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 F 〃Aye。 It is his tohlmorra to prepare the way for the prophecy's
 proper path。〃
 'i 〃Carillon?〃 she asked incredulously。 〃But he distrusts all
 fc Cheysuli!〃
 The shar tahl shrugged。 〃It has been foretold。〃
 'y Duncan sighed。 〃This is what 1 meant when I spoke to him in  Homana…Mujhar; cheysula。 He must be turned from this hatred? Shaine has put in him; and be made to see Homana's need of us。
 1 it is time we served the prophecy of the Firstborn。。。 as it was
 I' meant 〃
 She looked at him blankly。 〃But what have I to do with it?〃
 〃It is up to you to give us back our pride and ancient magic。〃
 He smiled gently。 〃By bearing more of us。〃
 Chapter Two
 s Alix; tongue clenched firmly between her teeth; wrestled with
 the knee…high furred boots。 Duncan had brought her the black
 ; pelt of a mountain cat; cut it to shape with his knife; then handed
 I the remains to her with instructions to begin a pair of winter
 boots。 Aghast; Alix had stared at him and hoped he was teasing。
 S; He was not; she found; and now she cursed within her mind as she tried to work the thick hide and fur into something resem…bling boots。
  She worked until her fingers were   sore; trou
 ' bled by her inability to fashion the boots。 She was slowly
 learning ha… place within the clan and her responsibilities as a clan…leader's cheysula; bat her experience was sorely lacking。 The warm gray wolfskin boots she wore had been made by Duncan for her when the weather turned cold; and she wished he would consent to making them all。
 Bat he has things of more import to concern himself with! she thought sourly; throwing her half…done black boot aside to stare at the pavilion across the way。 He spends his time hunting or conversing with the Council; speaking ever of the war with Solinde!
 Instantly she was ashamed; for she knew as well as anyone how seriously concerned the Cheysuli were about the war。 Increasingly alarming messages arrived from Jw…couriers sent from Cheysuli secreted with Mujhara; seeking to leam of Shame's actions。 The Solindish; buttressed by Tynstar's mlini and troops guided by Keough; Lord of Atvia; had made inroads upon the Miyhar's defense of Homana。
 And I said fellam could never take this land; she thought hollowly。 /; like alt the others; have been too impressed with past victories。
 She sucked idly at a bleeding finger and recalled Duocan's summing up of the threat to their homeland。
 〃Homana will fall if Shaine does not mit himself to this war;〃 he had said one evening; staring gloomily into the flames of me pavilion fire cairn。 〃He recalls the victory against Bellaro twenty…six years ago; and trusts to the might of his armies。 But then he had the Cheysuli; and now he does not。〃
 Alix had shifted closer to him; resting one hand upon his thigh。 〃Surely the Mujhar understands this Solindish threat。 He has ruled for many years; and won many battles。〃
 〃He concerns himself more with the qu'mahlin man the Solindish war。 I begin to think his fanaticism has made him mad。〃 Duncan's hand idly caressed her arm。 〃He sends his brother; Fergus; into the field as manding general; keeping himself safe within the walls of Homana…Mujhar。〃
 〃He has fought before;〃 she said softly。 〃Perhaps he realizes Fergus is a better soldier now。〃
 Duncan leaned forward and placed more wood upon the fire。 〃Perhaps。 But perhaps it is also he prefers to avoid the sacrifices a man makes in war。 Shaine is not one who wishes to sacrifice anything。〃
 Alix stared at me brown pelt beneath them and pushed rigid fingers through the bear fur。 〃To send your heir into battle is a sacrifice;〃 she said quietly; trying to hide from Duncan the fear it brought。 〃He has sent Carillon to fight。〃
 … Duncan was not fooled。 〃If Carillon is to be Mujhar; he must what it is to lead men。 Shaine has trusted to this own;il too tong; be has neglected Carillon's education。〃 He iced。 〃I think the prince could make a good Mujhar; but he been given little chance to leam the responsibilities。〃 Dun…slid Alix a carefully blank glance。 〃It is no wonder he took speaking soft words to innocent croft…girls in me valley; to lile away his time。〃
 AUx flushed deeply and withdrew her hand… But when she saw
 e glint in his eye she realized he only teased; and laughed at
 〃But I am no longer so innocent; Duncan。 You have seen to at。〃
 He shrugged; purposefully solemn。 〃Better a clan…leader; I link。 man a mere warrior。〃
 〃Warrior。。。 what warrior?〃
 〃You beast!〃 she cried; striking him a glancing blow on me toulder。 〃Why must you remind me of him? Even now he calls ie meijha and torments me by suggesting I be his light woman。〃
