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 〃Or Dunross?〃
 Bartlett laughed and Gornt read no guile in him。 〃You're not stretched; you're not vulnerable; he is … that's his bad luck。 What d'you say? Is the raid on?〃
 〃I'd say you're very persuasive。 Who gave you the information … and the document?〃
 〃Tuesday I'll tell you。 When Struan's have crashed。〃
 〃Ah; there's a payoff to Mister X?〃
 〃There's always a payoff。 It'll e off the top; but no more than 5 percent … any more es out of my share。〃
 〃Two o'clock Friday; Mr。 Bartlett? That's when I decide to buy back in and perhaps lose your 2 million … or we confer and continue the surge?〃
 〃Friday at two。〃
 〃If we continue over the weekend you'll cover any further risk with further funds?〃
 〃No。 You won't need any more。 2 million's tops。 By Friday afternoon either his stock will be way down and we'll have him running scared; or not。 This's no long…term; well…organized raid。 It's a once; er; a onetime attempt to fool's mate an opponent。〃 Bartlett grinned happily。 〃I risk 2 lousy million for a game that will go down in history books。 In less than a week we knock off the Noble House of Asia!〃
 Gornt nodded; torn。 How far can I trust you; Mr。 Bloody Raider; you with the key to Devil Dunross? He glanced out of the window and watched a child skulling a boat among the junks; the sea as safe and familiar to her as dry land。 〃I'll think about what you said。〃
 〃How long?〃
 〃Till eleven。〃
 〃Sorry; this's a raid; not a business deal。 It's now … or not at all!〃
 〃There's a lot to do; Mr。 Gornt。 I want this settled now or not at all。〃
 Gornt glanced at his watch。 There was plenty of time。 A call to the right Chinese newspaper and whatever he told them would be on the stands in an hour。 He smiled grimly to himself。 His own ace in the hole was Havergill。 Everything dovetailed perfectly。
 A seabird cawed and flew inland; riding some thermals toward the Peak。 He watched it。 Then his eyes noticed the Great House on the crest; white against the green of the slopes。 〃It's a deal;〃 he said and stuck out his hand。 Bartlett shook。 〃Great。 This is strictly between us?〃
 〃Where d'you want the 2 million?〃
 〃The Bank of Switzerland and Zurich; in Zurich; account number 181819。〃 Gornt reached into his pocket; noticing his fingers were trembling。 〃I'll write it down for you。〃
 〃No need。 The account's in your name?〃
 〃Good God; no! Canberra Limited。〃
 〃Canberra Limited's 2 million richer! And in three days with any luck; you'll be tai…pan of the Noble House。 How about that!〃 Bartlett opened the door and got out。 〃See you。〃
 〃Wait;〃 Gornt said; startled; 〃I'll drop you wh… 〃
 〃No thanks。 I've got to get to a phone。 Then at 9:15 I've an interview with your friend Orlanda; Miss Ramos … thought there was no harm in it。 After that maybe I'll take a few pictures。〃 He waved cheerily and walked off。
 Gornt wiped the sweat off his hands。 Before leaving the club he had phoned Orlanda to phone Bartlett and make the date。 That's very good; he thought; still in shock。 She'll keep an eye on him once they're lovers; and they will be; Casey or not。 Orlanda has too much to gain。
 He watched Bartlett; envying him。 In a few moments the American had vanished into the crowds of Wanchai。
 Suddenly he was very tired。 It's all too pat; too fine; too easy; he told himself。 And yet 。。。 and yet! Shakily he lit a cigarette。 Where did Bartlett get those papers?
