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 〃Oh you poor man;〃 Venus Poon said soothingly; her mind darting while her fingers were tender and deft。 She had barely half an hour to reach her rendezvous with Four Finger Wu; and while she knew it would be wise to keep him waiting; she did not want to keep him waiting too long in case his ardor lagged。 Their last encounter had excited him so much he had promised her a diamond if the performance was repeated。
 〃I guarantee it; Lord;〃 she had gasped weakly; her skin clammy with sweat from two hours of concentrated labor; feeling herself afloat with the immensity of his at long last explosion。
 Her eyes crossed as she remembered Four Finger Wu's prodigious efforts; his size; conformity and undoubted technique。 Ayeeyah; she thought; still massaging the neck of her former lover; I will need every tael of energy and every measure of juice the yin can muster to dominate that old reprobate's yowling yang。 〃How is your neck; my dearest love?〃 she crooned。
 〃Better; better;〃 Richard Kwang said reluctantly。 His head had cleared and he was well aware that her fingers were as skilled as her mouth and her peerless parts。
 He pulled her down onto his knee and confidently slipped his hand into the low…cut black silk evening dress that he had bought for her last week and fondled her breasts。 When she did not resist; he slipped one strap off and plimented her on the size; texture; taste and shape of the whole。 Her warmth shafted him and he stirred。 At once his other hand went for the yin but before he knew it she had neatly squirmed out of his grasp。 〃Oh no; Father! Honorable Red's visiting me and as much as I wa… 〃
 〃Eh?〃 Banker Kwang said suspiciously。 〃Honorable Red? Honorable Red's not due till the day after tomorrow!〃
 〃Oh no; he arrived with storm th… 〃
 〃Eh? He's due the day after tomorrow。 I know。 I looked at my calendar and made sure before I came here! Am I a fool? Do I fish for a tiger in a stream? We have a long…standing date tonight; all night。 Why else am I supposed to be in Taiwan? You're never early and ne… 〃
 〃Oh no it was this morning … the shock of the fire and the greater shock that you had forsaken me; br… 〃
 〃e here; you little baggage… 〃
 〃Oh no; Father; Honorable R… 〃
 Before she could avoid him; his hands darted out and he sat her back on his knees and began to lift her dress but Venus Poon was an old stager in this kind of warfare and champion of a hundred jousts; even though she was only nineteen。 She fought him not; just pressed closer; twisted and got one hand on him; caressingly; and whispered throatily; 〃Oh but Father; it's very bad joss to interfere with Honorable Red and as much as I desire your immensity within; we both know there are other ways for the yin to titillate the vital vortex。〃
 〃But first I wan… 〃
 〃First? First?〃 Pleased with herself; she felt him strengthening。 〃Ah; how strong you are! It's easy to see why all the weevil…mouthed baggages want my old Father; ayeeyah; such a strong; violent; marvelous man。〃
 Deftly she revealed the yang。 Deftly she dominated it and left him gasping。 〃Bed; dearest love;〃 he croaked。 〃First a brandy then a little sleep an… 〃
 〃Quite right; but not here oh no!〃 she said firmly; helping him up。
 〃Eh? But I'm supposed to be in Tai… 〃
 〃Yes; so you'd better go to your club!〃
 〃But I… 〃
 〃Oh but you've exhausted your poor Daughter。〃 She feigned weakness as she tidied him and had him up and at the door before he really knew what was happening。 There; she kissed him passionately; swore eternal love; promised that she would see him tomorrow and closed the door behind him。
 Shakily he stared at the door; his knees gone; his skin clammy; wanting to hammer on it to demand rest in the bed he had paid for。 But he didn't。 He had no strength and tottered to the elevator。
 Going down; he suddenly beamed; delighted with himself。 The check he had given her was for one month's rent only。 She had forgotten he had agreed the month before to increase the amount by 500 a month。 Eeeee; Little Marvelous Mouth; he chortled; the yang outsmarted the yin after all! Oh what a good drubbing I gave you tonight; and oh that Clouds and the Rain! Tonight it was truly the Small Death and the Great Birth and certainly cheap at twice one month's rent even with the increase!
