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his past or present to indicate a potential security risk。 He was a quiet man; good at puter programming; liked by his patriots and trusted by his superiors。 No left…wing indications; no homosexuality; no problem of blackmail; no nothing。 〃Then why?〃 he had asked him。
 〃This guy came up to me in San Diego and said he'd like to know all about the Corregidor and he'd pay。〃
 〃But don't you understand about treason? About betraying your country?〃
 〃Hell; all he wanted was a few facts and figures。 So what? What's the difference? We can blast the hell outta the goddamn mies anytime we like。 The Corregidor's the greatest carrier afloat! It was a caper and I wanted to see if I could do it and they paid on the dot。 。。。〃
 Jesus; how we going to keep security when there are guys like him with their brains in their asses; Rosemont asked himself wearily。
 He walked along; listening to himself chatting with Casey; probing her; trying to decide what sort of a risk she was and Bartlett was; with their tie…in to Banastasio。 Soon they joined other people going up the wide steps to the hotel。 A smiling pageboy opened the swing doors。 The foyer was bustling。 〃Casey; I'm early for my appointment。 Can I buy you a drink?〃
 Casey hesitated; then smiled; liking him; enjoying chatting。 〃Sure; thanks。 First let me collect my messages; okay?〃 She went to the desk。 There were a sheaf of telexes; and messages from Jannelli; Steigler and Forrester to please call。 And a handwritten note from Bartlett。 The note contained routine instructions about Par…Con; all of which she agreed to; and asked her to make sure that the airplane was ready to take off on Sunday。 The note ended: 〃Casey; we're going with Rothwell…Gornt。 Let's meet for breakfast in the suite; 9:00 a。m。 See you then。〃
 She went back to Rosemont。 〃Can I take a raincheck?〃
 〃Bad news?〃
 〃Oh no; just a load of stuff to deal with。〃
 〃Sure; but maybe you'd like dinner next week; you and Linc? I'd like Athena to meet you。 She'll give you a call to fix the day; okay?〃
 〃Thanks; I'd like that。〃 Casey left him; her whole being more than ever mitted to the course she had decided upon。
 Rosemont watched her go; then ordered a Cutty Sark and soda and began to wait; lost in thought。 How much money's Banastasio got in Par…Con and what's he get in return? Jesus H。 Christ; Par…Con's hot in defense and space and a lot of secret crap。 What's that bum doing here? Thank God I took on Casey today and didn't leave her to one of the guys。 He might've missed Banastasio。 。。。
 Robert Armstrong arrived。
 〃Jesus; Robert; you look terrible;〃 the American said。 〃You better get yourself a vacation or a good night's rest or lay off the broads。〃
 〃Get stuffed! You ready? We'd better leave。〃
 〃You've time for a quick one。 The bank date's been changed to seven; there's plenty of time。〃
 〃Yes; but I don't want to be late as we're to meet the governor at his office。〃
 Obediently Rosemont finished his drink; signed the bill and they walked back toward the ferry terminal。
 〃How's Dry Run?〃 Armstrong asked。
 〃They're still there with flags flying。 Looks like the Azerbaijan revolt fizzled。〃 Rosemont noticed the heaviness on the Englishman。 〃What's eating you; Robert?〃
 〃Sometimes I don't like being a copper; that's all。〃 Armstrong took out a cigarette and lit it。
 〃I thought you gave up smoking。〃
 〃I did。 Listen; Stanley old friend; I'd better warn you: you're in the proverbial creek without a paddle。 Crosse's so mad he's fit to be mitted。〃
 〃So what else's new? A lot of guys think he's a basket case anyway。 Jesus; it was Ed Langan who tipped you off about the AMG files in the first place。 We're allies for chrissake!〃
 〃True;〃 Armstrong replied sourly; 〃but that's no license to mount a totally unauthorized raid on a totally clean flat belonging to the totally clean telephone pany!〃
 〃Who me?〃 Rosemont looked pained。 〃What flat?〃
 〃Sinclair Towers; flat 32。 You and your gorillas knocked down the door in the dead of the night。 For what; may I ask?〃
 〃How should I know?〃 Rosemont knew he had to bluff this one through; but he was still furious that whoever was in the apartment had escaped without identification。 His rage over the carrier leak; Metkin's not being available for questioning; the whole Sevrin mess and Crosse's perfidy; had prompted him to order the raid。 One of his Chinese informants had picked up a rumor that though the apartment was empty most of the time; sometimes it was used by munist enemy agents … of gender unknown … and there was a meeting tonight。 Connochie; one of his best agents; had led the raid and thought he caught a glimpse of two men going out the back but he wasn't sure; and though he searched diligently; they had vanished and he found nothing in the apartment to prove or disprove the rumor; just two half…empty glasses。 The glasses were brought back and tested for fingerprints。 One was clean; the other well marked。 〃I've never been to 32 Sinclair Towers; for chrissake!〃
