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〃Yes; rade General。〃
〃mander…in…Chief West is missing。 He was en route from Third Shock Army to his forward headquarters and disappeared。 It is thought he might have been killed by an air attack。 We're taking over。〃
〃Just like that?〃
〃Not at all;〃 Alekseyev said angrily。 〃They took thirty…six hours to decide that he was probably dead! The maniac had just relieved Third Shock's mander; then disappeared; and his deputy couldn't decide what to do。 A scheduled attack never began; and the fucking Germans counterattacked while our men were waiting for orders!'' Alekseyev shook his head to clear it and went on more calmly。 〃Well; now we will have soldiers running the campaign; not some politically reliable whoremonger。〃
Sergetov again noted his superior's puritanical streak。 It was one of the few traits that agreed exactly with Party policy。
〃Our mission?〃 the captain asked。
〃While the General takes charge at the mand post; you and I will tour the forward divisions to ascertain the situation at the front。 Sorry; Ivan Mikhailovich; I'm afraid this is not the safe posting I promised your father。〃
〃I speak good English in addition to Arabic;〃 the younger man sniffed。 Alekseyev had checked that out before writing up the transfer orders。 Captain Sergetov had been a good pany officer before being lured out of uniform by the promise of a fortable life of Party work。 〃When do we leave?〃
〃We fly out in two hours。〃
〃In daylight?〃 The captain was surprised at that。
〃It would appear that air travel by day is safer。 NATO claims to dominate the night sky。 Our people say otherwise; but they are flying us out in daylight。 Draw your own conclusions; rade Captain。〃

A C…5A transport aircraft sat outside its hangar; waiting。 Within the cavernous structure a team of forty…half officers in naval dress; half civilians wearing General Dynamics coveralls…worked on Tomahawk missiles。 While one group removed the massive antiship warheads and replaced them with something else; the other group's task was more difficult。 They were replacing the missile guidance systems; the usual ship…hunting packages being removed in favor of terrain…matching systems that the men knew were used only for nuclear…tipped missiles intended for land targets。 The guidance boxes were new; fresh from the factory。 They had to be checked and calibrated。 A delicate job。 Though the systems had already been certified by the manufacturer; the usual peacetime routines were gone; replaced with an urgency that all of them felt but none of them knew the reason for。 The mission was a plete secret。
Delicate electronic instruments fed pre…programmed information into the guidance packages; and other monitors examined the mands generated by the on…board puters。 There were only enough men to check out three missiles at a time; and each check took just over an hour。 Occasionally one would look up to see the massive Galaxy transport; still waiting; its crew pacing about between trips to the weather office。 When each missile was certified; a grease pencil mark was made next to the 〃F' code letter on the warhead; and the torpedo…shaped weapon was carefully loaded into its launch canister。 Nearly a third of the guidance packages were discarded and replaced。 Several had failed pletely; but the problems with most were quite minor; though serious enough to warrant replacement instead of adjustment。 The technicians and engineers from General Dynamics wondered about that。 What sort of target demanded this sort of precision? All in all; the job took twenty…seven hours; six more than expected。 About half of the men boarded the aircraft; which lifted off the concrete twenty minutes later; bound for Europe。 They slept in the rear…facing seats; too tired to care about the dangers that might await them at their destination; wherever that was。

Edwards was sitting up almost before he knew why。 Smith and his Marines were even faster; already on their feet; weapons in their hands and racing to cover。 Their eyes scanned the rocky rim of their small canyon as Vigdis continued to scream。 Edwards left his rifle and went to her。
The automatic reaction of the Marines was to assume that she had seen some danger upon them。 Instinctively; Edwards knew different。 Her eyes looked blankly toward the bare rocks a few yards away; her hands gripped at the bedroll。 By the time he reached her; she had stopped screaming。 This time Edwards did not stop to think。 He grabbed her around the shoulders and pulled her head toward his own。
〃You're safe。 Vigdis; you are safe。〃
〃My family;〃 she said; her chest heaving as she caught her breath。 〃They kill my family。 Then…?'
〃Yes; but you are alive。〃
'The soldiers; they…〃 The girl had evidently loosened her clothes to sleep more fortably。 Now she drew back from Edwards; pulling them tight around her。 The lieutenant kept his hands away from her clothes and wrapped the sleeping bag around her。
〃They will not hurt you again。 Remember all of what happened。 They will not hurt you again。〃
She looked into his face。 He didn't know what to make of her expression。 The pain and grief were evident; but there were other things there; and Edwards didn't know this girl well enough to read what she was thinking。
〃The one who kill my family。 You kill…killed him。〃
Edwards nodded。 〃They are all dead。 They cannot hurt you。〃

