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 in her thoughts; even the Cheysuli; he had also instilled in her the apprehension all felt concerning the race。
 She heard a rustle in the leaves and glanced up swiftly; frightened Finn had followed her again。 She did not entirely trust his intentions; for all he claimed to be her half…brother。 Alix sensed something elemental in him; untamed and demanding。
 A hawk rested lightly on a swinging branch; feathers ruffling in the breeze。 Though its coloring was the same; she realized it was not Cai。 This hawk was smaller; more streamlined; a swift hunting hawk able to plummet after small prey and snatch it up instantly。
 Alix shivered involuntarily as she thought of the deadly talons curving around the branch。
 Have you decided to stay? it asked。
 She stared at it; astonished to discover the great distinction between its tone and Cai's。 It regarded her from bright eyes; unmoving on the branch。
 Do you stay? it asked again。 〃Or do you go?
 Resentful and defiant; Alix started to push the tone away。 She would not allow the Cheysuli so to manipulate her mind。 She would keep herself apart from them and their sorcery; regardless of the seductiveness of their power。
 But even as she decided she felt the fear slip away; replaced by wonder。 First she had spoken with a wolf who seemed perfectly capable of speaking back; then Cai。 And now this smaller hawk。
 By the gods; the animals are mine to converse with! She took a trembling breath。 If this is sorcery; it cannot be demon…sent。 It is a true gift。
 The hawk regarded her approvingly。 Already you begin to learn。 The lir…bond is truly magic; but does harm to no one。 And you are special; for no other can converse with all the lir。 Through you; perhaps; we can win back some of our blood…pride and esteem。
 〃You lost it through Hale's selfish action!〃 she retorted; then winced at her audacity。 Carefully she looked at the hawk to see if it was offended。
 It seemed amused。 For the Cheysuli; aye; it would have been better had he never set eyes on Lindir。 But then you would not live。
 〃And what am I?〃 she shot back。 〃Merely a woman a foolish warrior wanted for his own。〃
 Finn does; occasionally; allow his emotions to overrule his judgment。 But it makes him what he。 is。
 〃A beast;〃 she grumbled; picking a stem from the grass。
 He is a man。 Beasts have more wisdom; better sense and far better manners。 Do not liken him to what he cannot emulate。
 Alix; startled by the hawk's wry words; laughed up at him delightedly。 〃I am sorry he cannot hear you; bird。 Perhaps he would reconsider his rash actions。〃
 Finn reconsiders very little。
 She stared at the bird; eyes narrowing shrewdly。 The stem she had picked drooped in her fingers。 〃If you are not Cai; who are you? Show yourself。〃
 Another time; perhaps; the bird said obliquely。 But know I am one who cares。
 It detached itself from the swinging branch and flew into the blue sky。
 Alix dropped the stem and stared after me fleet bird dispiritedly。 For a moment she had felt an uprush of awe and amazement that she conversed with the /i'r; now she was a frightened and con…fused girl。 Slowly she got to her feet and wandered back to the Cheysuli encampment。
 She was startled to find the tents pulled down and rolled into pact bundles。 The warriors tied them onto their horses and made certain the fire cairns were broken up and scattered。 AliX stood in the center of the naked clearing and realized her soul and self…image had been as neatly swept clean。
 Carillon came to her as she stared blindly at the swift alternation of the camp。 He touched her hand; then folded it into his much larger one。
 〃I will be with you;〃 he said softly。 〃They have said I must go with them。〃 He grimaced。 〃They say I am not yet strong enough for the ride to Mujhara; but they did not lie about the wound。 It is near healed; and I feel strong enough to fight any of them。〃
 She looked at the wrist and saw healing ridges marking the wolf bite。 The swelling and seepage was gone; replaced by new skin。
 They have healing arts at their beck; she said silently; unconsciously echoing Finn's words。
 〃Well; my lord。 perhaps it is best;〃 she said aloud。 〃I do not seek to lose you so soon。〃
 〃I have said you will e with me to Homana…Mujhar。〃
 She smiled sadly into his face。 〃As your light woman?〃
 Carillon grinned …and lifted her hand to brush his lips across her wrist。 〃If it must be done; Alix; I will not prove unwilling。〃
 She blushed and tried to withdraw her hand; but he held it firmly。 He shook his head slightly and smiled。 〃I do not seek to disfit you。 I have merely said what is in my mind。〃
 〃I am your cousin。〃 She did not entirely believe him。
 Carillon shrugged。 〃Cousins often wed in royal houses; to secure the succession。 This bond would not be a thing Homanans disapprove of。〃
 Alix tried to answer… 〃My lord。。。〃
 His brows lifted ironically。 〃Surely you can dispense with my title if we discuss our futures in this way。〃
 Alix wanted to laugh at him but could not。 She had longed for such thoughts and words from him all through their brief acquaintanceship; though she had never thought them possible。 Now she could not prehend it。 The revelation of her ancestry destroyed the roots she had depended on。
 〃I will wed a princess; one day;〃 he said lightly; 〃to get heirs for me throne。 But princes have mistresses often enough。〃
 She heard the echo of Duncan's voice in her mind; explaining the casual Cheysuli custom of wives and mistresses。 An open practice she could not prehend。
 Yet Carillon offers me much the same。。。 She shivered
 convulsively。 Who has the right of it the Cheysuli or the Homanans?
