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here? With the Royal Belgium? David Murtagh's expecting a call。 It's a long shot; but it's worth a try; isn't it? Maybe you could go see him; instead of sending for him … face; huh? He'll need all the support you can give him。〃
 Dunross had not got up。 〃Please sit down a second; if you've time。 There're still a couple of things。〃
 〃Of course。 I didn't want to take any more of your time。〃
 〃First; what's the problem with your Mr。 Steigler?〃
 〃What do you mean?〃
 He told her what Dawson had related。
 〃Son of a bitch!〃 she said; obviously irritated。 〃I told him to get the papers drawn; that's all。 I'll take care of him。 Lawyers always think they've the right to negotiate; 'to improve the deal' is the way they put it; trying to put you down; I guess。 I've lost more deals because of them than you can imagine。 Seymour's not as bad as some。 Attorneys're the plague of the United States。 Linc thinks so too。〃
 〃What about Linc?〃 he asked; remembering the 2 million he had advanced to Gornt to attack their stock。 〃Is he going to be 100 percent behind this new twist?〃
 〃Yes;〃 she said after a pause。 〃Yes。〃
 Dunross's mind reached out for the missing piece。 〃So you'll take care of Steigler and everything stands as before?〃
 〃You'll have to work out title to the ships as we agreed but that shouldn't be a problem。〃
 〃No。 I can handle that。〃
 〃You'll personally guarantee everything?〃
 〃Oh; yes;〃 Dunross said carelessly。 〃Dirk did all the time。 That's the tai…pan's privilege。 Listen; Ciranoush; I … 〃
 〃Will you call me Casey; tai…pan? Ciranoush is for a different era。〃
 〃All right; Casey; whether this works or not; you're an Old Friend and I owe you a thank you for your bravery; your personal bravery at the fire。〃
 〃I'm not brave。 It must have been glands。〃 She laughed。 〃Don't forget we've still got the hepatitis over our heads。〃
 〃Oh。 You thought of that too。〃
 Her eyes were watching him and he could not gauge her。 〃I'll help you with drop dead money;〃 he said。 〃How much do you need?〃
 〃2 million; tax free。〃
 〃Your tax laws are rigid and tough。 Are you prepared to stretch laws?〃
 She hesitated。 〃It's the right of every red…blooded American to avoid taxes; but not evade them。〃
 〃Got it。 So at your bracket you might need 4?〃
 〃My bracket's low; though my capital's high。〃
 〃46;000 at the San Fernando Savings and Loan's not very much;〃 he said; grimly amused to see her blanch。 〃8;700 in your checking account at the Los Angeles and California's not too much either。〃
 〃You're a bastard。〃
 He smiled。 〃I merely have friends in high places。 Like you。〃 Casually he opened the trap。 〃Will you and Linc Bartlett have dinner with me tonight?〃
 〃Linc's busy;〃 she said。
 〃Will you have dinner then? Eight? Let's meet in the lobby of the Mandarin。〃 He had heard the undercurrent and the giveaway and he could almost see her mind waves churning。 So Linc's busy! he thought。 And what would Linc Bartlett be busy with in that tone of voice? Orlanda Ramos? Has to be; he told himself; delighted he had flushed out the real reason … the real why of her help。 Orlanda! Orlanda leading to Linc Bartlett leading to Gornt。 Casey's petrified of Orlanda。 Is she petrified that Gornt's behind Orlanda's onslaught on Bartlett … or is she just frantic with jealousy and ready to bring Bartlett atumbling down?