 Inexorably his eyes went back to the Great House on the Peak。 He was possessed by it and by a hatred so vast that it swept his mind back to his ancestors; to Sir Morgan Brock whom the Struans broke; to Gorth Brock whom Dirk Struan murdered; to Tyler Brock whom his daughter betrayed。 Without wishing it; he renewed the oath of vengeance that he had sworn to his father; that his father had sworn to his … back to Sir Morgan Brock who; penniless; destroyed by his sister; Hag Struan; paralyzed; a shell of a man; had begged for vengeance on behalf of all the Brock ghosts on the Noble House and all the descendents of the most evil man who had ever lived。
 Oh gods give me strength; Quillan Gornt prayed。 Let the American be telling the truth。 I will have vengeance。
 10:50 A。M。:
 The sun bore down on Aberdeen through a slight overcast。 The air was sultry; ninety…two degrees Fahrenheit with ninety percent humidity。 It was low tide。 The smell of rotting kelp and offal and exposed mudflats added to the oppressive weight of the day。
 There were five hundred or more sullen impatient people jamming against one another; trying to surge through the bottleneck of barriers ahead that the police had erected outside this branch of Ho…Pak。 The barriers allowed only one person through at a time。 Men and women of all ages; some with infants; were constantly jostling each other; no one waiting a turn; everyone trying to inch forward to get to the head of the line。
 〃Look at the bloody fools;〃 Chief Inspector Donald C。C。 Smyth said。 〃If they'd stretch out and not crowd they'd all get through quicker; and we could leave one copper here to keep order and the rest of us could go to lunch instead of getting the riot squad ready。 Do it!〃
 〃Yes sir;〃 Divisional Sergeant Mok said politely。 Ayeeyah; he was thinking as he walked over to the squad car; the poor fool still doesn't understand that we Chinese are not stupid foreign devils … or devils from the Eastern Sea … who'll line up patiently for hours。 Oh no; we civilized persons understand life and it's every man for himself。 He clicked on the police transmitter。 〃Divisional Sergeant Mok! The chief inspector wants a riot squad here on the double。 Park just behind the fish market but keep in contact!〃
 〃Yes sir。〃
 Mok sighed and lit a cigarette。 More barriers had been erected across the street; outside Blacs and the Victoria Aberdeen branches; and more at the Ching Prosperity Bank around the corner。 His khaki uniform was ironed sharp on the creases and there were big sweat rings under his arms。 He was very concerned。 This crowd was very dangerous and he did not want a repetition of yesterday。 If the bank shut its doors before three he was sure the crowd would tear the place apart。 He knew that if he still had any money in there; he would be the first to tear the door open to get his money。 Ayeeyah; he thought; very thankful for the Snake's authority that had unlocked all their money this morning to the last penny。
 〃Piss on all banks!〃 Mok muttered to no one。 〃All gods; let the Ho…Pak pay all customers today! Let it fail tomorrow! Tomorrow's my day off so let it fail tomorrow。〃 He stubbed out his cigarette。
 〃Sergeant Major?〃
 〃Look over there!〃 the eager young plainclothes detective said; hurrying up to him。 He wore spectacles and was in his early twenties。 〃By the Victoria Bank。 The old woman。 The old amah。〃
 〃Where? Oh yes; I see her。〃 Mok watched her for a while but detected nothing untoward。 Then he saw her scuttle through the crowd and whisper to a young tough; wearing jeans; who was leaning against a railing。 She pointed to an old man who had just e out of the bank。 At once the young tough sauntered after him and the old amah squeezed and squirmed and cursed her way back to the head of the barrier where she could see those who entered and those who came out。
 〃That's the third time; sir;〃 the young detective said。 〃The old amah points out someone who's just e out of the bank to the tough; then off he goes。 In a few minutes he es back again。 That's the third time。 I'm sure I saw him slip her something once。 I think it was money。〃
 〃Good! Very good; Spectacles Wu。 It's bound to be a triad shakedown。 The old hag's probably his mother。 You follow the young bastard and I'll intercept him the other way。 Keep out of sight!〃
 Divisional Sergeant Mok slipped around the corner; down a busy alley lined with stalls and street hawkers and open shops; moving carefully through the crowds。 He turned into another alley just in time to catch a glimpse of some money being passed over by the old man。 He waited until Wu had blocked the other end of the alley; then he walked ponderously forward。
 〃What's going on here?〃
 〃What? Eh? Nothing; nothing at all;〃 the old man said nervously; sweat running down his face。 〃What's the matter? I've done nothing!〃
 〃Why did you give this young man money; heya? I saw you give him money!〃 The young thug stared back at Mok insolently; unafraid; knowing he was Smallpox Kin; one of the Werewolves who had all Hong Kong petrified。 〃Is he accosting you? Trying to squeeze you? He looks like a triad!〃
 〃Oh! I 。。。 I 。。。 I owed him 500 dollars。 I've just got it out of the bank and I paid him。〃 The old man was clearly terrified but he blustered on; 〃He's my cousin。〃 A crowd began to collect。 Someone hawked and spat。
 〃Why're you sweating so much?〃
 〃All gods fornicate all pigs! It's hot! Everyone's sweating。 Everyone!〃
 〃That's fornicating right;〃 someone called out。
 Mok turned his attention on the youth who waited truculently。
 〃What's your name?〃
 〃Sixth Son Wong!〃
 〃Liar! Turn out your pockets!〃
 〃Me; I've done nothing! I know the law。 You can't search people without a warran… 〃 Mok's iron fist snapped out and twisted the youth's arm and he squealed。 The c
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