 Duncan arched his brows。 〃He seeks only to irritate you; heysula。 Even Finn knows better than to seek a clan…leader's Oman; when she is unwilling。〃 His brows lowered。 〃I think。〃
 〃Finn would dare anything;〃 Alix said daridy。
 He smiled。 〃But if he did not; small one。 he would be a odious rujholli indeed。〃
 〃I would prefer him tedious。〃
 〃You; I mink; would prefer him slain。〃
 She looked at him sharply; startled。 〃No; Duncan! Never。 I
 sh death on no man; not even one like Shaine who would have
 Cheysuli slain。〃 She recalled the guardsmen killed in her
 half。 〃No。〃
 His hand was gentle on her head; caressing her shorn hair。 It ad grown; but sdll barely touched her shoulders。 〃I know; heysula; I only tease。〃 He signed heavily as his hand fell away。 〃But if we join this war; there may be many deaths。〃
 〃But the Mujhar will not have you with his armies。 You have lid。〃
 〃In time; perhaps; he may have to。'*
 Alix。 hearing me weariness of reluctant acceptance in his tone; aned her bead against his bare shoulder and tried to think of ther things。
 Now; as she took up the black boot again; she wondered how 'arillon fared。
 She had not lost her affection for me prince; even though she
 had spent nearly three months with die clan in Bias。 Carillon had been the first man she had fastened her fancy on; though it bad been an impossible dream; she dreamed it with great joy。 Duncan had replaced Carillon in her dreams; dominating her thoughts and desires; but she did not forget (he first one she had loved。 That love had been childish; immature and unfulfilled; but it had been true。
 Alix fingered the thick black fur absently; lost within her thoughts。 Duncan had showed her what it was to be a woman;
 what it was to be Cheysuli; what it was to have a tahlmorra。 Already her roots had twined themselves around his own so deeply she knew she could never be herself again without him。 She wondered if that was what it was to have a Ur。
 The adjustment had not been easy。 Alix missed Ton…in and the croft; missed me green valleys she had ever known。 At times she awoke in the night sensing an odd disorientation。 frightened by me strange man at her side; but it always faded when full awareness came back。 Then she would press herself against Duncan's warmth; seeking fort and safety; and always he gave it; and more。
 She thought again of Carillon。 She had heard only that the prince was in the field with his father; fighting me Solindish and Atvian troops。 Duncan+sensing her loyalty+was unusually reti…cent with her when speaking of Carillon。 Finn was not。 He taunted his brother with the fact the prince had shared a place in Alix's heart first; and relished giving her news of Carillon if only to tease Duncan。 His attitude irritated Alix; but it was a way of getting news。
 As if hearing her thoughts; Finn walked up to her and sat down on me gray pelt spread before the large fire cairn。 Alix glared at him; expecting his normal mocking manner; but she saw something else in his face。
 〃It has e; Alix;〃 he said quietly。
 〃What do you say?〃 she asked in dread。
 〃it is time the Cheysuli defied the qu'mahlin and went again into Mujhara。〃
 〃Mujhara!〃 She stared at him; shaken by his somber tone。
 〃But the Mujhar。。。〃
 Fian smoothed the nap of the pelt absently; staring at his hand。 〃Shame will be too occupied with real sorcerers to waste much time on us。〃 His eyes lifted to hers。 〃The Dilini have broken into the city。〃
 〃No。。。 oh。 Finn! Not Mujharat〃
 He stood。 〃Duncan sent me for you。 Council is calling all into
 clan pavilion。〃 He put out a hand to help her up。 〃We go to war; meijha。〃
 Silently she took his hand and rose; shaking out her green skirts。 She looked at Finn tor more information; apprehensive; but he said nothing else。 He merely led her to the Council pavilion; a huge black tent painted with every /ir…symbol imaginable。
 Duncan sat before the fire cairn on a spotted pelt; watching his clan file into the black interior in pensive silence。 At his right lay an ocher…colored rug。 and it was to this Finn took Alix。 The heaviness of the silence fell on her like a cloak。 She sat down on the rug; watching Duncan's face closely。 Finn sat beside her。
 Duncan waited until the pavilion was filled; ringed with dark faces and yellow eyes。 Then he looked to the shar tahl; seated across from him; and nodded to himself。 Slowly be got to his feet。
 〃Vychan; in Mujhara; has sent his lir to us。 The message is one we have expected these past months。 Tynstar has led his Biliai sorcerers into Mujh
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