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 〃Not our statistics; Robin; merely your statisticians;〃 Dunross said。 〃Our people are the highest paid in Asia after the Japanese and this is a free society。〃
 〃Free? e off it!〃 Grey jeered。 〃You mean free to exploit the workers。 Well; never mind; when Labour gets in at the next election we'll change all that。〃
 〃e now; Robin;〃 Sir Charles said。 〃Labour hasn't a prayer at the next election。〃
 Grey smiled。 〃Don't bet on it; Sir Charles。 The people of England want change。 We didn't all go to war to keep up the rotten old ways。 Labour's for social change … and getting the workers a fair share of the profits they create。〃
 Dunross said; 〃I've always thought it rather unfair that Socialists talk about the 'workers' as though they do all the work and we do none。 We're workers too。 We work as hard if not harder with longer hours an… 〃
 〃Ah; but you're a tai…pan and you live in a great big house that was handed down; along with your power。 All that capital came from some poor fellow's sweat; and I won't even mention the opium trade that started it all。 It's fair that capital should be spread around; fair that everyone should have the same start。 The rich should be taxed more。 There should be a capital tax。 The sooner the great fortunes are broken up the better for all Englishmen; eh; Julian?〃
 Julian Broadhurst was a tall; distinguished man in his mid…forties; a strong supporter of the Fabian Society; which was the intellectual brain trust of the socialist movement。 〃Well; Robin;〃 he said with his lazy; almost diffident voice; 〃I certainly don't advocate as you do that we take to the barricades but I do think; Mr。 Dunross; that here in Hong Kong you could do with a Trades Union Council; a minimum wage scale; elected legislature; proper unions and safeguards; socialized medicine; workman's pensation and all the modern British innovations。〃
 〃Totally wrong; Mr。 Broadhurst。 China would never agree to a change in our colonial status; they would never allow any form of city…state on her border。 As to the rest; who pays for them?〃 Dunross asked。 〃Our unfettered system here's outperforming Britain twenty times and… 〃
 〃You pay for it out of all your profits; Ian;〃 Robin Grey said with a laugh。 〃You pay a fair tax; not 15 percent。 You pay the same as we do in Britain and… 〃
 〃God forbid!〃 Dunross said; hard put to keep his temper。 〃You're taxing yourself out of business and out of c… 〃
 〃Profit?〃 the last MP; the Liberal; Hugh Guthrie interrupted caustically。 〃The last bloody Labour Government wiped out our profits years ago with bloody stupid profligate spending; ridiculous nationalization; giving the Empire away piecemeal with fatuous stupid abandon; disrupting the monwealth and shoving poor old England's face in the bloody mud。 Bloody ridiculous! Attlee and all that shower!〃
 Robin Grey said placatingly; 〃e on; Hugh; the Labour Government did what the people wanted; what the masses wanted。〃
 〃Nonsense! The enemy wanted it。 The munists! In barely eighteen years you gave away the greatest empire the world's ever seen; made us a second…class power and allowed the sodding Soviet enemy to eat up most of Europe。 Bloody ridiculous!〃
 〃I agree wholeheartedly that munism's dreadful。 But as to 'giving' away our empire; it was the wind of change; Hugh;〃 Broadhurst said; calming him。 〃Colonialism had run its course。 You really must take the long…term view。〃
 〃I do。 I think we're up the creek without a paddle。 Churchill's right; always was。〃
 〃The people didn't think so;〃 Grey said grimly。 〃That's why he was voted out。 The armed service vote did that; they'd had enough of him。 As to the Empire; sorry Hugh old chap; but it was just an excuse to exploit natives who didn't know any better。〃 Robin Grey saw their faces and read them。 He was used to the hatred that surrounded him。 He hated them more and always had。 After the war he had wanted to stay in the Regular Army but he had been rejected … captains were two a penny then with decorations and great war service; while he spent the war a POW at Changi。 So; filled with anger and resentment; he had joined Crawley's; a huge car manufacturer; as a mechanic。 Quickly he had bee a shop steward and union organizer; then into the lower ranks of the Trades Union General Council。 Five years ago; he had bee a Labour MP where he was now; a cutting; angry; hostile back…bencher and protégé of the late left…wing Socialist Aneurin Bevan。 〃Yes; we got rid of Churchill and when we get in next year we'll sweep out a lot more of the old tired ways and upper…class infections back where they belong。 We'll nationalize every industry an… 〃
