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e my oath; I haven't called the police。 Why should I? If I call them how can we negotiate?〃
 There was another long hesitation; then the man said; somewhat mollified; 〃I agree。 But we have your son so any trouble that happens is your fault and not ours。 All right; I'll be reasonable too。 I will accept 400;000; but it must be tonight!〃
 〃That's impossible! You ask me to fish in the sea to catch a tiger! I didn't get your letter till after the banks were closed but I've got 100;000 cash; in small bills。 。。。〃 Dianne nudged him and held up two fingers。 〃Listen; Honorable Werewolf; perhaps I can borrow more tonight。 Perhaps 。。。 listen; I will give you two tonight。 I'm sure I can raise that within the hour。 200;000!〃
 〃May all gods smite me dead if I sell out for such a fornicating pittance。 350;000!〃
 〃200;000 within the hour!〃
 〃His other ear within two days or 300;000 tonight!〃
 Phillip Chen wailed and pleaded and flattered and cursed and they negotiated back and forth。 Both men were adept。 Soon both were caught up in the battle of wits; each using all his powers; the kidnapper using threats; Phillip Chen using guile; flattery and promises。 At length; Phillip Chen said; 〃You are too good for me; too good a negotiator。 I will pay 200;000 tonight and a further 100;000 within four months。〃
 〃Within one month!〃
 〃Three!〃 Phillip Chen was aghast at the flow of obscenities that followed and he wondered if he had misjudged his adversary。
 Dianne nudged him again; nodding agreement。 〃Very well;〃 he said; 〃I agree。 Another 100;000 in two months。〃
 〃Good!〃 The man sounded satisfied; then he added; 〃I will consider what you say and call you back。〃
 〃But wait a moment; Honorable Werewolf。 When wil… 〃
 〃Within the hour。〃
 〃Bu… 〃 The line went dead。 Phillip Chen cursed; then mopped his brow again。 〃I thought I had him。 God curse the motherless dog turd!〃
 〃Yes。〃 Dianne was elated。 〃You did very well; Phillip! Only two now and another hundred in two months! Perfect! Anything can happen in two months。 Perhaps the dirty police will catch them and then we won't have to pay the hundred!〃 Happily she took out a tissue and blotted the perspiration off her upper lip。 Then her smile faded。 〃What about Shitee T'Chung? We've got to go but you'll have to wait。〃
 〃Ah; I have it! Take Kevin; I'll e later。 There'll be plenty of space for me whenever I get there。 I'll 。。。 I'll wait for him to call back。〃
 〃Excellent! How clever you are! We've got to get our coin back。 Oh very good! Perhaps our joss has changed and the boom will happen like Old Blind Tung forecast。 Kevin's so concerned for you; Phillip。 The poor boy's so upset that you have all these troubles。 He's very concerned for your health。〃 She hurried out; thanking the gods; knowing she would be back long before John Chen returned safely。 Perfect; she was thinking; Kevin can wear his new white sharkskin dinner jacket。 It's time he began to live up to his new position。 〃Kevinnnnn!〃
 The door closed。 Phillip Chen sighed。 When he had gathered his strength; he went to the sideboard and poured himself a brandy。 After Dianne and Kevin had left; he poured himself another。 At a quarter to nine the phone rang again。
 〃Noble House Chen?〃
 〃Yes 。。。 yes; Honorable Werewolf?〃
 〃We accept。 But it has to be tonight!〃
 Phillip Chen sighed。 〃Very well。 Now wh… 〃
 〃You can get all the money?〃
 〃The notes will be hundreds as I asked?〃
 〃Yes。 I have 100;000 and can get another hundred from a friend 。。。〃
 〃You have rich friends;〃 the man said suspiciously。 〃Mandarins。〃
 〃He's a bookmaker;〃 Phillip Chen said quickly; cursing himself for his slip。 〃When you hung up I 。。。 I made the arrangements。 Fortunately this happened to be one of his big nights。〃
 〃All right。 Listen; take a taxi… 〃
 〃Oh but I have a car an… 〃
 〃I know you have a fornicating car and I know the license number;〃 the man said rudely; 〃and we know all about you and if you try to betray us to the police you will never see your son again and you will be next on our list! Understand?〃
 〃Yes 。。。 yes; of course; Honorable Werewolf;〃 Phillip Chen said placatingly。 〃I'm to take a taxi … where to?〃
 〃The triangle garden at Kowloon Tong。 There's a road called Essex Road。 There's a wall fence there and a hole in the wall。 An arrow drawn on the pavement of the road has its arrowhead pointing at the hole。 You put your hand in this hole and you'll get a letter。 You read it then our street fighters will approach you and say 'Tin koon chi fook' and you hand the bag over。〃
 〃Oh! Isn't it possible I can hand it to the wrong man?〃