 5:35 P。M。:
 Casey joined the packed lines going through the turnstiles at Golden Ferry。 People were shoving and pushing and hurrying along the corridor for the next ferry。 As the warning bell sounded shrilly; those in front broke into a frantic run。 Involuntarily her feet quickened。 The noisy; heated crush of humanity carried her along onto the ferry。 She found a seat and stared out at the harbor gloomily; wondering if she had pulled off her side of the deal。
 〃Jesus; Casey;〃 Murtagh had burst out; 〃head office'll never go for it in a million years!〃
 〃If they don't they'll miss the greatest opportunity of their lives。 And so will you。 This is your big chance … grab it! If you help Struan's now think how much face everyone gets。 When Dunross es to see you th… 〃
 〃If he es!〃
 〃He'll e。 I'll get him to e see you! And when he does; tell him this's all your idea; not mine; and that y… 〃
 〃But; Casey; don… 〃
 〃No。 It's got to be your idea。 I'll back you a thousand percent with New York。 And when Dunross es to you; tell him you want Old Friend status too。〃
 〃Jesus; Casey; I've got enough troubles without having to explain to those meatheads back home about Old Friend and 'face'!〃
 〃So don't explain that part to them。 You pull this off and you'll be the most important American banker in Asia。〃
 Yes; Casey told herself; sick with hope; and I'll have extricated Linc from Gornt's trap。 I know I'm right about Gornt。
 〃The hell you are; Casey!〃 Bartlett had said angrily this morning; the first time in their life together he had ever flared at her。
 〃It's obvious; Linc;〃 she had slammed back。 〃I'm not trying to interfere i… 〃
 〃The hell you're not!〃
 〃You brought Orlanda up; I didn't! You're going overboard about … about her great cooking and great dancing and great outfit and great pany! All I said was; did you have a nice time?〃
 〃Sure; but you said it with a real crappy harpy jealous tone and I know you meant: I hope you had a lousy time!〃
 Linc was right; Casey thought in misery。 If he wants to be out all night that's up to him。 I should have buttoned up like the other times and not made a big deal of it。 But this isn't like the other times。 He's in danger and won't see it!
 〃For chrissake; Linc; that woman's after your money and power and that's all! How long have you known her? A couple of days。 Where did you meet her? Gornt! She's got to be Gornt's puppet! That guy's as smart as they e! I've done some checking; Linc; her apartment's paid by him; her bills。 Sh… 〃
 〃She told me all that and all about him and her and that's the past! You can forget Orlanda! Get it? Just don't bad…mouth her anymore。 Understand?〃
 〃Par…Con's got a lot riding on whether it's Struan's or Gornt and they'll both use any tactic to undermine you or lay you open to att… 〃
 〃And lay the operative word? C'mon; Casey; for chrissake! You've never been jealous before … admit you're fit to be tied。 She's everything a man could want and you're 。。。〃
 She remembered how he had stopped just before he'd said it。 Tears filled her eyes。 He's right; goddamnit! I'm not。 I'm a goddamn business machine; not feminine like her; not an easy lay and not interested in being a housewife; at least not yet; and I could never do what she's done。 Orlanda's soft; pliant; golden; a great cook; he says; feminine; great body great legs great taste; trained and beddable; Jesus; how beddable。 And with no thought in her goddamn head but how to catch a rich husband。 The Frenchwoman was right: Linc's a patsy for any no…account; harpy; Asian gold digger; and Orlanda's the cream of the Hong Kong crop。
 But whatever Linc says; I'm still right about her and right about Gornt。
 Or am I?
 Let's face it; I've nothing to go on but a few rumors; and my own intuition。 Orlanda's got me on the run; I'm running scared。 I made a goddamn mistake letting myself go at Linc。 Remember what he said before he left the suite。 〃From here on in you stay the hell out of my private life!〃
 Oh God!
 There was a fine wind blowing as the ferry skittered across the harbor; engines pounding; sampans and other boats moving nimbly out of the way; the sky brooding and overcast。 Oblivious; she dabbed her tears away; took out her mirror and checked that her mascara was not running。 A huge freighter sounded its horn; flags fluttering; and moved majestically past; but she did not see it; nor the immensity of the nuclear carrier tied up alongside the Admiralty Wharf; Hong Kong side。 〃Get hold of yourself;〃 she muttered in misery to her mirror image。 〃Jesus; you look forty。〃
 The cramped wooden benches were crowded and she shifted unfortably; jammed between other passengers; most of whom were Chinese; though here and there were camera…heavy tourists and other Europeans。 There was not an inch of free space; all gangways clogged; seats clogged; and already blocks of passengers crowded the ramp exit on both decks。 The Chinese beside her were awkwardly reading their newspapers as people would on any subway except that; from time to time; they would hawk noisily to clear their throats。 One spat。 On the bulkhead right in front of him was a large sign in Chinese and English: no spitting … fine twenty dollars。 He hawked again and Casey wanted to take his newspaper and thump him with it。 The tai…pan's remark flooded her memory: 〃We've been trying to change them for a hundred and twenty…odd years; but Chinese don't change easily。〃
 It's not just them; she thought; her head aching。 It's everyone and everything in this man's world。 The tai…pan's right。 So what am I going to do? About Linc? Change the rules or not? I have already。 I've gone over his head with the bail…out scheme。 That's a first。 Am I going to tell him about it or not? Dunross won't give me away and Murtagh'll take all the credit; has to; if First Central'll buy it。 I'll have to tell Linc sometime。 But
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