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oor hadn't yet closed when the driver pulled out fast; zigzagging down the slope and across the plowed field toward the mand post。
B Troop; 1st Squadron; 1lth Armored Cavalry Regiment had once been fourteen tanks。 Five of the originals were gone; and there had been only two replacements。 Of the rest; all had been damaged to one degree or another。 His platoon leader had been killed on the second day of the war; leaving Mackall in mand of the three…tank platoon; covering nearly a kilometer of front。 Dug in between his tanks was a pany of German infantry…men of the Landwehr; the local equivalent of the National Guard; farmers and shop owners for the most part; men fighting to defend not just their country; but their own homes。 They; too; had taken serious losses。 The 〃pany〃 was no more than two platoons of effectives。 Surely the Russians know just how thin we're spread; Mackall thought。 Everyone was dug in…deep。 The power of Russian artillery had e as a shock despite all the pre…war warnings they'd had。
〃The Americans must love this。〃 The colonel gestured at the low clouds。 〃Their damned airplanes e swooping in too low for our radar; and this way we have practically no chance to see them before they fire。〃
〃How badly have they hurt you?〃
〃See for yourself。〃 The colonel gestured at the battlefield。 Fifteen tanks lay in view…the burned…out remains。 〃That American low…level fighter did this…the Thunderbolt。 Our men call it the Devil's Cross。〃
〃But you killed two aircraft yesterday;〃 Sergetov objected。
〃Yes; and only one of four gun vehicles survived the effort。 The same vehicle got bothSenior Sergeant Lupenko。 I remended him for the Red Banner。 It will be posthumousthe second aircraft crashed right on his vehicle。 My best gunner;〃 the colonel said bitterly。 Two kilometers away; the wreckage of a German Alphajet was a charred garnish atop the remains of a ZSU…30 gun vehicle。 No doubt it had been deliberate; the colonel thought; that German had wanted to kill just a few more Soviets before he died。 A sergeant handed his colonel a radio headset。 The officer listened for half a minute before speaking a few words that he punctuated with a quick nod。
〃Five minutes; rades。 My men are fully in place。 Would you follow me; please?〃
The mand bunker had been hastily built of logs and earth; with a full meter of overhead cover。 Twenty men were crammed into it; munications men for the two regiments in the assault。 The division's third regiment waited to exploit the breakthrough and pave the way for the reserve armored division to break into the enemy's rear。 If; Alekseyev reminded himself; everything went as planned。
No enemy troops or vehicles could be seen; of course。 They would be in the woods atop the ridge less than two kilometers away; dug in deep。 He watched the divisional mander nod to his artillery chief; who lifted a field phone and spoke two words:
〃mence firing。〃
It took several seconds for the sound to reach them。 Every gun the division owned; with an additional battery from the tank division; spoke as one dreadful voice; and the thunder echoed across the countryside The shells arched overhead; at first striking short of the opposite ridgeline; then closing on it。 What had once been a gentle hill covered with lush grass turned into a brown obscenity of bare earth and smoke。

〃I think they're serious; Sarge;〃 the loader said; pulling his hatch down tight。
Mackall adjusted his helmet and microphone as he peered out the view ports built into his mander's cupola。 The thick armor plate kept most of the noise out; but when the ground shook beneath them; the shock came through the treads and suspension to rock the vehicle; and each crewman reflected to himself on the force needed to budge a sixty…ton tank。 This was how the lieutenant had bought it…a one…in…a…thousand shot from a heavy gun had landed a round right on his turret; and it had burrowed through the thin overhead armor to explode the vehicle。
Left and right of Mackall's tank; the largely middle…aged German territorials cowered in their deep; narrow holes; their emotions oscillating between terror and rage at what was happening to them and their country…and their homes!

