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; exactly what they were 。 。 。
They could be manipulated; of course; by a skilled man with a collection of carefully prepared disinformation…which was precisely what he was about to do。 But on the whole they were a threat because they never stopped doing what it was they did。 It was something the Foreign Minister never allowed himself to forget; and the reason he did not hold them in contempt。 Dealing with them always held potential danger。 Even while being manipulated; they could be dangerous in their quest for information。 If only the rest of the Politburo understood。
〃Ladies and gentlemen;〃 he began; speaking in English。 〃I will be making a brief statement; and I regret that I cannot answer any questions at this time。 A full handout will be given to everyone as you leave…that is; I think they are ready by now…〃 He gestured to a man at the back of the room; who nodded emphatically。 The Foreign Minister arranged his papers one more time and began to speak with the precise diction for which he was known。
〃The President of the United States has often asked for 'deeds not words' in the quest for control of strategic arms。
〃As you know; and to the disappointment of the entire world; the ongoing arms negotiations in Vienna have made no significant progress for over a year; with each side blaming the other for the lack of it。
〃It is well known by peace…loving people the world over that the Soviet Union has never wished for war; and that only a madman would even consider nuclear war a viable policy option in our modern world of overkill; fallout; and 'nuclear winter。' 〃
〃Damn;〃 muttered AP bureau chief Patrick Flynn。 The Soviets scarcely acknowledged 〃nuclear winter〃 and had never mentioned the concept in so formal a setting。 His antennae were already twitching at whatever there was in the wind。
〃The time has e for substantive reductions in strategic arms。 We have made numerous; serious; sincere proposals for real arms reductions; and despite this the United States has proceeded with the development and deployment of its destabilizing; openly offensive weapons: the MX first…strike missile; so cynically called the 'Peacekeeper'; the advanced Trident D…5 first…strike sea…launched ballistic missile; two separate varieties of cruise missiles whose characteristics conspire to make arms control verification almost totally impossible; and of course; the so…called Strategic Defense Initiative; which will take offensive strategic weapons into space。 Such are America's deeds。〃 He looked up from his notes and spoke with irony。 〃And through it all; America's pious words demand Soviet deeds。
〃Starting tomorrow; we will see once and for all if America's words are to be believed or not。 Starting tomorrow we will see how great a difference there is between America's words about peace and Soviet deeds for peace。
〃Tomorrow; the Soviet Union will put on the table at Vienna a proposal to reduce existing arsenals of strategic and theater nuclear weapons by fifty percent; this reduction to be acplished over a period of three years from ratification of the agreement; subject to on…site verification conducted by third…party inspection teams whose position will be agreed upon by all signatories。
〃Please note that I say 'all signatories。' The Soviet Union invites the United Kingdom; the French Republic; and〃…he looked up〃the People's Republic of China to join us at the negotiating table。〃 The explosion of flashbulbs caused him to look away for a moment。
〃Ladies and gentlemen; please…〃 He smiled; holding his hand up to shield his face。 〃These old eyes are not up to such abuse as this; and I have not memorized my speech…unless you want me to continue in Russian!〃
There was a wave of laughter; then a sprinkling of applause at the jibe。 The old bastard was really turning on the charm; Flynn thought; furiously taking notes。 This was potential dynamite。 He wondered what would e next; and he especially wondered what the precise wording on the proposal was。 Flynn had covered arms talks before; and knew all too well that general descriptions of proposals could grossly distort the nuts…and…bolts details of the real issues to be negotiated。 The Russians couldn't be this open…they just couldn't be。
〃To proceed。〃 The Foreign Minister blinked his eyes clear。 〃We have been accused of never making a gesture of our good faith。 The falsehood of the charge is manifest; but this evil fiction continues in the West。 No longer。 No longer will anyone have cause to doubt the sincerity of the Soviet people's quest for a just and lasting peace。
