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ut God plotted; too。 And God is the best of plotters。
Tolkaze smiled; certain that it was the final Sign in a plan being executed by hands greater than his own。 Serene and confident; he began to fulfill his destiny。
First the gasoline。 He closed sixteen control valves…the nearest of them three kilometers away…and opened ten; which rerouted eighty million liters of gasoline to gush out from a bank of truck…loading valves。 The gasoline did not ignite at once。 The three had left no pyrotechnic devices to explode this first of many disasters。 Tolkaze reasoned that if he were truly doing the work of Allah; then his God would surely provide。
And so He did。 A small truck driving  through the loading yard  took a turn too fast; skidded on the splashing fuel; and slid broadside into a utility pole。 It only took one spark 。 。 。 and already more fuel was spilling out into the train yards。
With the master pipeline switches; Tolkaze had a special plan。 He rapidly typed in a puter mand; thanking Allah that Rasul was so skillful and had not damaged anything important with his rifle The main pipeline from the nearby production field was two meters across; with many branch lines running to all of the production wells。 The oil traveling in those pipes had its own mass and its own momentum supplied by pumping stations in the fields。 Ibrahim's mands rapidly opened and closed valves。 The pipeline ruptured in a dozen places; and the puter mands left the pumps on。 The escaping light crude flowed across the production field; where only one more spark was needed to spread a holocaust before the winter wind; and another break occurred where the oil and gas pipelines crossed together over the river Ob'。
〃The greenskins are here!〃 Rasul shouted a moment before the quick response team of KGB border guards stormed up the staircase。 A short burst from the Kalashnikov killed the first two; and the rest of the squad stopped cold behind a turn in the staircase as their young sergeant wondered what the hell they had walked into。
Already; automatic alarms were erupting around him in the control room。 The master status board showed four growing fires whose borders were defined by blinking red lights。 Tolkaze walked to the master puter and ripped out the tape spool that contained the digital control codes。 The spares were in the vault downstairs。 and the only men within ten kilometers who knew its bination were in this room…dead。 Mohammet was busily ripping out every telephone in the room。 The whole building shook with the explosion of a gasoline storage tank two kilometers away。
The crashing sound of a hand grenade announced another move by the KGB troops。 Rasul returned fire; and the screams of dying men nearly equaled the earsplitting fire…alarm klaxons。 Tolkaze hurried over to the corner。 The floor there was slick with blood。 He opened the door to the electrical fuse box; flipped the main circuit breaker; then fired his pistol into the box。 Whoever tried to set things aright would also have to work in the dark。
He was done。 Ibrahim saw that his massive friend had been mortally hit in the chest by grenade fragments。 He was wobbling; struggling to stay erect at the door; guarding his rades to the last。
〃 'I take refuge in the Lord of the worlds;' 〃 Tolkaze called out defiantly to the security troops; who spoke not a word of Arabic。 〃 'The King of men; the God of men; from the evil of the whispering devil…' 〃
The KGB sergeant leaped around the lower landing and his first burst tore the rifle from Rasul's bloodless hands。 Two hand grenades arched through the air as the sergeant disappeared back around the er。
There was no place…and no reason…to run。 Mohammet and Ibrahim stood immobile in the doorway as the grenades bounced and skittered across the tiled floor。 Around them the whole world seemed to be catching fire; and because of them; the whole world really would。
〃Allahu akhbar!〃

