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change your mind if I said the Cheysuli will e here?〃
 He stared at her suspiciously。 〃Cheysuli?〃
 She straightened; growing excited。 〃We were on our way to Mujhara; to aid Shaine。 But Duncan will doubtless seek me here; when Cai tells him what I have done。〃 She smiled slowly; proudly。 〃He will not let me do this alone。 He will e after me。〃
 Carillon sighed wearily and fingered the bruise on his cheek。 〃Alix; if you arc anything like your mother; I am not surprised she said no to royal betrothal and fled with a shapechanger。 I think you are more stubborn than any woman I have known。〃
 〃They will e;〃 she said softly。 〃The Cheysuli。 And you will be freed。〃
 He raised a single eyebrow。 〃Duncan has no knowledge you are here?〃
 She averted her face。 〃No。 He would have forbidden it。〃
 〃As would I;〃 he retorted。 〃Perhaps he and I are more like than I thought。〃
 She watched emotion moving in his face; and his struggle to maintain a calm demeanor。 She leaned forward and placed a gentle hand on his manacled forearm。
 〃Carillon; the Cheysuli are not so different from the Homanans。
 They have only retained the gifts of the old gods。〃 She paused。
 〃Do not curse us for it。〃
 〃Alix; you are more eloquent than my uncle's courtiers。〃
 〃Will you not admit it?〃 she asked earnestly。 〃Will you not see we are not demons and beasts。。。 not what men brand us?〃
 〃I cannot say。 I have been taught to fear and mistrust them all my life。 Alix。。。 I have seen what they can do to men in battle。。。 what they leave when they kill。〃
 〃That is battle;〃 she said quietly。 〃You should know; now;
 what price it exacts。〃 Her fingers tightened on his arm。 〃You know them; now。 You know me。〃
 Carilton drew up his legs; chains clashing; and stared over his knees at her。 ' 'If they e+if they e+there is little I can say against them。 They will have proven their service to the Mujhar's heir。〃 He smiled bleakly。 〃But they will not e。〃
 〃 came。〃
 For a long moment he said nothing; studying her face。 She sensed the conflict within him; realizing she had suffered her own measure of it when Duncan first insisted she go to the Keep。
 It is not easily done; she reflected。 And he is no kind of man at all if he accedes so swiftly to words he has been taught not to hear。
 〃Alix;〃 he said finally; 〃perhaps; in time; I will believe you。
 But not yet。〃
 She removed her hand and stood。 〃If I cannot free you; perhaps there is something else。 Can I steal food for you? Water?〃
 〃I do not hunger。 Inactivity and chains take the appetite from a man。〃 His eyes were grim; hidden in shadow。 〃There is only one thing I would ask; and I cannot ask it of you。〃
 〃Tell me。〃
 He pushed grimy fingers through tangled tawny hair; baring his face to the moonlight。 Alix saw the glitter in his eyes。
 〃There is a boy。 Rowan。 A Homanan boy no more than twelve; who came to serve his lord however he could。〃 His eyes closed a moment。 〃He told me he acted as a runner between the captains; carrying messages。 But he; like me; was caught and made helpless。 Keough's son took Rowan from the prisoners+as he did me+and made him serve the Atvian lords。〃 Carillon's face tightened into bitterness as he remembered。 〃1 was forced to watch him; ix Keough's field pavilion。 His eyes followed me everywhere;。。 and I could see the confusion in his face。 I was his prince+why could I not win his release?〃
 〃Carillon;〃 she said softly。
 Chains rattled and glinted in the moonlight。 〃Rowan did well
 enough at first。 But he was tired; aching from the cuffs they had
 given him all night。 They even made him serve me; though it
 was done as if I were no better than the poorest cur。〃 Breath
 hissed between his teeth。 〃Rowan tripped and fell across the
 table; and spilled wine all over Keough himself。 When they
 picked him up he was crying in fear and exhaustion; but his
 face when he looked at me+accepted what they would do to
 him。 He knew。〃 He swore beneath his breath。 〃I tried to
 gainsay it。 I tried to assuage Keough's anger by offering to take
 the boy's punishment myself+by the gods; I begged for it! I got on my knees to Keough。。。 when I would not do it before; when they asked for it! But the boy was worth it。〃
 〃They would not accept it;〃 Alix said。
 〃No。 Thome+Keough's son+took Rowan out and had him flogged until the skin fell off his back。。。 and then left him tied to the post。〃
 〃I have seen him。〃
 Carillon gave up his breath as if he would breathe no more。 〃Only a boy; who wished to serve his lord。 And do you see what that service has won him?〃
 She felt for the knife in her right boot and found it。 Then she
