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 Pennyworth called out jovially; 〃We're in luck! The ship's listing this way so when she goes down we'll be safe enough。 Unless she capsizes。 Just like old times;〃 he added。 〃I was sunk three times in the Med。〃
 〃So was I;〃 Marlowe said; 〃but it was in the Bangka Strait off Sumatra。〃
 〃I didn't know that; Peter;〃 Fleur said。
 〃It was nothing。〃
 〃How deep's the water here?〃 Bartlett asked。
 〃It must be twenty feet or more;〃 Dunross said。
 〃That'll be en… 〃 There was a whoopwhoopwhoop of sirens as the police launch came bustling through the narrow byways between the islands of boats; its searchlight darting here and there。 When it was almost alongside the Floating Dragon; the megaphone sounded loudly; first in Chinese; 〃All sampans clear the area; clear the area 。。。〃 Then in English; 〃Those on the top deck prepare to abandon ship! The hull's holed; prepare to abandon ship!〃
 Christian Toxe muttered sourly to no one; 〃Buggered if I'm going to ruin my only dinner jacket。〃
 His wife tugged at his arm。 〃You never liked it anyway; Chris。〃
 〃I like it now; old girl。〃 He tried to smile。 〃You can't bloody swim either。〃
 She shrugged。 〃I'll bet you fifty dollar you and me we swim like a one hundred percent eel。〃
 〃Mrs。 Toxe; you have a bet。 But it's only fitting we're the last to go。 After all; I want an eyewitness account。〃 He reached into his pocket and found his cigarettes; gave her one; trying to feel brave; frightened for her safety。 He searched for a match; couldn't find one。 She reached into her purse and rummaged around。 Eventually she found her lighter。 It lit on the third go。 Both were oblivious of the flames that were ten feet behind them。
 Dunross said; 〃You smoke too much; Christian。〃
 The deck twisted sickeningly。 The boat began to settle。 Water was pouring through the great hole in her side。 Firemen used their hoses with great bravery but they had little effect on the conflagration。 A murmur went through the crowd as the whole boat shuddered。 Two of the mooring guys snapped。
 Pennyworth was leaning against the gunnel; helping others to jump clear。 Quite a few were jumping now。 Lady Joanna fell awkwardly。 Paul Havergill helped his wife over the side。 When he saw she had surfaced he leaped too。 The police launch was still blaring in Cantonese to clear the area。 Sailors threw life jackets over the side as others launched a cutter。 Then; led by a young marine inspector; half a dozen sailors dived over the side to help those in trouble; men; women and a few children。 A sampan darted in to help Lady Joanna; Havergill and his wife。 Gratefully they clambered aboard the rickety craft。 Others from the top deck plunged into the water。
 The Floating Dragon was listing badly。 Someone slipped on the top deck and knocked Pennyworth off balance。 He half…jumped; half…fell backward before he could catch himself and fell like a stone。 His head smashed into the stem of the sampan; snapping his neck; and he slithered into the water and sank。 In the pandemonium no one noticed him。
 Casey was hanging on to the railings with Bartlett; Dunross; Gornt; Orlanda and the Marlowes。 Nearby; Toxe was puffing away; trying to summon his courage。 His wife stubbed her cigarette out carefully。 Flames were surging from the air vents; skylights and exit door; then the ship grounded heavily and lurched as another of her anchoring cables snapped。 Gornt's hold was torn away and he crashed headfirst into the railing; stunning himself。 Toxe and his wife lost their balance and went over the side; badly。 Peter Marlowe held on to his wife and just managed to prevent her being smashed into a bulkhead as Bartlett and Casey half…tumbled; half…stumbled past and fell in a heap at the railing; Bartlett protecting her as best he could; her high heels dangerous。
 Below; in the water; sailors were helping people to the rescue boat。 One saw Toxe and his wife rise to the surface for an instant fifteen yards away; both gasping and spluttering; before they choked; and; flailing; went down again。 At once he dived for them and after a seeming eternity; grabbed her clothing and shoved her; half…drowned; to the surface。 The young lieutenant swam over to where he had seen Toxe and dived but missed him in the darkness。 He came up for air and dived once more into the blackness; groping helplessly。 When his lungs were bursting; his outstretched fingers touched some clothing and he grabbed and kicked for the surface。 Toxe clung on in panic; retching and choking from all the seawater he had swallowed。 The young man broke his hold; turned Toxe over and hauled him to the cutter。
