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 Alix; both furious and frightened; only glared at him。 His dark face twisted in an ironic smile and he took the reins of his own horse from another warrior。 He gestured toward the odd gear on the animal's back。 It did not quite resemble a Homanan saddle; with its large saddletree and cantle designed to hold in a fighting man; but served an identical purpose。 Alix hesitated; then placed her bare foot in me leather stirrup and hoisted herself into the saddle。 Before she could say anything to prevent him; Finn vaulted onto the horse's rump behind her。 She felt his arms e around her waist to take up the reins。
 〃You see; mei jha You can hardly avoid me。〃
 She did her best。 The ride was long and she was wearied from riding stiffly upright before him when at last Finn halted the horse。 She stared in surprise at the encampment before her; for it was well hidden in the thick; shadowed forests。
 Woven tents of greens; browns; grays and slates huddled in the twilight; nearly indistinguishable from the trees and under…brush of the forest and the tumbled piles of mountain boulders。 Small fires glowed flickeringly across the narrow clearing。
 Alix straightened as Finn reined in the horse。 She turned quickly to search for Carillon; lost among the black…haired; yellow…eyed Cheysuli warriors; but Finn prevented her。 His left arm came around her waist snugly; possessive as he leaned forward; pressing against her rigid back。
 〃Your princeling will recover; mei jha。 He is in some pain now; but it will pass。〃 His voice dropped to a provocative whisper。 〃Or I will make it。〃
 She ignored him; sensing a slow; defiant and somehow frightening rage building within her。 〃Why did you set your wolf on him?〃
 〃He drew Hale's sword; mei jha。 Doubtless he knows how to use it; even against a Cheysuli。〃 He laughed softly。 〃Perhaps especially against a Cheysuli。 But we are too few as it is。 My death would not serve。〃
 〃You set a beast on him!〃
 〃Storr is no beast。 He is my。 And he only did it to keep Carillon from getting himself slain; for I would have taken his life to keep my own。〃
 She glanced at the wolf waiting so silently and patiently by the horse。 〃Your lir! What do you say?〃
 〃That wolf is my lir。 It is a Cheysuli thing; which you could
 not possibly understand。 There is no Homanan word for our
 bond。〃 He shrugged against her。 〃Storr is a part of me; and I him。〃
 〃Shapechanger。。。〃 she whispered involuntarily。
 〃Cheysuli;〃 he whispered back;
 〃Is any wolfing this fir?〃
 〃No。 I am bonded with Storr only; and he was chosen by the old gods to be my lir。 They are born knowing it。 Each warrior has only one; but it can be any creature。〃 He picked a leaf from Alix's hair; even as she stiffened… 〃It is too new for you to understand; mei jha。 Do not try。〃
 She felt him slide from behind and a moment later he pulled her from the horse。 Alix stifled a blurt of surprise and felt each sinew tighter as his hand crept around her neck。
 〃You may release me;〃 she said quickly。 〃I can hardly run from a wolf。〃
 His hand slid from her。 She felt her braid lifted from her neck
 and his lips upon her nape。 〃Then you are learning already;
 mei jha。 Before she could protest he turned her face to his and bent her head back as his mouth came down on hers。 Alix struggled against him with no effect except to feel herself held more securely。 He was far too strong for her; stronger than she had ever imagined a man could be。
 You should not; lir; said a quiet voice in Alix's mind。
 She stiffened in fear; wondering how Finn spoke without saying anything。 Then she was pushed from him unexpectedly as he moved back a single step。 She saw he had not spoken; scantly or aloud; but whatever had formed the words had greatly upset him。 His eyes; watching her warily; were slitted。 Slowly he looked at the wolf。
 〃Storr。。。〃 he said softly; in amazement。
 You should not; said the tone again。
 Finn swung back to her; suddenly angry。 〃Who are you?〃
 His hand clasped her braid and tugged sharply; jerking at her scalp。 〃What manner of woman are you; to draw Stores concern?〃
 The wolf? she wondered blankly。
 Finn peered closely at her; fingers painfully closing on her jaw until she had no choice but to look directly into his shadowed face。 The gold earring; wolf…shaped; gleamed。
 〃You are dark enough for one of us; but you have not the eyes;〃 he muttered。 〃Brown; like half of Homana; Yet why else would Storr protest my pleasure? It is not for the lir to do。〃
 〃I am none of yours!〃 she hissed; profoundly shaken。 〃I am
 daughter to Torrin of Homana。 Do not curse me by naming me Cheysuli; shapechanger!〃
