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 〃He could be got at。〃
 〃Sure。 But if we 。。。 if we do this tomorrow and if Wu Sang gives you his word and you give him your word not to try a setup; it'd work。〃 The young man wiped the sweat off his face。 〃Jesus; it's close in here!〃
 Dunross thought a moment。 Then he turned his cold eyes on Four Fingers。 〃Yesterday I ask favor; you said no。〃
 〃That favor was different; tai…pan;〃 the old man replied at once; his tongue darting like a snake's。 〃That was not the same as an ancient promise collecting an ancient debt。〃
 〃You ask your friends concerning my ask; heya?〃
 Wu lit another cigarette。 His voice sharpened。 〃Yes。 My friends are worried about the Noble House。〃
 〃If no Noble House; no noble favor; heya?〃
 The silence thickened。 Dunross saw the cunning old eyes dart at Paul Choy and then back to him again。 He knew he was entrapped by the coin。 He would have to pay。 If it was genuine he would have to pay; whether stolen or not。 Stolen from whom; his mind was shouting。 Who here would have had one? Dirk Struan never knew who the others had been given to。 In his testament he had written that he suspected one went to his mistress May…may but there was no reason for such a gift by Jin…qua。 If to May…may; Dunross reasoned; then it would have passed down to Shitee T'Chung; who was presently the head of the T'Chung line; May…may's line。 Maybe it was stolen from him。
 Who else in Hong Kong?
 If the tai…pan or the Hag couldn't answer that one; I can't。 There's no family connection back to Jin…qua!
 In the heavy silence Dunross watched and waited。 Another bead of sweat dropped off Paul Choy's chin as he looked at his father; then back at the table again。 Dunross sensed the hate and that interested him。 Then he saw Wu sizing up Paul Choy strangely。 Instantly his mind leaped forward。 〃I'm the arbiter of Hong Kong;〃 he said in English。 〃Support me and within a week huge profits can be made。〃
 Dunross had been watching Paul Choy。 He had seen him look up; startled。 〃Please translate; Mr。 Choy;〃 he said。
 Paul Choy obeyed。 Dunross sighed; satisfied。 Paul Choy had not translated 〃I'm the arbiter of Hong Kong。〃 Again a silence。 He relaxed; more at ease now; sensing both men had taken the bait。
 〃Tai…pan; my suggestion; about the coin; you agree?〃 the old man said。
 〃About my ask; my ask for money support; you agree?〃
 Wu said angrily; 〃The two are not interwoven like rain in a fornicating storm。 Yes or no on the coin?〃
 〃I agree on the coin。 But not tomorrow。 Next week。 Fifth day。〃
 Paul Choy carefully interjected; 〃Honored Uncle; perhaps you could ask your friends again tomorrow。 Tomorrow morning。 Perhaps they could help the tai…pan。〃 His shrewd eyes turned to Dunross。 〃Tomorrow's Friday;〃 he said in English; 〃how about Monday at 。。。 at 4:00 p。m。 for the coin?〃 He repeated it in Haklo。
 〃Why that time?〃 Wu asked irritably。
 〃The foreign devil money market closes at the third hour of the afternoon; Honored Uncle。 By that time the Noble House will be noble or not。〃
 〃We will always be the Noble House; Mr。 Choy;〃 Dunross said politely in English; impressed with the man's skill … and shrewdness to take an oblique hint。 〃I agree。〃
 When Paul Choy had finished the old man grunted。 〃First I will check the Heaven…Earth currents to see if that is an auspicious day。 If it is; then I agree。〃 He jerked his thumb at Paul Choy。 〃Go aboard the other boat。〃
 Paul Choy got up。 〃Thank you; tai…pan。 Good night。〃
 〃See you soon; Mr。 Choy;〃 Dunross replied; expecting him the next day。
 When they were quite alone; the old man said softly; 〃Thank you; Old Friend。 Soon we'll do much closer business。〃
 〃Remember; Old Friend; what my forebears say;〃 Dunross said ominously。 〃Both Green…Eyed Devil and her of Evil Eye and Dragon's Teeth … how they put a great curse and Evil Eye on White Powders and those who profit from White Powders。〃
 The gnarled old seaman in the nice clothes shrugged nervously。 〃What's that to me? I know nothing of White Powders。 Fornicate all White Powders。 I know nothing of them。〃
 Then he was gone。
 Shakily Dunross poured a long drink。 He felt the new motion of the sampan being sculled again。 His fingers brought out the waxen imprints。 A thousand to one the coin's genuine。 Christ almighty; what will that devil ask? Drugs; I'll bet it's something to do with drugs! That about the curse and the Evil Eye was made up … not part of Dirk's bargain at all。 Even so; I won't agree to drugs。
 But he was ill…at…ease。 He could see Dirk Struan's writing in the Bible that he had signed and endorsed; agreeing before God 〃to grant to whomsoever shall present one of the half…coins; whatsoever he shall ask; if it is in the tai…pan's power to give。 。。。〃
