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〃Ur…Lord; the Council asks that you e to the Close。 A stranger has entered Revelstone。 The Lords will soon meet with him。〃
Because of Bannor's heightened alertness; Covenant asked cautiously; 〃What kind of stranger?〃
〃Is it…is it someone like me? or Troy?〃
In his confusion; Covenant did not immediately perceive the certitude of Bannor's reply。 But as he followed the Bloodguard out of the refectory and down through Revelstone; he began to hear something extra in the denial; something more than Bannor's usual confidence。 That No resembled Bannor's stride; it was tenser in some way。 Covenant could not fathom it。 As they descended a broad; curved stair through several levels of the Keep; he forced himself to ask; 〃What's so urgent about this stranger? What do you know about him?〃
Bannor ignored the question。
When they reached the Close; they found that High
Lord Elena; Lord Verement; and four other Lords had already preceded them。 The High Lord was at her place at the head of the curved table; and the Staff of Law lay on the stone before her。 To her right sat two men; then two women。 Verement was on her left beyond two empty seats。 Eight Bloodguard sat behind them in the first row of the gallery; but the rest of the Close was empty。 Only First Mark Morin and the Hearthralls Tohrm and Borillar occupied their positions in back of the High Lord。
An expectant hush hung over the chamber。 For an instant; Covenant half expected Elena to announce the start of the war。
Bannor guided him to a seat at the Lords' table one place down from Lord Verement。 The Unbeliever settled himself in the stone chair; rubbing the stubble of his new beard with one hand as if he expected the Council to know what it meant。 The eyes of the Lords were on him; and their gaze made him unfortable。 He felt strangely ashamed of the fact that his fingertips were alive to the touch of his whiskers。
〃Ur…Lord Covenant;〃 the High Lord said after a moment; 〃while we await Lord Mhoram and Warmark Troy; we should make introduction。 We have been remiss in our hospitality。 Let me present to yon those of the Council whom you do not know。〃
Covenant nodded; glad of anything that would turn her disturbing eyes away from him; and she began on her left。 〃Here is Lord Verement Shetra…mate; whom you have seen。〃 Verement glowered at his hands; did not glance at Covenant。
Elena turned to her right。 The man next to her was tall and broad; he had a wide forehead; a watchful face draped with a warm blond beard; and an expression of habitual gentleness。 〃Here is Lord Callindrill Faer…mate。 Faer his wife is a rare master of the ancient suru…pa…maerl craft。〃 Lord Callindrill smiled half shyly at Covenant; and bowed his head。
〃At his side;〃 the High Lord went on; 〃are the Lords Trevor and Loerya。〃 Lord Trevor was a thin man with an air of uncertainty; as if he were not sure that he belonged at the Lords' table; but Lord Loerya
his wife looked solid and matronly; conscious that she contained power。 〃They have three daughters who gladden all our hearts。〃 Both Lords replied with smiles; but where his was both surprised and proud; hers was calm; confident。
Elena concluded; 〃Beyond them is Lord Amatin daughter of Matin。 Only a year ago she passed the tests of the Sword and Staff at the Loresraat; and joined the Council。 Now her work is with the schools of Revelstonethe teaching of the children。〃 In her turn; Lord Amatin bowed gravely。 She was slight; serious; and hazel…eyed; and she watched Covenant as if she were studying him。
After a pause; the High Lord began the ritual ceremonies of weling the Unbeliever to Lord's Keep; but she stopped short when Lord Mhoram entered the Close。 He came through one of the private doors behind the Lords' table。 There was weariness in his step and febrile concentration in his eyes; as if he had spent all night wrestling with darkness。 In his fatigue; he needed his staff to hold himself steady as he took his seat at Elena's left。
All the Lords watched him as he sat there; breathing vacantly; and a wave of support flowed from their minds to his。 Slowly; their silent help strengthened him。 The hot glitter faded from his gaze; and he began to see the faces around him。
〃Have you met success?〃 Elena asked softly。 〃Can you withdraw the krill?〃
〃No。〃 Mhoram's lips formed the word; but he made no sound。
〃Dear Mhoram;〃 she sighed; 〃you must take greater care of yourself。 The Despiser marches against us。 We will need all your strength for the ing war。〃
Through his weariness; Mhoram smiled his crooked; humane smile。 But he did not speak。
