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 He stumbled back a step as she clasped the flesh at me top of her left shoulder; blood welling between her fingers。 She gripped die arrow in her free hand and threw it at him; trembling with duck and pain。
 Alix's words tumbled over themselves as she cursed him; hardly able to speak through tee violence of clenched teem。 He turned and crashed back through the underbrush to his horse。
 She moaned softly and rocked on her knees; one arm clasping her bleeding shoulder; the other stretched across her roiling stomach。
 You must return to the Keep! Storr said in alarm as he melted out of me trees。
 〃I c…cannot。。。〃 she gasped。
 Cai came down to a nearby branch; agitated and mantling。
 SM…en; you must get to the Keep。
 Alix could only force out a weakened denial and slipped bonelessly to me leafy ground; blood spilling rapidly from her shoulder。
 She was aware of pain when me arms took her from me ground and cradled her against a broad chest。 Alix fought to open her eyes; achieved it; and stared dimly at Duncan's face… It was drawn and pale; and in his eyes she saw fear。
 〃Be silent; small one。 I will take you to me Keep。〃
 〃How did you know?〃 she asked weakly。
 〃The Ur came。 Cai told me。〃
 〃What of Council?〃
 His anas tightened。 〃Be silent; Alix! I will not have you weaken yourself with such worries。〃
 He took her to Raissa's pavilion and settled her on her thick furred pallet; shifting her limbs carefully。 Though her mind was sluggish and strangely dull she was conscious of his gentleness and concern。 But when she tried to ask him another question he placed a hand over her mouth。
 〃If you will allow it; small one。 I will let you feel the healing arts of me Cheysuli。 But it must be soon。〃
 Her ears rang and her bones fett heavy as stone。 Her eyes saw only fuzziness。 〃I would not consign myself to death;〃 she whispered as he removed his hand。 〃Do what you will。〃
 He settled himself next to her pallet; crossing his legs。 He did not touch her; but his eyes were fixed on her with absolute possessiveoess and determination。
 Suddenly she found herself trembling; unable to feel me soft furs beneath her or me warmth of the blood still spilling from her shoulder。 Only air was beneath her; and when she tensed against ns feather touch she felt the earth under her hands。 Her fingers curled against it; clawing into its softness。 It enveloped her in rich gentleness; entering the pores of her skin。
 She opened her mouth to scream but could find no voice。 A blurring came into her mind; fogging her eyes; stopping her ears。 She sought to lift a trembling hand and found her body would not answer her。
 Duncan's hand smoothed hair from her damp forehead。 〃It is done; small one。 Rest yourself。 I promise you will be better。〃
 Her eyes cleared slowly。 She saw him by her; himself again; though he looked weary。 〃Duncan。。。〃
 〃Hush;〃 he said softly; running a gentle hand over me wounded shoulder。 〃It is healed; but it will take time for you to recover your strength。 The earth magic does not give back everything。〃
 〃What did you do?〃
 〃I summoned the healing touch of the earth; it is magic mat
 resides in all me lands; but only the Cheysuli may summon it〃
 〃I will miss Council;〃 she said。
 〃Aye。 It will take time for your strength to return。〃
 Her eyes closed。 〃It is better so。 I have no wish to see you ask
 for Malina;〃
 〃Or have Finn ask for you?〃
 Her eyes flew open。 〃Duncan。。。 do not tease me。 Not about this。〃
 〃I do not tease;〃 he said gently。 〃And I should not long prolong this for either of us。〃 He took her right hand and laced his fingers into hers。 〃Finn will not be asking for your clan…rights this night。 Or ever。〃
 〃You have refused him?〃
 〃There is another warrior who takes precedence over Finn。〃
 〃Another!〃 Her fingers stiffened。 〃DuBcan+〃
 His free band covered her mouth again。 〃Listen to me; small one; do not be so ready to fight me when there is no need。〃 He smiled at her。 〃I went to see Malina after you had left。 I had every intention of asking for her clan…fights this night。 But she let fall me truth of me child。。。 mat it was Borrs's。 and she knew it。 She said nothing because she did not wish to lose me to you。〃 His expression was wry。 〃I had not thought myself the gort of man two women would want so badly; but I will not task myself over it。 I will simply accept roe wisdom of the gods。〃
 Alix grinned at him; amused by his masculine assurance。 Her
 fingers tightened in his。 〃If you will not have Malina+〃
 〃+I will have you。〃 He bent and kissed her tenderly。 〃If you will take me。〃
