And will they hear you have called me that?〃
 He released her arm。 〃I will ask for you。 It is my tahlmorra。〃
 Duncao gestured slowly; spreading his fingers。 〃You are Hate's daughter I think they will not deny me。〃
 She felt chilled。 〃But+they could? They could refuse you?〃
 His hand dropped。 〃Aye。 First you must be acknowledged within the clan; given me knowledge in the old fashion; made aware ofyourbirthlines。 The shar tahi will say if you are truly Cheysuli。〃
 〃But+you have said!〃
 Duncan smiled sadly。 〃There is no doubt; small one; it is only custom。 But you have been raised Homanan。 In the eyes of me Council; you are tainted。 Until the shar tahl has declared you free of it。〃
 Desolate; she closed her eyes。 Her growing security in him was destroyed with but a few words。 Then her eyes snapped open。
 〃They would not give me to Finn!〃
 Duncan's face was a mixture of surprise and amusement; men consideration。 He frowned。
 Alix was suddenly frightened。 〃Duncan; they would not!〃
 He turned the spitted bird slowly。 〃I am clan…leader; but not the sole power in the clan。 It is Council that says what will be。〃
 She leaped to her feet and stumbled to the rock wall facing her。 She stared at it blindly; hugging the blanket around her aching body。 The new knowledge of what Duncan meant to her twisted in her entrails like a serpent; setting jagged teeth into her spirit。
 To lose him when I have only just found him。。。
 Duncan's hands settled on her shoulders。 〃I will not let you go so easily。〃
 Trembling; she turned to him。 〃Could you gainsay it; if they wished to give me to another man?〃
 Muscles rolled beneath me smooth flesh of his jaw。 〃No。〃
 〃Then what of this tahlmorra you prate about?〃
 〃It is mine; Alix;〃 he said somberly。 〃It does not mean it is the clan's。〃
 She whispered his name。 Then she lifted her face and touched his arm。 〃If I went before this Council already carrying your chad。。。?〃
 His eyes flickered in surprise。 Then he smiled faintly。 〃If you made such a sacrifice; small one; were would be little they could say about the match。〃
 Alix let we blanket drop。 The gown beneath; ungirdled; hung loosely。 Slowly she undid the fastenings at the neck。 Duncan watched her mutely; held by the strength in her eyes。 His breath came harsh。
 When we gown was undone she let it fall to her feet。 Her hair; unbound; streamed over her shoulders like a mantle。
 *'I am new to mis。。。〃 she whispered; trembling with some…thing other than fear。 〃Duncan。。。 it cannot be so very difficult to conceive。。。〃
 〃No;〃 he breathed; reaching for her。 〃It is not so very difficult。〃
 He took her from Homana into Ellas; the realm bordering Horoana's eastern side。 Alix; clasping his lean waist with a new and wonderful possessiveness; felt regret and anger stir within her that her grandsire could so malignantly drive her race from their homeland into a strange realm…When at last Duncan halted Alix saw before her a large half…circle wall of piled stone。 The wall ran a distance before circling back; and at we wide opening she saw three warriors with weir Ur。 They waited silently; and she realized they were guards。
 〃The Keep;〃 Duncan said; and rode past we warriors。 Huge oiled pavilions billowed in a faint breeze。 All were dyed warm colors; d
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