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anter and me。 He saved dozens of others too。 His name was King and he was a king; King of Changi in a way。〃 Again the faint smile。 〃Trading was against Japanese law … and camp law。〃
 〃You said Japanese; not Jap。 That's interesting;〃 Dunross said at once。 〃After all those horrors at Changi; you don't detest them?〃
 After a pause Peter Marlowe shook his head。 〃I don't detest anyone。 Even Grey。 It takes all of my mind and energy to appreciate that I'm alive。 Night!〃 He turned to go。
 〃Oh; Marlowe; one last thing;〃 Dunross said quickly; making a decision。 〃Would you like to go to the races Saturday? My box? There'll be a few interesting people 。。。 if you're researching Hong Kong you might as well do it in style; eh?〃
 〃Thank you。 Thank you very much but Donald McBride's invited me。 I'd like to stop by for a drink though; if I may。 Any luck on the book?〃
 〃The book on the history of Struan's; the one you're going to let me read。〃
 〃Oh yes; of course。 I'm having it retyped;〃 Dunross said。 〃It seems there's only one copy。 If you'll bear with me?〃
 〃Of course。 Thanks。〃
 〃Give my best to Fleur。〃 Dunross watched him go; glad that Marlowe understood the difference between trading and black marketeering。 His eyes fell on the Chinese SI man who still watched him over the magazine。 He walked slowly back to the bar as though lost in thought。 When he was safe inside he said quickly; 〃Feng; there's a bloody newsman downstairs I don't want to see。〃
 At once the barman opened the countertop。 〃It's a pleasure; tai…pan;〃 he said; smiling; not believing the excuse at all。 His customers frequently used the servants' exit behind the bar。 As women were not allowed inside the bar; it was usual that it was a woman who was to be avoided outside。 Now what whore would the tai…pan want to avoid? he asked himself; bemused; watching him leave a generous tip and hurry away through the exit。
 Once on the street in the side alley Dunross walked quickly around the corner and got a taxi; hunching down into the back。
 〃Aberdeen;〃 he ordered and gave directions in Cantonese。
 〃Ayeeyah; like an arrow; tai…pan;〃 the driver said at once; brightening as he recognized him。 〃May I ask what are the chances for Saturday? Rain or no rain?〃
 〃No rain; by all the gods。〃
 〃Eeeee; and the winner of the fifth?〃
 〃The gods haven't whispered it to me; nor the foul High Tigers who bribe jockeys or drug horses to cheat honest people out of an honest gamble。 But Noble Star will be trying。〃
 〃All the fornicators'll be trying;〃 the driver said sourly; 〃but who's the one chosen by the gods and by the High Tiger of Happy Valley Racetrack? What about Pilot Fish?〃
 〃The stallion's good。〃
 〃Butterscotch Lass? Banker Kwang needs a change of luck。〃
 〃Yes。 The Lass's good too。〃
 〃Will the market go down more; tai…pan?〃
 〃Yes; but buy Noble House at a quarter to three on Friday。〃
 〃At what price?〃
 〃Use your head; Venerable Brother。 Am I Old Blind Tung?〃
 Orlanda and Linc Bartlett were dancing very close in the semidarkness of the nightclub; feeling the length of each other。 The music was soft and sensual; the beat good; the band Filipino; and the great mirrored luxurious room was deftly pool lit; with private alcoves and low deep chaises around low tables and tuxedoed waiters with pencil flashlights like so many fireflies。 Many girls in colorful evening dresses sat together chatting or watching the few dancers。 From time to time singly or in pairs they would join a man or men at the tables to ply them with laughter and conversation and drinks and; after a quarter of an hour or so; move on; their movements delicately orchestrated by the ever…watchful mama…san and her helpers。 The mama…san here was a lithe attractive Shanghainese woman in her fifties; well dressed and discreet。 She spoke six languages and was responsible to the owner for the girls。 On her depended the success or failure of the business。 The girls obeyed her totally。 So did the bouncers and waiters。 She was the nucleus; the queen of her domain; and as such; fawned upon。
 It was rare for a man to bring a date though it was not resented … providing the tip was generous and the drinks continuous。 Dozens of these pleasure places of the night were spread about the Colony; a few private; most open; catering to men … tourists; visitors or Hong Kong yan。 All were well stocked with dancing partners of all races。 You paid them to sit with you; to chat or to laugh or to listen。 Prices varied; quality varied with your choice of place; the purpose always the same。 Pleasure for the guest。 Money for the house。
 Linc Bartlett and Orlanda were closer now; swaying more than dancing; her head soft against his chest。 One of her hands was gently on his shoulder; the other held by his; cool to his touch。 He had one arm almost around her; his hand resting on her waist。 She felt his warmth deep in her loins and almost absently; her fingers caressed the nape of his neck and she eased a little closer; drawn by the music。 Her feet followed his perfectly; so did her body。 In a moment she felt his stirring and then his length。
 How do I deal with him tonight? she asked herself dreamily; loving the night and how perfect it had been。 Do I or don't I? Oh how I want 。。。
 Her body seemed to be moving of its own volition; now even closer; her back slightly arched; loins forward。 A wave of heat swept her。
 Too much heat; she thought。 With an effort she pulled herself back。
 Bartlett sensed her leaving him。 His hand stayed on her waist and he held her against him; feeling nothing but her body under his hand; no undergarment。 So rare。 Just flesh under the gossamer chiffon 。。。 and more warmth than flesh。 Jesus!
