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 Crosse said; 〃Ian; if I were you I'd get a shot。 There must be bugs in that bay that haven't been invented yet。〃
 They all laughed with him。
 〃Actually I've done better than that。 After we got out of the water I grabbed Linc Bartlett and Casey and we fled to Doc Tooley。〃 Dunross smiled faintly。 〃When we told him we'd been swimming in Aberdeen Harbor he almost had a hemorrhage。 He said; 'Drink this;' and like bloody berks we did and before we knew what was happening we were retching our hearts out。 If I'd had any strength I'd've belted him but we were all on our hands and knees fighting for the loo not knowing which end was first。 Then Casey started laughing between heaves and then we were rolling on the bloody floor!〃 He added with pretended sadness; 〃Then; before we knew what was happening; Old Sawbones was shoving pills down our throats by the barrel and Bartlett said; 'For chrissake; Doc; how about a suppository and then you've a hole in one!' 〃 They laughed again。
 〃Is it true about Casey? That she stripped and dived like an Olympic star?〃 Pugmire asked。
 〃Better! Stark bollock naked; old boy;〃 Dunross exaggerated airily。 〃Like Venus de Milo! Probably the best 。。。 everything 。。。 I've ever seen。〃
 〃Oh?〃 Their eyes popped。
 〃My God; but swimming in Aberdeen Harbor! That sewer!〃 McBride said; eyebrows soaring。 〃If you all live it'll be a miracle!〃
 〃Doc Tooley said the very least'll be gastroenteritis; dysentery or the plague。〃 Dunross rolled his eyes。 〃Well; here today gone tomorrow。 Anything else?〃
 〃Tai…pan;〃 Shi…teh said; 〃I 。。。 hope you don't mind but I've 。。。 I'd like to start a fund for the victims' families。〃
 〃Good idea! The Turf Club should contribute too。 Donald; would you canvass the other stewards today and get their approval? How about 100;000?〃
 〃That's a bit generous; isn't it?〃 Pugmire said。
 Dunross's chin jutted。 〃No。 Then let's make it 150;000 instead。 The Noble House will contribute the same。〃 Pugmire flushed。 No one said anything。 〃Meeting adjourned? Good。 Morning。〃 Dunross raised his hat politely and walked off。
 〃Excuse me a moment。〃 Crosse motioned Brian Kwok to follow him。 〃Ian!〃
 〃Yes; Roger?〃
 When Crosse came up to Dunross he said quietly; 〃Ian; we've a report that Sinders is confirmed on the BOAC flight tomorrow。 We'll go straight to the bank from the airport if that's convenient。〃
 〃The governor will be there too?〃
 〃I'll ask him。 We should be there about six。〃
 〃If the plane's on time。〃 Dunross smiled。
 〃Did you get Eastern Cloud's; formal release yet?〃
 〃Yes; thanks。 It was telexed yesterday from Delhi。 I ordered her back here at once and she sailed on the tide。 Brian; you remember the bet you wanted … the one about Casey。 About her knockers … fifty dollars to a copper cash they're the best in Hong Kong?〃
 Brian Kwok reddened; conscious of Crosse's bleak stare。 〃Er; yes; why?〃
 〃I don't know about the best; but like the judgment of Paris; you'd have one helluva problem if it … they … were put to the test!〃
 〃Then it's true; she was starkers?〃
 〃She was Lady Godiva to the rescue。〃 Dunross nodded to both of them pleasantly and walked off with; 〃See you tomorrow。〃
 They watched him go。 At the exit an SI agent was waiting to follow him。
 Crosse said; 〃He's got something cooking。〃
 〃I agree; sir。〃
 Crosse tore his eyes off Dunross and looked at Brian Kwok。 〃Do you usually bet on a lady's mammary glands?〃
 〃No sir; sorry sir。〃
 〃Good。 Fortunately women aren't the only source of beauty; are they?〃
 〃No sir。〃
 〃There're hounds; paintings; music; even a killing。 Eh?〃
 〃Yes sir。〃
 〃Wait here please。〃 Crosse went back to the other stewards。
 Brian Kwok sighed。 He was bored and tired。 The team of frogmen had met him at Aberdeen and though he had found out almost at once that Dunross was safe and had already gone home; he had had to wait most of the night helping to organize the search for bodies。 It had been a ghoulish task。 Then when he was about to go home Crosse had called him to be at Happy Valley at dawn so there had been no point in going to bed。 Instead he had gone to the Para Restaurant and glowered at the triads and One Foot Ko。
 Now he was watching Dunross。 What's that bugger got in the reaches of his mind? he asked himself; a twinge of envy soaring through him。 What couldn't I do with his power and his money!
