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  But La Fayette was merely talking about the fact that at last the Marie…Philippe was near enough to heave a line to the wharf。 The Irrakwa stevedores caught the line and affixed it to the windlass; and then chanted in their unspeakable language as they towed the ship close in。 As soon as it was in place; they began unloading cargo on the one side; and passengers on the other。
  〃Isn't that ingenious; how they speed the transfer of cargo;〃 said La Fayette。 〃Unload it on those heavy cars; which sit on rails  rails; just like mining carts!  and then the horses tow it right up here; smooth and easy as you please。 On rails you can carry a much heavier load than on regular wagons; you know。 Stephenson explained it to me the last time I was here。 It's because you don't have to steer。〃 On and on he blathered。 Sure enough; within moments he was talking again about Stephenson's steam engine; which La Fayette was convinced would replace the horse。 He had built some in England or Scotland or somewhere; but now he was in America; and do you think La Fayette would invite Stephenson to build his steam wagons in Canada? Oh; no  La Fayette was quite content to let him build them for the Irrakwa; mumbling some idiotic excuse like: The Irrakwa are already using steam engines for their spinning wheels; and all the coal is on the American side  but Frederic de Maurepas knew the truth。 La Fayette believed that the steam engine; pulling cars on railed roads; would make merce and travel infinitely faster and cheaper  and he thought it would be better for the world if it were built within the borders of a democracy! Of course Frederic did not believe the engines would ever be as fast as horses; but that didn't matter  La Fayette did believe in them; and so the fact that he didn't bring them to Canada was pure treason。
  He must have been forming the word with his lips。 Either that or La Fayette could hear other men's thoughts  Frederic had heard rumors that La Fayette had a knack for that。 Or perhaps La Fayette merely guessed。 Or perhaps the devil told him  there's a thought! Anyway; La Fayette laughed aloud and said; 〃Frederic; if I had Stephenson build his railroad in Canada; you'd have me cashiered for wasting money on nonsense。 As it is; if you made a report accusing me of treason for encouraging Stephenson to remain in Irrakwa; they'd call you home and lock you up in a padded room!〃
  〃Treason? I accuse you?〃 said Frederic。 〃It's the farthest thought from my mind。〃 Still; he crossed himself; on the off…chance that it was the devil who had told La Fayette。 〃Now; haven't we had enough of watching the stevedores loading cargo? I believe we have an officer to greet。〃
  〃Why are you so eager to meet him now?〃 asked La Fayette。 〃Yesterday you kept reminding me that he is a moner。 He even entered the service as a corporal; I think you said。〃
  〃He's a general now; and His Majesty has seen fit to send him to us。〃 Frederic spoke with stiff propriety。 Still La Fayette insisted on smiling with amusement。 Someday; Gilbert; someday。
  Several officers in full army dress uniform were milling about on the wharf; but none was of general rank。 The hero of the battle of Madrid was obviously waiting to make a grand entrance。 Or did he expect a Marquis and the son of a te to e and meet him in his cabin? Unthinkable。
  And; in fact; he did not think it。 The officers stepped back; and from their position by the railing of the canal barge de Maurepas and La Fayette could see him step off the Marie…Philippe onto the wharf。
  〃Why; he's not a very large man; is he;〃 said Frederic。
  〃They aren't very tall in the south of France。〃
  〃South of France!〃 said Frederic scornfully。 〃He's from Corsica; my dear Gilbert。 That's hardly even French at all。 More like Italian。〃
  〃He defeated the Spanish army in three weeks; while his superior officer was indisposed with dysentery;〃 La Fayette reminded him。
  〃An act of subordination for which he should have been cashiered;〃 said Frederic。
  〃Oh; I quite agree with you;〃 said La Fayette。 〃Only; you see; he did win the war; and as long as King Charles was adding the crown of Spain to his collection of headgear; he thought it would be churlish to court…martial the soldier who won it for him。〃
  〃Discipline above all。 Everybody must know his place and stay in it; or there will be chaos。〃
  〃No doubt。 Well; they did punish him。 They made him a general; but they sent him here。 Didn't want him involved with the Italian campaign。 His Majesty wouldn't mind being Doge of Venice; but this General Bonaparte might get carried away; capture the College of Cardinals; and make King Charles pope。〃
