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ty…three; undisputed warlord of Hong Kong and Asia。
 Is it always 〃those whom the gods love die young〃? he asked himself。 Dirk was not much more than my age when the Devil Winds of the Great Typhoon tore our brand…new three…story factory in Happy Valley to pieces and buried him in the rubble。 Is that old or young? I don't feel old。 Was that the only way for Dirk to die? Violently? In storm? Young? Killed by nature? Or does the expression mean; those whom the gods love die young in heart?
 〃Never mind;〃 he said to his mentor and friend。 〃I wish I'd known you。 I tell you openly; tai…pan; I hope to God there is a life after death so that in some eon of time; I can thank you personally。〃
 Confident again; he went back to his desk。 In his top drawer was Four Finger Wu's matrix。 His fingers touched it; caressing it。 How do I squeeze out of this one? he asked himself grimly。
 There was a knock。 Phillip Chen came in。 He had aged in the last few days。 〃Good God; tai…pan; what are we going to do? 9。50!〃 he said in a rush; a nervous screech in his voice。 〃I could tear my hair out! Dew neh loh moh because of the boom; you remember I bought in at 28。90; every penny of spare cash and a lot more and Dianne bought at 28。80 and sold at 16。80 and demands I make up the difference。 Oh ko what're we going to do?〃
 〃Pray … and do what we can;〃 Dunross said。 〃Have you got hold of Tiptop?〃
 〃Eh 。。。 no; no; tai…pan。 I've been trying every few minutes but the phone's still out of order。 The phone pany says the phone's been left off the hook。 I had my cousin in the phone pany check it personally。 Both lines into his house are off the hook。〃
 〃What do you advise?〃
 〃Advise? I don't know; I think we should send a messenger but I didn't want to until I'd consulted with you 。。。 what with our stock crash and the bank run and poor John and the reporters pestering 。。。 all my stocks are down; all of them!〃 The old man went into a paroxysm of Cantonese obscenities and curses on Gornt; his ancestors and all his future generations。 〃If the Vic goes; what are we going to do; tai…pan?〃
 〃The Vic won't go。 The governor will certainly declare Monday a bank holiday if Tiptop fails us。〃 Dunross had already apprised his pradore of his conversations with Tiptop; Yu; Johnjohn and Havergill。 〃e on; Phillip; think!〃 he added with pretended anger; deliberately sharpening his voice to help the old man。 〃I can't just send a god…cursed messenger there to say 'you've deliberately left your bloody phone off the hook'!〃
 Phillip Chen sat down; the rare anger pulling him a little together。 〃Sorry; yes; sorry but everything 。。。 and John; poor John 。。。〃
 〃When's the funeral?〃
 〃Tomorrow; tomorrow at ten; the Christian one; Monday's the Chinese one。 I was 。。。 I was wondering if you'd say a few words; tomorrow。〃
 〃Of course; of course I will。 Now; what about Tiptop?〃
 Phillip Chen concentrated; the effort hard for him。 At length he said; 〃Invite him to the races。 To your box。 He's never been and that would be great face。 That's the way。 You could say 。。。 No; sorry; I'm not thinking clearly。 Better; much better; tai…pan; I will write。 I'll write the note asking him for you。 I'll say you wanted to ask personally but unfortunately his phone is out of order … then if he wants to e; or is forbidden by his superiors; his face is saved and so is yours。 I could add that 'by the way; the Noble House has already telexed firm orders to Sydney for the thoriums 。。。' 〃 Phillip Chen brightened a little。 〃That will be a very good trade for us; tai…pan; the price offered。 。。。 I've checked prices and we can supply all their needs easily and get very petitive bids from Tasmania; South Africa and Rhodesia。 Ah! Why not send young George Trussler from Singapore to Johannesburg and Salisbury on an exploratory mission for thoriums 。。。〃 Phillip Chen hesitated。 〃。。。 and er; certain other vital aerospace metals and materials。 I did some quick checking; tai…pan。 I was astounded to discover that; outside Russia; almost 90 percent of all the Free World's supply of vanadium; chrome; platinums; manganese; titanium … all vital and essential in aerospace and rocketry … e from the southern part of Rhodesia and South Africa。 Think of that! 90 percent outside Russia。 I never realized how vastly important that area is to the Free World; with all the gold; diamonds; uranium; thorium and God knows what other essential raw materials。 Perhaps Trussler could also investigate the possibility of opening an office there。 He's a sharp young man and due for promotion。〃 Now that his mind was fully occupied; the old man was breathing easier。 〃Yes。 This trade and; er; Mr。 Yu's; could be immense for us; tai…pan。 I'm sure it can be handled delicately。〃 He looked up at Dunross。 〃I'd also mention to Tiptop about Trussler; that we were sending an executive; one of the family; in preparation。〃
