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〃Contact!〃 the technician said over the Bear's interphone。 〃Signals indicate an American airborne radar transmitter; carrier type。〃
〃Give me a bearing!〃 the pilot manded。
〃Patience; rade Major。〃 The technician made an adjustment on his board。 His radio…interferometers timed the signals as they arrived at antennae arrayed all over the aircraft。 〃Southeast。 Bearing to signal is one…three…one。 Signal strength one。 He is quite distant。 Bearing is not changing as yet。 I remend we maintain a constant course for the present。〃
The pilot and copilot exchanged a look; but no words。 Somewhere off to their left was an American E…2C Hawkeye radar aircraft。 A flight crew of two…a radar intercept officer and two radar operators。 It could manage the air battle for over a hundred enemy aircraft; could vector a missile…armed interceptor in at them within seconds of detection。 The pilot wondered just how accurate his information was on the Hawkeye's radar。 What if they had already detected his Bear? He knew the answer to that。 His first warning would e when he detected the fire…control radar of an American F…14 Tomcat heading right at him。 The Bear held course one…eight…zero while the plotting officer tracked the change in bearing to the radar signal。 In ten minutes they might just have an accurate fix。 If they lived that long。 They would not break radio silence until they had a fix。
〃I have it;〃 the plotting officer reported。 〃Estimate distance to contact is six hundred fifty kilometers; position forty…seven degrees; nine minutes north; thirty…four degrees; fifty minutes west。〃
〃Get it out;〃 the pilot ordered。 A directional HF antenna in the aircraft's tail fin turned within its housing and radioed the information to the raid mander; whose Bear mand aircraft was a hundred miles behind the snoopers。
The raid mander pared this datum with that from the reconnaissance satellite。 Now he had two pieces of information。 The Americans' position three hours ago was sixty miles south of the estimated plot for the Hawkeye。 The Americans probably had two of them up; northeast and northwest of the formation。 That was normal fleet doctrine。 So; the carrier group was right about 。 。 。 here。 The Badgers were heading right for it。 They would encounter the American radar coverage in 。 。 。 two hours。 Good; he said to himself。 Everything is going according to plan。

Toland watched the aircraft plot in silence。 The radar picture from the Hawkeyes was being transmitted to the carrier by digital radio link; enabling the battle group mander to follow everything。 The same data went to the group air defense boss on Ticonderoga and every other ship fitted with the Naval Tactical Data System。 That included the French ships; which had long since been equipped to operate closely with the U。S。 Navy。 So far there was nothing to be seen except the tracks of American military and mercial aircraft ferrying men and supplies across the ocean; and dependents back to the States。 These were beginning to swing south。 Warned that an air battle was possible; the pilots of DC…10s and C…5As were prudently keeping out of the way; even if it meant having to land and refuel on the way to their destinations。
The group's forty…eight Tomcat interceptors were now mostly on station; spread in a line three hundred miles across。 Each pair of Tomcats had a tanker aircraft in attendance。 The attack birds; Corsairs and Intruders; carried oversized fuel tanks with refueling drogues attached; and one by one the Tomcats were already beginning to top off their fuel tanks from them。 Soon the Corsairs began returning to their carriers for refills。 They could keep this up for hours。 The aircraft remaining on the carriers were spotted on the decks for immediate takeoff。 If a raid came in; they would be shot off the catapults at once to eliminate the fire hazard inherent in any type of aircraft。
Toland had seen all this before; but could not fail to be amazed by it。 Everything was going as smoothly as a ballet。 The aircraft loitered at their stations; tracing lazy; fuel…efficient circles in the sky。 The carriers were racing east now at thirty knots to make up the distance lost during launch operations。 The Marines' landing ships Saipan; Ponce; and Newport could make only about twenty knots; and were essentially defenseless。 East of the group; carrier S…3A Viking and land…based P…3C Orion antisubmarine aircraft were patrolling for Soviet submarines。 They reported to the group ASW mander on the destroyer Caron。 There was as yet nothing for anyone to direct his frustration against。 The old story known to all fighting men。 You wait。

