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n he had made arrangements and had left his office and e here。
 The public phone booth near the newsstand was occupied so he bought an afternoon paper and glanced at the headlines。 Twenty killed in resettlement mud slides above Aberdeen 。。。 Rain to continue 。。。 Will Saturday's Great Race Day be canceled? 。。。 JFK warns Soviets not to interfere in Vietnam 。。。 Atom Test Ban Treaty signed in Moscow by Dean Rusk; Andrei Gromyko and Sir Alec Douglas…Home; rejected by France and China 。。。 Malayan munists step up offensive 。。。 Kennedy's second son; born prematurely; dies 。。。 Manhunt for the British Great Train Robbers continues 。。。 Profumo scandal damages Conservative Party 。。。
 〃Excuse me; sir; are you waiting for the phone?〃 an American woman asked from behind him。
 〃Oh; oh yes; thank you; sorry! I didn't see that it was empty。〃 He went into the booth; closed the door; put in the coin and dialed。 The ringing tone began。 He felt his anxiety rising。
 〃Mr。 Lop…sing please;〃 he said; not sure of the voice yet。
 〃There's no Mr。 Lop…ting here。 Sorry; you have a wrong number。〃
 〃I want to leave a message;〃 he said; relieved to recognize Suslev's voice。
 〃You have a wrong number。 Look in your phone book。〃
 When the code was pleted correctly; he began; 〃Sorry to c… 〃
 〃What is your number?〃 interrupted him harshly。
 Jacques gave it at once。
 〃Is it a phone booth?〃
 〃Yes。〃 Immediately the phone clicked off。 As he hung up he felt a sudden sweat on his hands。 Suslev's number was only to be used in an emergency but this was an emergency。 He stared at the phone。
 〃Excuse me; sir;〃 the American woman called out through the glass doors。 〃Can I use the phone? I won't be a moment。〃
 〃Oh! Oh I'm … I won't be a second;〃 Jacques said; momentarily flustered。 He saw that three Chinese were waiting impatiently behind her now。 They stared at him balefully。 〃I'm 。。。 I'll just be a second。〃 He reclosed the door; sweat on his back。 He waited and waited and waited and then the phone rang。 〃Hello?〃
 〃What's the emergency?〃
 〃I 。。。 I just heard from Nice。〃 Carefully Jacques told Suslev about his conversation with his wife without mentioning any names。 〃I'm going there at once on the evening flight … and I thought I'd better tell you personally so the… 〃
 〃No; this evening's too soon。 Book tomorrow; on the evening flight。〃
 Jacques felt his world collapse。 〃But I talked to the tai…pan a few minutes ago and he said it was all right for me to go tonight。 I'm booked。 I can be back in three days; she really sounded awful on the phone。 Don't you th… 〃
 〃No!〃 Suslev told him more sharply。 〃I will call you tonight as arranged。 This could all have waited till then。 Don't use this number again unless there's a real emergency!〃
 Jacques opened his mouth to answer hotly but the phone was already dead。 He had heard the anger。 But this is an emergency; he told himself; enraged; beginning to redial。 Susanne needs me there and so does Avril。 And the tai…pan was all for it。
 〃Good idea; Jacques;〃 Dunross had said at once。 〃Take all the time you need。 Andrew can cover for you。〃
 And now 。。。 Merde; what do I do? Suslev's not my keeper!
 Isn't he?
 DeVille stopped dialing; his sweat chilling; and hung up。
 〃Are you finished; sir?〃 the American woman called out with her insistent smile。 She was in her fifties; her hair fashionably blue。 〃There's a line waiting。〃
 〃Oh 。。。 oh yes; sorry。〃 He fought the door open。
 〃You forgot your paper; sir;〃 she said politely。
 〃Oh; oh thank you。〃 Jacques deVille reached back for it and came out in misery。 At once all the Chinese; three men and a woman; surged forward; elbowing him and the American lady out of the way。 A heavyset matron got to the door first and slammed it shut behind her; the others crowding to be next。
 〃Hey 。。。 it was my turn;〃 the American woman began angrily but they paid no attention to her except to curse her and her antecedents openly and with great vulgarity。
 Suslev was standing in the sleazy Kowloon apartment that was one of Arthur's safe houses; his heart still thumping from the suddenness of the call。 There was a damp; musky; soiled smell of ancient cooking in the room and he stared down at the phone; furious with Jacques deVille。 Stupid motherless turd。 Jacques is being a liability。 Tonight I'll tell Arthur what should be done with him。 The sooner the better! Yes; and the sooner you calm down yourself the better; he cautioned himself。 Angry people make mistakes。 Put away your anger!