 〃There is no question;〃 she whispered; fighting against drowsiness。 〃None。〃
 He put something in her hand; curling her fingers around the coolness of metal。 Alix opened her eyes and stared at roe thing。 it was a curving neck torque of purest gold; beaten into hundreds of gleaming facets… At the lowest point stretched the fluted wings of a soaring hawk; and in its talons was clasped a glowing lump of dark amber。
 〃it is Cheysuli custom;〃 he said。 〃The warrior offers the woman a torque; to signify the bond; and if she accepts it they are considered wed。〃
 〃What of these clan…rights you speak of?〃
 Duncan smiled。 〃I will ask for them formally in Council; but it would not hurt anything if we preceded roe formality a little。 If you are willing。〃
 She ran a trembling finger over roe gleaming hawk; down to the amber。 〃I must ask it; Duncan。〃
 〃Then ask。〃
 〃You said your race does not place so much honor on fidelity。〃
 He smiled。 〃1 thought it might be that。 Small one; you need fear nothing。 While it is true the Cheysuli do not often keep themselves to one woman; it does not mean we cannot。 I respect your Homanan ideals; cheysula。 I do not intend to give you reason to cast me out of your heart。〃
 She closed her eyes to hide her tears。 〃Duncan。。。 if this is the lahlmomt you spoke of。。。 I think I can follow it faithfully。〃
 He bent and kissed her brow。 〃Hush。 1 must leave you now; for Council; but I will return。 Rest; cheysula。〃
 She wanted to keep him by her but let him go。 When he had left her Raissa came and knelt; covering her with a soft blanket。
 〃Now you see the strength in him; Alix。 For all Shaine's qu'mahlin changed his life; it has made him a warrior。〃
 She feft herself drifting。 〃You speak as if you have known him longer than any。〃
 Raissa smiled。 〃I have。 I bore him。〃
 Alix's eyes snapped open。 〃You are Duncan's mother?〃
 〃And Finn's。〃
 She stared at me woman blankly。 〃You did not say。。。〃 She thought it over。 〃Nor did they。〃
 〃There was no need。 But have I not proven a good ear for you to rant of Finn's arrogance while you silently longed for Duncan?〃
 Alix closed her eyes。 〃You shame me; lady。 I have said things no mother should hear。〃
 Raissa laughed。 〃I know all of Finn's faults; small one。 And
 you fool yourself if you think Duncan has none。'*
 〃I have not seen any;〃 Alix said distinctly。
 The woman laughed again and smoothed back her shortened hair。 〃Only because you will not let yourself。 Have you not lost most of your hair because of his jealousy?〃
 Alix smiled through her exhaustion。 〃Perhaps that is one fault lean accept。〃
 〃Rest now; small one;〃 Raissa said gently。 〃He will e back to you。〃
 Alix struggled for awareness a moment longer。 〃I am Bale's daughter; lady。 How can you show kindness to the daughter of me man who left you for another?〃
 〃It does not matter; Alix。 That is all in the past。〃
 〃I know now Finn hates;〃 Alix said quietly。 〃I would not have you hate me like that。〃
 〃Hale was a Cheysuli warrior。 He conducted himself accord…ing to his lights; b is the custom among us; Alix; you are wele in my pavilion。 If I can have Hale back through you。 I am glad of it。〃
 〃Hush。 If you wish; we will speak of this another time。
 Perhaps mere are things you would like to know about your
 Alix slid farther into dreamless sleep; lost within me realiza…tion she would be Duncan's woman after all。
 But she also wondered at the magic in Lmdir's soul to so ensorcel a man。
 And she wondered if she had not her own measure of it
 Two days later she was installed in Duncan's pavilion; propped
 up on her pallet by mounds of rolled furs。 It seemed strange to
 be in his place; knowing it was now hers as well; but as he Stood lover her soticitously she knew only she was the happiest she had '。'ever been。
 ; 〃I am well; Duncan;〃 she said softly。
 He looked down at her sternly。 〃Then tell me how you came  by an arrow wound。〃
 I' Alix laughed at him。 〃It was a young hunter。 EUasian; I must
 I。 He frowned at her。 〃Tell me why a hunter would shoot you; I… rather than seek other things with you。〃
 ; She looked down at her blanketed legs; wiggling her toes
 tbeneath me wool。 Finally she glanced back up。 〃Because;〃 she
  gently; 〃he thought I was a wolf。〃
 Duncan*s brows lifted。 〃I hardly see bow he could mistake
 。you for a woy; Alix。 Perhaps he saw Storr; and simply missed。〃
 I。 The time had e for an admission。 She had missed Council;
 l。wfaen she would have shown her skill to them; and had not said
 1…cayming to Duncan regarding me accident。 She had cradled her
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