Before Covenant could muster the resolve to ask Mhoram what he hoped to acplish with the krill; the main doors of the Close opened; and Warmark Troy strode down the stairs to the table。 Hiltmark Quaan came behind him。 While Troy went to sit opposite Covenant; Quaan made his way to join Morin;
Tohrm; and Borillar。 Apparently; Troy and Quaan had just e from the Wayward。 They had not taken the time to set aside their swords; and their scabbards clashed dully against the stone as they seated themselves。
As soon as they were in their places; High Lord Elena began。 She spoke softly; but her clear voice carried perfectly throughout the Close。 〃We are gathered thus without forewarning because a stranger has e to us。 Growl; the stranger is in your care。 Tell us of him。〃
Growl was one of the Bloodguard。 He arose from his seat near the broad stairs of the chamber; and faced the High Lord impassively to make his report。 〃He passed us。 A short time ago; he appeared at the gate of Revelstone。 No scout or sentry saw his approach。 He asked if the Lords were within。 When he was answered; he replied that the High Lord wished to question him。 He is not as other men。 But he bears no weapon; and intends no ill。 We chose to admit him。 He awaits you。〃
In a sharp voice like the barking of a hawk; Lord Verement asked; 〃Why did the scouts and sentries fail?〃
〃The stranger was hidden from our eyes;〃 Growl replied levelly。 〃Our watch did not falter。〃 His unfluctuating tone seemed to assert that the alertness of the Bloodguard was beyond question。
〃That is well;〃 said Verement。 〃Perhaps one day the whole army of the Despiser will appear unnoticed at our gates; and we will still be sleeping when Revelstone falls。〃
He was about to say more; but Elena interposed firmly; 〃Bring the stranger now。〃
As the Bloodguard at the top of the stairs swung open the high wooden doors; Amatin asked the High Lord; 〃Does this stranger e at your request?〃
〃No。 But I do now wish to question him。〃
Covenant watched as two more Bloodguard came into the Close with the stranger between them。 He was slim; simply clad in a cream…colored robe; and his movements were light; buoyant。 Though he was nearly
as tall as Covenant; he seemed hardly old enough to have his full growth。 There was a sense of boyish laughter in the way his curly hair bounced as he came down the steps; as if he were amused by the precautions taken against him。 But Covenant was not amused。 With the new dimension of his sight; he could see why Growl had said that the boy was 〃not as other men。〃 Within his young; fresh flesh were bones that seemed to radiate oldness…not age…they were not weak or infirm…but rather antiquity。 His skeleton carried this oldness; this aura of time; as if he were merely a vessel for it。 He existed for it rather than in spite of it。 The sight baffled Covenant's perceptions; made his eyes ache with conflicting impressions of dread and glory as he strained to prehend。
When the boy reached the floor of the Close; he stepped near to the graveling pit; and made a cheerful obeisance。 In a high; young voice; he exclaimed; 〃Hail; High Lord!〃
Elena stood and replied gravely; 〃Stranger; be wele in the Land…wele and true。 We are the Lords of Revelstone; and I am Elena daughter of Lena; High Lord by the choice of the Council; and holder of the Staff of Law。 How may we honor you?〃
〃Courtesy is like a drink at a mountain stream。 I am honored already。〃
〃Then will you honor us in turn with your name?〃
With a laughing glance; the boy said; 〃It may well e to pass that I will tell you who I am。〃
〃Do not game with us;〃 Verement cut in。 〃What is your name?〃
〃Among those who do not know me; I am named Amok。〃
Elena controlled Verement with a swift look; then said to the youth; 〃And how are you named among those who know you?〃
〃Those who know me have no need of my name。〃
〃Stranger; we do not know you〃 An edge came into her quiet voice。 〃These are times of great peril in the Land; and we can spend neither time nor delicacy with you。 We require to know who you are。〃
〃Ah; then I fear I cannot help you;〃 replied Amok with an impervious gaiety in his eyes。
For a moment; the Lords met his gaze with stiff silence。 Verement's thin lips whitened; Callindrill frowned thoughtfully; and Elena faced the boy with low anger flushing her cheeks; though her eyes did not lose their odd; dislocated focus。 Then Lord Amatin straightened her shoulders and said; 〃Amok; where is your home? Who are your parents? What is your past?〃
Lightly; Amok turned and gave her an unexpected bow。 〃My home is Revelstone。 I have no par
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