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 〃That's what people tell me。〃
 〃You don't believe it?〃
 〃I know the same rules of survival apply here; there or where the hell ever。 Only the degree changes。〃
 Gornt watched the smoke from his cigarette curling to the ceiling。 His office was large with well…used old leather chairs and excellent oils on the walls and it was filled with the smell of polished leather and good cigars。 Gornt's high…backed chair; old oak and carved; with red plush fitted seat and back looked hard; functional and solid; Bartlett thought; like the man。
 〃We can outbid Struan's and we've time on our side; here; there; where the hell ever;〃 Gornt said。
 Bartlett laughed。
 Gornt smiled too but Bartlett noticed his eyes weren't smiling。 〃Look around Hong Kong; Mr。 Bartlett。 Ask about us; and about them。 Then make up your mind。〃
 〃Yes; I'll do that。〃
 〃I hear your aircraft's impounded。〃
 〃Yes。 Yes it is。 The airport cops found some guns aboard。〃
 〃I heard。 Curious。 Well; if you need any help to unimpound it; perhaps I can be of service。〃
 〃You could help right now by telling me why and who。〃
 〃I've no idea … but I'll wager someone in Struan's knows。〃
 〃They knew your exact movements。〃
 〃So did you。〃
 〃Yes。 But it was nothing to do with us。〃
 〃Who knew we were to have this meeting; Mr。 Gornt?〃
 〃You and I。 As we agreed。 There was no leak from here; Mr。 Bartlett。 After our private meeting in New York last year; everything's been by telephone … not even a confirming telex。 I subscribe to your wisdom of caution; secrecy and dealing face to face。 In private。 But who on your side knows of our 。。。 our continuing interest?〃
 〃No one but me。〃
 〃Not even your lady treasurer executive vice…president?〃 Gornt asked with open surprise。
 〃No sir。 When did you learn Casey was a she?〃
 〃In New York。 e now; Mr。 Bartlett; it's hardly likely we'd contemplate an association without ascertaining your credentials and those of your chief executives。〃
 〃Good。 That will save time。〃
 〃Curious to have a woman in such a key position。〃
 〃She's my right and left arm and the best executive I've got。〃
 〃Then why wasn't she told of our meeting today?〃
 〃One of the first rules of survival is to keep your options open。〃
 〃Meaning I don't run my business by mittee。 Besides; I like to play off the cuff; to keep certain operations secret。〃 Bartlett thought a moment then added; 〃It's not lack of trust。 Actually; I'm making it easier for her。 If anyone at Struan's finds out and asks her why I'm meeting with you now; her surprise will be genuine。〃
 After a pause Gornt said; 〃It's rare to find anyone really trustworthy。 Very rare。〃
 〃Why would someone want M14's and grenades in Hong Kong and why would they use my plane?〃
 〃I don't know but I'll make it my business to find out。〃 Gornt stubbed out his cigarette。 The ashtray was porcelain … Sung dynasty。 〃Do you know Tsu…yan?〃
 〃I've met him a couple of times。 Why?〃
 〃He's a very good fellow; even though he's a director of Struan's。〃
 〃He's Shanghainese?〃
 〃Yes。 One of the best。〃 Gornt looked up; his eyes very hard。 〃It's possible there could be peripheral benefit to dealing with us; Mr。 Bartlett。 I hear Struan's is quite extended just now … Dunross's gambling heavily on his fleet; particularly on the two super bulk cargo carriers he has on order from Japan。 The first's due to be paid for substantially in a week or so。 Then; too; there's a strong rumor he's going to make a bid for Asian Properties。 You've heard of them?〃
 〃A big land operation; real estate; all over Hong Kong。〃
 〃Yes。 They're the biggest … even bigger than his own K。I。〃
 〃Kowloon Investments is part of Struan's? I thought they were a separate pany。〃
 〃They are; outwardly。 But Dunross is tai…pan of K。I。 … they always have the same tai…pan。〃
 〃Always。 It's in their Heads of Agreement。 But Ian's overriding himself。 The Noble House may soon bee ignoble。 He's very cash light at the moment。〃
 Bartlett thought a moment; then he asked; 〃Why don't you join with another pany; maybe Asian Properties; and take Struan's? That's what I'd do in the States if I wanted a pany I couldn't take alone。〃
 〃Is that what you want to do here; Mr。 Bartlett?〃 Gornt asked at once; pretending shock。 〃To 'take' Struan's?〃
 〃Is it possible?〃
 Gornt looked at the ceiling carefully before answering。 〃Yes … but you'd have to have a partner。 Perhaps you could do it with Asian Properties but I doubt it。 Jason Plumm; the tai…pan; hasn't the balls。 You'd need us。 Only we have the perspicacity; the drive; the knowledge and the desire。 Nevertheless; you'd have to risk a very great deal of money。 Cash。〃
