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 It was too good to be true! Thank you; mighty Change! Avila was awestruck and humbled。
 Jasmine said; 〃That Snapper calls all the time; ever since he got out of Sumter。 She's put her meathooks in that boy。 By the way; her tattoo…it's not a balloon; it's a lollipop。〃 Jasmine laughed。 〃But you were on the money about which tit。〃
 〃So where's Snapper?〃
 〃Sugar; how should I know? He's Daphne's trick。〃
 〃You mean Bridget。〃
 Jasmine bowed。 〃Touche;〃 she said; good…naturedly。
 Avila produced another hundred…dollar bill。 He put it flat on the bar; beneath the Perrier bottle。 〃Is he at a motel?〃 he asked。
 〃A house; I think。〃
 〃I gotta ask her;〃 Jasmine said。
 〃You need a quarter for the phone?〃
 〃She's working tonight。 Give me your number。〃
 Avila wrote it in the margin of the damp C…note。 Jasmine put it in her purse。
 〃I'm hungry;〃 she said。
 〃I'm not。〃
 〃What's the matter?〃 She gave his knee a squeeze。 〃Oh; I know。 I know why you're pissed。〃
 〃You don't know a damn thing。〃
 〃Yes I do。 You're mad 'cause of what I said about the way you are in bed。〃
 Avila shot to his feet and called for the check。 Jasmine tugged him back to the barstool。 Pressing her chest against his arm; she whispered; 〃Hey; it's all right。 I thought it was cute。〃
 〃I don't squeak;〃 Avila said coldly。
 〃You're right;〃 said Jasmine。 〃You're absolutely right。 e on; honey; couldn't you go for a steak?〃
 Edie Marsh and Snapper had gotten into a nasty argument over the call girl。 Edie had said it was no time for screwing…they needed to practice their husband…and…wife routine for when Fred Dove's boss showed up。 Snapper had told her to lighten up or shut her trap。 Watching the panel of saucy prostitutes on Oprah had made him think about licking the former Daphne's lollipop。
 She was delighted to hear from him; the escort service business being slow as molasses after the hurricane。 She caught a taxi to the Torres house; but got there late because the driver got lost in the pitch darkness and traffic confusion。
 There was no door on which to knock; so Bridget strolled in unannounced。 Edie Marsh and Snapper were glaring at each other by candlelight in the living room。
 〃Hello again;〃 Bridget said to Edie; who nodded testily。
 Bridget scampered to the BarcaLounger and sprawled across Snapper's lap。 She scissored her chubby legs in the air and smooched his neck (the disaligned jaws made mouth…kissing problematic)。
 Snapper said; 〃You're sittin' on my gun。〃
 Bridget wriggled girlishly as he extricated the pistol。 She said; 〃Baby; what happened to your leg?〃
 〃Ask Little Miss Psychobitch。〃
 Bridget stared at Edie Marsh。 〃He hit me;〃 Edie said; remorselessly; 〃so I hit him back。〃
 〃With a fucking crowbar。〃
 〃Ouch;〃 said the hooker。
 Snapper told Edie to go walk the damn dogs for a couple hours。
 Bridget said; 〃You got dogs? Where?〃 She sat up excitedly。 〃I love dogs。〃
 〃Just take off your clothes;〃 Snapper said。 〃Where's the Stoli?〃
 〃All the liquor stores were boarded up。〃
 〃Mother of Christ!〃
 Edie Marsh said; 〃Look; Bridget; nothing personal against you。 But we've got a very important meeting tomorrow morning…〃
 〃Wait; now;〃 Snapper cut in。 〃You're sayin' there's no vodka? Did I hear right?〃
 〃Baby; the storm; remember? Everything's shut down。〃
 〃Bullshit。 You didn't even try。〃
 〃Chill out;〃 said Bridget。 〃We don't need booze for a party。〃
 Edie Marsh tried once more: 〃All I'm asking is that you're gone in the morning; OK? There's a man ing to the house; he won't understand。〃
 〃No problem; hon。〃
 〃Nothing personal。〃
 Bridget laughed。 〃It's not like I had my heart set on staying over in this dump。〃
 Edie said; 〃You should see the bathrooms。 There's mosquitoes this big hatching in the toilets!〃
 Bridget made a face and pressed her knees together。 Snapper said: 〃Edie; I'm countin' to ten。 Get your lazy ass in gear。〃
 Donald and Maria began yipping in the backyard。
 〃Are those your puppies?〃 Bridget sprang from Snapper's lap and hurried to what once had been French doors。 〃They sound adorable…what kind?〃 She peered expectantly into the night。
 Snapper gimped to her side。 〃Fertilizer hounds;〃 he said。
 〃Fertilizer hounds?〃
 〃When I get done with 'em; yeah。 That's the only goddamn thing they'll be good for。〃 He raised the pistol and fired twice at the infernal yowling。 Bridget let out a cry and covered her ears。 Edie Marsh came up from behind and kicked Snapper in the crook of his bum right leg。 He went down with a surprised grunt。