 She carefully freed her hand from his and met his blue eyes。
 〃I cannot say; Carillon。 We are not even free of this place yet。〃
 He started to say something; but Finn's approach drove him into silence。 Carillon glared at the Cheysuli warrior; who merely laughed mockingly。 Then Finn turned to Alix。
 〃Will you ride with me; rujhoila
 She noted the change of address and felt a mixture of gratitude and resentment。 She would acknowledge no blood relationship to him; nor would she accept the sort of physical mitment he wanted from her。
 She moved closer to Carillon。 〃I ride with the prince。〃
 〃And likely have him fall off the horse from in front of you。〃
 Carillon glared at him。 〃I will keep to my horse; shapechanger。〃
 Finn's earring winked as he laughed。 〃You had better change your name for us; princeling; or you insult your cousin as well。〃
 〃You seek to do that; not him!〃 Alix snapped。
 He grinned at her; then shot a mocking glance at Carillon。。 〃Have you forgot? You have gained more than just your light woman as a cousin this day。 You also have kin among the rest of us。〃
 〃Kin among you?'* Carillon asked disparagingly。
 〃Aye;〃 Finn said equably。 〃Myself。 She is my rujholla; princeling; though only by half。 But it makes you and I cousins; of a sort。〃 He laughed。 〃I am kin to Homana's prince; who would serve his Uege lord by slaying us all。 But to do that you would have to slay her; would you not?〃
 Color surged into Carillon's face。 〃If I slay any shapechanger; it will be you。 I leave the rest to my uncle the Mujhar。〃
 〃Carillon!〃 Alix said; horrified。
 Finn laughed at them both; spreading his hands。 〃Do you see; princeling? What you say of us concerns her。 Beware your intentions; do you seek to keep her safe。〃
 Carillon's hand dropped to the heavy sword belted at his hips;
 Alix was still amazed the Cheysuli had let him keep it。 But he did not draw the blade。 Finn smiled at them both and walked away; calling to another warrior in the Old Tongue。
 〃He only seeks to goad you;〃 Alix said softly。 〃To satisfy his own craving for a place。〃
 Carillon glanced at her in surprise。 Then he smiled。 〃Do you prophesy for me; Alix? Can you see into my heart as well as his?〃
 Inwardly she flinched away from the reference to sorcery; and
 that at her own mand。 〃No。 I only say what I feel in him。 As for you。。。*' She hesitated; then smiled。 *'I think you will be Mujhar; one day。〃
 He laughed at her and pulled her into his arms; lifting her into the air。 〃Alix; I thank the gods I rode my warhorse through your garden that day! Else I would not have you sharing such wisdom with me。〃
 She grinned down at him; delighting in the feelings spilling through her body。 His hands on her waist were firm and sure; possessive; betraying no signs of weakness from the wolf…wound。 Alix let one hand curve itself around his neck; tangling in his tawny hair。
 〃And did I not share my wisdom with you when you trampled all my fine young plants?〃
 He spun her again; then set her down with a rueful grin。
 〃Aye; that you did。 You near made me ashamed of my birth。〃
 Alix laughed at him。 〃Even a prince can manage to go around a garden when his prey avoids it。 I cared little for the fine clothes you wore or me gold you threw at me to pay for the damage。〃 She lifted her head haughtily; mimicking the actions of a high…born court lady。 〃I cannot be bought; my lord prince; for all you are heir of Homana。〃
 〃But can you be won?〃 he asked steadily。
 Her smile faded。 She averted her face。 〃If I can be won。 it is something lef
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