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〃We launch a two…regiment attack just over an hour from now。 Another village; named Bieben。 We estimate enemy strength as two understrength battalions of infantry; supported by tanks and artillery。 The village mands a crossroads we need。 Same one we tried to get last night。 This assault should work。 Do you wish to observe?〃
〃Then we'd better get you forward。 Forget the helicopter unless you want to die。 Besides〃…the colonel smiled…〃I can use it to support the attack。 I'll give you an infantry carrier to get you forward。 It will be dangerous up there; rade General;〃 the colonel warned。
〃Fine。 You can protect us。 When do we leave?〃

The calm sea meant that Pharris was back on port…and…starboard steaming。 Half the crew was always on duty as the frigate held her station north of the convoy。 The towed sonar was streamed aft; and the helicopter sat ready on the flight deck; its crew dozing in the hangar。 Morris slept also; snoring away in his leather bridge chair; to the amusement of his crewmen。 So; officers did it; too。 The crew acmodations often sounded like a convention of chainsaws。
〃Captain; message from CINCLANTFLT。〃
Morris looked up at the yeoman and signed for the message form。 An eastbound convoy one hundred fifty miles north of them was under attack。 He walked back to the chart table to check distances。 The submarines there were not a threat to him。 That was that。 He had his own concerns; and his world had shrunk to include them only。 Another forty hours to Norfolk; where they would refuel; replace expended ordnance; and sail again within twenty…four hours。
〃What the hell's that?〃 a sailor said loudly。 He pointed to a low…lying trail of white smoke。
〃That's a missile;〃 answered the officer of the deck。 〃General quarters! Captain; that was a cruise missile southbound a mile ahead of us。〃
Morris snapped upright in his seat and blinked his eyes clear。 〃Signal the convoy。 Energize the radar。 Fire the chaff。〃 Morris ran to the ladder to CIC。 The ship's alarm was sounding its strident note before he got there。 Aft; two Super…RBOC chaff rockets leaped into the sky and exploded; surrounding the frigate with a cloud of aluminum foil。
〃I count five inbounds;〃 a radar operator was saying。 One's heading towards us。 Bearing zero…zero…eight; range seven miles; speed five hundred knots。〃
〃Bridge; e right full rudder to zero…zero…eight;〃 the tactical action officer ordered。 〃Stand by to fire off more chaff。 Air action forward; weapons free。〃
The five…inch gun swiveled slightly and loosed several rounds; none of which came near the ining missile。
〃Range two miles and closing;〃 reported the radar man。
〃Fire four more Super…Rocs。〃
Morris heard the rockets launch。 The radar showed their chaff as an opaque cloud that enveloped the ship。
〃CIC;〃 called a lookout。 〃I see it。 Star bound bow; inbound…it's gonna miss; I got a bearing change。 There…there it goes; passing aft。 Missed us by a couple hundred yards。〃
The missile was confused by the chaff。 Had its brain had the capacity to think; it would have been surprised that it struck nothing。 Instead; on ing back to a clear sky; the radar seeker merely looked for another target。 It found one; fifteen miles ahead; and altered course toward it。
〃Sonar;〃 Morris ordered; 〃check bearing zero…zero…eight。 There's a missile…armed sub out there。〃
〃Looking now; sir。 Nothing shows on that bearing。〃
〃A five…hundred…knot sea…skimmer。 That's a Charlie…class sub; maybe thirty miles out;〃 Morris said。 〃Get the helo out there。 I'm going topside。〃
The captain reached the bridge just in time to see the explosion on the horizon。 That was no freighter。 The fireball could only mean a warship had had her magazines exploded by a missile; perhaps the one that had just missed them。 Why hadn't they been able to stop it? Three more explosions followed。 Slowly the noise traveled across the sea toward them; reaching Pharris as the deep sound of an enormous bass drum。 The frigate's Sea Sprite helicopter was just lifting off; racing north in the hope of catching the Soviet sub near the surface。 Morris ordered his ship to slow to five knots in the hope that the lower speed would allow his sonar to perform just a little better。 Still nothing。 He returned to CIC。
The helicopter's crew dropped a dozen sonobuoys。 Two showed something; but the contact faded; and was not reestablished。 Soon an Orion showed up and carried on the search; but the submarine had escaped cleanly; her missiles having killed a destroyer and two merchantmen。 Just like that; Morris thought。 No warning at all。

