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 where he was; then Dad had been far more generous that I would have been。 The man was too dangerous to let live。 On the other hand; though; Dad had been trying to cure him of his condition。 Dworkin had spoken of doctors; men he had frightened away or destroyed when he had turned his powers against them。 Most of my memories of him were of a wise; kindly old man; quite devoted to Dad and the rest of the family。 It would be difficult readily to destroy someone like that if there was some hope。 He had been confined to what should have been inescapable quarters。 Yet when he had grown bored one day; he had simply walked out。 No man can walk through Shadow in Amber; the very absence of Shadow; so he had done something I did not understand; something involving the principle behind the Trumps; and had left his quarters。 Before he returned to them; I managed to persuade him to provide me with a similar exit from my own cell; one that transported me to the lighthouse of Cabra; where I recovered somewhat; then set out upon the voyage that took me to Lorraine。 Most likely he was still undetected。 As I understood it; our family had always possessed special powers; but it was he who analyzed them and formalized their functions by means of the Pattern and the Tarots。 He had often tried to discuss the matter; but it had seemed awfully abstract and boring to most of us。 We are a very pragmatic family; damn it! Brand was the only one who seemed to have had any interest in the subject。 And Fiona。 I had almost forgotten。 Sometimes Fiona would listen。 And Dad。 Dad knew an awful lot of things that he never discussed。 He never had much time for us; and there were so many things about him that we did not know。 But he was probably as well versed as Dworkin in whatever principles were involved。 Their main difference was one of application。 Dworkin was an artist。 I do not really know what Dad was。 He never encouraged intimacy; though he was not an unkind father。 Whenever he took note of us; he was quite lavish with gifts and diversions。 But he left our upbringing to various members of his court。 He tolerated us; I feel; as occasionally inevitable consequences of passion。 Actually; I am quite surprised that the family is not much larger。 The thirteen of us; plus two brothers and a sister I knew who were now dead; represent close to fifteen hundred years of parental production。 There had been a few others also; of whom I had heard; long before us; who had not survived。 Not a tremendous batting average for so lusty a liege; but then none of us had proved excessively fertile either。 As soon as we were able to fend for ourselves and walk in Shadow; Dad had encouraged us to do so; find places where we would be happy and settle there。 This was my connection with the Avalon which is no more。 So far as I knew; Dad's own origins were known only to himself。 I had never encountered anyone whose memory stretched back to a time when there had been no Oberon。 Strange? Not to know where one's own father es from; when one has had centuries in which to exercise one's curiosity? Yes。 But he was secretive; powerful; shrewd … traits we all possess to some degree。 He wanted us well situated and satisfied; I feel … but never so endowed as to present a threat to his own reign。 There was in him; I guessed; an element of uneasiness; a not unjustifiable sense of caution with respect to our learning too much concerning himself and times long gone by。 I do not believe that he had ever truly envisioned a time when he would not rule in Amber。 He occasionally spoke; jokingly or grumblingly; of abdication。 But I always felt this to be a calculated thing; to see what responses it would provoke。 He must have realized the state of affairs his passing would produce; but refused to believe that the situation would ever occur。 And no one of us really knew all of his duties and responsibilities; his secret mitments。 As distasteful as I found the admission; I was ing to feel that none of us was really fit to take the throne。 I would have liked to blame Dad for this inadequacy; but unfortunately I had known Freud too long not to feel self…conscious about it。 Also; I was now beginning to wonder about the validity of any of our claims。 If there had been no abdication and he did indeed still live; then the best of us could really hope to do was sit in regency。 I would not look forward … especially from the throne … to his returning and finding things otherwise。 Let's face it; I was afraid of him; and not without cause。 Only a fool does not fear a genuine power that he does not understand。 But whether the title be king or regent; my claim on it was stronger than Eric's and I was still determined to have it。 If a power out of Dad's dark past; which none of us really understood; could serve to secure it; and if Dworkin did represent such a power; then he must remain hidden until he could be employed on my behalf。
 Even; I asked myself; if the power he represented was the power to destroy Amber itself; and with it to shatter the shadow worlds and capsize all of existence as I understood it?
