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 battle; but did not oppress her as much。
 〃I am gone mad;〃 she whispered。
 The whispers and tones continued; rising and falling as any
 ordinary conversation。 She began to separate the sounds; frown…
 ing in concentration as she tried to understand the implications。
 Alix dragged fingers through her hair as if to untangle me
 threads of the patterns and realized how tangled her hair was。
 She took the silver b Duncan had given her from her bodice
 and began to drag it through me snarls; hoping the pain would
 rid her of what she could not understand。
 When her hair was smooth again she braided it into a single
 plait; tying me end with a strip of velvet torn from her gown。 Its
 splendor was ruined; the silken overtunic was in shreds and me
 hem ragged and stained。 But she cared not at all for me vanished
 elegance of her clothing; she wanted only to win back Duncan's
 When he came it was silently; without the warmth she was
 accustomed to。 His face was drawn as he settled the doorflap
 〃You must e with me。〃
 〃Who is Raissa?〃 she asked; knowing it was not truly the
 answer she sought。
 〃She is the woman who will keep you until you go before me
 shar tahl。 and Council。〃
 〃Can I not stay with you?〃 she asked softly; hands folded in
 her lap。
 Duncan knelt and shifted the wood resting in the small pavil…
 ion fire cairn。 He took up a flint and fired the kindling。
 〃No;〃 he said at last。 〃You would do better to stay elsewhere。〃
 Alix bit at her lip to fight back tears。 〃Then what Finn said is
 true。。。 there is another woman you would have。〃
 His hand snapped a stout branch。 After a moment he tossed
 the pieces on the fire; settling on his knees to face her through
 die rising smoke。
 〃When I came for you in Homana…MnJhar。 Malina was cheysula
 to another man。 I had put her from my mind。 I thought only of
 She swallowed painfully。 〃But now you can no longer put her
 from your mind。〃
 He moved to her; still kneeling; and took her face in his
 browned hands。 〃I will not give you up。〃
 Alix stared at him; holding back the trembling in her bones。
 〃Then what do you say; Duncan?〃
 〃Our tahinwrra is one; Alix。 I feel it; even if you do not。 1
 will not give you up。〃 He sighed; brow creased。 〃Malina will
 be my cheysula; as I promised her when we were children; but
 you hold a place in my soul。 Mei jhas have honors and rights
 within the clan。。。 there is no disgrace among file Cheysuli。 I
 will keep you by me。〃
 Alix peached up and grasped his wrists firmly。 Then she jerked
 his hands away。 〃What did you promise me! What did you say
 to me in the cave; when I offered to conceive your child so we
 would never be separated; even by your Council?〃
 〃I will be no man's light woman; Duncan。。。 not even
 yours。 It is a thing 1 cannot consider Ч。。 perhaps it is my tainted
 Homanan upbringing!〃 She glared at him。 〃Do you think what I
 did is so easy for an untried gyri?〃
 … Alix〃
 His hand reached for her but she avoided it; sitting back on
 her heels。 After a moment he let his hand drop back to his thigh。
 〃What would you do; were you free to do it?〃 he asked。
 She scowled at him; understanding what me delicate question
 asked。 He was perfectly capable of denying her the right to leave
 the clan; she expected it。 But she would try it nonetheless。
 X'I will go back to Carillon。〃
 Duncan stared at her。 His face was a mask but he could not
 quite hide me cold anger in his yellow beast…eyes。
 〃To be light woman to a prince。〃
 X'No。 For his help。〃 Alix picked at a tear in her skin; avoid…
 ing his eyes。 〃He would help me in whatever I asked。〃
 〃You cannot leave; small one。〃 be said gently。 〃I understand
 your feelings; but I cannot allow you to go。〃
 Her hand clenched in the soft velvet 〃And your reason;
 Duncan's face softened。 〃You might have conceived。〃
 Realization flooded her。 Angrily she pressed a fist against her
 stomach。 〃If I have conceived by you; I will name me child
 fatherless and raise it myself!〃
 Duncan went white; bolting to his feet like a wounded man。
 He caught her arm cruelly and dragged her to her feet; ignoring
 her cry of pain。
 〃If you have conceived by me; it is mine!〃
 She gritted her teeth and hissed at him。 〃And do you not
 already have an unborn child; shapechanger? In the belly of the
 woman you will take as cheysula1。〃
 〃If it is mine I will keep it by me; just as I will ifwa bear me
 a child。〃
 She paled beneath the pain of his hand on her arm。 〃You