〃Raid warning again;〃 the Group Captain said。
〃Realtime?〃 Toland asked。
〃No; an asset we have in Norway。 Contrails overhead southwest。 He counts twenty or so; aircraft type unknown。 We have a Nimrod patrolling north of Iceland now。 If they're Backfires; and if they rendezvous with a tanker group; we might just get something。 See if your idea works; Bob。〃
Four Tomcat interceptors were sitting ready on the flight line。 Two were armed with missiles。 The other pair carried buddy…stores; fuel tanks designed to transfer fuel to other aircraft。 The distance they expected for a successful intercept meant a round trip of two thousand miles; which meant that only two aircraft could reach far enough; and they were stretching to the limit。
The Nimrod circled two hundred miles east of Jan Mayen Land。 The Norwegian island had been subjected to several air attacks; destroying the radar there; though so far the Russians had not launched a ground attack as expected。 The British patrol aircraft bristled with antennae but carried no armament of her own。 If the Russians sent escorting fighters out with the bomber/tanker force; she could only evade。 One team listened in on the bands used by the Russians to municate between aircraft; another on radar frequencies。
It was a long; tense wait。 Two hours after the raid warning; a garbled transmission was heard; interpreted as a warning to a Backfire pilot approaching a tanker。 The bearing was plotted; and the Nimrod turned east hoping for a cross bearing on the next such signal。 None was detected。 Without a firm fix; the fighters had only the slimmest hope of an intercept。 They were kept on the ground。 Next time; they decided; there'd be a pair of snoopers up。

The QZB bell…ringer call arrived just after lunch。 McCafferty brought his submarine to antenna depth and received orders to proceed to Faslane; the Royal Navy submarine base in Scotland。 Since losing contact with the Russian surface force; they had not tracked a single positive contact。 It was crazy。 All the pre…war assessments told McCafferty to expect a 〃target…rich environment。〃 So far he was rich only in frustration。 The executive officer took them back down to a deep cruising depth while McCafferty began to write up his patrol report。

〃You're pretty exposed here;〃 the captain observed; crouching just behind the turret。
〃True enough;〃 Sergeant Mackall agreed。 His M…1 Abrams tank was dug into the reverse slope of a hill; its gun barely clear of the ground behind a row of shrubs。 Mackall looked down a shallow valley to a treeline fifteen hundred meters away。 The Russians were in there; surveying the ridges with powerful field glasses; and he hoped that they could not make out the squat; ominous profile of the main battle tank。 He was in one of three prepared firing positions; a sloped hole in the ground dug by the engineers' bulldozers; helped over the last few days by local German farmers who had taken to the task with a will。 The bad news was that the next line of such positions required traversing five hundred meters of open fields。 They'd been planted with something a bare six weeks before。 Those crops would never amount to much; the sergeant knew。
〃Ivan must love this weather;〃 Mackall observed。 There was an overcast at about thirteen hundred feet。 Whatever air support he could expect would have a bare five seconds to acquire and engage their targets before having to break clear of the battlefield。 〃What can you give us; sir?〃
〃I can call four A…10s; maybe some German birds;〃 the Air Force captain replied。 He surveyed the terrain himself from a slightly different perspective。 What was the best way to get the ground…attack fighters in and out? The first Russian attack on this position had been repulsed; but he could see the remains of two NATO aircraft that had died in the effort。 〃There should be three choppers; too。〃
That surprised Mackall…and worried him。 Just what sort of attack were they expecting here?
〃Okay。〃 The captain stood and turned back to his armored mand vehicle。 〃When you hear 'Zulu; Zulu; Zulu;' that means the air is less than five minutes out。 If you see any SAM vehicles or antiair guns; for Christ's sake take them out。 The Warthogs have been hit real hard; Sarge。〃
〃You got it; Cap'n。 You better get your ass outa here; it's gonna be showtime soon。〃 One thing Mackall had learned was just how important a good forward air…control officer was; and this one had dug the sergeant's troop out of a really bad scrape three days before。 He watched the officer sprint fifty yards to the waiting vehicle; its engine already turning。 The rear door had
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