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 but of course that also set more questions into Alvin's mind; about how Ta…Kumsaw ever learned such talk。 Alvin never even heard so much as a rumor about Ta…Kumsaw having White friends in Appalachee; and you'd think a tale like that would be known。 Though it wasn't hard to guess why Ta…Kumsaw wouldn't want it noised around much。 What would all those het…up Reds think if they saw Ta…Kumsaw here and now? What would it do to Ta…Kumsaw's war?
  And e to think of it; how could Ta…Kumsaw wage such a war; if he had true White friends like the folk of this valley? Surely the land was dead here; at least as the Reds knew it。 How could Ta…Kumsaw bear it? It left such a hunger in Alvin that even though he packed bread and cheese down his throat till his belly poked out; he still felt a gnawing inside him; a need to get back to the woodland and feel the song of the land inside himself。
  The meal was filled with Becca's pleasant chatter about doings in the valley; her saying names that meant nothing to Alvin; except any one of them could have been the name of a body back in Vigor Church  there was even folks named Miller; which was natural; seeing how a valley this size no doubt had more than one miller's worth of grain to grind。
  The old man came back to clear away。
  〃Did you e to see my cloth?〃 asked Becca。
  Ta…Kumsaw nodded。 〃That's half why I came。〃
  Becca smiled; and led him to the loom。 She sat on her weaving stool and gathered the newest cloth up into her lap。 She started about three yards from the lip of the loom。
  〃Here;〃 she said。 〃The gathering of your folk to Prophetstown。〃
  Alvin saw how she passed her hand over a whole bunch of threads that seemed to climb out of their proper warp and migrate across the cloth to gather up near the edge。
  〃Reds from every tribe;〃 she said。 〃The strongest of your people。〃
  Even though the fibers tended to be greenish; they were indeed heavier than most threads; strong and taut。 Becca fed the cloth farther down her lap。 The gathering grew stronger and clearer; and the threads turned brighter green。 How could threads change color that way? And how with the machinery of the loom could the warp shift like that?
  〃And now the Whites that gathered against them;〃 she said。
  And sure enough; another group of threads; tighter to start with; but gathering; knotting up a little。 To Alvin's eyes it looked like the cloth was a ruin; the threads all tangled and bunched  who'd wear a shirt made of such stuff as that?  and the colors made no sense; all jumbled together without no effort to make a pattern or any kind of regular order。
  Ta…Kumsaw reached out his hand and pulled the cloth toward himself。 Pulled until he exposed a place were all those pure green threads just went slack and then stopped; most of them。 The warp of the cloth was spare and thin; then; maybe one thread for every ten there used to be; like a worn…down raggedy patch in the elbow of an old shirt; so when you bent your elbow maybe a dozen threads made lines across your skin one direction; and no threads at all the other way。
  If the green threads stood for Prophetstown; there couldn't be no mistake what was going on here。 〃Tippy…Canoe;〃 Alvin murmured。 Now he knew the order of this cloth。
  Becca bent over the cloth and tears dropped from her eyes straight down on it。
  Tearless; Ta…Kumsaw pulled the cloth again; steadily。 Alvin saw the rest of the green threads; the few that remained from the massacre at Tippy…Canoe; migrate to the edge of the cloth and stop。 The cloth was narrower by that many threads。 Only now there was another gathering; and the threads were not green。 They were mostly black。
  〃Black with hate;〃 said Becca。 〃You are gathering your people with hate。〃
  〃Can you imagine conducting a war with love?〃 asked Ta…Kumsaw。
  〃That's a reason to refuse to make war at all;〃 she said gently。
  〃Don't talk like a White woman;〃 said Ta…Kumsaw。
  〃But she is one;〃 said Alvin; who thought she made perfect sense。
  They both looked at Alvin; Ta…Kumsaw impassively; Becca with amusement? Pity? Then they returned to the cloth。
  Very quickly they came to where the cloth hung over the beam; then fed out of the loom。 Along the way; the black threads of Ta…Kumsaw's army worked closer together; knotted; intertwined。 And other threads; some blue; some yellow; some black; all gathered in another place; the fabric bunching up something awful。 It was thicker; but it didn't seem to Alvin that it was a speck stronger。 Weaker; if anything。 Less useful。 Less trustworthy。