〃God almighty!〃 the chief master sergeant breathed。 The fire which had begun in the gasoline/diesel section of the refinery had been sufficient to alert a strategic early…warning satellite in geosynchronous orbit twenty…four thousand miles above the Indian Ocean。 The signal was down linked to a top…security U。S。 Air Force post。
The senior watch officer in the Satellite Control Facility was an Air Force colonel。 He turned to his senior technician: 〃Map it。〃
〃Yes; sir。〃 The sergeant typed a mand into his console; which told the satellite cameras to alter their sensitivity。 With the flaring on the screen reduced; the satellite rapidly pinpointed the source of the thermal energy。 A puter…controlled map on the screen adjacent to the visual display gave them an exact location reference。 〃Sir; that's an oil refinery fire。 Jeez; and it looks like a real pisser! Colonel; we got a Big Bird pass in twenty minutes and the course track is within a hundred twenty kilometers。〃
〃Uh…huh;〃 the colonel nodded。 He watched the screen closely to make sure that the heat source was not moving; his right hand lifting the Gold Phone to NORAD headquarters; Cheyenne Mountain; Colorado。
〃This is Argus Control。 I have Flash Traffic for CINC…NORAD。
〃Wait one;〃 said the first voice。
〃This is CINC…NORAD;〃 said the second; mander…in…Chief of the North American Aerospace Defense mand。
〃Sir; this is Colonel Burnette at Argus Control。 We show a massive thermal energy reading at coordinates sixty degrees fifty minutes north; seventy…six degrees forty minutes east。 The site is listed as a POL refinery。 The thermal source is not; repeat not moving。 We have a KH…11 pass close to the source in two…zero minutes。 My preliminary evaluation; General; is that we have a major oil…field fire here。〃
〃They're not doing a laser…flash on your bird?〃 CINC…NORAD asked。 There was always a possibility the Soviets were trying to play games with their satellite。
〃Negative。 The light source covers infrared and all of the visible spectrum; not; repeat not; monochromatic。 We'll know more in a few minutes; sir。 So far everything is consistent with a massive ground fire。〃
Thirty minutes later they were sure。 The KH…11 reconnaissance satellite came over the horizon close enough for all of its eight television cameras to catalog the chaos。 A side…link transmitted the signal to a geosynchronous munications satellite; and Burnette was able to watch it all 〃in real time。〃 Live and in color。 The fire had already engulfed half of the refinery plex and more than half of the nearby production field; with more burning crude oil spreading from the ruptured pipeline onto the river Ob'。 They were able to watch the fire spread; the flames carried rapidly before a forty…knot surface wind。 Smoke obscured much of the area on visible light; but infrared sensors penetrated it to show many heat sources that could only be vast pools of oil products burning intensely on the ground。 Burnette's sergeant was from east Texas; and had worked as a boy in the oil fields。 He keyed up daylight photographs of the site and pared them with the adjacent visual display to determine what parts of the refinery had already ignited。
〃Goddamn; Colonel。〃 The sergeant shook his head reverently。 He spoke with quiet expertise。 〃The refinery…well; it's gone; sir。 That fire'll spread in front of that wind; and ain't no way in hell they'll stop it。 The refinery's gone; total loss; burn maybe three; four days…maybe a week; parts of it。 And unless they find a way to stop it; looks like the production field is going to go; too; sir。 By next pass; sir; it'll all be burnin'; all those wellheads spillin' burnin' o'l 。 。 。 Lordy。 I don't even think Red Adair would want any part of this job!〃
〃Nothing left of the refinery? Hmph。〃 Burnette watched a tape rerun of the Big Bird pass。 〃It's their newest and biggest; ought to put a dent in their POL production while they rebuild that from scratch。 And once they get those field fires put out; they'll have to rearrange their gas and diesel production quite a bit。 I'll say one thing for Ivan。  When he has an industrial accident; he doesn't screw around。 A major inconvenience for our Russian friends; Sergeant。〃
The analysis was confirmed the next day by the CIA; and the day after that by the British and French security services。
They were all wrong。

2 … Odd Man In

DATE…TIME 01/31…06: 15 COPY 01 of 01 SOVIET FIRE
BC…Soviet Fire; Bjt; 1809…FL…
Disastrous Fire Reported in Soviet Nizhnevartovsk Oil Field…FL…
EDS: Moved in advance for WEDNESDAY PMs…FL…
By William Blake …FC…
AP Military/Intelligence Writer
WASHINGTON (AP)  〃The most serious oil field fire since the Mexico City disaster of 1984; or even the Texas City fire of 1947;〃 sundered the darkness in the central region of the Soviet Union today; according to military and intelligence sources in Washington。
The fire was detected by American 〃National Technical Means;〃 a term that generally denotes reconnaissance satellites operated by the Central Intelligence Agency。 CIA sources declined ment on the incident。
Sources in the Pentagon confirmed this report; noting that the energy given off by the fire was sufficient to cause a brief stir in the North American Aerospace Defense mand; which was concerned that the fire was a possible missile launch directed at the U
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