〃Good fire plan; rade Colonel;〃 Alekseyev said quietly。 A screaming sound passed overhead。 〃There is your air support。〃
Four Russian ground…attack fighters wheeled overhead to trace parallel to the ridgeline and dropped their loads of napalm。 As they turned back toward Russian fines; one exploded in midair。
〃What was that?〃
〃Probably a Roland;〃 the colonel answered。 〃Their version of our SA…8 rocket。 Here we go。 One minute。〃
Five kilometers behind the mand bunker; two batteries of mobile rocket launchers ripple…fired their weapons in a continuous sheet of flame。 Half were high…explosive warheads; the other half smoke。

Thirty rockets landed in Mackall's sector and thirty in the valley before him。 The impact of the explosives shook his tank violently; and he could hear the pings of fragments bouncing off his armor。 But it was the smoke that frightened him。 That meant Ivan was ing。 From thirty separate points; gray…white smoke billowed into the air; forming an instant manmade cloud that enveloped all the ground in view。 Mackall and his gunner activated their thermal…imaging sights。
〃Buffalo; this is Six;〃 the troop mander called in over the mand circuit。 〃Check in。〃
Mackall listened in closely。 All eleven vehicles were intact; protected by their deep holes。 Again he blessed the engineers…and the German farmers…who had dug the shelters。 No further orders were passed。 None were needed。
〃Enemy in view;〃 the gunner reported。
The thermal sight measured differences in temperature and could penetrate most of the mile of smoke cover。 And the wind was on their side。 A ten…mile…per…hour breeze was driving the cloud back east。 Sergeant First Class Terry Mackall took a deep breath and went to work。
〃Target tank; ten o'clock。 Sabot! Shoot!〃
The gunner trained left and centered the sight reticle on the nearest Soviet battle tank。 His thumbs depressed the laser button; and a thin beam of light bounced off the target。 The range display came up in his sight: 1310 meters。 The fire…control puter plotted target distance and speed; elevating the main gun。 The puter measured wind speed and direction; air density and humidity; the temperature of the air; and the tank's own shells; and all the gunner had to do was place the target in the center of his sights。 The whole operation took less than two seconds; and the gunner's fingers jammed home on the triggers。
A forty…foot muzzle blast annihilated the shrubs planted two years earlier by some German Boy Scouts。 The tank's 105mm gun jerked back in recoil; ejecting the spent aluminum case。 The shell came apart in the air; the sabot failing free of the projectile; a 40mm dart made of tungsten and uranium that lanced through the air at almost a mile a second。
The projectile struck the target one second later at the base of the gun turret。 Inside; a Russian gunner was just picking up a round for his own cannon when the uranium core of the shot burned through the protective steel。 The Russian tank exploded; its turret flying thirty feet into the air。
〃Hit!〃 Mackall said。 〃Target tank; twelve o'clock。 Sabot! Shoot!〃
The Russian and American tanks fired at the same instant; but the Russian shot went high; missing the defiladed M…1 by nearly a meter。 The Russian was less lucky。
〃Time to leave;〃 Mackall announced。 〃Straight back! Heading for alternate one。〃
The driver already had reverse engaged; and twisted hard on his throttle control。 The tank surged backward; then spun right and headed fifty yards to another prepared position。

〃Damned smoke!〃 Sergetov swore。 The wind blew it back in their faces; and they couldn't tell what was going on。 The battle was now in the hands of captains; lieutenants; and sergeants。 All they could see was the orange fireballs of exploding vehicles; and there was no way to know whose they were。 The colonel in mand had his radio headset on and was barking orders to his subunit manders。

Mackall was in his fast alternate position in less than a minute。 This one had been dug parallel to the ridgeline; and his massive turret trained to the left。 He could see the infantry now; dismounted and running ahead of their assault carriers。 Allied artillery; both German and American; ripped through their ranks; but not quickly enough 。
〃Target…tank with an antenna; just ing out of the treeline。〃
〃Got 'em!〃 the gunner answered。 He saw a Russian T…80 main battle tank with a large radio antenna projecting from the turret。 That would be a pany mander…maybe a battalion mander。 He fired。
The Russian tank wheeled just as the shot left the muzzle。 Mackall watched the tracer barely miss his engine partment。
〃Gimme a HEAT round!'' the gunner shouted over the inter。
〃Turn back; you mother…〃
The Russian tank was driven by an experienced sergeant who zigzagged his way across the valley floor。 He jinked every five seconds; and now brought his tank left again…
The gunner squeezed off his round。 The tank jumped at the recoil and the spent round clanged off the turret's rear wall。 Already the closed tank hull stank of the ammonia…based propellant。
〃Hit! Nice 
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