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agh'll take all the credit; has to; if First Central'll buy it。 I'll have to tell Linc sometime。 But whether the bail…out works or not; what about Linc and me? Her eyes were fixed ahead; unseeing; as she tried to decide。 The ferry was nearing the Kowloon Terminal berth now。 Two other ferries leaving for Hong Kong side swirled out of the way for the iners。 Everyone got up and began to jostle for position at the port exit ramp。 The ship heeled slightly; unbalanced。 Jesus; she thought uneasily; jerked out of her reverie; there must be five hundred of us on each deck。 Then she winced as an impatient Chinese matron squeezed past; stomped carelessly on her foot and pushed on through the throng to the head of the line。 Casey got up; her foot hurting; wanting to belt the woman with her umbrella。
 〃They're something else; eh?〃 the tall American behind her said with grim good humor。
 〃What? Oh yes; yes 。。。 something else; some of them。〃 People surrounded her; crowding her; pressing too close。 Suddenly she felt claustrophobic and sickened。 The man sensed it and used his bulk to force a little room。 Those who were pushed aside gave way with ill humor。 〃Thanks;〃 she said; relieved; the nausea gone。 〃Yes; thanks。〃
 〃I'm Rosemont; Stanley Rosemont。 We met at the tai…pan's。〃
 Casey turned; startled。 〃Oh; sorry; I guess 。。。 I guess I was a million miles away; I didn't 。。。 sorry。 How's it going?〃 she asked; not remembering him。
 〃More of the same; Casey。〃 Rosemont looked down at her。 〃Not so good with you; huh?〃 he asked kindly。
 〃Oh I'm fine。 Sure; very fine。〃 She turned away; self…conscious that he'd noticed。 Sailors were fore and aft and they tossed out guy lines which were instantly caught and dropped over stanchions。 The thick ropes screeched under the tension; setting her teeth on edge。 As the ferry eased perfectly into its berth; the drawbridge gate began to lower but before it was down pletely the crowd was surging off the boat; Casey carried with it。 After a few yards the pressure eased and she walked up the ramp at her own pace; other passengers flooding down the other ramp opposite to board for Hong Kong side。 Rosemont caught up with her。 〃You at the V and A?〃
 〃Yes;〃 she said。 〃You?〃
 〃Oh no! We've an apartment Hong Kong side … the consulate owns it。〃
 〃Have you been here long?〃
 〃Two years。 It's interesting; Casey。 After a month or so you feel locked in … no place to go; so many people; seeing the same friends day after day。 But soon it's great。 Soon you get to feel you're at the center of the action; the center of Asia where all the action is today。 Sure; Hong Kong's the center of Asia … papers're good; you've great food; good golf; racing; boating and it's easy to go to Taipei; Bangkok or wherever。 Hong Kong's okay … course it's nothing like Japan。 Japan's something else。 That's like out of Oz。〃
 〃Is that good or bad?〃
 〃Great … if you're a man。 Tough for wives; very tough; and for kids。 Your helplessness; your alienness is shoved back at you … you can't even read a street sign。 I was there for a two…year tour。 I liked it a lot。 Athena; my wife; she got to hate it。〃 Rosemont laughed。 〃She hates Hong Kong and wants to go back to Indochina; to Vietnam or Cambodia。 She was a nurse there some years back with the French Army。〃
 Through the fog of her own problems Casey heard an undercurrent and she began to listen。 〃She's French?〃
 〃American。 Her father was ambassador for a tour during the French war。〃
 〃You have kids?〃 she asked。
 〃Two。 Both sons。 Athena was married before。〃
 Another undercurrent。 〃Your sons were from her first marriage?〃
 〃One was。 She was married to a Vietnamese。 He was killed just before Dien Bien Phu; that was when the French ran the country or were getting run out。 Poor guy was killed before young Vien was born。 He's like my own son。 Yes; both my boys are great。 You staying long?〃
 〃Depends on my boss and our deal。 Guess you know we're hoping to tie in with Struan's。〃
 〃It's the talk of the town … apart from the fire at Aberdeen; the flooding; all the mud slides; the storm; Struan's stock crash; the bank runs and the market falling apart … one thing about Hong Kong: it's never dull。 You think he'll make it?〃
 〃The tai…pan? I've just left him。 I hope so。 He's confident; yes very confident。 I like him。〃
 〃Yes。 I like Bartlett too。 You been with him long?〃
 〃Seven years; almost。〃