 〃How much?〃
 Gornt laughed outright。 〃I'll consider that。 First you'll have to tell me how serious you are。〃
 〃And if I am; would you want in?〃
 Gornt stared back; his eyes equally level。 〃First I would have to be sure; very sure; how serious you are。 It's no secret I detest Struan's generally and Ian Dunross personally; would want them obliterated。 So you already know my long…term posture。 I don't know yours。 Yet。〃
 〃If we could take over Struan's … would it be worth it?〃
 〃Oh yes; Mr。 Bartlett。 Oh yes … yes it'd be worth it;〃 Gornt said jovially; then once more his voice iced。 〃But I still need to know how serious you are。〃
 〃I'll tell you when I've seen Dunross。〃
 〃Are you going to suggest the same thought to him … that together you can swallow Rothwell…Gornt?〃
 〃My purpose here is to make Par…Con international; Mr。 Gornt。 Maybe up to a 30 million investment to cover a whole range of merchandising; factories and warehousing。 Up to a short time ago I'd never heard of Struan's … or Rothwell…Gornt。 Or your rivalry。〃
 〃Very well; Mr。 Bartlett; we'll leave it at that。 Whatever you do will be interesting。 Yes。 It will be interesting to see if you can hold a knife。〃
 Bartlett stared at him; not understanding;
 〃That's an old Chinese cooking term; Mr。 Bartlett。 Do you cook?〃
 〃It's a hobby of mine。 The Chinese say it's important to know how to hold a knife; that you can't use one until you can hold it correctly。 Otherwise you'll cut yourself and be off to a very bad start indeed。 Won't you?〃
 Bartlett grinned。 〃Hold a knife; is it? I'll remember that。 No; I can't cook。 Never got around to learning … Casey can't cook worth a damn either。〃
 〃The Chinese say there're three arts in which no other civilization can pare to theirs … literature; brush painting and cooking。 I'm inclined to agree。 Do you like good food?〃
 〃The best meal I ever had was in a restaurant just outside Rome on the Via Flaminia; the Casale。〃
 〃Then we've at least that in mon; Mr。 Bartlett。 The Casale's one of my favorites too。〃
 〃Casey took me there once … spaghetti alla matriciana al dente and buscetti with an ice…cold bottle of beer followed by the piccata and more beer。 I'll never forget it。〃
 Gornt smiled。 〃Perhaps you'll have dinner with me while you're here。 I can offer you alla matriciana too … actually it'll pare favorably; it's the very same recipe。〃
 〃I'd like that。〃
 〃And a bottle of Valpolicella; or a great Tuscany wine。〃
 〃Personally; I like beer with pasta。 Iced American beer out of the can。〃
 After a pause Gornt asked; 〃How long are you staying in Hong Kong?〃
 〃As long as it takes;〃 Bartlett said without hesitation。
 〃Good。 Then dinner one day next week? Tuesday or Wednesday?〃
 〃Tuesday'd be fine; thanks。 May I bring Casey?〃
 〃Of course。〃 Then Gornt added; his voice flatter; 〃By that time perhaps you'll be more sure of what you want to do。〃
 Bartlett laughed。 〃And by that time you'll find out if I can hold a knife。〃
 〃Perhaps。 But just remember one thing; Mr。 Bartlett。 If we ever join forces to attack Struan's; once the battle is joined; there will be almost no way to withdraw without getting severely mauled。 Very severely mauled indeed。 I'd have to be very sure。 After all; you can always retire hurt to the U。S。A。 to fight another day。 We stay … so the risks are unequal。〃
 〃But the spoils are unequal too。 You'd gain something priceless which doesn't mean ten cents to me。 You'd bee the Noble House。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Gornt said; his eyes lidding。 He leaned forward to select another cigarette and his left foot moved behind the desk to press a hidden floor switch。 〃Let's leave everything until Tues… 〃
 The inter clicked on。 〃Excuse me; Mr。 Gornt; would you like me to postpone the board meeting?〃 his secretary asked。
 〃No;〃 Gornt said。 〃They can wait。〃
 〃Yes sir。 Miss Ramos is here。 Could you spare her a few minutes?〃
 Gornt pretended to be surprised。 〃Just a moment。〃 He looked up at Bartlett。 〃Have we concluded?〃
 〃Yes。〃 Bartlett got up at once。 〃Tuesday's firm。 Let's keep everything cooking till then。〃 He turned to go but Gornt stopped him。 〃Just a moment; Mr。 Bartlett;〃 he said; then into the inter; 〃ask her to e in。〃 He clicked off the switch and stood up。 〃I'm glad to have had the meeting。〃
 The door opened and the girl came in。 She was twenty…five and stunning with short black hair and sloe eyes; clearly Eurasian; casually dressed in tight; American washed jeans and a shirt。 〃Hello; Quillan;〃 she said with a smile that warmed the room; her English slightly Americ
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