 〃Really; Robin;〃 Sir Charles said; 〃this is a banquet not a soapbox in Hyde Park。 We all agreed to cut out politics while we were on the trip。〃
 〃You're right; Sir Charles。 It was just that the tai…pan of the Noble House asked me。〃 Grey turned to Dunross。 〃How is the Noble House?〃
 〃Fine。 Very fine。〃
 〃According to this afternoon's paper there's a run on your stock?〃
 〃One of our petitors is playing silly buggers; that's all。〃
 〃And the bank runs? They're not serious either?〃
 〃They're serious。〃 Dunross was choosing his words carefully。 He knew the anti…Hong Kong lobby in Parliament was strong and many members of all three parties were against its colonial status; against its nonvoting status and freewheeling nature … and most of all envious of its almost tax…free basis。 Never mind; he thought。 Since 1841 we've survived hostile Parliaments; fire; typhoon; pestilence; plague; embargo; depression; occupation and the periodic convulsions that China goes through; and somehow we always will。
 〃The run's on the Ho…Pak; one of our Chinese banks;〃 Dunross said。
 〃It's the largest; isn't it?〃 Grey said。
 〃No。 But it's large。 We're all hoping it'll weather the problem。〃
 〃If it goes broke; what about all the depositors' money?〃
 〃Unfortunately they lose it;〃 Dunross said; backed into a corner。
 〃You need English banking laws。〃
 〃No; we've found our system operates very well。 How did you find China?〃 Dunross asked。
 Before Sir Charles could answer; Grey said; 〃Our majority view is that they're dangerous; hostile; should be locked up and the Hong Kong border sealed。 They're openly mitted to being a world irritant and their brand of munism is merely an excuse for dictatorship and exploitation of their masses。〃
 Dunross and the other Hong Kong yan blanched as Sir Charles said sharply; 〃e now; Robin; that's only your view and the m… the; er; and McLean's。 I found just the opposite。 I think China's very sincere in trying to deal with the problems of China; which are hideous; monumental and I think insoluble。〃
 〃Thank God there's going to be big trouble there;〃 Grey said with a sneer。 〃Even the Russians knew it; why else would they get out?〃
 〃Because they're enemies; they share a mon five thousand miles of border;〃 Dunross said trying to hold in his anger。 〃They've always distrusted each other。 Because China's invader has always e out of the West; and Russia's always out of the East。 Possession of China's always been Russia's obsession and preoccupation。〃
 〃e now; Mr。 Dunross;〃 Broadhurst began。 〃You exaggerate; surely。〃
 〃It's to Russia's advantage to have China weak and divided; and Hong Kong disrupted。 Russia requires China weak as a cornerstone of its foreign policy。〃
 〃At least Russia's civilized;〃 Grey said。 〃Red China's fanatic; dangerous and heathen and should be cut off; particularly from here。〃
 〃Ridiculous!〃 Dunross said tightly。 〃China has the oldest civilization on earth。 China desperately wants to be friends with the West。 China's Chinese first and munist second。〃
 〃Hong Kong and you 'traders' are keeping the munists in power。〃
 〃Rubbish! Mao Tse…tung and Chou En…lai don't need us or the Soviets to stay in Peking!〃
 Hugh Guthrie said; 〃As far as I'm concerned Red China and Soviet Russia're equally dangerous。〃
 〃There's no parison!〃 Grey said。 〃In Moscow they eat with knives and forks and understand food! In China we had nothing but rotten food; rotten hotels and lots of double…talk。〃
 〃I really don't understand you at all; old boy;〃 Sir Charles said irritably。 〃You fought like hell to get on this mittee; you're supposed to be interested in Asian affairs and you've done nothing but plain。〃
 〃Being critical's not plaining; Sir Charles。 Bluntly; I'm for giving Red China no help at all。 None。 And when I get back I'm offering a motion to change Hong Kong's status entirely: to embargo everything from and to munist China; to hold immediate and proper elections here; introduce proper taxes; proper unionism and proper British social justice!〃
 Dunross's chin jutted。 〃Then you'll destroy our position in Asia!〃
 〃Of all the tai…pans; yes; the people no! Russia was right about China。〃
 〃I'm talking about the Free World! Christ almighty; it should be clear to everyone … Soviet Russia's mitted to hegemony; to world domination and our destruction。 China isn't;〃 Dunross said。
 〃You're wrong; Ian。 You can't see the wood for the trees;〃 Grey said。
 〃Listen! If Russia 。。。〃
 Broadhurst interrupted smoothly。 〃Russia's just trying to solve her own problems; Mr。 Dunross; one of them's the U。S。 containment policy。 They just want t
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