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 〃Yes。 Yes it is。 I love it。 You can see all of Kowloon。 Before Sinclair Towers was built … that's the block straight ahead … we had the best view in Hong Kong。 Did you know Struan's own Sinclair Towers? I think Ian Dunross helped have it built to spite Quillan。 Quillan has the penthouse apartment here 。。。 at least he did。〃
 〃It spoiled his view?〃
 〃Ruined it。〃
 〃That's an expensive attack。〃
 〃No。 Both blocks are immensely profitable。 Quillan told me everything in Hong Kong's amortized over three years。 Everything。 Property's the thing to own。 You could make 。。。〃 She laughed。 〃You could improve your fortune if you wanted to。〃
 〃If I stay; where should I live?〃
 〃Here in Mid Levels。 Farther up the Peak you're always very damp; the walls sweat and everything mildews。〃 She took off her headscarf and shook her hair free; then sat on the arm of a chair; looking at his back; waiting patiently。
 〃How long have you been here?〃 he asked。
 〃Five; almost six years。 Since the block was built。〃
 He turned and leaned against the window。 〃It's great;〃 he said。 〃And so are you。〃
 〃Thank you; kind sir。 Would you like coffee?〃
 〃Please。〃 Linc Bartlett ran his fingers through his hair; peering at an oil painting。 〃This a Quance?〃
 〃Yes。 Yes it is。 Quillan gave it to me。 Espresso?〃
 〃Yes。 Black; please。 Wish I knew more about paintings 。。。〃 He was going to add; Casey does; but he stopped himself and watched her open one of the doors。 The kitchen was large; modern and very well equipped。 〃That's like something out of House and Garden!〃
 〃This was all Quillan's idea。 He loves food and loves cooking。 This's all his design; the rest 。。。 the rest is mine though he taught me good from kitsch。〃
 〃You sorry you broke up with him?〃
 〃Yes and no。 It's joss; karma。 He 。。。 that was joss。 The time had e。〃 Her quietness touched him。 〃It could never have lasted。 Never。 Not here。〃 He saw a sadness go over her momentarily but she brushed it aside and busied herself with the sparkling espresso maker。 All the shelves were spotless。 〃Quillan was a stickler for tidiness; thank God it rubbed off on me。 My amah; Ah Fat; she drives me insane。〃
 〃Does she live here?〃
 〃Oh yes; yes of course; but she's shopping now … her room's at the end of the corridor。 Look around if you like。 I won't be a minute。〃
 Filled with curiosity he wandered off。 A good dining room with a round table to seat eight。 Her bedroom was white and pink; light and airy with soft pink drapes hung from the ceiling that fell around the huge bed making it into a vast four…poster。 There were flowers in a delicate arrangement。 A modern bathroom; tiled and perfect; with matching towels。 A second bedroom with books and phone and hi…fi and smaller bed; again everything neat and tasteful。
 Casey's outclassed; he told himself; remembering the easy; careless untidiness of her little house in the Los Angeles canyon; red brick; piles of books everywhere; barbecue; phones; duplicators and electric typewriters。 Troubled at his thought and the way he automatically seemed to be paring them; he strolled back to the kitchen; bypassing the amah's room; his walk soundless。 Orlanda was concentrating on the coffee maker; unaware that now he was watching her。 He enjoyed watching her。
 This morning he had phoned her early; very concerned; waking her; wanting to remind her to see a doctor; just in case。 In the melee last night; by the time he and Casey and Dunross had got ashore she had already gone home。
 〃Oh; thank you; Linc; how thoughtful of you to phone! No; I'm fine;〃 she had said in a happy rush。 〃At least I am now。 Are you all right? Is Casey all right? Oh I can't thank you enough; I was petrified 。。。 You saved my life; you and Casey 。。。〃
 They had chatted happily on the phone and she had promised to see her doctor anyway; and then he had asked if she'd like breakfast。 At once she had said yes and he had gone Hong Kong side; enjoying the downpour; the temperature nice。 Breakfast atop the Mandarin; eggs Benedict and toast and coffee; feeling grand; Orlanda sparkling and so appreciative of him and of Casey。
 〃I thought I was dead。 I knew I'd drown; Linc; but I was too frightened to scream。 If you hadn't done it all so quickly I'd never 。。。 The moment I was under; dear Casey was there and I was alive again and safe before I knew it。 。。。〃
