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 … but once we had fenced together for over twenty…six hours; to see who would call it quits。 (If you're curious; it was me。 I had had a date lined up for the next day and had wanted to arrive in reasonably good condition。) We could have gone on。 While I was not up to a performance like that just then; I knew that I could outlast the man I faced。 After all; he was only human。
 After about half an hour; when he was breathing heavily and slowing down on his counterstrokes and I knew that in a few minutes he might guess that I was pulling mine; I raised my hand and lowered my blade as I had seen his previous opponent do。 He ground to a halt also; then rushed forward and embraced me。 I did not understand what he said; but I gathered that he was pleased with the workout。 So was I。
 The horrible thing was; I felt it。 I found myself slightly heady。
 But I needed more。 I promised me I would kill myself and exercise that day; glut myself with food that night; sleep deeply; wake; and do it again。
 So I went over to where the archers stood。 After a time; I borrowed a bow; and in my three…fingered style unleashed perhaps a hundred arrows。 I did not do too badly。 Then; for a time; I watched the men on horseback; with their lances; shields; maces。 I moved on。 I watched some practice in hand…to…hand bat。
 Finally; I wrestled three men in succession。 Then I did feel beat。 Absolutely。 Entirely。
 I sat down on a bench in the shade; sweating; breathing heavily。 I wondered about Lance; about Ganelon; about supper。 After perhaps ten minutes; I made my way back to the room I had been given and I bathed again。
 By then I was ravenously hungry; so I set forth to find me dinner and information。
 Before I had gone very far from the door; one of the guards whom I recognized from the previous evening … the one who had guided me to my chamber … approached and said; 〃Lord Ganelon bids you dine with him in his quarters; at the ringing of the dinner bell。〃 I thanked him; said I would be there; returned to my chamber; and rested on my bed until it was time。 Then I made my way forth once again。
 I was beginning to ache deeply and I had a few additional bruises。 I decided this was a good thing; would help me to seem older。 I banged on Ganelon's door and a boy admitted me; then dashed off to join another youth who was spreading a table near to the fireplace。
 Ganelon wore a green shirt and trousers; green boots and belt; sat in a high…backed chair。 He rose as I entered; walked forward to greet me。
 〃Sir Corey; I've heard report of your doings this day;〃 he said; clasping my hand。 〃It makes your carrying Lance seem more believable。 I must say you're more a man than you look … meaning no offense by that。〃
 I chuckled。 〃No offense。〃
 He led me to a chair; handed me a glass of pale wine that was a bit too sweet for my taste; then said; 〃Looking at you。 I'd say I could push you over with one hand … but you carried Lance five leagues and killed two of those bastard cats on the way。 And he told me about the cairn you built; of big stones …〃
 〃How is Lance feeling today?〃 I interrupted。
 〃I had to place a guard in his chamber to be sure he rested。 The muscle…bound clod wanted to get up and walk around。 He'll stay there all week; though; by God!〃
 〃Then he must be feeling better。〃
 He nodded。
 〃Here's to his health。〃
 〃I'll drink to that。〃
 We drank。 Then: 〃Had I an army of men like you and Lance;〃 he said; 〃the story might have been different。〃
 〃What story?〃
 〃The Circle and its Wardens;〃 he said。 〃You've not heard of it?〃
 〃Lance mentioned it。 That's all。〃
 One boy tended an enormous chunk of beef on a spit above a low fire。 Occasionally; he sloshed some wine over it as he turned the shaft。 Whenever the odor drifted my way; my stomach would rumble and Ganelon would chuckle。 The other boy left the room to fetch bread from the kitchen。
 Ganelon was silent a long while。 He finished his wine and poured himself another glass。 I sipped slowly at my first。
 〃Have you ever heard of Avalon?〃 he finally asked。
 〃Yes;〃 I replied。 〃There is a verse I heard long ago from a passing bard: 〃Beyond the River of the Blessed; there we sat down; yea; we wept; when we remembered Avalon。 Our swords were shattered in our hands and we hung our shields on the oak tree。 The silver towers were fallen; into a sea of blood。 How many miles to Avalon? None; I say; and all。 The silver towers are fallen。'〃
 〃Avalon fallen。。。?〃 he said。
 〃I think the man was mad。 I know of no Avalon。 His verse stayed in my mind; though。〃
 Ganelon averted his face and did not speak again for several minutes。 When he did; his voice was altered。
