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 Her body trembled。 She mantled once; settled her feathers and tried to recoup her lost strength。 Alix was afraid the exhaustion in her hollow bird…bones might sap her ability to hold fir…shape; and she could not risk discovery。
 If I am caught; I will be named witch; she thought uneasily。
 Shapechanger witch。
 She waited until some of her strength returned。 Then she lifted from the ridgepole and drifted over the sprawling encampment。
 Alix saw no sign of Carillon。 She found the Homanan prisoners; harshly tied and guarded by Atvian men; but Carillon was not among them。 She closed her mind to the cries and moans of the wounded; for if she listened their pain would bee hers; and she would fail。
 She dipped closer when she saw the post set before a scarlet pavilion。 For a moment she feared the figure lashed to it was Carillon; but she saw it was a boy。 His body was slumped against the post; arms and legs tied securely on the other side。 His forehead was pressed against the rough wood and his eyes were closed。 The soiled tunic he wore was in shreds; hanging from his back。 She saw; with a quickening of revulsion; he had been flogged。
 His eyes were shut tight in a pale; grimy face; and his black hair hung limply to his shoulders。 She could not tell if he was alive or dead。
 Alix flew on; passing over a two…wheeled tumbril near me picket…line of horses。 A glance down showed her the figure slumped in it; and the familiar tawny…dark hair。
 She sucked in her breath and turned back; driving toward the tumbril。 Carillon sat against me front of the cart; legs stretched to hang from the opening。 The setting sun glinted off the iron banding his legs and hands。
 Like the boy; his eyes were closed。 And; like him; he showed no signs of life。 Alix flew closer。
 He moved… She heard the clash of iron as he shifted his arms; settling the chain links against his chest。 His eyes opened; half…lidded; staring out at the tumbril blankly。 His face was badly bruised and smeared with blood。 But he lived。
 Alix felt the fear abate and anger rise in its place。 She nearly shrieked her rage aloud but refrained as she realized it would be better not to draw attention to herself。 Instead she dropped to the tumbril and settled on its rim。
 Carillon stared at her。 Now she could see the gauntness in his face; the blackened eyes and poor color。 But there was also life in his eyes; and burning resentment。
 She could not speak to him in fir…shape; and she dared not change back yet。 She could only sit by him; and wait。
 The prince shifted in the tumbni。 The chains clashed and rattled against the wooden flooring; driving empathetic pain into her own heart。 The heavy shackles bound his wrists mercilessly; and she saw the ridged; seeping sores beneath。
 Keough is a demon! she raged within her falcon…soul。 A demon!
 Carillon raised his shackled hands and rubbed wearily at his eyes。 Blood ran up the right side of his face like a flag; but she could not tell if it was his or another man's。 His lips were pale and pressed。
 〃Well; bird;〃 he rasped; 〃do you e to witness my death?
 Do you seek my flesh like the carrion crows?〃
 No! she cried silently。
 Carillon sighed and rested his head against the tumbril。 〃You may not have long; then。 Keough has slain hundreds of Homanan soldiers。 It is only time before he puts me up to take my head as well。〃 He grimaced。 〃Unless he means me for Bellam; in Mujhara。〃
 Alix stared at him in anguish; unable to speak to him; knowing he saw only a bright…eyed falcon。
 Carillon's smile was that of a man who sees his own death。 〃Keep your vigil; then。 I can use the pany; no matter what sort it may be。 The nights are long。〃
 Alix held her position on the tumbril rim; waiting for the long night to e。
 When it did she slipped off the tumbril and blurred herself into human…form。 The guard stood far away; as if a chained prince was of little account。 She was unable to hold fir…shape any longer and slipped back into her human shape with a sigh of relief。 Carillon; eyes closed; did not see it。
 She moved carefully to him and put a gentle hand on his
 booted leg。 〃Carillon。〃 He did not stir。 〃Carillon;〃 she whispered again。
 He opened his eyes and stared at her… For a long moment he remained expressionless; as if he saw nothing at all; and she feared he was too dazed to acknowledge her presence。 Then she saw sense e into his eyes; and the incredulity。
 〃Alix。。。〃 he hissed。 He sat bolt upright; wincing as the shackles bit into his raw wrists。 〃Alix!〃
 She raised a hand… 〃Be silent; Carillon; or at least quieter。