 With an effort; he did just that and went out onto the dim; paint…peeled landing; locking the door behind him。 Another key unlocked Ginny Fu's door next to his。
 〃You want vodka?〃 she asked with her saucy smile。
 〃Yes。〃 He grinned back; pleased to look at her。 She was sitting cross…legged on the old sofa and wore only a smile。 They had been kissing when his phone had rung the first time。 There were two phones in her apartment。 Hers and the other one; the secret one in the cupboard that only he used and answered。 Arthur had told him it was safe; bootlegged; unlisted and impossible to bug。 Even so; Suslev only used the other apartment and its phone for emergencies。
 Matyeryebyets; Jacques; he thought; still edgy from the sudden shrilling of his private phone。
 〃Drink; tovarich;〃 Ginny said; offering the glass。 〃Then drink me; heya?〃
 He grinned back; took the vodka and ran an appreciative hand over her cute little rump。 〃Ginny; golubushka; you're a good girl。〃
 〃You bet! I best girl for you。〃 She reached up and fondled his earlobe。 〃We jig…jig heya?〃
 〃Why not?〃 He drank the fiery liquid sparingly; wanting it to last。 Her tiny nimble fingers were undoing his shirt。 He stopped her for a moment and kissed her; she weling his kiss and returning it equally。 〃Wait till clothes off; heya?〃 she chuckled。
 〃Next week I go; eh?〃 he said; holding her in his bear hug。 〃How about you ing too; eh? The holiday I've always promised you?〃
 〃Oh? Oh truly?〃 Her smile was immense。 〃Wen? Wen? You no tease?〃
 〃You can e with me。 We'll stop in Manila; our first stop's Manila; then north and back here in a month。〃
 〃Oh a real month 。。。 oh Gregy!〃 She hugged him with all her might。 〃I make best ship's captain girl all China!〃
 〃Yes; yes you will。〃
 〃Wen go 。。。 wen we go?〃
 〃Next week。 I'll tell you when。〃
 〃Good。 Tomorrow I go get passport th… 〃
 〃No; no passport; Ginny。 They'll never give it to you。 Those viblyadoks'll stop you。 They won't ever let you e with me 。。。 oh no; golubushka; those dirty police will never let you e with me。〃
 〃Then wat I do; heya?〃
 〃I'll smuggle you aboard in a chest!〃 His laugh was rich。 〃Or perhaps on a magic carpet。 Eh?〃
 She peered up at him; her dark eyes wide and brimming and anxious。 〃True you take me? True? One month on your ship; heya?〃
 〃At least a month。 But don't tell anyone。 The police watch me all the time and if they know; you won't be able to e with me。 Understand?〃
 〃All gods bear witness not tell a weevil; not even my mother;〃 Ginny swore vehemently; then hugged him again with the vastness of her happiness。 〃Eeeee; I get huge face as captain's lady!〃 Another hug and then she let her fingers stray and he jerked involuntarily。 She laughed and began to undress him again。 〃I give you best time; best。〃
 She used her fingers and her lips expertly; probing and touching and withdrawing and moving against him; concentrating on her task until he cried out and became one with the gods in the Clouds and the Rain。 Her hands and lips stayed on him; not leaving while the last tiny fraction of pleasure remained。 Then she ceased and curled against him and listened to the deepness of his breathing; very contented that she had done her job well。 She; herself; she had not experienced the Clouds and the Rain though she had pretended to several times; to increase his pleasure。 Only twice in all the times that they had pillowed had she reached the zenith and both times she had been very drunk and not really sure if she had or if she had not。 It was only with Third Nighttime Sandwich Cook Tok at the Victoria and Albert that she would zenith every time。 All gods bless my joss; she thought happily。 With one month holiday and the extra money Gregor will give me; and; with joss; one more year with him; we'll have enough money to open our own restaurant and I can have sons and grandsons and bee one with the gods。 Oh how lucky I am!
 She was tired now for she had had to work hard; so she curled more fortably against him; closed her eyes; liking him; thankful to the gods that they had helped her to overe her distaste for his size and his white; toadlike skin and his rancid body smell。 Thank all gods; she thought happily as she wafted into sleep。
 Suslev was not sleeping。 He was just drifting; his mind and his body at peace。 The day had been good and a little very bad。 After meeting with Crosse at the racetrack he had returned to his ship; appalled that there could be a security leak from the Ivanov。 He had encoded Crosse's information about Operation Dry Run and all the other things and sent it off in the privacy of his cabin。 Ining messages told him that Voranski would not be replaced until the next visit of the Sovetsky Ivanov; that the sp
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