 His hand tightened and she cried out。 Faintly she heard Carillon's worried tone carry across the way。 〃Alix!〃
 Finn released her so curtly she stumbled back。 〃Go to your princeling; meijha。 Tend his wound like a proper light woman。〃
 She opened her mouth to protest his unseemly words; then bit
 them back and whirled; hastening to Carillon… He stood by his
 Cheysuli mount; unsteady; cradling his bound wrist against his
 chest。 His face; even in the shadows; was drawn with pain…
 〃Did he harm you?〃 he asked harshly。
 Alix shook her head; recalling the anger in Finn's hand upon
 her chin。 〃No; I am well enough。 But what of you?*'
 He half…shrugged。 〃It is my sword arm。 Without it I am not much of a prince; nor even a man… Otherwise I would not speak of it。〃
 She smiled and touched his uninjured arm gently。 〃We have nowhere else to go; my lord。 Let us move into the firelight where I can see to your wrist。〃
 Finn came to them silently and gestured toward a green tent not far from where they stood。 Mutely Alix followed the Cheysuli leader; keeping one hand on Carillon's arm。 That he had said anything at all about his wound worried her; for it indicated the wolf bite was worse than she suspected。
 Finn watched them kneel down on a blue woven rug before his tent and then disappeared within; ignoring them。 Alix cast a。 quick glance around me small encampment; seeking a way out; but there were too many warriors。 And Carillon's face was already fever…flushed and warm when she set her hand against it。
 〃We go nowhere; yet;〃 she said softly。
 〃We must;〃 he answered; carefully unwrapping his injured wrist。 The flesh was scored with teeth marks。 The bleeding had stopped; but the wound was open and seeping。
 〃We have no choice;〃 Alix whispered。 〃Perhaps in the morning; when you are better。〃
 Light from me small fire Caim built before me tent flickered over his jaw。 She saw me stubborn set to the prominent bones。 〃Alix; I will not remain in a shapechanger camp。 They are demons。〃
 〃They are also our captors;〃 she agreed wryly。 〃Do you think to escape memo so easily? You could hardly get half a league with this wolf…wound。〃
 〃You could。 You could reach your father's croft。 He could ride to Mujhara for help。〃
 〃Alone。。。〃 she whispered。 〃And so far。〃
 He rubbed his unwounded forearm across his brow。 〃I do not
 wish to send you into the darkness alone; no matter how far the
 distance is。 But I have no choice; Alix。 I would go myself;
 willingly; as I think you know。〃 He lifted his bloody arm。 〃I do
 recognize my own limitations。〃 His smile came swiftly; and left
 as quickly。 〃I have faith in you; my girl; more so than in any
 man who might be with me in this Ч 〃
 Pain squeezed her heart so that it nearly burst。 In the brief weeks she had known him he had bee everything to her; a hero she could worship from the depths of her romantic soul and a man she could dream of in the long nights。 To have him look at her so warmly and with such trust nearly undid her convictions about not allowing him to see her vulnerability。
 〃You must;〃 he said gently。 〃We cannot remain here。 My uncle; when he leans of this; will send mounted troops immediately to destroy this nest of demons。 Alix; you must go。〃
 〃Go where?〃 demanded Finn from the tent's doorflap。
 Alix twitched in surprise at his stealth; but Carillon glared at the Cheysuli。 Somehow Finn seemed more substantial; a thing of the darkness; illuminated by me firelight dancing off the gold on his arms and in his ear。 Alix forced herself to look away from his yellow eyes and stared instead at the earring half…hidden in thick black hair。 It; tike the armbands he wore above the elbows; bore a skillful figure of a wolf。
 For his lir。。。 she realized blankly; and wondered anew at the strangeness of his race。
 The Cheysuli smiled mockingly and moved to stand over them。 His steps were perfectly silent and hardly left a mark in the dirt。
 He is like the shadows themselves。。。
 〃My prince;〃 he said vibrantly; 〃you must doubtless believe this insubstantial girl could make her way through a hostile forest without aid of any sort。 Were she Cheysuli; she could; for we are creatures of the forests instead of cities; but she is not。 And I have gone to far too much trouble to lose either of you so quickly。〃
 〃You have no right to keep us; shapechanger;〃 Carillon said。
 〃We have every right; princeling! Your uncle has done what
 he could to slay every Cheysuli in Homana land we made! He
 has e closer than even he knows; for it is true out numbers
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