 cannot take a child from its mother!〃
 〃Here you live among the CheysuU;〃 he said grimly。 〃You
 will abide by our customs。 If you will not have me then you win
 not; but if you have conceived the child is mine。。。 and a link
 in the prophecy。〃
 Alix spoke through me pain… 〃And will you force me to do
 what my mother did。。。 run away? And bear my child in
 i。 solitude?〃
 He drew her near。 Alix stiffened rigidly as his arms went
 around her。 It was no gentle lover's kiss。 He was forcing her; as
 Finn had once; and she hated it。 Warring emotions filled her soul
 and she struck out in bitterness; but her fist was trapped between
 Ins chest and her own。 Slowly; against her will; it crept up to
 grasp his hair and pull turn closer。 Whatever power he had to
 inflict pain on her also inflicted something deeper; and instinct…
 ively she recognized her need of him。
 〃Cheysula。〃 he whispered against her lips。
 Alix Jerked free of him。 〃I am no?! You have said you will
 choose another。。。 and I will not be your light woman!〃
 His mourn was pressed into a thin line。 〃Then you will be
 cheysula to no man。〃
 She lifted her head。 〃I will not。〃
 〃Nor mei jha。〃
 〃Nor met。/no。〃
 His eyes glittered strangely。 〃Do you hold with your Cheysuli
 blood; Alix? Do you follow our customs?〃
 〃I have little choice!〃
 〃Do you accept them?〃
 〃Aye!〃 she cried bitterly。
 A muscle twitched in his jaw。 〃Then you must accept all
 customs as your own。〃
 She glared back at him defiantly。 〃I do。〃
 His hand darted to his belt and came up with his knife。 Alix。
 terrified; spun to flee。
 Duncan caught her by the heavy braid and in one slash severed
 it at her neck。
 Alix; stumbling; gasped in shock as the hair fell away。 Her
 hands clasped the ragged edges left to her。 Duncan stood silently;
 dark braid hanging from his hand。
 〃What have you done?〃
 〃A Cheysuli custom;'* he said; deliberately casual。 〃When a
 woman refuses her place within the clan as cheysula or mei jha;
 her hair is shorn so all men know her intent。 This way she cannot
 change her mind。〃
 〃I see a stranger before me。。。〃 she whispered。
 He dropped the braid to me fire。 It caught and smoldered;
 filling the pavilion with the stench of burning hair。
 Duncan returned the knife to his belt and gestured toward the
 doorflap。 〃Now; ruifwtia。 I will escort you to Raissa。〃
 Chapter Five
 Duncan took her to a brown pavilion that bore a gold…colored fox
 on its sides。 He pulled me doorflap aside and gestured her to go
 in; Alix did so without meeting his eyes。 She felt horribly
 shamed without me braid; for though she still felt more Horoanan
 than Cheysuli Duncan's disparagement of her brought the impli…
 cations of her braidless state home with real impact。
 A woman stepped from behind a curtain dividing the pavilion
 into two sections。 Her black hair was generously threaded with
 gray; but she had woven silver laces into multiple braids cunningly;
 fastening diem to her bead with an intricate silver b。 Her
 dress was fine…spun black wool threaded with scarlet ribbons at
 collar and cuffs; and a delicate chain of silver bells clasped her
 waist。 She was no longer young; but she was a handsome
 woman。 Her face reflected her Cheysuli blood with its high
 cheekbones; narrow nose and wide; smooth brow。 Her yellow
 eyes were warm as she looked at Alix。
 〃Raissa; this is the girt;〃 Duncan said。 〃Alix。〃
 The woman smiled at Alix and men looked steadily at Duncan。
 〃Who has shorn her hair?〃
 His jaw tightened。 〃I have。〃
 Her brows lifted。 〃But it is for Council to decide if she
 remains solitary。〃
 Alix heard the unspoken reproach and stole a glance at Duncan;
 Xurprised to see him bow his head in acceptance。 Then it lifted
 〃She had made the decision for herself。。。 I merely
 〃He did not tell me he would cut off my hair;〃 Alix said
 Raissa moved forward。 The tiny bells chimed and winked in
 the folds of her black gown。 Her slender hand touched the
 ragged curling tendnis at Alix's neck and jaw。
 〃I am sorry he acted so hastily。 He should have explained me
 custom to you。〃 Her lips twitched with a half…hidden smile。 〃I
 have never known Duncan to act without reason; so be must
 have been driven to it。〃
 〃He did it out of jealousy。〃
 Raissa withdrew her hand。 〃Duncan? Why do you say so?〃
 Alix slewed her eyes sideways to look at him。 〃He told me be
 would ask for me in Council。。。 as his cheysula。 Then+finding
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