 His ears sensed the alien presence before the sound arrived。 Another boat scraped his gently。 The pad of feet。 He readied; not knowing the danger。
 The girl was young; beautiful and joyous。 〃My name is Snow Jade; tai…pan; I'm eighteen years and Honorable Wu Sang's personal gift for the night!〃 Lilting Cantonese; neat chong…sam; high collar; long stockinged legs and high heels。 She smiled; showing her lovely white teeth。 〃He thought you might be in need of sustenance。〃
 〃Is that so?〃 he muttered; trying to collect himself。
 She laughed and sat down。 〃Oh yes; that's what he said and I'd like your sustenance also … I'm starving; aren't you? Honorable Goldtooth has ordered a morsel or two to whet your appetite: quick fried prawns with peapods; shredded beef in black bean sauce; some deep…fried dumplings Shanghai style; quick fried vegetables spiced with Szechuan cabbage and tangy Ch'iang Pao chicken。〃 She beamed。 〃I'm dessert!〃
 12:35 A。M。:
 Irritably; Banker Kwang stabbed the doorbell again and again。 The door swung open and Venus Poon screeched in Cantonese; 〃How dare you e here at this time of night without an invitation!〃 Her chin jutted and she stood with one hand on the door; the other imperiously on her hip; her low…cut evening dress devastating。
 〃Quiet; you mealy…mouthed whore!〃 Banker Kwang shouted back at her and shoved past into her apartment。 〃Who's paying the rent? Who bought all this furniture? Who paid for that dress? Why aren't you ready for bed? Wh… 〃
 〃Quiet!〃 Her voice was piercing and easily drowned out his。 〃You were paying the rent; but today's the day when the rent was due and where is it; heyaheyaheyaheya?〃
 〃Here!〃 Banker Kwang ripped the check out of his pocket and waved it under her nose。 〃Do I forget my fornicating promises … no! Do you forget your fornicating promises … yes!〃
 Venus Poon blinked。 Her rage disappeared; her face changed; her voice became laden with honey。 〃Oh did Father remember? Oh I was told you'd forsaken your poor lonely Daughter and gone back to the whores of 1 Blore Street。〃
 〃Lies!〃 Banker Kwang gasped; almost apoplectic even though it was the truth。 〃Why aren't you dressed for bed? Why are you wear… 〃
 〃But I was called by three different people who said you'd been there this afternoon at 4:15。 Oh how terrible people are;〃 she said crooningly; knowing that he was there though he only went to introduce Banker Ching from whom he was trying to borrow funds。 〃Oh poor Father; how dreadful people are。〃 As she talked placatingly; she moved closer。 Suddenly her hand snaked out and she snatched the check before he could withdraw it though her voice continued to be sweet。 〃Oh thank you; Father; from the bottom of my heart 。。。 oh ko!〃 Her eyes crossed; her voice hardened and the screech returned。 〃The check is not signed; you dirty old dogmeat! It's another of your banker tricks! Oh oh oh I think I shall kill myself on your doorstep 。。。 no; better I shall do it in front of the TV camera; telling all Hong Kong how you 。。。 Oh oh oh。 。。。〃
 Her amah was in the living room now; joining in; wailing and caterwauling; both women swamping him in a swelter of invective; challenges and accusations。
 Impotently he cursed them both back but that only made them increase their volume。 He stood his ground for a moment; then; vanquished; pulled out a fountain pen with a flourish; grabbed the check and signed it。 The noise ceased。 Venus Poon took it and examined it carefully。 Very very carefully。 It vanished into her purse。
 〃Oh thank you; Honorable Father;〃 she said meekly and abruptly whirled on her amah。 〃How dare you interfere in a discussion between the love of my life and your mistress; you lump of festering dogmeat。 It's all your fault for spreading other people's cruel lies about Father's infidelity! Out! Fetch tea and food! Out! Father needs a brandy 。。。 fetch a brandy; hurry!〃
 The old woman pretended to buckle under the assumed rage and scuttled out in pretended tears。 Venus Poon cooed and bustled and her hands were soft on Richard Kwang's neck。
 At length; under their magic; he allowed himself to be mollified and helped to drink; groaning aloud all the time at his ill joss and how his subordinates; friends; allies and debtors had maliciously forsaken him; after he alone in the whole Ho…Pak empire had worked his fingers to their tendons; his feet to the flesh; worrying over all of them。
 〃Oh you poor man;〃 Venus Poon said soothingly; her mi
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