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 Something stung him fiercely; spinning him clockwise and down。 He was still spinning when he hit the warm water; and wondering why his arms and legs weren't working; wondering why he hadn't heard a shot or seen a muzzle flash; wondering if perhaps he was already dead。
 Late on the night of August 27; with a warm breeze at his back and nine cold Budweisers in his belly; Keith Higs…trom decided to go hunting。 His friends declined to acpany him; as Keith was as clumsy and unreliable a shooter as he was a drunk。
 Truthfully there wasn't much to hunt in South Florida; the wild game having long ago fled or died。 However; the hurricane had dispersed throughout the suburbs an exotic new quarry: livestock。 Mile upon mile of ranch posts in rural Dade County had been uprooted; freeing herds of cattle and horses to explore vistas beyond their mucky flooded pastures。 Motivated more by dull hunger than by native inquisitiveness; the animals began appearing in places where they were not customarily encountered。 One such place was Keith Higstrom's neighborhood; a subdivision of indistinguishable clam…colored houses; stacked twenty deep and twenty…five across and bordered on every side by bankrupt strip shopping malls。
 It was here Keith Higstrom had spent his childhood。 His father's family had moved to Miami from northern Minnesota in the early 1940s bringing an affinity for long guns and an appetite for the great outdoors。 An impressionable boy; Keith had listened to hunting yarns his entire life…timber wolves and trophy black bears in the north woods; white…tailed deer and wild turkeys in the Florida scrub。 The head of an eight…point buck; stoic but marble…eyed; hung over the Higstrom dinner table; the tawny pelt of a prized panther was tacked spread…eagle on the west wall of the den。 At age five; Keith began collecting in leatherbound volumes each edition of Outdoor Life; Field & Stream and Sports Afield。 His most treasured possession was an autographed photo of the famous Joe Foss; standing over a dead grizzly。 At age six; young Keith got a Daisy popgun; a BB pistol at age nine; a pellet rifle at age eleven; and his first 。22 at thirteen。
 Yet 。。。 even plinking beer cans at the local rock pit; the boy displayed an unfailing lack of proficiency with firearms。 His father was more than slightly disappointed。 Young Keith was a pure menace with a gun。 Practice brought no improvement; nor did experimenting with different styles of weapons。 Scopes didn't help。 Tripods didn't help。 Recoil cushions didn't help。 Even goddamn breathing exercises didn't help。
 Often these father…son target practices disintegrated into sulking and tears until the elder Higstrom relented; allowing young Keith to fire a few rounds with a twelve…gauge Mossberg; just so he could have the experience of hitting something。 Clearly the family lineage of crack dead…eye shots had e to a sorry end。 Keith's father returned from these outings looking pale and shaken; although he said nothing to Keith's mother about what he'd witnessed at the rock pit。
 Fortunately; by the time Keith was old enough to go out hunting; there was practically nothing left to shoot in Miami except for rats and low…flying seagulls。 Every autumn; Keith badgered his father into taking him to the Big Cypress Swamp or private hunting camps in the Everglades; where the deer were chased into high water by airboats and shot at point…blank range。 The elder Higstrom dreaded these excursions and found no sport in the killing; but his son couldn't have been happier had he been lobbing grenades at crippled fawns。
 It was on one such miserable morning that Keith Higstrom's father swore off hunting forever。 They were riding a tank…sized swamp buggy in hot pursuit of a scraggly; half…senile bobcat。 Suddenly Keith began firing wildly at an object high in the sky…a bald eagle; it turned out; a federally protected species。 The attempted felony was not consummated; due to the young man's shaky aim; but in the fever of the moment he managed to blow off his father's left ear。
 Deafened; blood…drenched; writhing facedown in Everglades marl; the elder Higstrom experienced a peculiar catharsis; an unexpected soothing of the soul; as if a cool white sheet were slowly being drawn over his head。 Yes; his injury was terrible; and the deafness would (if he came clean about it) cost him his job as an air traffic controller。 On the other hand; he could never again be forced to go hunting with his excitable son!
