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 〃Hello; dear;〃 he said; his backbone jelly。
 〃Hello; dear;〃 Mai…ling Kwang replied sweetly。 〃Who's that whore?〃
 〃Which one?〃
 〃That one。〃
 〃Isn't that the 。。。 what's her name 。。。 the TV starlet?〃
 〃Isn't her name Itch…in…her…drawers Poon; the VD starlet?〃
 He pretended to laugh with her but he wanted to tear all his hair out。 The fact that his latest mistress had e with someone else would not be lost on all Hong Kong。 Everyone would interpret it as an infallible sign that he was in absolute financial trouble and that she had; wisely; left the sinking junk for a safer haven。 And ing with his uncle; Four Finger Wu; was even worse。 That would confirm that all Wu's wealth had been removed from the Ho…Pak; and therefore most probably Lando Mata and the gold syndicate had done the same。 All the civilized population that counted were sure that Wu was the syndicate's prime smuggler now that Smuggler Mo was dead。 Woe woe woe! Troubles never e singly。
 〃Eh?〃 he asked wearily。 〃What did you say?〃
 〃I said; is the tai…pan going to approach the Victoria for us?〃
 He switched into Cantonese as Europeans were nearby。 〃Regretfully that son of a whore's in trouble himself。 No; he won't help us。 We're in great trouble which is not our fault。 The day has been terrible; except for one thing: we made a fine profit today。 I sold all our Noble House stock。〃
 〃Excellent。 At what price?〃
 〃We made 2。70 a share。 It's all in gold now in Zurich。 I'm putting it all in our joint account;〃 he added carefully; twisting the truth; all the while trying to figure out a ploy to get his wife out of the room so he could go over to Four Finger Wu and Venus Poon to pretend to everyone that everything was fine。
 〃Good。 Very good。 That's better。〃 Mai…ling was toying with her huge aquamarine pendant。 Suddenly Richard Kwang's testicles chilled。 This was the pendant he had promised Venus Poon。 Oh woe woe woe 。。。
 〃Are you feeling all right?〃 Mai…ling asked。
 〃I; er; I must have eaten some bad fish。 I think I need to go to the bathroom。〃
 〃You'd better go now。 I suppose we'll eat soon。 Shitee's always so late!〃 She noticed him take a nervous sidelong look at Venus Poon and Uncle Wu and her eyes turned baleful again。 〃That whore's really quite fascinating。 I'm going to watch her until you get back。〃
 〃Why don't we go together?〃 He took her arm and guided her down the stairs to the door that led to the bathrooms; greeting friends here and there; trying to exude confidence。 The moment she was launched into the ladies' room he rushed back up; walked over to Zeppelin Tung who was near them。 He chatted a moment; then pretended to see Four Fingers。 〃Oh hello; Honored Uncle;〃 he said expansively。 〃Thank you for bringing her here。 Hello; little oily mouth。〃
 〃What?〃 the old man said suspiciously。 〃I brought her for me not for you。〃
 〃Yes; and don't you oily mouth me;〃 Venus Poon hissed and deliberately took the old man's arm and Richard Kwang almost spat blood。 〃I talked to my hairdresser tonight! My mink on her back! And isn't that my aquamarine pendant too; the one she's wearing right now! To think I almost mitted suicide tonight because I thought I'd displeased my Honored Father 。。。 and all the time it was lies lies lies。 Oh I almost want to mit suicide again。〃
 〃Eh; don't do that yet; Little Mealy Mouth;〃 Four Finger Wu whispered anxiously; having already negotiated a deal in excess of Smiler Ching's offer。 〃Go away; Nephew; you're giving her indigestion。 She won't be able to perform!〃
 Richard Kwang forced a glazed smile; muttered a few pleasantries and went off shakily。 He headed for the staircase to wait for his wife; and someone said; 〃I see a certain filly's left the paddock for more manured grass!〃
 〃What nonsense!〃 he replied at once。 〃Of course I asked the old fool to bring her since my wife is here。 Why else would she be with him? Is that old fool hung like a bullock? Or even a bantam cock? No。 Ayeeyah; not even Venus Poon with all the technique I taught her can get up what has no thread! It's good for his face to pretend otherwise; heya? Of course; and she wanted to see her Old Father and to be seen too!〃
 〃Eeeee; that's clever; Banker Kwang!〃 the man said; and turned away and whispered it to another; who said caustically; 〃Huh; you'd swallow a bucket of shit if someone said it was stewed beef with black bean sauce! Don't you know old Four Fingers's Stalk's nurtured by the most expensive salves and ointments and ginseng that money can buy? Why only last month his Number Six Concubine gave birth to a son! Eeeee; don't worry about him。 Before he's through tonight; Venus Poon's in for a drubbing that'll make her Golden Gulley cry out for mercy in eight dialects。 。。。〃