  〃This cloth ain't going to be worth much; if this goes on;〃 said Alvin。
  Becca smiled grimly。 〃Truer words were never spoken; lad。〃
  〃If this is about a year's worth of story;〃 said Alvin; 〃you must have two hundred years all gathered up here。〃
  Becca cocked her head。 〃More than that;〃 she said。
  〃How do you find out all that's going on; to make it all go into the cloth?〃
  〃Oh; Alvin; there's some things folks just do; without knowing how;〃 she said。
  〃And if you change the threads around; can't you make things go different?〃 Alvin had in mind a careful rearrangement; spreading the threads out more even…like; and getting those black threads farther apart from each other。
  〃It doesn't work like that;〃 she said。 〃I don't make things happen; with what I do here。 Things that happen; they change me。 Don't fret about it; Alvin。〃
  〃But there wasn't even White folks in this part of America more than two hundred years ago。 How can this cloth go farther back?〃
  She sighed。 〃Isaac; why did you bring him to plague me with questions?〃
  Ta…Kumsaw smiled at her。
  〃Lad; will you tell no one?〃 she asked。 〃Will you keep it secret who I am and what I do?〃
  〃I promise。〃
  〃I weave; Alvin。 That's all。 My whole family; from before we even remember; we've been weavers。〃
  〃That your name; then? Becca Weaver? My brother…in…law; Armor…of…God; his pa's a Weaver; and〃
  〃Nobody calls us weavers;〃 said Becca。 〃If they had any name for as at all; they'd call us no。〃
  She wouldn't tell him。
  〃No; Alvin; I can't put such a burden on you。 Because you'd want to e。 You'd want to e and see。〃
  〃See what?〃 asked Alvin。
  〃Like Isaac here。 I should never have told him; either。〃
  〃He kept the secret; though。 Never breathed a word。〃
  〃He didn't keep it secret from himself; though。 He came to see。〃
  〃See what?〃 Alvin asked again。
  〃See how long are the threads a…flowing up into my loom。〃
  Only then did Alvin notice the back end of the loom; where the warp threads were gathered into。 place by a rack of fine steel wires。 The threads weren't colored at all。 They were raw white。 Cotton? Surely not wool。 Linen; maybe。 With all the colors in the finished cloth; he hadn't really noticed what it was made of。
  〃Where do the colors e from?〃 asked Alvin。
  No one answered。
  〃Some of the threads go slack。〃
  〃Some of them end;〃 said Ta…Kumsaw。
  〃Many of them end;〃 said Becca。 〃And many begin。 It's the pattern of life。〃
  〃What do you see; Alvin?〃 asked Ta…Kumsaw。
  〃If these black threads are your folk;〃 said Alvin; 〃then I'd say there's a battle ing; and a lot are going to die。 Not like Tippy…Canoe; though。 Not as bad。〃
  〃That's what I see; too;〃 said Ta…Kumsaw。
  〃And these other colors all bunched up; what are they? An army of White folk?〃
  〃Word is that a man named Andrew Jackson of the western Tennizy country is gathering up an army。 They call him Old Hickory。〃
  〃I know the man;〃 said Ta…Kumsaw。 〃He doesn't stay in the saddle too well。〃
  〃He's been doing with White folks what you've been doing with Red; Isaac。 He's been going up and down the western country; rousting people out and haranguing them about the Red Menace。 About you; Isaac。 For every Red soldier you've gathered; he's recruited two Whites。 And he figures you'll go north; to join with a French army。 He knows all your plans。〃
  〃He knows nothing;〃 said Ta…Kumsaw。 〃Alvin; tell me; how many threads of this White army end?〃
  〃A lot。 More; maybe。 I don't know。 It's about even。〃
  〃Then it tells me nothing。〃
  〃It tells you that you'll have your battle;〃 said Becca。 〃It tells you that there'll be more blood and suffering in the world; thanks to you。〃
  〃But it says nothing of victory;〃 said Ta…Kumsaw。
  〃It never does。〃
  Alvin wondered if you could just tie another thread onto the end of one of the broken ones; and save somebody's life。 He looked for the spools of thread from which the warp was formed; but he couldn't find them。 The threads hung down from the back beam of the loom; taut like there was a heavy weight hanging on them; but Alvin couldn't see where the threads came from。 They didn't touch the floor。 They didn't exactly stop; either。 He looked this far; and there they were; hanging tight and long; and he looked this much farther; and there weren't no threads; nothing there at all。 The threads were just ing out of nowhere; and there was no way the human eye could see or make sense of how they started。
  But Alvin; he could see with other eyes; inward eyes; the way he studied into the tiny workings of the human body; into the cold in
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