 It was the best breakfast he had ever had。 She had ministered to him; small things; passing him toast and pouring coffee without having to ask for it; picking up his serviette when it fell; entertaining and being entertained; assured and feminine; making him feel masculine and strong。 And she reached out once and put her hand on his arm; long fingers and exquisite nails; and the feel of that touch still lingered。 Then he had escorted her home and inveigled an invitation up to her apartment and now he was here; watching her concentrate in the kitchen; silk skirt and Russian…style rain boots; loose blouse that was tight to her tiny waist; letting his eyes flow over her。
 Jesus; he thought; I'd better be careful。
 〃Oh; I didn't see you; Linc。 You walk quietly for a man of your height!〃
 〃Don't be sorry; Linc!〃 The steam hissed to a crescendo。 Jet droplets began to fill the cups。 〃A twist of lemon?〃
 〃Thanks。 You?〃
 〃No。 I prefer cappuccino。〃 She heated the milk; the sound fine and the smell of the coffee grand; then carried the tray to the breakfast area。 Silver spoons and good porcelain; both of them aware of the currents in the room but pretending there were none。
 Bartlett sipped his coffee。 〃It's wonderful; Orlanda! The best I've ever had。 But it's different。〃
 〃It's the dash of chocolate。〃
 〃You like cooking?〃
 〃Oh yes! Very much。 Quillan said I was a good pupil。 I love keeping house and organizing parties; and Quillan always 。。。〃A small frown was on her face now。 She looked at him directly。 〃I seem to be always mentioning him。 Sorry but it's still 。。。 it's still automatic。 He was the first man in my life … the only man … so he's a part of me that's indelible。〃
 〃You don't have to explain; Orlanda; I und… 〃
 〃I know; but I'd like to。 I've no real friends; I've never talked about him to anyone; never wanted to; but somehow 。。。 somehow well; I like being with you and 。。。〃 A sudden; vast smile went across her。 〃Of course! I'd forgotten! Now I'm your responsibility!〃 She laughed and clapped her tiny hands。
 〃What do you mean?〃
 〃According to Chinese custom you've interfered with joss or fate。 Oh yes。 You interfered with the gods。 You saved my life because without you I'd surely have died … probably would have died … but that would have been up to the gods。 But because you interfered you took over their responsibility; so now you have to look after me forever! That's good wise Chinese custom!〃 Her eyes were dancing and he had never seen whites as white or dark brown pupils so limpid; or a face so pleasing。 〃Forever!〃
 〃You're on!〃 He laughed with her; the strength of her joy surrounding him。
 〃Oh good!〃 she said; then became a little serious and touched him on the arm。 〃1 was only joking; Linc。 You're so gallant … I'm not used to such gallantry。 I formally release you … my Chinese half releases you。〃
 〃Perhaps I don't want to be released。〃 At once he saw her eyes widen。 His chest was feeling tight; his heart quickening。 Her perfume tantalized him。 Abruptly the force between them surged。 His hand reached out and touched her hair; so silky and fine and sensuous。 First touch。 Caressing her。 A little shiver and then they were kissing。 He felt her lips soft and; in a moment; weling; just a little moist; without lipstick; the taste so clean and good。
 Their passion grew。 His hand moved to her breast and the heat came through the silk。 Again she shivered and weakly tried to back off but he held her firmly; his heart racing; fondling her; then her hands went to his chest and stayed a while; touching him; then pressed against him and she broke the kiss but stayed close; gathering her breath; her heart racing; as intoxicated as he was。
 〃Linc 。。。 you 。。。〃
 〃You feel so good;〃 he said softly; holding her close。 He bent to kiss her again but she avoided his kiss。
 〃Wait; Linc。 First 。。。〃
 He kissed her neck and tried again; sensing her want。
 〃Linc; wait 。。。 first 。。。〃
 〃First kiss; then wait!〃
 She laughed。 The tension broke。 He cursed himself for making the mistake; his desire strong; whipped by hers。 Now the moment had passed and they were fencing again。 His anger began to flood but before it possessed him she reached up and kissed him perfectly。 At once his anger vanished。 Only warmth remained。
 〃You're too strong for me; Linc;〃 she said; her voice throaty; arms around his neck but cautiously。 〃Too strong and too attractive and too nice and truly; truly I do owe you a life。〃 Her hand caressed his neck and he felt it in his loins as she looked up at him; all her defenses settled; strong yet inviolate。 Perhaps; he thought。
 〃First talk;〃 she said; moving away; 〃then perhaps we will kiss again。〃
 〃Good。〃 At once he went to her but; both of them in good humor now; she put her finger on his lips; preventing him。
 〃Mr。 Bartlett! Are all Americans like you?〃
 〃No;〃 he said immediately but she would n
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