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 〃What is it?〃 Edie shouted over Reba。
 Snapper made a sarcastic zipper motion across his lips。 He thought: I'm so goddamn tired。 If only I could have a nap; it would e to me。 A new plan。
 The one…eyed stranger began to sing along with the stereo。 Snapper scrutinized him coldly。 How'd he know about the lady trooper? Snapper's hands had a slight tremor。 His lips were as dry as ash。 What if the bitch had gone and died? What if first she'd gotten a good look at him; or maybe the Jeep? What if it was already on TV; and every cop in Florida was in the hunt?
 Snapper told himself to knock it off; think positive。 For the first time in days; his busted…up knee didn't hurt so much。 That was something to be glad about。
 The young woman in the back seat joined her flaky panion in song。 She was winging it with the lyrics; but that was all right with Snapper; her voice was pretty。
 Edie Marsh tapped the rim of the steering wheel and acted peeved at the amateur chorus。 After about three minutes she reached out and poked the Off button on the CD player。 Reba fell silent; and so did the chorus。
 Snapper announced that the next selection was Travis Tritt。
 〃Spare us;〃 Edie said。 〃Hell's your problem?〃
 The woman in the back seat spoke up: 〃My name's Bonnie。 This is the governor。 He prefers to be called 'captain。' 〃
 〃Skink will be fine;〃 said the one…eyed man。 〃And I would kill for some Allman Brothers。〃
 Snapper demanded to know what they wanted; why they'd been snooping at the Torres house。 The man who called himself Skink said: 〃We were looking for you。〃
 〃How e?〃
 〃As a favor to a friend。 You wouldn't know him。〃
 Edie Marsh said; 〃You're not making a damn bit of sense。〃
 Something shifted in the bed of the Jeep。 The sound was followed by a faint quavering moan。
 From the woman; Bonnie: 〃What are your names?〃
 Edie Marsh rolled her eyes。 Bonnie caught it in the rearview。
 Snapper said; 〃Fuckin' idiots; the both of 'em。〃
 〃All I meant;〃 said Bonnie Lamb; 〃is what should we call you?〃
 〃I'm Farrah Fawcett;〃 Edie said。 Nodding at Snapper: 〃He's Ryan O'Neal。〃
 In discouragement; Bonnie turned toward the window。 〃Just forget it。〃
 A warm hand settled on Edie's shoulder。 〃Whoever you are;〃 Skink said intimately; 〃you make a truly lovely couple。〃
 〃Fuck you。〃
 Snapper lunged across the seat and stuck the barrel of the 。357 in a crease of the stranger's cheek。 〃You think I don't got the balls to shoot?〃
 Skink nonchalantly pushed the gun away。 He eased back in the seat and folded his arms。 His fearless attitude distracted Edie Marsh。 Snapper manded her to pull off at the next exit。 He needed to find a bathroom。
 Having never been abducted at gunpoint; Bonnie Lamb wasn't as scared as she thought she ought to be。 She attributed the unexpected posure to her resolve for adventure and to the governor's implausibly confident air。 Based on nothing but blind faith; Bonnie was sure that Skink wouldn't allow them to be harmed by a deformed auto thief。 The guy's erratic gun handling was nerve…racking; but somehow not so menacing with another woman in the Jeep。 Bonnie Lamb could tell that she wasn't some dull…eyed trailer…park tramp; she was a sharp cookie; and not especially afraid of the dolt with the pistol。 Bonnie had a feeling there wouldn't be any killing inside the truck。
 She wondered what Max Lamb would think if he could see her now。 Probably best that he couldn't。 She felt terrible about hurting her husband; but did she miss him? It didn't feel like it。 Perhaps she was doing Max the biggest favor of his life。 Having waited all of one week to mit adultery with a near…total stranger; Bonnie surmised that she had; in the parlance of pop psychotherapy; 〃unresolved issues〃 to confront。 Poor eager Max was a victim of misleading packaging。 He thought he was getting one sort of woman when he was getting another。 For that Bonnie felt guilty。
 She vowed not to depress herself by overanalyzing her instant attraction to Augustine。 She wished he were there; and wondered how he would ever find them on the road。 Bonnie herself had no clue which way they were headed。
 〃South;〃 the governor reported。 〃And south is good。〃
 The man with the pistol snarled: 〃Quiet; asshole。〃
 Suddenly Bonnie got an eerie hologrammic vision of the gunman's naked skull on the wall of Augustine's guest room。 The broken mandible caused the bony orb to rest with a sinister tilt on the shelf; a pirate's crooked grin。 Then Bonnie had a flash of Augustine; juggling the gunman's skull with the others。
