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 〃I'm not going; dear。〃
 〃Oh but 。。。〃
 〃I've lots to do to get ready for tomorrow。 You can make an excuse for me … of course you have to go。 I'll be ever so busy。 There's Glenna's school things … and Duncan gets back on Monday and his school things have to be sorted。 You'll have to put him on the aircraft; make sure he has his passport 。。。 You can easily make an excuse for me tonight as I'm leaving。〃
 He smiled faintly。 〃Of course; Penn; but what's the real reason?〃
 〃It's going to be a big do。 Robin's bound to be there。〃
 〃They're not back till tomorrow!〃
 〃No; it was in the Guardian's Extra。 They arrived this afternoon。 The whole delegation。 They're sure to be invited。〃 The banquet was being given by a multimillionaire property developer; Sir Shi…teh T'Chung; partially to celebrate the knighthood he had received in the last Honors List; but mostly to launch his latest charity drive for the new wing of the new Elizabeth Hospital。 〃I've really no wish to go; and so long as you're there; everything'll be all right。 I really want an early night too。 Please。〃
 〃All right。 I'll deal with these calls; then I'll be off。 I'll see you though before I go。〃 Dunross walked upstairs and went into his study。 Lim was waiting there; on guard。 He wore a white tunic and black pants and soft shoes。 〃Evening; Lim;〃 Dunross said in Cantonese。
 〃Good evening; tai…pan。〃 Quietly the old man motioned him to the window。 Dunross could see two men; Chinese; loitering across the street outside the high wall that surrounded the Great House; near the tall; open iron gates。 〃They've been there some time; tai…pan。〃
 Dunross watched them a moment; disquieted。 His own guard had just been dismissed and Brian Kwok; who was also a guest at Sir Shi…teh's tonight; would e by shortly and go with him; acting as a substitute。 〃If they don't go away by dusk call Superintendent Crosse's office。〃 He wrote the number down; then added in Cantonese; his voice abruptly hard; 〃While I think of it; Lim; if I want any foreign devil car interfered with; I will order it。〃 He saw the old eyes staring back at him impassively。 Lim Chu had been with the family since he was seven; like his father before him; and his father; the first of his line who; in the very old days; before Hong Kong had existed; had been Number One Boy and looked after the Struan mansion in Macao。
 〃I don't understand; tai…pan。〃
 〃You cannot wrap fire in paper。 The police are clever and old Black Beard's a great supporter of police。 Experts can examine brakes and deduce all sorts of information。''
 〃I know nothing of police。〃 The old man shrugged then beamed。 〃Tai…pan; I do not climb trees to find a fish。 Nor do you。 May I mention that in the night I could not sleep and I came here。 There was a shadow on the veranda balcony。 The moment I opened the study door the shadow slid down the drainpipe and vanished into the shrubs。〃 The old man took out a torn piece of cloth。 〃This was on the drainpipe。〃 The cloth was nondescript。
 Dunross studied it; perturbed。 He glanced at Dirk Struan's oil painting over the fireplace。 It was perfectly in position。 He moved it away and saw that the hair he had delicately balanced on a hinge of the safe was untouched。 Satisfied; he replaced the picture; then checked the locks on the French windows。 The two men were still loitering。 For the first time Dunross was very glad that he had an SI guard。
 7:58 P。M。:
 It was hot and humid in Phillip Chen's study and he was sitting beside the phone staring at it nervously。 The door swung open and he jumped。 Dianne sailed in。
 〃There's no point in waiting anymore; Phillip;〃 she said irritably。 〃You'd better go and change。 That devil Werewolf won't call tonight。 Something must have happened。 Do e along!〃 She wore an evening chong…sam in the latest; most expensive fashion; her hair bouffant; and she was bejeweled like a Christmas tree。 〃Yes。 Something must have happened。 Perhaps the police 。。。 huh; it's too much to expect they caught him。 More likely that fang pi devil's playing with us。 You'd better change or we'll be late。 If you hurr… 〃
 〃I really don't want to go;〃 he snapped back at her。 〃Shitee T'Chung's a bore and now that he's Sir Shitee he's a double one。〃 Years ago Shi…teh had adulterated down to bee the nickname Shitee to his intimate friends。 〃Anyway; it's hardly eight o'clock and dinner's not till 9:30 and he's always late; his banquets are always at least an hour late。 For God's sake; you go!〃