 〃Excellent。 Do it immediately。〃 Dunross clicked on the inter。 〃Claudia; get George Trussler please。〃 He glanced back at Phillip。 〃Why would Tiptop cut himself off?〃
 〃To bargain; to increase the pressure on us; to get more concessions。〃
 〃Should we keep on calling him?〃
 〃No。 After the hand…delivered note; he will call us。 He knows we're not fools。〃
 〃When will he call?〃
 〃When he has permission; tai…pan。 Not before。 Sometime before Monday at 10:00 a。m。 when the banks are due to open。 I suggest you tell that lump of dogmeat Havergill and Johnjohn not to call … they'll muddy already dark waters。 You don't use a tadpole to catch a shark。〃
 〃Good。 Don't worry; Phillip;〃 he said passionately; 〃we're going to get out of this mess。〃
 〃I don't know; tai…pan。 I hope so。〃 Phillip Chen rubbed his red…rimmed eyes tiredly。 〃Dianne 。。。 those damned shares! I see no way out of the morass。 Th… 〃
 Claudia interrupted on the inter。 〃Master Trussler on line two。〃
 〃Thank you; Claudia。〃 He stabbed line two。 〃Hello; George; how's Singapore?〃
 〃Afternoon; sir。 Fine; sir; hot and rainy;〃 the breezy; enthusiastic voice said。 〃This's a pleasant surprise; what can I do for you?〃
 〃I want you to get on the next plane to Johannesburg。 Leave at once。 Telex me your flight and hotel and call me as soon as you arrive at the hotel in Johannesburg。 Got it?〃
 There was a slight hesitation and slightly less breeziness。 〃Johannesburg; South Africa; tai…pan?〃
 〃Yes。 The next plane out。〃
 〃I'm on my way。 Anything else?〃
 〃Right you are; tai…pan。 I'm on my way。 'Bye!〃
 Dunross put the phone down。 Power's a marvelous device; he thought with great satisfaction; but being tai…pan's better。
 Phillip got up。 〃I'll deal with that letter at once。〃
 〃Just a minute; Phillip。 I've another problem that I need your advice on。〃 He opened the desk and brought out the matrix。 Apart from himself and previous tai…pans who were still alive; only Phillip Chen in all the world knew the secret of the four coins。 〃Here。 This was giv… 〃
 Dunross stopped; paralyzed; totally unprepared for the effect the matrix had on his pradore。 Phillip Chen was staring at it; his eyes almost popped from their sockets; his lips stretched back from his teeth。 As though in a dream; everything in slow motion; Phillip Chen reached out and took the matrix; his fingers trembling; and peered at it closely; mouthing soundlessly。
 Then Dunross's brain detonated and he realized the half…coin must have belonged to Phillip Chen; that it had been stolen from him。 Of course; Dunross wanted to shout。 Sir Gordon Chen must have been given one of the four coins by Jin…qua! But why? What was the connection between the Chen family and a Co…hong Mandarin that would make Jin…qua give the Eurasian son of Dirk Struan so valuable a gift?
 Still in slow motion; he saw the old man raise his head to squint up at him。 Again the mouth moved。 No sound。 Then in a strangled gasp; 〃Bar 。。。 Bartlett gave this 。。。 this to you already?〃
 〃Bartlett?〃 Dunross echoed incredulously。 〃What in the name of Christ's Bartlett got to d… 〃 He stopped as another explosion seemed to shatter his head and more pieces of the jigsaw slammed into place。 Bartlett's secret knowledge! Knowledge that could only e from one of seven men; all of them unthinkable; Phillip Chen the most unthinkable of all!
 Phillip Chen's the traitor! Phillip Chen's working in conjunction with Bartlett and Casey 。。。 it's Phillip Chen who's sold us out and passed over our secrets and passed over the coin。
 A blinding rage overcame him。 It took all of his training to hold the fury bottled。 He saw himself get up and stride to the window and stare out of it。 He did not know how long he stood there。 But when he turned; his mind was purged clean and the vast error in his logic now clear to him。
 〃Well?〃 His voice was chilling。
 〃Tai…pan 。。。 tai…pan 。。。〃 the old man began brokenly; wringing his hands。
 〃Tell the truth; pradore。 Now!〃 The word frightened Phillip。
 〃It 。。。 it was John;〃 he gasped; tears spilling。 〃It wasn't me I sw… 〃
 〃I know that! Hurry up for chrissake!〃
 Phillip Chen spewed out everything; how he had taken his son's key and opened his son's safety deposit box and discovered the letters to and from Bartlett and the second key and how; at dinner the night of the tai…pan's party; he had suddenly had a premonition a
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