 Above them; the boat was tilted dangerously and Dunross picked himself up。 He saw Gornt inert in a heap and he stumbled over to him。 He tried to lift him; couldn't。
 〃I'm 。。。 I'm all right;〃 Gornt gasped; ing around; then he shook his head like a dog。 〃Christ; thanks 。。。〃 He looked up and saw it was Dunross。 〃Thanks;〃 he said; smiled grimly as he got up shakily。 〃I'm still selling tomorrow and by next week you'll have had it。〃
 Dunross laughed。 〃Jolly good luck! The idea of burning to death or drowning with you fills me with equal dismay。〃
 Ten yards away; Bartlett was lifting Casey up。 The angle of the deck was bad now; the fire worse。 〃This whole goddamn tub could capsize any second。〃
 〃What about them?〃 she asked quietly; nodding at Fleur and Orlanda。
 He thought a second; then said decisively; 〃You go first; wait below!〃
 〃Got it!〃 At once she gave him her small purse。 He stuffed it into a pocket and hurried away as she kicked off her shoes; unzipped her long dress and stepped out of it。 At once she gathered up the light silk material into a rope; tied it around her waist; swung neatly over the railing and stood there poised on the edge a moment; gauged her impact point carefully; and leapt out into a perfect swan dive。 Gornt and Dunross watched her go; their immediate danger forgotten。
 Bartlett was beside Orlanda now。 He saw Casey break the surface cleanly and before Orlanda could do anything he lifted her over the railing and said; 〃Hold your breath; honey;〃 and dropped her carefully。 They all watched her fall。 She plummeted down feet first and went into the water a few yards from Casey who had already anticipated the spot and had swum down below the surface。 She caught Orlanda easily; kicked for the surface; and Orlanda was breathing almost before she realized she was off the deck。 Casey held her safely and swam strongly for the cutter; in perfect control。
 Gornt and Dunross cheered lustily。 The boat lurched again and they almost lost their footing as Bartlett stumbled over to the Marlowes。
 〃Peter; how's your swimming?〃 Bartlett asked。
 〃Trust me with her? I was a lifeguard; beach bum; for years。〃
 Before Marlowe could say no; Bartlett lifted Fleur into his arms and stepped over the railing onto the ledge and poised himself for a second。 〃Just hold your breath!〃 She put one arm around his neck and held her nose then he stepped into space; Fleur tightly and safely in his arms。 He plunged into the sea cleanly; protecting her from the shock with his own legs and body; and kicked smoothly for the surface。 Her head was hardly under a few seconds and she was not even spluttering though her heart was racing。 In seconds she was at the cutter。 She hung on to the side and they looked back。
 When Peter Marlowe saw she was safe his heart began again。 〃Oh; jolly good;〃 he muttered。
 〃Did you see Casey go?〃 Dunross asked。 〃Fantastic!〃
 〃What? Oh; no; tai…pan。〃
 〃Just bra and pants with stockings attached and no ironworks and a dream dive。 Christ; what a figure!〃
 〃Oh those're pantyhose;〃 Marlowe said absently; looking at the water below; gathering his courage。 〃They've just e out in the States; they're all the rage 。。。〃
 Dunross was hardly listening。 〃Christ Agnes; what a figure。〃
 〃Ah yes;〃 Gornt echoed。 〃And what cojones。〃
 The boat shrieked as the last of its mooring guys snapped。 The deck toppled nauseatingly。
 As one; the last three men went overboard。 Dunross and Gornt dived; Peter Marlowe jumped。 The dives were good but both men knew they were not as good as Casey's。
 11:30 P。M。:
 On the other side of the island the old taxi was grinding up the narrow street high above West Point in Mid Levels; Suslev sprawled drunkenly in the backseat。 The night was dark and he was singing a sad Russian ballad to the sweating driver; his tie askew; coat off; his shirt streaked with sweat。 The overcast had thickened and lowered; the humidity was worse; the air stifling。
 〃Matyeryebyets!〃 he muttered; cursing the heat; then smiled; the twisted obscenity pleasing him。 He looked out the window。 The city and harbor lights far below were misted by wisps of clouds; Kowloon mostly obscured。 〃It'll rain soon; rade;〃 he said to the driver; his English slurred; not caring if the man understood or not。
 The ancient taxi was wheezing。 The engine coughed suddenly and that reminded him of Arthur's cough and their ing meeting。 His excitement quickened。
 The taxi had picked him up at the Golden Ferry Terminal; then climbed to Mid Levels on the Peak; turned west; skirting Government House where the governor lived; and the Botanical Gardens。 Passing
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