 〃There was;〃 he said。 〃There was such a place。 I lived there; years ago。 I did not know it was fallen。〃
 〃How came you here from that place?〃 I asked him。
 〃I was exiled by its sorcerer Lord; Corwin of Amber。 He sent me through darkness and madness to this place; that I might suffer and die here … and I have suffered and e near to the final lay many a time。 I've tried to find the way back; but nobody knows it。 I've spoken with sorcerers; and even a captured creature of the Circle before we slew the thing。 But none knew the road to Avalon。 It is as the bard said; 'No miles; and all;'〃 he misquoted my lyric。 〃Do you recall the bard's name?〃
 〃I am sorry; but I do not。〃
 〃Where is this Cabra place you are from?〃
 〃Far to the east; across the waters;〃 I said。 〃Very far。 It is an island kingdom。〃
 〃Any chance they could furnish us with some troops? I can afford to pay quite a bit。〃 I shook my head。
 〃It is a small place with a small militia; and it would be several months' travel both ways … sea and land。 They have never fought as mercenaries; and for that matter they are not very warlike。〃
 〃Then you seem to differ a great deal from your countrymen;〃 he said; looking at me once more。 I sipped my wine。
 〃I was an arms instructor;〃 I said; 〃to the Royal Guard。〃
 〃Then you might be inclined to hire out; to help train my troops?〃
 〃I'll stay a few weeks and do that;〃 I said。
 He nodded a tight…lipped microsecond of a smile; then; 〃It saddens me to hear this indication that fair Avalon is gone;〃 he said。 〃But if it is so; it means that my exiler is also likely dead。〃 He drained his wineglass。 〃So even the demon came to a time when he could not defend his own;〃 he mused。 〃That's a heartening thought。 It means we might have a chance here; against these demons。〃
 〃Begging your pardon;〃 I said; sticking my neck out for what I thought good reason; 〃if you were referring to that Corwin of Amber; he did not die when whatever happened happened。〃 The glass snapped in his hand。
 〃You know Corwin?〃 he said。
 〃No; but I know of him;〃 I replied。 〃Several years ago; I met one of his brothers … a fellow named Brand。 He told me of the place called Amber; and of the battle in which Corwin and a brother of his named Bleys led a horde against their brother Eric; who held the city。 Bleys fell from the mountain Kolvir and Corwin was taken prisoner。 Corwin's eyes were put out after Eric's coronation; and he was cast into the dungeons beneath Amber; where he may yet remain if he has not since died。〃
 Ganelon's face was drained of color as I spoke。
 〃All those names you mentioned … Brand; Bleys; Eric;〃 he said。 〃I heard him mention them in days long gone by。 How long ago did you hear of this thing?〃
 〃It was about four years back。〃
 〃He deserved better。〃
 〃After what he did to you?〃
 〃Well;〃 said the man; 〃I've had a lot of time to think about it; and it is not as if I gave him no cause for what he did。 He was strong … stronger than you or Lance; even … and clever。 Also; he could be merry on occasion。 Eric should have killed him quickly; not the way that he did。 I've no love for him; but my hate's died down a bit。 The demon deserved better than he got; that's all。〃
 The second boy returned with a basket of bread。 The one who had prepared the meat removed it from the spit and set it on a platter in the center of the table。
 Ganelon nodded toward it。
 〃Let's eat;〃 he said。
 He rose and moved to the table。
 I followed。 We did not talk much during the meal。
 After stuffing myself until my stomach would hold no more and soaking down its contents with another glass of too…sweet wine; I began to yawn。 Ganelon cursed after the third one。
 〃Damn it; Corey! Stop that! It's contagious!〃 He stifled a yawn of his own。
 〃Let's take some air;〃 he said; rising。
 So we walked out along the walls; passing the sentries in their rounds。 They would e to attention and salute Ganelon as soon as they saw who it was approaching; and he would give them a word of greeting and we would move on。 We came to a battlement; where we paused to rest; seating ourselves on the stone; sucking in the evening air; cool and damp and full of the forest; and noting the appearance of the stars; one by one; in the darkening sky。 The stone was cold beneath me。 Far off in the distance; I thought I could detect the shimmer of the sea。 I heard a night bird; from somewhere below us。 Ganelon produced a pipe and tobacco from a pouch he wore at his belt。 He filled it; tamped it; and struck a flame。 His face would have been satanic in the sp
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