〃Beginning today; as a sign of good faith which we challenge the United States and any other interested nation to match; the Soviet Union will remove from service an entire class of nuclear…powered missile submarine。 These submarines are known to the West as the Yankee class。 We call them something else; of course;〃 he said with an ingenuous grin that drew another wave of polite laughter。 〃Twenty of the vessels are presently in service; each carrying twelve sea…launched ballistic missiles。 All active members of the class are assigned to the Soviet Northern Fleet based on the Kola Peninsula。 Beginning today; we will deactivate these vessels at a rate of one per month。 As you know; plete deactivation of so plex a machine as a missile submarine requires the services of a shipyard…the missile partment must be physically removed from the body of the vessel…and so these vessels cannot be fully disarmed overnight。 However; to make the honesty of our intentions undeniable; we invite the United States to do one of two things:
〃First; we will permit a selected team of six American naval officers to inspect these twenty vessels to verify that their missiles tubes have been filled with concrete ballast pending removal of the entire missile rooms from all of the submarines。 In return for this; we would require that a parable inspection visit by an equal number of Soviet officers to American yards would be allowed at a later date to be agreed on。
〃Second; as an alternative should the United States be unwilling to allow reciprocal verification of arms reductions; we will permit another group of six officers to perform this service; these officers to be from a countryor countries…upon which the United States and the Soviet Union can agree within the next thirty days。 A team from such neutral countries as Sweden or India would be acceptable in principle to the Soviet Union。
〃Ladies and gentlemen; the time has e to put an end to the arms race。 I will not repeat all of the flowery rhetoric we've all heard over the past two generations。 We all know the threat that these ghastly weapons represent to every nation。 Let no one ever say again that the government of the Soviet Union has not done its part to reduce the danger of war。 Thank you。〃
The room suddenly fell silent but for the sound of motor…driven still cameras。 The Western press representatives assigned to their respective Moscow bureaus were among the best in their profession。 Uniformly bright; uniformly ambitious; uniformly cynical about what they found in Moscow and the conditions under which they were forced to work; all were stunned to silence。
〃Goddamn;〃 muttered Flynn after a full ten seconds。
〃One must admire your understatement; old boy;〃 agreed Reuters correspondent William Calloway。 〃Wasn't it your Wilson who spoke of open covenants openly arrived at?〃
〃Yeah; my granddad covered that peace conference。 Remember how well it worked out?〃 Flynn grimaced; watching the Foreign Minister depart; smiling at the cameras。 〃I want to see the handout。 Want to ride back with me?〃
〃Yes on both。〃
It was a bitterly cold day in Moscow。 Snow piles were heaped at the roadsides。 The sky was a frigid crystal blue。 And the car's heater didn't work。 Flynn drove while his friend read aloud through the handout。 The draft treaty proposal took up nineteen annotated pages。 The Reuters correspondent was a Londoner who had begun as a police reporter; and since covered assignments all over the world。 He and Flynn had met many years before at the famous Caravelle Hotel in Saigon; and shared drinks and typewriter ribbons on and off for more than two decades。 In the face of a Russian winter; they remembered the oppressive heat of Saigon with something akin to nostalgia。
〃It's bloody fair;〃 Calloway said wonderingly; his breath giving ghostly substance to his words。 〃They propose a builddown with elimination of many existing weapons; allowing both sides to replace obsolete launchers; both sides to reach a total of five thousand deliverable warheads; that number to remain stable for five years after the three…year reduction period。 There is a separate proposal to negotiate plete removal of 'heavy' missiles; replacing them with mobile missiles; but to limit missile flight tests to a fixed number per year…〃 He flipped that page and rapidly scanned the remainder。 〃Nothing in the draft treaty about your Star Wars research 。 。 。 ? Didn't he mention that in his statement? Patrick; old son; this is; as you say; dynamite。 This could as easily have been written in Washington。 It will take months to work out all the technical points; but this is a bloody serious; and bloody generous; proposal。〃
〃Nothing about Star Wars?〃 Flynn frow
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