 〃Ayeeyah you've got to e。 It's a matter of face;〃 she replied; equally ill…tempered。 〃My God; after today at the stock market 。。。 if we don't go we'll lose terrible face and it's sure to push the stock down further! All Hong Kong will laugh at us。 They can't wait。 They'll say we're so ashamed the House can't pay its bills that we won't show our face in public。 Huh! And as for Shitee's new wife; Constance; that mealy…mouthed whore can't wait to see me humbled!〃 She was near screeching。 Her losses on the day exceeded 100;000 of her own secret private dollars。 When Phillip had called her from the stock market just after three to relate what had happened she had almost fainted。 〃Oh ko you have to e or we'll be ruined!〃
 Miserably her husband nodded。 He knew what gossips and rumormongers would be at the banquet。 All day he had been inundated with questions; moans and panic。 〃I suppose you're right。〃 He was down almost a million dollars on the day and if the run continued and Gornt won he knew he would be wiped out。 Oh oh oh why did I trust Dunross and buy so heavily? he was thinking; so angry that he wanted to kick someone。 He looked up at his wife。 His heart sank as he recognized the signs of her awesome displeasure at the world in general; and him in particular。 He quaked inside。 〃All right;〃 he said meekly。 〃I won't be a moment。〃
 When he got to the door the phone rang。 Once more his heart twisted and he felt sick。 There had been four calls since around six。 Each had been a business call decrying the fate of the stock; and were the rumors true and oh ko; Phillip; I'd better sell … each time worse than the last。 〃Weyyyy?〃 he asked angrily。
 There was a short pause; then an equally rude voice said in crude Cantonese; 〃You're in a foul temper whoever you are! Where are your fornicating manners?〃
 〃Who's this? Eh; who's calling?〃 he asked in Cantonese。
 〃This is the Werewolf。 The Chief Werewolf; by all the gods! Who're you?〃
 〃Oh!〃 The blood drained from Phillip Chen's face。 In panic he beckoned his wife。 She rushed forward and bent to listen too; everything else forgotten except the safety of the House。 〃This 。。。 this is Honorable Chen;〃 he said cautiously。 〃Please; what's 。。。 what's your name?〃
 〃Are your ears filled with wax? I said I was the Werewolf。 Am I so stupid to give you my name?〃
 〃I'm 。。。 I'm sorry but how do I know you're 。。。 you're telling me the truth?〃
 〃How do I know who you are? Perhaps you're a dung…eating policeman。 Who are you?〃
 〃I'm Noble House Chen。 I swear it!〃
 〃Good。 Then I wrote you a letter saying I'd call about 6:00 p。m。 today。 Didn't you get the letter?〃
 〃Yes; yes I got the letter;〃 Phillip Chen said; trying to control a relief that was mixed with rage and frustration and terror。 〃Let me talk to my Number One Son; please。〃
 〃That's not possible; no; not possible! Can a frog think of eating a swan? Your son's in another part of the Island 。。。 actually he's in the New Territories; not near a telephone but quite safe; Noble House Chen; oh yes; quite safe。 He lacks for nothing。 Do you have the ransom money?〃
 〃Yes 。。。 at least I could only raise 100;000。 Th… 〃
 〃All gods bear witness to my fornicating patience!〃 the man said angrily。 〃You know very well we asked for 500;000! 5 or 10 it's still like one hair on ten oxen to you!〃
 〃Lies!〃 Phillip Chen shrieked。 〃That's all lies and rumors spread by my enemies! I'm not that rich。 。。。 Didn't you hear about the stock market today?〃 Phillip Chen groped for a chair; his heart pounding; and sat down still holding the phone so she could listen too。
 〃Ayeeyah; stock market! We poor farmers don't deal on the stock market! Do you want his other ear?〃
 Phillip Chen blanched。 〃No。 But we must negotiate。 Five is too much。 One and a half I can manage。〃
 〃If I settle for one and a half I will be the laughingstock of all China! Are you accusing me of displaying a lamb's head but selling dogmeat? One and a half for the Number One Son of Noble House Chen? Impossible! It's face! Surely you can see that。〃
 Phillip Chen hesitated。 〃Well;〃 he said reasonably; 〃you have a point。 First I want to know when I get my son back。〃
 〃As soon as the ransom's paid! I promise on the bones of my ancestors! Within a few hours of getting the money he'll be put on the main Sha Tin Road。〃
 〃Ah; he's in Sha Tin now?〃
 〃Ayeeyah; you can't trap me; Noble House Chen。 I smell dung in this conversation。 Are the fornicating police listening? Is the dog acting fierce because his master's listening? Have you called the police?〃
 〃No; I swear it。 I haven't called the police and I'm not trying to trap you; but please; I need assurances; reasonable assurances。〃 Phillip Chen was beaded with sweat。 〃You're quite safe; you have my oath; I ha
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