 〃Let's sit for a moment;〃 she said throatily。
 〃When the dance ends;〃 he muttered。
 〃No; no; Linc; my legs feel weak。〃 With an effort she put both hands around his neck and leaned back a little; keeping herself against him but letting him take some of her weight。 Her smile was vast。 〃I may fall。 You wouldn't want me to fall; would you?〃
 〃You can't fall;〃 he said; smiling back。 〃No way。〃
 〃Please 。。。〃
 〃You wouldn't want me to fall would you?〃
 She laughed and her laugh thrilled him。 Jesus; he thought; slow down; she's got you going。
 For a moment they danced; but apart; and that cooled him a little。 Then he turned her and followed her close and they sat down at their table; lounging on their sofa; still aware of their closeness。 Their legs touched。
 〃The same; sir?〃 the dinner…jacketed waiter asked。
 〃Not for me; Linc;〃 she said; wanting to curse the waiter for his ineptness; their drinks not yet finished。
 〃Another crème de menthe?〃 Bartlett said。
 〃Not for me; truly; thanks。 But you have one。〃
 The waiter vanished。 Bartlett would have preferred a beer but he didn't want that smell on his breath and; even more; he did not want to spoil the most perfect meal he had ever had。 The pasta had been wonderful; the veal tender and juicy with a lemon and wine sauce that was mouth tingling; the salad perfect。 Then zabaglione; mixed in front of him; eggs and Marsala and magic。 And always her radiance; the touch of her perfume。
 〃This is the best evening I've had in years。〃
 She raised her glass with mock solemnity。 〃Here's to many more;〃 she said。 Yes; here's to many many more but after we're married; or at least engaged。 You're too heady; Linc Bartlett; too tuned in to my psyche; too strong。 〃I'm glad you've enjoyed it。 So have I。 Oh yes; so have I!〃 She saw his eyes slide off her as a hostess brushed by; her gown low cut。 The girl was lovely; barely twenty; and she joined a group of boisterous Japanese businessmen with many girls at a corner table。 At once another girl got up and excused herself and went away。 Orlanda watched him watching them; her mind now crystal clear。
 〃Are they all for hire?〃 he asked involuntarily。
 〃For pillowing?〃
 His heart missed a beat and he glanced back at her; all attention。 〃Yes; I suppose that's what I meant;〃 he said cautiously。
 〃The answer's no; and yes。〃 She kept her smile gentle; her voice soft。 〃That's like most things in Asia; Linc。 Nothing's ever really no or yes。 It's always maybe。 It depends on the availability of a hostess。 It depends on the man; the money and the amount she's in debt。〃 Her smile was mischievous。 〃Perhaps I shall just point you in the right direction but then you'd be up to no good … because you fascinate all pretty ladies; big strong man like you heya?〃
 〃e on; Orlanda!〃 he said with a laugh as she aped a coolie accent。
 〃I saw you notice her。 I don't blame you; she's lovely;〃 she said; envying the girl her youth but not her life。
 〃What did you mean about debts?〃
 〃When a girl first es to work here she has to look pretty。 Clothes are expensive; hairdressing expensive; stockings; makeup; everything expensive; so the mama…san … that's the woman who looks after the girls … or the nightclub owner will advance the girl enough to buy all the things she needs。 Of course in the beginning all the girls are young and frivolous; fresh like a first rose of summer; so they buy and buy and then they have to pay back。 Most have nothing when they begin; just themselves … unless they've been a hostess in another c
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