 * * *
 〃Are you staying for dinner; tai…pan?〃 Brian Kwok asked; intercepting him。 〃When and if it arrives。〃
 〃Yes。 Why?〃
 〃Sorry I've got to go back to work。 But there'll be someone else to chaperone you home。〃
 〃For God's sake; Brian; aren't you overreacting?〃 Dunross said as quietly。
 Brian Kwok kept his voice down。 〃I don't think so。 I've just phoned Crosse to see what happened about those two loiterers outside your house。 The moment our fellows arrived they took to their heels。〃
 〃Perhaps they were just thugs who don't like police。〃
 Brian Kwok shook his head。 〃Crosse asked again that you give us the AMG papers right now。〃
 〃He told me to tell you there's a Soviet spy ship in port。 There's already been one killing … one of their agents; knifed。〃
 Dunross was shocked。 〃What's that got to do with me?〃
 〃You know that better than we do。 You know what's in those reports。 Must be quite serious or you wouldn't be so difficult … or careful … yourself。 Crosse said 。。。 Never mind him! Ian; look; we're old friends。 I'm really very worried。〃 Brian Kwok switched to Cantonese。 〃Even the wise can fall into thorns … poisoned thorns。〃
 〃In two days the police Mandarin arrives。 Two days is not long。〃
 〃True。 But in two days the spy may hurt us very much。 Why tempt the gods? It is my ask。〃
 〃No。 Sorry。〃
 Brian Kwok hardened。 In English he said; 〃Our American friends have asked us to take you into protective custody。〃
 〃What nonsense!〃
 〃Not such nonsense; Ian。 It's very well known you've a photographic memory。 The sooner you turn the papers over the better。 Even afterwards you should be careful。 Why not tell me where they are and we'll take care of everything?〃
 Dunross was equally set…faced。 〃Everything's taken care of now; Brian。 Everything stays as planned。〃
 The tall Chinese sighed。 Then he shrugged。 〃Very well。 Sorry; but don't say you weren't warned。 Are Gavallan and Jacques staying for dinner too?〃
 〃No; I don't think so。 I asked them just to put in an appearance。 Why?〃
 〃They could've gone home with you。 Please don't go anywhere alone for a while; don't try to lose your guard。 For the time being; if you have any; er; private dates call me。〃
 〃Me; a private date? Here in Hong Kong? Really; what a suggestion!〃
 〃Does the name Jen mean anything?〃
 Dunross's eyes became stony。 〃You buggers can be too nosy。〃
 〃And you don't seem to realize you're in a very dirty game without Queensberry rules。〃
 〃I've got that message; by God。〃
 '〃Night; tai…pan。〃
 '〃Night; Brian。〃 Dunross went over to the MPs who were in a group in one corner talking with Jacques deVille。 There were only four of them now; the rest were resting after their long journey。 Jacques deVille introduced him。 Sir Charles Pennyworth; Conservative; Hugh Guthrie; Liberal; Julian Broadhurst and Robin Grey; both Labour。 〃Hello; Robin;〃 he said。
 〃Hello; Ian。 It's been a long time。〃
 〃If you'll excuse me; I'll be off;〃 deVille said; his face careworn。 〃My wife's away and we've a young grandchild staying with us。〃
 〃Did you talk to Susanne in France?〃 Dunross asked。
 〃Yes; tai…pan。 She's 。。。 she'll be all right。 Thank you for calling Deland。 See you tomorrow。 Good night; gentlemen。〃 He walked off。
 Dunross glanced back at Robin Grey。 〃You haven't changed at all。〃
 〃Nor have you;〃 Grey said; then turned to Pennyworth。 〃Ian and I met in London some years ago; Sir Charles。 It was just after the war。 I'd just bee a shop steward。〃 He was a lean man with thin lips; thin graying hair and sharp features。
 〃Yes; it was some years ago;〃 Dunross said politely; continuing the pattern that Penelope and her brother had agreed to so many years ago … that neither side was blood kin to the other。 〃So; Robin; are you staying long?〃
 〃Just a few days;〃 Grey said。 His smile was as thin as his lips。 〃I've never been in this workers' paradise before so I want to visit a few unions; see how the other ninety…nine percent live。〃 Sir Charles Pennyworth; leader of the delegation; laughed。 He was a florid; well…covered man; an ex…colonel of the London Scottish Regiment; D。S。O。 and Bar。 〃Don't think they go much on unions here; Robin。 Do they; tai…pan?〃
 〃Our labor force does very well without them;〃 Dunross said。
 〃Sweated labor; tai…pan;〃 Grey said at once。 〃According to some of your own statistics; government statistics。〃
 〃Not our statistics; Robin; merely your statisticians;〃 Dunross said。 〃Our people are the highest paid in Asia after the Japanes
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