The raid mander was rapidly accumulating data。 He now had positions on four American Hawkeyes。 The first two had barely been plotted when the second pair had showed up; outside and south of the first。 The Americans had unwittingly given him a very accurate picture of where the battle group was; and the steady eastward drift of the Hawkeyes gave him course and speed。 His Bears were now in a wide semicircle around the Americans; and the Badgers were thirty minutes north of American radar cover; four hundred miles north of the estimated location of the ships。
〃Send to Group A: 'Enemy formation at grid coordinates 456/810; speed twenty; course one…zero…zero。 Execute Attack Plan A at 0615 Zulu time。' Send the same to Group B。 Tactical control of Group B switches to Team East Coordinator。〃 The battle had begun。
The Badger crews exchanged looks of relief。 They had detected the American radar signals fifteen minutes before; and knew that each kilometer south meant a greater chance that they would run into a cloud of enemy fighters。 Aboard each aircraft the navigator and bombardier worked quickly to feed strike information into the Kelt missiles slung under each wing。
Eight hundred miles to their southwest; the Backfire crews advanced their throttles slightly; plotting a course to the datum point supplied by the raid mander。 Having circled far around the American formation; they would now be controlled by the strike officer aboard the first Bear to make electronic contact with the Hawkeyes。 They had a solid fix on the NATO formation; but they needed better if they were to locate and engage the carriers。 These crews were not relieved; but excited。 Now came the challenging part。 The battle plan had been formulated a year before and practiced…over land exclusively…five times。 Four times it had worked。
Aboard eighty Badger bombers; pilots checked their watches; counting off the seconds to 0615 Zulu。
The lead Badger launched eight seconds early。 First one; then the second; aircraft…shaped Kelt dropped free of its pylon; falling several hundred feet before their turbojet engines ran up to full power。 Running on autopilot; the Kelts climbed back to thirty thousand feet and cruised on south at six hundred knots indicated air speed。 The bomber crews watched their birds proceed for a minute or two; then each of the bombers turned slowly and gracefully for home; their mission done。 Six Badger…J stand…off jamming aircraft continued south。 They would stay sixty kilometers behind the Kelts。 Their crews were nervous but confident。 It would not be easy for American radar to bum through their powerful jammers; and in any case; the Americans would soon have many targets to concern them。
The Kelts continued on; straight and level。 They carried their own electronic equipment; which would be triggered automatically by sensors in their tail fins。 When they entered the theoretical arc of the Hawkeyes' radar range; transponders in their noses clicked on。

〃Radar contacts! Designate Raid…1; bearing three…four…niner; range four…six…zero miles。 Numerous contacts; count one…four…zero contacts; course one…seven…five; speed six hundred knots。〃
The master tactical scope plotted the contacts electronically; and a pair of plexiglass plates showed another visual display。
〃So; here they e;〃 Baker said quietly。 〃Right on time。 ments?〃
〃I…〃 Toland didn't get a chance。
The puter display went white。
〃Clipper Base; this is Hawk…Three。 We're getting some jamming;〃 reported the senior airborne control officer。 〃We plot six; possibly seven jammers; bearing three…four…zero to zero…three…zero。 Pretty powerful stuff。 Estimate we have stand…off jammers; but no escort jammers。 Contacts are lost for the present。 Estimate burn…through in ten minutes。 Request weapons free; and release to vector intercepts。〃
Baker looked over to his air operations officer。 〃Let's get things started。〃
Air/Ops nodded and picked up a microphone。 〃Hawk…Three; this is Clipper Base。 Weapons free。 I say again; weapons are free。 Release authority is granted。 Splash me some bombers。 Out。〃
Svenson frowned at the display。 〃Admiral; we're ing about to clear decks。 Remend the formation stays together now。〃 He got a nod。 〃Clipper Fleet; this is Clipper Base; e left to two…seven…zero。 Launch all remaining aircraft。 Execute。〃
On the single mand; the formation made a hundred…eighty…degree left turn。 Those ships that did not as yet have missiles on their launchers rectified this。 Fire…control radars were trained north; but kept in standby mode。 Thirty different captains waited for the word to activate。

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