 smiled at Carillon。 〃I will free him for you; my lord。 You will
 〃Alix!〃 he cried; jerking upright; but she had already blurred
 into the darkness。
 Chapter Six
 Alix flew to the post and perched upon it。 The boy was still slumped at its base; but now she could see the movement of his back that told her he breathed。 The flesh had nearly been stripped from his rib cage。 She winced to herself; then looked closely at the field pavilions surrounding the area。
 The scarlet one was largest; and the finest。 Men had set tall torches in the ground before it; illuminating its front。 Two other smaller pavilions stood on either side of it; but the torchlight did not extend to them。 Alix assured herself there were no guards near the post; then drifted down and blurred into human form。
 She drew the knife from her boot and knelt at the boy's side。 She put a hand on his shoulder; carefully avoiding his lacerated flesh。 He made no movement and she feared his unconsciousness would hinder her ability to get him away safely。
 I will take him to the forest's edge; she decided。 Somehow I wilt get him there; and have him wait。 When Duncan es; I can take him to this boy。 Rowan。
 He winced and moaned; stirring under her fingers。 His eyes opened wide; dilated; pale in the moonlight。 Fear changed his bruised face into a mask of terror。
 Alix moved around so he could see her clearly。 〃No; Rowan;〃
 she said softly。 〃I am not your enemy。 I am sent from Prince Carillon; who would have you free of this place。〃
 His face was hidden behind his tied arm; but she could see the gleam of his light eyes。 He swallowed visibly。 〃Prince Carillon?〃
 Alix set her knife to the rope binding his legs and cut them。
 〃He knows you have served his House;〃 she said soothingly。 〃He knows what loyalty you have given him。 He would not have you so poorly treated for honorable service。〃
 〃I have not served honorably;〃 the boy said miserably。 〃I ran。 I ran。〃 His head dropped。 〃And I was captured。〃
 〃Carillon was also captured;〃 she told him。 〃He fought; but was beaten。〃 Inwardly she flinched at so undermining Carillon's prowess。 But it was the truth。 〃You were here。 Rowan。 You came to serve。 He has seen the honor in you; and he has done what he could to get you free。 I have e in his name; because he asked it。〃 She bent closer to him。 〃He called you by name and told me to e straight here; to release you。〃
 〃I am not worthy。〃
 She freed his hands and moved back to his side; sliding the knife into her boot。 Carefully she helped him sit up。
 〃You are more than worthy。 Why else would the prince himself insist you be freed?〃
 The light fell clearly on his face for the first time。 It was bruised and grimy; but his eyes; staring at her; were as yellow as Duncan's。
 Alix sucked in a breath。 〃Cheysuli*
 Rowan recoiled from her; then winced。 〃No!〃 he cried。 〃I am not a demon!〃
 She put a trembling hand toward his face。 〃No。。。 oh no
 。。。 you are not a demon。 It is not a curse。 Rowan+〃
 〃What do you do?〃 asked an accented voice from behind。
 Alix leaped to her feet and whirled; staring wide…eyed at the man。 He stood before her like a demon in shadow; backlighted by the torches。 He was dark…haired; bearded; and the color of his eyes was indeterminate。 Before she could move he reached out and caught her arm。
 〃Who arc you; boy?〃
 She was thankful for her warrior's garb; 〃I am a servant of the prince; my lord。 Prince Carillon。〃
 He glanced down at Rowan; shivering against the post。 The man smiled grimly and jerked Alix toward the scarlet pavilion; into the torchlight。
 She saw he was near Duncan's age; but there the resemblance
 ended。 He was tall and slender; strongly built。 She saw cruelty
 and determination in the lines of his face; glinting in his brown
 eyes。 He was richly dressed in black save for a blue tunic that bore the crest of a scarlet hand clasping a white lightning bolt。 His mail; glinting in the light; was little more than ceremonial。
 His hand was tight on her arm。 〃You are no boy;〃 he said; surprised。 He turned her face into the light。 〃No boy at all。〃 And he smiled。
 She tugged ineffectually against his grip。 When she saw she could not break free she gave it up and waited silently。
 〃Who are you? Why do you free that worthless child?〃
 〃He is not worthless!〃 she cried。 〃He only sought to serve his prince; as befits a loyal man。 Yet you punish him for that!〃
 〃I punish him because he threw wine over my father;〃 the man said firmly。 〃He is fortunate I did not order him slain。〃
 Alix froze。 Thorne。。。 Thorne! This man is Keou
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