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 She said; 〃I would've tried hitching a ride; but there was lightning。〃
 〃Yeah; I heard。〃
 Somehow Max missed the ramp to the Turnpike; it wasn't easy; but he did。 Edie didn't plain。 A lift was a lift。 All the roads went the same direction anyway。
 〃Where are you from; Max?〃 He looked perfectly harmless; but still she wanted to get him talking。 Silent brooding made her edgy。
 〃New York。 I'm in advertising。〃
 〃No kidding。〃
 And off he went。 During the next hour; Edie learned a great deal about Madison Avenue。 Max was absolutely elated to discover that she'd been a glutton for Plum Crunchies cereal。 And she remembered his slogan; word for word!
 〃What others have you done?〃 she asked brightly。
 Max was tempted to tell her about Intimate Mist but thought better of it。 Not everyone felt fortable on the subject of douches。
 〃Bronco cigarets;〃 he said。
 〃Speaking of which; would you mind if I smoked?〃
 〃Not at all;〃 said Edie Marsh。
 He offered her a menthol。 She declined politely。 As smoke filled the car; she rolled down the window and tried not to cough herself blue。 〃When are you going back to New York?〃
 〃Tomorrow;〃 Max said。 He grew quiet again。
 Edie said: 〃If you tell me; I'll tell you。〃
 Max looked perplexed。
 She said; 〃You know…what we were doing with that cop。 Me ing; you going。〃
 〃Oh。〃 After a pause: 〃I'm not in any kind of trouble; if that's what you mean。〃
 Dryly she said; 〃I had a hunch you're no Ted Bundy。〃
 What eyes! Max thought。 What an interesting woman! He had reason to believe she was aware of her impact。
 He said; 〃How about this: If you don't tell me; I won't tell you。 What's over is over。〃
 〃I like that approach。〃
 〃Let's just agree we've had a bad day。〃
 〃And how。〃
 In South Dade they hit heavy traffic where the storm had blown ashore; taking down everything。 Edie Marsh had seen the destruction the day after the hurricane; but it seemed much worse to her now。 She was surprised to find herself fighting back tears。
 Out of nowhere Max said: 〃Hey; I bet I can guess what kind of car you drive。〃 Apparently trying to take their minds off what they saw: two unshaven men; on a street corner; fighting over a five…gallon jug of fresh water。 Their wives and children watching anxiously from the sidewalk。
 〃Seriously;〃 Max was saying。 〃It's a knack I've got。 Matching people to their cars。〃
 〃Based on。。。 ?〃
 〃Intuition; I guess you'd say。〃
 Edie said; 〃OK; give it a try。〃
 Max; eyeing her up and down; like he was guessing her weight: 〃Nissan 300?〃
 〃Try an Acclaim。〃
 He winced。 〃I had you figured for a sports import。〃
 〃Well; I'm flattered;〃 Edie said; with a soft laugh。
 There was a brutal truth at the heart of Max's silly game。 Eligible young Kennedys and even sons of sitting presidents did not customarily flag down women in 1987 Plymouths。
 Later; after Max had found the Turnpike extension and made his way downtown; he said: 〃Where can I drop you?〃
 〃Let me think about that;〃 said Edie Marsh。
 〃Captain; have you got a mirror?〃
 〃Good;〃 Bonnie said。
 She felt a raw knot rising on her forehead; another on a cheekbone。 Augustine assured her that she didn't look as bad as she thought。 〃But you could use some ice。〃
 〃Later。〃 She was watching Skink。 〃I know somebody who ought to be in a hospital。〃
 〃No;〃 said the governor。
 〃Augustine says your collarbone is broken。〃
 〃I believe he's right。〃
 〃And several ribs。〃
 〃I shall call you Nurse Nightingale。〃
 〃Why are you so stubborn?〃
 〃I know a doctor in Tavernier。〃
 〃And how do you plan to get there?〃
 〃Walking upright;〃 Skink replied。 〃One of the few mendable traits of our species。〃
 Bonnie told him to quit being ridiculous。 〃You're in terrible pain; I can tell。〃
 〃The whole world's in pain; girl。〃
 She looked imploringly to Augustine。 〃Talk to him; please。〃
 〃He's a grown man; Bonnie。 Now hold still。〃
 He was cleaning her face with his shirt; which he'd wadded up and soaked in the creek; Skink perched on a nearby log; his arms crossed tightly。 Moments earlier they'd watched him gobble a dozen Anacins from a plastic bottle he located under the camp tarpaulin。 Bonnie boldly swallowed three。