 Venus Poon finished brushing her teeth and began to repair her makeup。 She spotted her amah in the bathroom mirror。 〃Ah Poo;〃 she called shrilly; 〃fetch my raincoat; the old black one; and phone for a taxi 。。。 and hurry or I'll pinch both your cheeks!〃
 The old woman scurried to obey; delighted that her mistress was out of her foul mood。 〃I've already phoned for a taxi;〃 she wheezed。 〃He'll be downstairs; waiting at the side entrance as soon as Mother gets there but you'd better give Father a few minutes in case he suspects something!〃
 〃Huh; that old Turtle Top's good for nothing now! All he has strength for is to fall into the back of his car and be driven to his club!〃
 Venus Poon put the finishing touches to her lips and smiled at herself in the mirror; admiring herself greatly。 Now for the diamond; she thought excitedly。
 * * *
 〃When see again; Paw'll?〃 Lily Su asked。
 〃Soon。 Next week。〃 Havergill finished dressing and reluctantly picked up his raincoat。 The room they were in was small but clean and pleasant; and had a bathroom with hot and cold running water that the hotel management had had installed privately; at great cost; with the clandestine help of some experts in the water board。 〃I'll call you; as usual。〃
 〃Why sad; Paw'll?〃
 He turned and looked at her。 He had not told her that soon he would be leaving Hong Kong。 From the bed; she watched him back; her skin shiny and youth…filled。 She had been his friend for almost four months now; not his exclusive friend since he did not pay her rent or other expenses。 She was a hostess in the Happy Hostess Dance Hall that was his favorite nighttime meeting place; Kowloon side。 The owner there; One Eye Pok; was an old and valued client of the bank over many years; and the mama…san a clever woman who appreciated his custom。 He had had many Happy Hostess friends over the years; most for a few hours; some for a month; very few for longer; and only one bad experience in fifteen years … a girl had tried blackmail。 At once he had seen the mama… san。 The girl had left that very night。 Neither she nor her triad pimp was ever seen again。
 〃Why sad; heya?〃
 Because I'm leaving Hong Kong soon; he wanted to tell her。 Because I want an exclusivity I can't have; mustn't have; dare not have … and have never wanted with any before。 Dear God in Heaven how I want you。
 〃Not sad; Lily。 Just tired;〃 he said instead; the bank troubles adding to the weight upon him。
 〃Everything be all good;〃 she said reassuringly。 〃Call soon; heya?〃
 〃Yes。 Yes I will。〃 His arrangement with her was simple: a phone call。 If he could not reach her directly he would call the mama…san and that night he would e to the dance hall; alone or with friends; and he and Lily would dance a few dances for face and drink some drinks and then she would leave。 After half an hour he would pay his bill and e here … everything paid for in advance。 They did not walk together to this private and exclusive meeting place because she did not wish to be seen on the streets or by neighbors with a foreign devil。 It would be disastrous for a girl's reputation to be seen alone with a barbarian。 In public。 Outside of her place of work。 Any girl of beddable age would at once be presumed to be the lowest type of harlot; a foreign devil's harlot and despised as such; sneered at openly; and her value diminished。
 Havergill knew this。 It did not bother him。 In Hong Kong it was a fact of life。 〃Doh jeh;〃 he said; thank you … loving her; wanting to stay; or to take her with him。 〃Doh jeh;〃 he just said and left。
 Once alone she allowed the yawn that had almost possessed her many times this evening to overwhelm her and she lay back on the bed and stretched luxuriously。 The bed was rumpled but a thousand times better than the cot in the room she rented in Tai…ping Shan。
 A soft knock。 〃Honored Lady?〃
 〃Ah Chun?〃
 〃Yes。〃 The door opened and the old woman padded in。 She brought clean towels。 〃How long will you be here?〃
 Lily Su hesitated。 By custom the client in this place of assignation paid for the room for the whole night。 Also by custom; if the room was vacated early; the management returned part of the fee to the girl。 〃All night;〃 she said wanting to enjoy the luxury; not knowing when she would have the opportunity again。 Perhaps this client will have lost his bank and everything by next week。
 〃Joss;〃 she said; then。 〃Please put on the bath。〃
 Grumbling the old woman did as she was told then went away。 Again Lily Su yawned; happily listening to the water gurgling。 She was tired too。 The day had been exhausting。 And tonight her client had talked more than usual as she had rested against him; trying to sleep; not listening; understanding only a word here and there but quite content for him to talk。 She knew from long experience that this was a form of release; particularly for an old barbarian。 Very odd; she thought; all that work and noise and tears and money to achieve n
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