 〃You won't。 You understand the password and everything?〃
 〃Yes 。。。 yes。〃
 〃How long will it take you to get there?〃
 〃I can e at once。 I'll 。。。 I can get the other money on the way; I can e at once。〃
 〃Then e immediately。 e alone; you cannot e with anyone else。 You will be watched the moment you leave the door。〃
 Phillip Chen mopped his brow。 〃And my son? When do I ge… 〃
 〃Obey instructions! Beware and e alone。〃
 Again the phone went dead。 His fingers were shaking as he picked up the glass and drained the brandy。 He felt the warm afterglow but it took away none of his apprehension。 When he had collected himself; he dialed a very private number。 〃I want to speak to Four Finger Wu;〃 he said in Wu's dialect。
 〃One moment please。〃 There were some muffled Haklo voices; and then; 〃Is this Mr。 Chen; Mr。 Phillip Chen?〃 the voice asked in American English。
 〃Oh!〃 he said; startled; then added cautiously; 〃Who's this?〃
 〃This's Paul Choy; Mr。 Chen。 Mr。 Wu's nephew。 My uncle had to go out but he left instructions for me to wait until you called。 He's made some arrangements for you。 This is Mr。 Chen?〃
 〃Yes; yes; it is。〃
 〃Ah; great。 Have you heard from the kidnappers?〃
 〃Yes; yes I have。〃 Phillip Chen was uneasy talking to a stranger but now he had no option。 He told Paul Choy the instructions he had been given。
 〃Just a moment; sir。〃
 He heard a hand being put over the phone and again muffled; indistinct talking in Haklo dialect for a moment。 〃Everything's set; sir。 We'll send a cab to your house … you're phoning from Struan's Lookout?〃
 〃Yes … yes; I'm home。〃
 〃The driver'll be one of our guys。 There'll be more of my uncle's; er; people scattered over Kowloon Tong so not to worry; you'll be covered every foot of the way。 Just hand over the money and; er; and they'll take care of everything。 My uncle's chief lieut… er; his aide; says not to worry; they'll have the whole area swarming 。。。 Mr。 Chen?〃
 〃Yes; I'm still here。 Thank you。〃
 〃The cab'll be there in twenty minutes。〃
 Paul Choy put down the phone。 〃Noble House Chen says thank you; Honorable Father;〃 he told Four Finger Wu placatingly in their dialect; quaking under the stony eyes。 Sweat was beading his face。 He tried unsuccessfully to hide his fear of the others。 It was hot and stuffy in the crowded main cabin of this ancient junk that was tied up in a permanent berth to an equally ancient dock in one of Aberdeen's multitude of estuaries。 〃Can I go with your fighters; too?〃
 〃Do you send a rabbit against a dragon?〃 Four Finger Wu snarled。 〃Are you trained as a street fighter? Am I a fool like you? Treacherous like you?〃 He jerked a horny thumb at Goodweather Poon。 〃Lead the fighters!〃 The man hurried out。 The others followed。
 Now the two of them were alone in the cabin。
 The old man was sitting on an upturned keg。 He lit another cigarette; inhaled deeply; coughed and spat loudly on the deck floor。 Paul Choy watched him; the sweat running down his back; more from fear than from the heat。 Around them were some old desks; filing cabinets; rickety chairs and two phones; and this was Four Fingers's office and munications center。 It was mostly from here that he sent messages to his fleets。 Much of his business was regular freighting but wherever the Silver Lotus flag flew; his order to his captains was: Anything; shipped anywhere; at any time … at the right price。
 The tough old man coughed again and glared at him under shaggy eyebrows。 〃They teach you curious ways in the Golden Mountain; heya?〃
 Paul Choy held his tongue and waited; his heart thumping; and wished he had never e back to Hong Kong; that he was still Stateside; or even better in Honolulu surfing in the Great Waves or lying on the beach with his girl friend。 His spirit twisted at the thought of her。
 〃They teach you to bite the hand that feeds you; heya?〃
 〃No; Honored Father; sorr… 〃
 〃They teach that my money is yours; my wealth yours and my chop yours to use as you wish; heya?〃
 〃No; Honored Lord。 I'm sorry to displease you;〃 Paul Choy muttered; wilting under the weight of his fear。
 This morning; early; when Gornt had jauntily e into the office from the meeting with Bartlett; it was still before the secretaries were due so Paul Choy had asked if he could help him。 Gornt had told him to get several people on the phone。 Others he had dialed himself on his private line。 Paul Choy had thought nothing of it at the time until he happened to overhear part of what was; obviously; inside information about Struan's being whispered confidentially over the phone。 Remembering the Bartlett call earlier; deducing that 
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