 Would you have me made prisoner also?〃
 He gaped at her。 Slowly his mouth closed and he wet his lips。
 〃Alix。。。 have I discovered madness? Is it truly you?〃
 〃Aye;〃 she whispered。 〃I have e to give you what aid I can。〃
 He shook his head slowly。 〃This cannot be。 No man could walk into Keough's camp undiscovered。 How is it you have done this?〃
 She smiled; suddenly calm and exultant at the same time。 〃You have cursed my race。 Carillon; but now see how it serves you。 I came to you in;(shape。〃
 She glanced around anxiously; hushing him with a quick gesture。 〃Carillon; there is something in me that allows me to assume any animal form I wish。 The shar tahl says it is the Old Blood in me; gotten from Lindir。〃 She saw the scowl begin on his face and slid into the tumbril; covering his mouth with her hand。 〃Lindir; Carillon。 She had Cheysuli blood in her; from her mother; though it was little enough。 Yet it gave me the magic of the Firstborn。〃
 〃I do not believe it。〃
 〃Shaine's great…great grandsire took a Cheysuli meijha。 who bore him a daughter。 Perhaps you also have a drop or two of Cheysuli blood in your veins。〃
 〃I cannot believe it。〃
 Alix smiled at him。 〃Were you not attended by a falcon earlier; my lord?〃
 He scowled at her。 〃That was a bird。〃
 〃/ am a bird; when I wish it。〃 She sighed and gently touched
 a bruised cheek。 〃I have e to get you free of this place。 Do
 you wish to discuss my abilities all this night; rather than
 He grabbed her before she could move; pulling her down until his mouth came down on hers。 Alix; shocked into immobility; smelled his sweat and blood and fear; and wondered at her own lack of response。
 Is this not what I wanted for so long?
 She pulled away from him; one hand to her mouth。 Carillon's face; though shadowed; was not at all repentant。 His eyes; looking so deeply into hers; saw the answer she could not speak; and he accepted it。
 He lifted his arms; chains clashing。 〃I go nowhere in these。〃
 Alix looked away from his face; at the iron locked around his boots and the chain so short it denied him slack enough to walk。
 〃I will get the iron from you;〃 she promised。 〃I will give you your freedom again。〃
 〃I would not ask you to risk yourself; Alix。 I have given you my thanks for what you have done+if you wish an explanation+ but I could not ask such a dangerous thing of you。〃
 〃I offer。 You do not ask。〃 She smiled。 〃If I unlock your chains; could you take a horse from here?〃
 He stared hard at the tumbril floor and at the muscles that quivered in his thighs。 His voice; when it came; sounded old and worn thin。 '*! have been chained as you see me for weeks。 I doubt I could stand without aid; let alone ride。〃 His eyes shifted to her face。 〃Alix; I would be willing to try; but I will not let you do this。 I will not risk your life。〃
 〃You sound like Duncan!〃 she accused。 〃He will not credit my willingness to do this either。〃
 His brows lowered。 〃What has the shapechanger to do with this?〃
 Alix sat on her folded legs; forcing her frustration down。 〃He is my husband。 Carillon; after Cheysuli fashion。 He has much to do with this。〃
 He shifted unfortably。 〃You should not have gone with him from Homana…Mujhar。 You could have stayed with me; once I had soothed the Mujhar。〃
 〃I chose to go with Duncan。〃 She sighed and forced herself to relax。 〃Carillon; we can speak of this another time。 For now; I have e to help you escape。 Tell me where the key to this iron is kept。〃
 〃Carillon!〃 she hissed。
 〃I will not;〃 he said firmly。 〃I would rather remain a prisoner than risk you。〃
 She glared at him; teeth and fists clenched。 '〃They will take
 you to Mujhara! Tynstar is there; with Beilam。 Carillon; you will
 be slain
 He remained silent。
 Alix ground her teeth and flung a furious glance around the area。 Finally she hunched over; propping her chin on one hand。
 〃I have e all this way for you; and you will not let me help you。 I defied my husband; who said Homana…Mujhar is more important than Homana's prince; and I have risked the life of my child for you; and still you will not let me do this。〃
 〃Child;〃 he said sharply; straightening。 〃You have conceived?〃
 She scowled at him。 〃Aye。 I have assumed the form of wolf and falcon。 I have no knowledge what such magic will do to an unbom child; but I did it for you。 For you。 Carillon。〃
 He closed his eyes。 〃Alix;〃 he said in despair; 〃you have been a foolish woman。〃
 She picked at the leather of her borrowed leggings。 〃Aye; perhaps I have。 But I cannot go back now。〃 She brightened。 〃Would it change your mind if I said the Cheysuli w
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