 Outside; the volume of doggy racket increased by many decibels。 Donald and Maria were hysterical with fear。 Edie Marsh hurried outside to untangle the leashes before they garroted each other。 Bridget knelt at Snapper's side and scolded him for being such a meanie。
 The way Levon Stichler figured it; he had nothing to lose。 Tfhe hurricane had taken everything; including the urn containing the ashes of his recently departed wife。 The life in which he had invested most of his military pension had been reduced to broken glass and razor tinsel。 Hours of painstaking salvage had yielded not enough dry belongings to fill a tackle box。 Levon Stichler's neighbors at the trailer court were in the same abject fix。 Within twenty…four hours; his shock and despair had distilled into high…octane anger。 Someone must pay! Levon Stichler thundered。 And logically that someone should be the smirking sonofabitch who'd sold them those mobile homes; the glib fat thief who'd promised them that the structures were government certified and hurricane…proof。
 Levon Stichler had spotted Tony Torres at the trailer court on the morning after the hurricane; but the mangy prick had fled like a coyote。 Levon Stichler had fumed for a few days; gathering what valuables he could find among the trailer's debris until county workers showed up to bulldoze the remains。 The old man considered returning to Saint Paul; where his only daughter lived; but the thought of long frigid winters…and sharing space with six hyperactive grandchildren…was more than he could face。
 There would be no northward migration。 Levon Stichler considered his life to be officially ruined; and considered one man to be morally responsible for the tragedy。 He would know no peace until Tony Torres was dead。 Killing the salesman might even make Levon Stichler a hero; at least in the eyes of his trailer…court neighbors…that's what the old man convinced himself; He envisioned public sympathy and national headlines; possibly a visit from Connie Chung。 And prison wouldn't be such an awful place; a damn sight safer than a double…wide trailer。 Haw! Levon Stichler told no one of his mission。 The hurricane hadn't actually driven him insane; but that's what he intended to plead at the trial。 The Alzheimer's defense was another promising option。 But first he had to devise a convincingly eccentric murder。
 As soon as he settled on a plan; Levon Stichler called PreFab Luxury Homes。 The phone rang over and over; causing the old man to wonder if the storm had put the trailer…home pany out of business。 In fact; PreFab Luxury was enjoying a banner week; thanks to a massive requisition from the Federal Emergency Management Agency。 Uncle Sam; it seemed; was generously providing trailers to homeless storm victims。 Many of the miserably displaced souls who'd been living in PreFab Luxury trailers when the hurricane wiped them out would be living in a PreFab Luxury product once again。 Neither the pany nor the federal government thought it necessary to inform tenants of the irony。
 Eventually a receptionist answered the telephone; and made a point of mentioning how busy they all were。 Levon Stichler asked to speak to Mr。 Torres。 The woman said that Tony apparently was taking some personal leave after the storm and that nobody knew when he'd return to the office。 Levon Stichler gathered that he wasn't the first dissatisfied customer to make inquiries。
 The receptionist politely declined to divulge the salesman's home number。
 From his sodden telephone directory; Levon Stichler carefully removed the page listing the names and addresses of all the Antonio Torreses in Greater Miami。 Then he got in the car; filled up the tank and began the hunt。
 On the first day; Levon Stichler eliminated from the list three auto mechanics; a scuba instructor; a thoracic surgeon; a palmist; two lawyers and a university professor。 All were named Antonio Torres; but none was the scoundrel whom Levon Stichler sought。 He was exhausted; but resolute。
 On the second day; Levon Stichler continued to winnow the roster of candidates: a stockbroker; a nurseryman; a shrimper; a police officer; two electricians; an optometrist and a greenskeeper。 Another Tony Torres; unkempt and clearly impaired; tried to sell him a bag of bootleg Dilaudids; still another threatened to decapitate him with a hoe。
 The third day of the manhunt brought Levon Stichler to the Turtle Meadow subdivision and 15600 Calusa Drive。 By t
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