 From a pocket Skink withdrew a squirming Bufo toad; which immediately peed on him。 The man with the 。357 sneered。
 The woman who was driving glanced over her shoulder。 〃What now?〃 she grumbled。
 〃Smoke the sweat;〃 Skink said; cupping the toad and its amber piddle in his palm; 〃and then you see mastodons。〃
 〃Get that stinking thing outta here;〃 said the gunman。
 〃Did you know mastodons once roamed Florida? Eons before your ancestors began their ruinous copulations。 Mastodons as big as cement trucks!〃 Skink put the toad out the window。 Then he wiped the toad pee on the sleeve of the gunman's pinstriped suit。
 〃You fuck!〃 Snapper took aim at Skink's good eye。
 The woman at the wheel told him to cool it…other drivers were staring。 She turned off at the next exit and pulled into an abandoned service station。 The hurricane had blown down the gas pumps like dominoes。 Looters had cleaned out the garage。 On the roof lay the remains of a Mazda Miata; squashed upside down like a bright lady…bug。
 While the gunman left the Jeep to relieve himself behind the building; the woman reluctantly took charge of the 。357。 She looked so unfortable that Bonnie Lamb felt a little sorry for her; the poor girl could barely hoist the darn thing。 Surely; Bonnie thought; now was the moment for Skink to make his move。
 But he didn't。 Instead he smiled at the woman in the driver's seat and said; 〃You're truly pretty。 And aware of it; of course。 The guiding force for most of your life; I imagine…your good looks。〃
 The woman blushed; then toughened。
 〃Where'd you spend the storm?〃 Skink asked。
 〃In a motel。 With Mel Gibson there;〃 the woman said; nodding toward Snapper; 〃and a hooker。〃
 〃I was tied to a bridge。 You should try it sometime。〃
 Bonnie Lamb said; 〃He isn't kidding。〃
 The woman shifted the 。357 to her other hand。 〃What on earth are you people doing? Who sent you to the house…Tony's wife?〃 She turned around on her knees; bracing her gun arm on the front seat。 〃Bonnie; dear;〃 she said sharply。 〃I'd really appreciate some answers。〃
 〃Would you believe I'm on my honeymoon。〃
 〃You're joking。〃 The woman glanced doubtfully at Skink。
 Bonnie said; 〃Oh; not him。 My husband's in Mexico。〃
 〃Boy; are you ever lost;〃 said the woman。
 Bonnie shook her head。 〃Not really。〃
 The storm had knocked down the traffic signal at Florida City; or what was left of Florida City。 A tired policeman in a yellow rainsuit directed traffic at the intersection。 Edie Marsh tensed behind the wheel of the Jeep。 She told Snapper to make sure the gun was out of sight。 As they passed the officer; Bonnie Lamb figured it would be a fine time to poke her head out the window and shout for help; but Skink offered no encouraging signal。 His chin had drooped back to his chest。 〃
 Most of the street signs remained down from the hurricane; but Bonnie saw one indicating they were about to enter the Fabulous Florida Keys。 Snapper was apprehensive about possible checkpoints along Highway One; so he instructed Edie Marsh to use Card Sound Road instead。
 〃There's a toll;〃 she noted。
 〃I left my purse at the house。〃
 Snapper said; 〃Jesus; I got money。〃
 〃I bet you do。〃 Edie Marsh couldn't stop thinking about what the one…eyed stranger had said: Snapper assaulting a woman cop and swiping her mother's ring。
 〃How much did you get for it?〃 she asked。
 〃For what?〃
 〃The ring。〃 Edie stared ahead at the flat strip of road; which stretched eastward as far as she could see。
 Snapper muttered obscenely。 He fished in his coat and came out with a plain gold wedding band。 He held it three inches from Edie's face。
 〃Happy?〃 he said。
 The sight of the stolen ring affected Edie in an unexpected way: She felt repulsed; then dejected。 She tried to picture the policewoman; wondered if she was married or had children; wondered what dreadful things Snapper had done to her。
 Lord; Edie thought。 What a small; disappointing life I've made for myself。 She wanted to believe it would've been different if only she'd talked that shy young Kennedy into the sack。 But she was no longer sure。
 〃I couldn't pawn it;〃 Snapper was saying。 〃Damn thing's engraved; nobody'll touch it。〃
 〃What does it say?〃 Edie asked quietly。 〃On the ring。〃
 〃Who cares。〃
 〃e on。 What does it say?〃
 The woman in the back seat sat forward; also curious; as Snapper read the inscription aloud: 〃'For My Cynthia。 A
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