 They were out of the terminal now; the road just as crowded。 On the right was the harbor and they chatted; heading east for the pedestrian underpass that would take them to the V and A。 Rosemont pointed at a small shop; the Rice Bowl。 〃Athena works there from time to time。 It's a charity shop; run by Americans。 All the profit goes to refugees。 Lot of the wives put in a day or two there; keeps them busy。 I guess you're busy all the time。〃
 〃Only seven days a week。〃
 〃I heard Linc say that you were taking off over the weekend for Taipei。 Will that be your first visit?〃
 〃Yes … but I'm not going; just Linc and the tai…pan。〃 Casey tried to stop the immediate thought welling but she could not: Is he going to take Orlanda? He's right; it's none of my affair。 But Par…Con is。 And since Linc's hooked; lined and sinkered by the enemy; the less he knows about the First Central ploy the better。
 Pleased that she could e to the decision dispassionately; she continued to talk with Rosemont; answering his questions; not really concentrating; pleased to converse with a friendly soul who was as informative as he was interested。 〃。。。 and Taipei's different; more easygoing; less hard…nosed; but a er;〃 he was saying。 〃We're popular in Taiwan which's a change。 So you're really going to spread? On a big deal like this I guess you've a dozen execs on hand?〃
 〃No。 There's just the two of us at the moment; and Forrester … he's head of our foam division … and our attorney。〃 Mentioning him; Casey hardened。 Damn him for trying to stymie us。 〃Linc's got Par…Con organized very well。 I handle the day…to…day and he fixes policy。〃
 〃You're a public pany?〃
 〃Oh sure; but that's okay too。 Linc has control and our directors and stockholders don't give us a hassle。 Dividends're on the rise; and if the Struan deal goes through they'll skyrocket。〃
 〃We could use more U。S。 firms in Asia。 Trade is what made the Empire great for the British。 I wish you luck; Casey。 Hey; that reminds me;〃 he added casually; 〃you remember Ed; Ed Langan; my buddy; who was with me at the tai…pan's party? He knows one of your stockholders。 A guy called Bestacio; some name like that。〃
 Casey was startled。 〃Banastasio? Vincenzo Banastasio?〃
 〃Yes; I think that was it;〃 he told her; lying easily; watching her; and at her look added; 〃Did I say something?〃
 〃No; it's just a coincidence。 Banastasio arrives tomorrow。 Tomorrow morning。〃
 Casey saw him staring at her and she laughed。 〃You can tell your friend he's staying at the Hilton。〃
 Rosemont's mind buzzed。 〃Tomorrow? I'll be goddamned。〃
 Casey said carefully; 〃He's a good friend of Langan's?〃
 〃No; but he knows him。 He says Banastasio's quite a guy。 A gambler; isn't he?〃
 〃You don't like him?〃
 〃I've only met him a couple of times。 At the races。 He's big at Del Mar。 I'm not much on gamblers or gambling。〃
 They were weaving through the crowds。 People jostled from behind and oning hordes jostled from the front。 The underpass stank of mildew and bodies。 She was very glad to get back into the air once more and looking forward to a shower and an aspirin and a rest before 8:00 p。m。 Beyond the buildings ahead was the whole of the eastern harbor。 A departing jet barreled into the overcast。 Rosemont caught sight of the tall deck derricks of the Sovetsky Ivanov tied up alongside。 Involuntarily he glanced Hong Kong side and saw how easy it would be for high…powered binoculars to rake the U。S。 carrier and almost count her rivets。
 〃Makes you proud to be an American; doesn't it?〃 Casey said happily; following his look。 〃If you're consulate; you'll get to go aboard her?〃
 〃Sure。 Guided tour!〃
 〃Lucky you。〃
 〃I was there yesterday。 The captain had a shindig for locals。 I tagged along。〃 Again Rosemont told the lie easily。 He had gone aboard late last night and again this morning。 His initial interview with the admiral; captain and security chief had been stormy。 It was not until he produced photocopies of the secret manifest of the ship's armaments and the guidance systems manual that they had truly believed there had been a vast security leak。 Now the traitor was under tight surveillance in the ship's brig; guarded by his own CIA people; twenty…four hours a day。 Soon the man would break。 Yes; Rosemont thought; and after that; jail for twenty years。 If it was up to me I'd drop the bastard in the goddamn harbor。 Shit; I've got nothing against the Metkins and the KGB。 Those bastards're just doing their job for their side … however wrong they are。 But our own Joes?
 〃Okay; fella; you're caught! First tell us why you did it。〃
 Jesus H。 Christ! The sailor's dossier had shown that he had e from a small town in the Middle West; his work exemplary with nothing in his past or present to indicate a potential security risk。 He was a quiet man; good at puter program
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