〃Yes。〃 Vigdis looked down at the ground。
〃You all right?〃 Smith asked。
〃Yeah;〃 Edwards answered。 〃The lady had a…a bad dream。〃
〃They e back;〃 she said。 〃They e back again。〃
〃Ma'am; they ain't never ing back to hurt you。〃 Smith grasped her arm through the sleeping bag。 〃We'll protect you。 Nobody will hurt you while we are here。 Okay?〃
The girl nodded jerkily。
〃Okay; Miss Vigdis; now why don't you try to get some sleep? Ain't nobody gonna hurt you while we're around。 You need us; you can call us。〃
Smith walked away。 Edwards started to rise; but the girl's hand came out of the bag and took his arm。
〃Please; do not go away。 I…fear; fear to be alone。〃
〃Okay。 I'll stay with you。 You lie back and get some sleep。〃
Five minutes later her eyes were closed and her breathing was regular。 Edwards tried not to look at her。 Should she suddenly awake and see his eyes on her…what might she think? And she could be right; Edwards admitted to himself。 Two weeks ago; had he encountered her at the Keflavik Officers Club 。 。 。 he was a young; unattached man; and she was evidently a young; unattached woman。 His main thought after the second drink would have been to get her back to his quarters。 A little soft music。 How beautiful she would have looked there; slipping demurely from her fashionable clothes in the soft light ing through the shades。 Instead he had met her stark naked; cuts and bruises on her exposed flesh。 So strange it was now。 Edwards knew without thinking that if another man tried to put hands on her; he'd kill him without hesitation; and he couldn't bring himself to think of what taking the girl himself might be like…his only likely thought if he had encountered her on the street。 What if I hadn't decided to e to her house? he wondered。 She'd be dead by now; along with her parents。 Probably someone would have found them in a few days 。 。 。 like they'd discovered Sandy。 And that; Edwards knew all along; was the reason he'd killed the Russian lieutenant and enjoyed the man's slow trip to hell。 A pity no one had seen fit to do that
Smith waved to him。 Edwards rose quietly and walked over。
〃I got Garcia on guard。 I think we better go back to being Marines after all。 If that'd been for real; we'd all be cold meat by now; Lieutenant。〃
〃We're all too tired to move out just yet。〃
〃Yes; sir。 The lady okay?〃
〃She's had a tough time。 When she wakes up…hell; I don't know。 I'm afraid she might just e apart on us。〃
〃Maybe。〃 Smith lit a cigarette。 〃She's young。 She might bounce back if we give her a chance。〃
〃Get her something to do?〃
〃Same as us; skipper。 You're better off doin' than thinkin'。〃
Edwards checked his watch。 He'd actually gotten six hours of sleep before all this had happened。 Though his legs were stiff; otherwise he felt better than he would have imagined。 It was an illusion; he knew。 He needed at least another four hours; and a good meal; before he'd be ready to move。
〃We won't move out until about eleven。 I want everybody to get some more sleep and one decent meal before we head out of here。〃
〃Makes sense。 When you gonna radio in?〃
〃I should have done that a long time ago; I just don't want to climb those damned rocks。〃
〃Lieutenant; I'm just a dumbass grunt; but insteada doing that; why don't you just walk downstream about half a mile? You oughta be able to track in on your satellite that way; right?〃
Edwards turned to look north。 Walking about that far would lower the angle to the satellite as well as climbing 。 。 。 why didn't I think of that? Because like any good Air Force Academy graduate; you thought in terms of up…and…down instead of sideways。 The lieutenant shook his head angrily; noting the sergeant's sly grin before he lifted the radio pack and heading down the canyon's rocky floor。
〃You're very late; Beagle;〃 Doghouse said at once。 〃Repeat your status。〃
〃Doghouse; things are just terrible。 We had a r
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