  〃Your sense of humor is a crime。〃
  〃Frederic; look at the man。〃
  〃I am looking at him。〃
  〃Then don't look at him。 Look at everyone else。 Look at his officers。 Have you ever seen soldiers show so much love for their mander?〃
  Frederic reluctantly tore his gaze from the Corsican general and looked at the underlings who walked quietly behind。 Not like courtiers there was no sense of jockeying for position。 It was like it was like Frederic couldn't find words for it
  〃It's as if each man knows that Bonaparte loves him; and values him。〃
  〃A ridiculous system; if that's what his system is;〃 said Frederic。 〃You cannot control your underlings if you don't keep them in constant fear of losing their position。〃
  〃Let's go meet him。〃
  〃Absurd! He must e to us!〃
  But La Fayette; as usual; did not hesitate between the word and the deed  he was already on the wharf; striding the last few yards to stand before Bonaparte and receive his salute。 Frederic; however; knew his station in life; and knew Bonaparte's as well; and Bonaparte would have to e to him。 They might make Bonaparte a general; but they could never make him a gentleman。
  La Fayette was fawning; of course。 〃General Bonaparte; we're honored to have you here。 I only regret that we cannot offer you the amenities of Paris〃
  〃My lord Governor;〃 said Bonaparte  naturally getting the form of address all wrong; 〃I have never known the amenities of Paris。 All my happiest moments have been in the field。〃
  〃And the happiest moments; too; for France; are when you are in the field。 e; meet General de Maurepas。 He will be your superior officer in Detroit。〃
  Frederic heard the slight pause before La Fayette said the word superior。 Frederic knew when he was being ridiculed。 I will remember every slight; Gilbert; and I will repay。
  The Irrakwa were very efficient at transferring cargo; it wasn't an hour before the canal barge was under way。 Naturally; La Fayette spent the first afternoon telling Bonaparte all about Stephenson's steam engine。 Bonaparte made a show of being interested; asking all about the possibilities of troop transport; and how quickly track could be laid behind an advancing army; and how easily these railed roads might be disrupted by enemy action  but it was all so tedious and boring that Frederic could not imagine how Bonaparte kept it up。 Of course an officer had to pretend to be interested in everything a Governor said; but Bonaparte was taking it to extremes。
  Before too long the conversation obviously excluded Frederic; but he didn't mind。 He let his thoughts wander; remembering that actress; What's…her…name; who did such an exquisite job of that part; whatever it was; or was she a ballerina? He remembered her legs; anyway; such graceful legs; but she refused to e to Canada with him; even though he assured her he loved her and promised to set her up in a house even nicer than the one he would build for his wife。 If only she had e。 Of course; she might have died of fever; the way his wife did。 So perhaps it was all for the best。 Was she still on the stage in Paris? Bonaparte would not know; of course; but one of his junior officers might have seen her。 He would have to inquire。
  They supped at Governor Rainbow's table; of course; since that was the only table on the canal boat。 The governor had sent her regrets that she could not visit the distinguished French travelers; but she hoped her staff would make them fortable。 Frederic; supposing this meant an Irrakwa chef; had braced himself for another tedious Red meal of tough deer gristle  one could hardly call such fare venison  but instead the chef was; of all things; a Frenchman! A Huguenot; or rather the grandson of Huguenots; but he didn't hold grudges; so the food was superb。 Who would have imagined good French food in a place like this  and not the spicy Acadian style; either。
  Frederic did try to take a more active part in the conversation at supper; once he had finished off every scrap of food on the table。 He tried his best to explain to Bonaparte the almost impossible military situation in the southwest。 He counted off the problems one by one  the undisciplined Red allies; the unending flow of immigrants。 〃Worst of all is our own soldiers; though。 They are a determinedly superstitious lot; as the lower classes always are。 They see omens in everything。 Some Dutch or German settler puts a hex on his door and you practically have to beat our soldiers to get them to go in。〃
  Bonaparte sipped his coffee (barbaric fluid! but he seemed to r
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