 He saw Dunross change direction for the nearby stand; then noticed Adryon sitting beside Martin Haply; both staring at the horses; oblivious of Dunross。 Dew neh loh moh; he thought; surprised。 Curious that they'd be together。 Christ; what a beauty! Thank God I'm not father to that one。 I'd go out of my mind。
 Crosse and the others had also noticed Adryon and Martin Haply with astonishment。 〃What's that bastard doing with the tai…pan's daughter?〃 Pugmire asked; his voice sour。
 〃No good; that's certain;〃 someone said。
 〃Blasted fellow creates nothing but trouble!〃 Pugmire muttered and the others nodded agreement。 〃Can't understand why Toxe keeps him on!〃
 〃Bloody man's a Socialist that's why! He should be blackballed too。〃
 〃Oh e off it; Pug。 Toxe's all right … so're some Socialists;〃 Shi…teh said。 〃But he should fire Haply; and we'd all be better off!〃 They had all been subject to Haply's attacks。 A few weeks ago he had written a series of scathing exposés of some of Shi…teh's trading deals within his huge conglomeration of panies and implied that all sorts of dubious contributions were being made to various VIPs in the Hong Kong Government for favors。
 〃I agree;〃 Pugmire said; hating him too。 Haply; with his accuracy; had reported the private details of Pugmire's forthing merger with Superfoods and had made it abundantly clear Pugmire benefited far more than his shareholders in General Stores who were barely consulted on the terms of the merger。 〃Rotten bastard! I'd certainly like to know where he gets his information。〃
 〃Curious Haply should be with her;〃 Crosse said; watching their lips; waiting for them to speak。 〃The only major pany he hasn't gone after yet is Struan's。〃
 〃You think it's Struan's turn and Haply's pumping Adryon?〃 one of the others asked。 〃Wouldn't that be smashing!〃
 Excitedly they watched Dunross go into the stands; the two young people still not having noticed him。
 〃Maybe he'll whip him like he did the other bastard;〃 Pugmire said gleefully。
 〃Eh?〃 Shi…teh said。 〃Who? What was that?〃
 〃Oh; I thought you knew。 About two years ago one of the Vic's junior execs straight out from England started pursuing Adryon。 She was sixteen; perhaps seventeen … he was twenty…two; as big as a house; bigger than Ian; his name was Byron。 He thought he was Lord Byron on the rampage and he mounted a campaign。 The poor girl was bowled over。 Ian warned him a last time。 The creep kept calling; so Ian invited him out to his gym at Shek…O; put on gloves  … he knew the bugger fancied himself as a boxer … and proceeded to pulp him。〃 The others laughed。 〃Within the week the bank had sent him packing。〃
 〃Did you see it?〃 Shi…teh asked。
 〃Of course not。 They were alone for God's sake; but the bloody fool was really in a bad way。 I wouldn't like to go against the tai…pan … not when his temper's up。〃
 Shi…teh looked back at Dunross。 〃Perhaps he'll do the same to that little rotter;〃 he said happily。
 They watched。 Hopefully。 Crosse wandered off with Brian Kwok; going closer。
 Dunross was running up the steps in the stands now with his easy strength and he stopped beside them。 〃Hello; darling; you're up early;〃 he said。
 〃Oh hello; Dad;〃 Adryon said; startled。 〃I didn't se… What happened to your face?〃
 〃I ran into the back end of a bus。 Morning; Haply。〃
 〃Morning; sir。〃 Haply half got up and sat down again。
 〃A bus?〃 she said; then suddenly; 〃Did you prang the Jag? Oh; did you get a ticket?〃 she asked hopefully; having had three this year herself。
 〃No。 You're up early aren't you?〃 he said; sitting beside her。
 〃Actually we're late。 We've been up all night。〃
 〃Oh?〃 He held on to forty…eight immediate questions and said instead; 〃You must be tired。〃
 〃No。 No; actually I'm not。〃
 〃What's this all about; a celebration?〃
 〃No。 Actually it's poor Martin。〃 She put a gentle hand on the youth's shoulder。 With an effort Dunross kept his smile as gentle as her hand。 He turned his attention to the young Canadian。 〃What's the problem?〃
 Haply hesitated; then told him what had happened at the paper when the publisher had called and Christian Toxe; his editor; had canceled his rumor series。 〃That bastard's sold us out。 He's allowed the publisher to censor us。 I know I'm right。 I know I'm right。〃
 〃How?〃 Dunross asked; thinking; What a callous little bastard you are!
 〃Sorry; I can't reveal my source。〃
 〃He really can't; Dad; that's an infringement of freedom of the press;〃 Adryon said defensively。
 Haply was bunching his fists; then absently he put his hand on Adryon's knee。 She covered it with one of her own。 〃The Ho…Pak's being shoved into the ground for nothing。〃
 〃I don't know。 But Gor… but tai…pans are behind the raid and it doesn't make sense。〃
 〃Gornt's behind it?〃 Dunross frowned at this new thought。
 〃I didn't say Gornt; sir。 No I didn't say that。〃
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