 Especially then; I answered myself。 For who else could be trusted with such power? We are indeed a very pragmatic family。
 More wine; and then I fumbled with my pipe; cleaning it; repacking it。
 〃That; basically; is my story to date;〃 I said; regarding my handiwork; rising and taking a light from the lamp。 〃After I recovered my sight; I managed to escape; fled Amber; tarried for a time in a place called Lorraine; where I encountered Ganelon; then came here。〃
 I reseated myself and looked at him again。
 〃Because it is near to the Avalon I once knew;〃 I said。
 I had purposely refrained from mentioning any earlier acquaintanceship with Ganelon; and hoped that he would take a cue from it。 This shadow was near enough to our Avalon so that Ganelon should be familiar with its topography and most of its customs。 For whatever it was worth; it seemed politic to keep this information from Benedict。
 He passed over it as I thought he might; buried there where it was beside more interesting digging。
 〃And of your escape?〃 he asked。 〃How did you manage that?〃
 〃I had help; of course;〃 I admitted; 〃in getting out of the cell。 Once out … well; there are still a few passages of which Eric is unaware。〃
 〃I see;〃 he said; nodding … hoping; naturally; that I would go on to mention my partisans' names; but knowing better than to ask。
 I puffed my pipe and leaned back; smiling。
 〃It is good to have friends;〃 he said; as if in agreement with some unvoiced thought I might be entertaining。
 〃I guess that we all have a few of them in Amber。〃
 〃I like to think so;〃 he said。 Then; 〃I understand you left the partly whittled cell door locked behind you; had set fire to your bedding; and had drawn pictures on the wall。〃
 〃Yes;〃 I said。 〃Prolonged confinement does something to a man's mind。 At least; it did to mine。 There are long periods during which I know I was irrational。〃
 〃I do not envy you the experience; brother;〃 he said。 〃Not at all。 What are your plans now?〃
 〃They are still uncertain。〃
 〃Do you feel that you might wish to remain here?〃
 〃I do not know;〃 I said。 〃What is the state of affairs here?〃
 〃I am in charge;〃 he said … a simple statement of fact; not a boast。 〃I believe I have just succeeded in destroying the only major threat to the realm。 If I am correct; then a reasonably tranquil period should be at hand。 The price was high〃 … he glanced at what remained of his arm … 〃but will have been worth it … as shall be seen before very long; when things have returned to normal。〃
 He then proceeded to relate what was basically the same situation the youth had described; going on to tell how they had won the battle。 The leader of the hellmaids slain; her riders had bolted and fled。 Most of them were also slain then; and the caverns had been sealed once more。 Benedict had decided to maintain a small force in the field for mopping…up purposes; his scouts the while bing the area for survivors。
 He made no mention of the meeting between himself and their leader; Lintra。
 〃Who slew their leader?〃 I asked him。
 〃I managed it;〃 he said; making a sudden movement with his stump; 〃though I hesitated a moment too long on my first blow。〃
 I glanced away and so did Ganelon。 When I looked back; his face had returned to normal and he had lowered his arm。
 〃We looked for you。 Did you know that; Corwin?〃 he asked。 〃Brand searched for you in many shadows; as did Gerard。 You guessed correctly as to what Eric said after your disappearance that day。 We were inclined to look farther than his word; however。 We tried your Trump repeatedly; but there was no response。 It must be that brain damage can block it。 That is interesting。 Your failure to respond to the Trump led us to believe you had died。 Then Julian; Caine; and Random joined the search。〃
 〃All that? Really? I am astonished。〃
 He smiled。
 〃Oh;〃 I said then; and smiled myself。
 Their joining the hunt at that point meant that it was not my welfare that concerned them; but the possibility of obtaining evidence of fratricide against Eric; so as to displace him or blackmail him。
 〃I sought for you in the vicinity of Avalon;〃 he continued; 〃and 
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