 No aspirins were offered to Snapper; who was bound with a corroded tow…truck chain to the buttonwood tree。 He was caked with soggy leaves; mulch and dried blood。 His cheap suit was filthy and torn。 During the struggle; Augustine had made him dig a short trench with his mandible; so his maw was full of stones and loose sojl; like a planter。 In addition; he was missing an earlobe; which Augustine had shot off at point…blank range。 It was inconceivable to Snapper that such a chickenshit wound could be so excruciating。
 Skink said to Augustine: 〃I thought sure you were going to kill him。〃
 〃It was tempting。〃
 〃My way's better。〃
 〃After what he did to Jim's girlfriend?〃
 〃Yes。 Even after that。〃 The governor bowed his head。 He was hurting。
 Augustine was drained。 The adrenaline had emptied out in a clammy torrent。 He no longer entertained the idea of murdering Snapper; and doubted if he was even capable of it。 An hour ago; yes。 Not now。 It was probably a good time to leave。
 Bonnie studied his expression as he tended her cheeks and brow。 〃You OK?〃 she said。
 〃I don't know。 The way he hurt you…〃
 〃Hey; I asked for it。〃
 〃But you wouldn't be out here if it weren't for me。〃
 Playfully she jabbed a finger in his side。 〃What makes you so sure? Maybe I'm here because of him。〃
 Skink grinned but didn't look up。 Augustine had to laugh; too。 That's why we're both here; he thought。 Because of him。
 〃Would it be bad manners;〃 Bonnie said to Skink; 〃if I asked what you plan to do with the money。〃
 His chin came off his chest。 〃Oh。 That。〃 Grimacing; he rose from the log。 〃Lester; you awake? Yo; Lester!〃
 The governor used his feet to push the Frenchman's suitcase across the clearing to the buttonwood tree; where he kicked the latches open。 Snapper regarded the bundled cash with a mixture of undisguised longing and suspicion。 He wondered what sick stunt the fucker was cooking up now。
 Only the bills on top were wet。 Skink swept them aside with his hands。 Bonnie and Augustine walked over to see。
 The governor said; 〃You guys want any of this?〃 They shook their heads。
 〃Me; neither;〃 he muttered。 〃Just more shit to lug around。〃 He addressed Snapper: 〃Chief; I'm sure there was a time in your sorry…ass life when ninety…four grand would've e in handy。 Believe me when I tell you those days are over。〃
 Skink took a matchbook from his pocket。 He asked Bonnie and Augustine to do the honors。 Snapper spewed dirt and thrashed inconsolably against the chains。
 The money gave off a rich; sweet scent as it burned。
 Later he unlocked the truck chain holding Snapper to the tree。 Plaintively Snapper pointed at the red brace fastened in his mouth。 Skink shook his head。
 〃Here's the deal; Lester。 Don't be here when I get back。 Do not fuck with my camp; do not fuck with my books。 It's about to rain like hell; so lie back and drink as much as you can。 You'll need it。〃
 Snapper didn't respond。 Augustine stepped up。 He took out the 。38 Special and said; 〃Try to follow us out; I'll blow your head off。〃
 Bonnie shuddered。 The governor removed a few items from beneath the tarpaulin and placed them in a backpack。 Then he lighted the torch and led the others into the trees。
 Snapper had no desire to follow; he was glad the crazy fuckers were gone。 A gust churned the cinders at his feet; blew a flurry into his lap。 He ran his fingers through the ashes; brought a handful to his nose。 It didn't even smell like money anymore。
 Later he awoke to the hard rustle of leaves。 The rain came driving down。 Snapper took the man's advice。 He filled up on it。
 At daybreak he would start his march。
 They broke a fresh trail through the hardwoods。 Bonnie was worried that Snapper would be able to use it to find his way out。 〃Not across a lake;〃 Skink said。
 She hooked her fingers in Augustine's belt as they swam。 The governor hoisted the torch; his boots and the backpack over his head; to keep them dry。 Augustine was astounded that the man could swim so well with a fractured collarbone。 The crossing took less than fifteen minutes; though it seemed an eternity to Bonnie。 She was unable to convince herself that crocodiles shunned firelight。
 Afterwards they rested on shore。 Skink; struggling into his laceless boots: 〃If he gets out of here; he deserves to be free。〃
 Augustine said; 〃But he won't。〃
 〃No; he'll go the wrong way。 That's his nature。〃
 Then Skink was moving again; an orange flame weaving through the trees ahead of them。 Bonnie; hurrying to keep up: 〃So something'll get him。 Panthers or something。〃
 Augustine said; 〃Nothing so exotic; Mrs。 Lamb。〃
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