 Keith Higstrom couldn't duck responsibility for the accident; nor the guilt that went with it。 His father recovered from the gunshot wound; and was kind enough not to bring it up more than once or twice a day。 Before long; Keith's remorse gave way to an unspoken resentment; for he perceived that his father was using the missing ear as an excuse to avoid their weekend expeditions。 A plastic surgeon had attached a durable polyurethane facsimile to the left side of the elder Higstrom's head; while a high…tech hearing aid had restored the old man's auditory capacity to eighty…one percent of what it was before the Everglades mishap。 Yet he stubbornly refused to pick up a gun。 Doctor's orders; he squawked。
 For Keith; outdoor panionship was increasingly hard to e by。 His friends always seemed to have prior mitments whenever Keith invited them to go hunting。 Frustrated and restless; he spent long sullen weekends cleaning his guns and watching videotapes of his favorite American Sportsman episodes。 Whenever his trigger finger got itchy; he'd drive out the Tamiami Trail and park by the canal。 As soon as darkness fell; Keith would load a double…barrel shotgun; strap on a headlamp and stalk along the shoreline。 His usual targets were turtles and opossums; anything faster or smarter generally eluded him。
 Shortly after the hurricane; Keith Higstrom noticed four dairy cows and a palomino mare grazing on his neighbor's front lawn。 Everyone on the block was gathered on the sidewalk; laughing and taking pictures; a light moment of relief in the otherwise somber aftermath of the storm。 That night; drinking with his buddies at an Irish bar on Kendall Drive; Keith asked: 〃How much does a cow weigh?〃
 One of Keith's friends said; 〃I give up; Higstrom。 How much does a cow weigh?〃
 〃It's not a joke。 More than an elk? Because I got cows loose on my street。〃
 One of his friends said; 〃From the hurricane。〃
 〃Yeah; but how big do you figure? More than a mulie?〃 Keith Higstrom drained his Budweiser and stood up。 〃Let's go hunting; boys。〃
 〃Sit down; Higstrom。〃
 〃You pussies ing or not?〃
 〃Have another beer; Keith。〃
 With a burp; he charged out the door。 He drove home; slipped into the den; and removed his grandfather's old 。30…06 from the maple gun cabinet。 He dropped a box of bullets; and giggled drunkenly when nobody woke up。 He pulled on his boots and his mailorder camo jumpsuit; strapped on the headlamp; and went looking for a cow to shoot。
 They were no longer grazing in his neighbor's front yard。 Dropping into an exaggerated half crouch; Keith Higstrom weaved down the block。 He felt light as a feather; lethal as a snake。 The rifle was slick and magnificent in his hands。 His plan was to tie the dead cow on the front fender of his Honda Civic and drive all the way back to Kendall; back to the Irish bar where his chickenshit pals were drinking。 Keith Higstrom chuckled in advance at the spectacle。
 For cover he used mounds of hurricane debris; shuffling noisily from one to another。 The street was empty and black and shadowless; the homes on the north side still had no electricity。 Passing the Ullmans' house; Keith Higstrom heard something in the backyard…deep raspy snorting。 He thought it might be the runaway palomino。 As he snuck around the corner of the garage; the beam of Keith Higstrom's headlamp illuminated a pair of glistening indigo eyes; as large as ashtrays。
 〃God damn;〃 he exclaimed。
 An enormous animal stood next to the Ullmans' half…drained swimming pool。 The light from Keith's headlamp played up and down its blue…black flanks。 This was no ordinary cow。 For starters; it was as big as a tractor。
 Its sharp horns were lavishly curved and downslung; upside down from those of domestic American stock。
 Keith Higstrom knew exactly what he was looking at。 Hadn't he watched Jimmy Dean and Curt Gowdy shoot one of the very same majestic bastards on The American I Sportsman? But that was in Africa; for Christ's sake。 Not Miami; Florida。
 It occurred to Keith that he might be suffering the effects of too much alcohol; that the gigantic oval…eyed ungulate glaring at him was merely a Budweiser…enhanced Angus。
 Then it snorted again; expelling twin strings of dewy snot。 The animal lowered its head and; with hooves the size of laundry irons; decisively pawed a trench in the Ullmans' newly replanted Bermuda sod。
 〃Shit on a biscuit;〃 Keith Higstrom said; raising his grandfather's rifle。 〃That's a Cape buffalo!〃
 He fired and; naturally; missed。 Twice。
 The gunshots awakened Mr。 Ullman; a banker by trade and a recent arrival from Copenhagen; who looke
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