 〃Maybe; but your Keystone Kops were there。 Several tenants reported four tall; meaty Caucasians charging up and down the stairs。〃 Armstrong added even more sourly; 〃All fat…arsed and fat…headed。 Have to be yours。〃
 〃Not mine。 No sir。〃
 〃Oh yes they were and that mistake's going to backfire。 Crosse's already sent two pretty foul cables to London。 The pity of it is you failed to catch anything and we catch hell because of your continual screw…ups!〃
 Rosemont sighed。 〃Get off my back。 I've got something for you。〃 He told Armstrong of his conversation with Casey about Banastasio。 〃Of course we knew his connection with Par…Con but I didn't know he was arriving tomorrow。 What do you think?〃
 Armstrong had seen the arrival recorded on Photographer Ng's calendar。 〃Interesting;〃 he said nonmittally。 〃I'll tell the Old Man。 But you'd better have a good explanation for him about Sinclair Towers and don't mention that I told you。〃 His fatigue was almost overwhelming him。 This morning at 6:30 a。m。 he had begun the first real probe of Brian Kwok。
 It was an orchestrated set piece: while still drugged; Brian Kwok had been taken out of his clean white cell and put naked into a filthy dungeon with dank walls and a stinking thin mattress on the mildewed floor。 Then; ten minutes after the wake…up drug had jerked him into parched; aching consciousness; the light had blazed on and Armstrong had ripped the door open and cursed the SI jailer。 〃For chrissake; what're you doing to Superintendent Kwok? Have you gone mad? How dare you treat him like this!〃
 〃Superintendent Crosse's orders; sir。 This client's b… 〃
 〃There must be a mistake! I don't give a damn about Crosse!〃 He had thrown the man out and put his full; kind attention onto his friend。 〃Here; old chum; do you want a cigarette?〃
 〃Oh Christ。 Thank 。。。 thanks。〃 Brian Kwok's fingers had trembled as he held the cigarette and drew the smoke deep。 〃Robert; what 。。。 what the hell's going on?〃
 〃I don't know。 I've just heard; that's why I'm here。 I was told you'd been on leave for a few days。 Crosse's gone mad。 He claims you're a munist spy。〃
 〃Me? For God's sake 。。。 what's the date today?〃
 〃The thirtieth; Friday;〃 he had said at once; expecting the question; adding seven days。
 〃Who won the fifth race?〃
 〃Butterscotch Lass;〃 he had said; caught off guard; astonished that Brian Kwok was still functioning so well and not at all certain if his own slight hesitation had been read for the lie it was。 〃Why?〃
 〃Just wondered 。。。 just 。。。 Listen; Robert; this's a mistake。 You've got to help me。 Don't you s… 〃
 On cue Roger Crosse had e in like the wrath of God。 〃Listen; spy; I want names and addresses of all your contacts right now。 Who's your controller?〃
 Weakly Brian Kwok had stumbled to his feet。 〃Sir; it's all a mistake。 There's no controller and I'm no spy an… 〃
 Crosse had suddenly shoved blowups of the photos in his face。 〃Then explain how you were photographed in Ning…tok in front of your family pharmacy with your mother Fang…ling Wu。 Explain how your real name's Chu…toy Wu; second son of these parents; Ting…top Wu and Fang…ling Wu 。。。〃
 They had both seen the instant of shock on Brian Kwok's face。
 〃Lies;〃 he had mumbled; 〃lies; I'm Brian Kar…shun Kwok and I'm … 〃
 〃You're a liar!〃 Crosse had shouted。 〃We have witnesses! We have evidence! You are identified by your gan sun; Ah Tam!〃
 Another gasp; covered almost brilliantly; then 〃I 。。。 I have no gan sun called Ah Tam。 I h… 〃
 〃You'll spend the rest of your life in this cell unless you tell us everything。 I'll see you in a week。 You'd better answer everything truthfully or I'll put you in chains! Robert!〃 Crosse had whirled on him。 〃You're forbidden to e here without permission!〃 Then he had stalked out of the cell。
 In the silence Armstrong remembered how nauseated he had been; having seen the truth written on his friend's face。 He was too well trained an observer to be mistaken。 〃Christ; Brian;〃 he had said; continuing the game; hating his hypocrisy even so。 〃What possessed you to do it?〃
 〃Do what?〃 Brian Kwok had said defiantly。 〃You can't cheat me … or trick me; Robert 。。。 It can't be seven days。 I'm innocent。〃
 〃And the photos?〃
 〃Fake 。。。 they're fak
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